Guest guest Posted January 8, 2003 Report Share Posted January 8, 2003 --- "SGS Information Center <sgsinfocenter" <sgsinfocenter wrote: > Pujya Sri Swamiji's speech in Vijayawada Ashrama on > December 30, 2002 > > Many people ask what is the kind of service one > should be rendering > to Swamiji? Some people simply try to point out at > others' works and > keep commenting it as wrong. Some others behave as > though they are > trying to protect Swamiji's property and interfere > in Swamiji's > activities. Both of these groups are wrong. Your > service should not > create unnecessary chaos and confusion. Then what is > real service? > After coming to Ashrama, what is the effort you have > made to attain > salvation? By the grace of Mother Goddess, by the > grace of Datta or > by the grace of Ganapati, what is the effort you > have put in to gain > knowledge? You should start thinking and working on > these lines. If > you sincerely pursue this matter you would be doing > great service to > Swamiji by helping his efforts to rectify you. You > would be reducing > his work by 50% at least. When we become capable, by > Karma Yoga > philosophy, to take care of all our problems by our > own self, we will > be putting less and lesser burden on Sadguru. This > is itself a great > service. One way of Guru Seva is to become > independent (with > reference to our own Karma). Many devotees have > become dependent on > Swamiji even to observe their duties. They say that > they will do a > particular work only if Swamiji tells them. They > will eat only if > Swamiji asks them to eat. They will donate only if > Swamiji asks them > to donate. This kind of an attitude is wrong. It is > not only wrong > but also cruel. Such thoughts must be destroyed at > once. Having been > in association with Swamiji for so many years, you > must learn to > practice devotion that inculcates in you gentleness, > patience and > serenity. This is the real spiritual growth. Growth > does not mean > building multistoried apartments. Even a roadside > cheat can do that. > That is not at all important. Spiritual growth means > a contemplation > about the essence of what we have learnt from > Swamiji and how, > through Karma Yoga he has influenced our lives. We > must always keep > observing these facts. You should not become > dogmatic that you will > do a particular work only if Swamiji instructs. > There are many works, > which must be done even before Swamiji instructs you > to. Of course it > is absolute foolishness if you don't do the work > even after receiving > Swamiji's instructions. Most of the works you can > attempt to do even > before you are told to, thinking about it in your > own capacity. > > A great Yaga is going to take place here from 1st of > January. You > must all participate in that great Yaga. It brings > great fortune to > everyone who takes part. You should not think that > Swamiji has not > told you. If you start thinking like that you will > be left behind. > Swamiji will not tell you anything. If you stay > behind thinking that > Swamiji has not instructed you to do, then you must > never question at > a later date. You should not feel sorry later that > you could not > participate. You should pacify and console yourself > that you were > destined only for that much. Alternatively, consider > yourself as a > lucky instrument in the hands of Sadguru, become a > sponsor for this > Yaga, become the firewood for this sacrifice, become > the oil for the > lamp. Participate in this Yaga with sincerity and > commitment and > become a noble instrument in Swamiji's hands. > > At a later date you should not curse yourself that > you were unlucky > that you could not participate. You chose not to > participate. So > abide by your choice till the end of your life and > stay happy. Don't > curse yourself; it was your own decision. > > Those who are participating must always remember > that your > participation must be active and with involvement. > It is not like > mechanical event. You should protect the wastage of > materials, you > should help and guide new devotees. This is real > Guru Seva. You > should be longing for such service. > > You always think selfishly. "We have had Darshan of > Swamiji, we have > eaten Prasadam, and our work is over, let's go. Why > should we bother > about anything here?" All of us should become > volunteers. Eighty > percent of the people here come for their own self. > You should not > become a part of these 80%. All of you should become > committed to > your Guru, develop attachment with him and start > feeling that you are > a member of His Datta family. It is a sin if you > think for your own > self all the time. Most of the devotees think "We > want to meet > Swamiji once, somehow we have performed Pada Puja, > somehow we offered > something to Swamiji, we want to get rid of our > illness, we want to > touch Swamiji once. If I somehow get an opportunity > to meet Swamiji > it is enough. Why should I bother about all other > things here." > > Most of these people do not have any commitment or > affection for > Swamiji. You should feel in your mind and heart, "He > is my Guru. He > is my family. He is always in my heart." You must > develop that > intimacy and attachment with Swamiji. You must > involve yourself in > His mission. You should not become one of these > eighty percent who > come only with a selfish motto. It is a sin to think > selfishly. > > Consider a situation that you have been given some > work in the > Ashrama by Swamiji. You start to think that have not > been given any > importance. You start feeling disgraced that Swamiji > has scolded you > in front of everyone. You start thinking that you > have not been > assigned the leadership of that work. It is a great > sin to think like > that. It is a gateway to hell. Secondly you should > not criticize > others' work here. You should not talk arrogantly > and harshly with > fellow devotees. If there are any differences of > opinions, just > prostrate to them and leave the place. You should > not hate you fellow > devotees. Many people here have a bloated ego. "What > do you think of > me?" they say. If you are considering yourself to be > a big shot then > that is meant to be only in your home and for > yourself, not in the > vicinity of Sadguru. Here everyone is a servant. "I > am a senior > devotee. Swamiji has assigned this work only to me > because there is > nobody else able to do this work. I don't require > anyone else." Such > an attitude is wrong. We require everyone. All of us > should be part > of Swamiji's work. If somebody has spoken something > wrong, even then > you must take it in positive spirit. You should not > react > unnecessarily. This is real Guru Seva. > > "I am an important man. This Ashrama is because of > me. This work is > possible only because of me. Swamiji is great > because of me." Such a > foolish thought should never come to your mind. If > you entertain such > thoughts even in the slightest corner of your mind, > then === message truncated === Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now. http://mailplus. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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