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Sri Swmaiji's Speech in Eluru Ashrama - Very Relavent

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Dear Datta friends


Jaya Guru Datta


Sri Swamiji's Andhra Pradesh tour of Datta Kshetra Yatra is going very well.

Today we are in Nuziveedu Ashrama. A new Shiva temple was inaugurated today and

Sri Swamiji named it ANANTESHVARA. The speech Sri Swamiji made in Eluru Ashrama

on 14th January after the Shiva Temple inauguration finds relavence in many

people's lives. Sri Swamiji seemed quite agitated and spoke - His voice in high

pitch and quivering. Sri Swamiji sounded quite painful and the translation of

the speech is sent for your slow leisurely reading and implementation in life as



I am trying my best to update the web site as and when possible. I hope you find

the text and photos interesting and engrossing.


Sri Guru Datta





Sri Swamiji?s Speech in Eluru after Shiva temple Kumbhabhishekam on 14th January

2003 ? Wednesday.



Om Namah Shivaya

Om Namah Shivaya

Om Namah Shivaya

Om Namah Shivaya

Om Namah Shivaya


In this Datta Kshetra, in this Maruti Kshetra we have established Vishvesvara

Shiva Linga. Vishveshvara Blesses the Vishva (world). He gives auspiciousness to

the world. He blesses well-being of this world. Such Shiva Linga?s coming is our

great fortune. With this Shiva temple here, pray the Vishveshvara Swamy that he

has to bless this place till stars, sun and moon are there and bless the

devotees who come here. I pray that he blesses the worried, sick, knowledge

seeker and bring world peace. I pray Lord Shiva for that. May you stay here as

Vishveshvara and bless this town of Hela Pura (Eluru). May you remove people?s

dis-satisfaction and misunderstandings between human beings. Today being

Vaikuntha Ekadashi day and Sankranti festival immensely enhances the importance

of this temple inauguration. It is our great fortune that we are participating

in these three events at the same time. It is said that only five times in a

century such great events happens. It has happened today. May the world be a

better place. May it rain evenly everywhere. May the famines stop. May the fear

and worries of people go away. We should try to develop good relations with

others. Your lives are very simple. Don?t complicate it. Don?t cast aspersions

on others. See God in everyone because that energy is omni potent and omni

present. Mind your business and ensure that while minding your small business of

life, you don?t affect in a harmful manner on others. Think of universal brother

hood. No amount of Puja, Vrata, Homa, Yaga and other rituals change the basic

character of a person. We have to try ourselves. Then only the good results of

these Pujas come to us. Performing Pujas with an unhappy, disturbed or

disinterested mind brings no fruit. God does not want our elaborate rituals or

Pujas. All he asks is for you to be a good person. Respect elders and especially

parents. Even when you think differently about what they do, do it smilingly and

pleasingly. They will understand then. Let us do simple acts that bring smile to

others. Basically everyone is a good person. Everyone is good person. Everyone

is a good person. Mind that you don?t hurt your family members by disrespecting

the tradition and heritage, which your family has observed since ancestral

times. This is the simple Puja. I am swearing on Vishveshvara Swamy. Give us

caste feelings. Sectarianism brings problems. Be a good human first. I offer my

respects to such Humans. Humans who treat others as their counterparts. Don?t

hurt any of your family members. Start a habit to treat everyone as if they are

your own selves. Every woman in this vast field is my mother. My Jaya Lakshmi

Mata. You too develop such attitude. Then only I will be with you. Why am I

here? I was to be in some place deep in Himalayas. But God chose that you and I

spend this time here in Eluru. Because you must have been some relative of mine

in some other life and hence we have come here to settle that old relation. I am

not here with aspirations for money or fame. My grand father was a wealthy

person who became poor by doing charity. So, I don?t need your money. You keep

your money for your children. Your children in your homes are my children. So,

treat them properly.

Throw out your animosities to me. Let me throw it in Agni. The Karya Siddhi

Hanuman in the Ashrama will burn it. Don?t lose this battle. I am happy here. I

feel I am in Dwaraka. It feels like Nanda Gokula (the wonderful place described

in Bhagavatha where Krishna grew up).


Chant with me


May truth be victorious

May truth be victorious

May truth be victorious


May Dharma be victorious.

May Dharma be victorious.

May Dharma be victorious.


May truth be victorious

May truth be victorious

May truth be victorious

May truth be victorious

May truth be victorious


May Adharma diminish and be destroyed

May Adharma diminish and be destroyed

May Adharma diminish and be destroyed

May Adharma diminish and be destroyed


May truth be victorious

May truth be victorious

May truth be victorious


May Dharma be victorious.

May Dharma be victorious.

May Dharma be victorious.


Pray the Shiva and get Blessed with the knowledge of the self.








Om Namah Shivaya

Om Namah Shivaya


Today is Makara Sankranti. Sankranti means a good revolution. Many of the

revolutions have been for the bad. No one wants a revolution for good things to

happen. Revolution must be peaceful. When we find that our master or leader of

the family leader is not giving me a chance or a genuine opportunity, the

thoughts of revolution come to mind. We become bitter. When mother does not

feed, the child cries loudly. When father does not allow you to study the course

the boy wants, the boy gets revolutionary ideas. But in these times I have not

come across any person who starts a revolution to get the grace of God.

Revolution can be penance too. Revolution needs resolute mind. No one has

resolute mind to gain the grace of the God. There were such persons in Dvapara

Yuga but none in Kali Yuga.


I remember a pumpkin story. There were two friends. Their names were

Daivaadheenam and Rajaadheenam. The latter fellow was a little criminal who

would flatter people to earn food. He would go to the King and say, ?Oh King,

Everything is in your control?. Hearing this flattery, the king would feed him

and give him some money. But his friend DAIVAADHEENAM would come and say,

?Everything is in God?s control. All happens because of God?s will. Our plans

don?t work. ?. So he would say. You may wonder what type of people we are

whether we belong to DAIVAADHEENAM category or RAJAADHEENAM category.

Unfortunately we don?t belong to either of these two. We are not in the list. I

will tell a story about our listless, piquant situation later. We are part Rajas

Guna, part Tamo Guna and part Sattva Guna (because we go to temples). Let that

be so. Let me continue the story. One day Maharaja got angry with DAIVADHEENAM

because his statements were not flattering the Maha Raja. When DAIVADHEENAM came

to him, he would not give him anything because he did not flatter the raja. But

this DAIVADHEENAM would still go everyday while his friend got great gifts from

the Raja. Sankranti festival came. Both went to the King begging for alms. As

you know in Sankranti, we give Daana (gifts to get Punya or merit). We give

Daana of pumpkin. Metals and the like. (Pumpkin is given because of a Devi

Purana story where a demon was hiding in pumpkin and he was gifted away to a

spiritually powerful person so that the demon could be quelled. Since then

pumpkin is given as Daana). In Yogic parlance it is said that Pumpkin eating

benefits the Anahata Chakra. As you know human body has six Chakras (energy

centers). These Chakras have presiding deities. Kushmaandi Devatha (Goddess) is

one who blesses you when pumpkin is gifted. Lets come back to our story. The

Maha Raja thought that gifting pumpkin on Sankranti Festival will be beneficial

to him and decided to gift a pumpkin. So, he made a small hole in the pumpkin

and emptied the inside. He filled the pumpkin with lots of precious stones like

diamonds, emeralds and rubies. The pumpkin was sealed. The RAJADHEENAM came. He

was planning to extensively praise Maha Raja and expected a windfall of

treasure. But Alas. All he saw was a pumpkin with a one rupee coin on top of it.

He was greatly disappointed. Carrying the heavy pumpkin, he came out of the

palace grumbling. Coming out he saw a stingy Brahmin person standing outside. He

offered to buy the pumpkin for a steal at Rupees five. RAJADHEENAM thought that

selling was the best way to get rid of this heavy pumpkin. He happily sold it

and this stingy Brahmin carried it home. DAIVADHEENAM went in front of this

Brahmin?s house and he prayed for alms. This Brahmin gave away the pumpkin to

DAIVADHEENAM as the Sankranti festival Daana. DAIVADHEENAM?s wife was

disappointed that her husband returned home with nothing but a large pumpkin.

They broke open the pumpkin and were startled to see the gems flowing out. This

is the grace of God. DAIVADHEENAM praised the stingy Brahmin and blessed him.


The next day the RAJADHEENAM went to Maha Raja and begged again. Maharaja was

perplexed and angered that he returned again. He inquired what he did with the

pumpkin. RAJADHEENAM was terrified and lied that he made a great sweet food out

of the pumpkin and ate sumptuously. The Maha Raja got angry and threatened to

behead him if he did not tell the truth. DAIVADHEENAM said the truth. The

soldiers brought the stingy Brahmin. When inquired he answered saying he made

pumpkin sweet and ate heartily and even distributed them to his neighbors. Maha

Raja threatened to kill him. The stingy Brahmin spilled the beans. DAIVADHEENAM

was brought and inquired about the pumpkin. DAIVADHEENAM greatly praised the

stingy Brahmin?s generous charity of a pumpkin filled with gems. Maharaja felt

ashamed. He realized and agreed that God?s power is great and the humans assume

they have power while infact they don?t even have it.


Let me tell you. God?s Sankalpa and plan is the only reality. Once there was an

atheist?s conference. One of the attendees came out after the conference and

said ?God is great. All went well?. How funny. No one can stop truth. It is

all-powerful. Truth is God. Truth always is victorious. Many bleat that there is

no God and all the bearded Gurus are fakes who make money and fame in the name

of non-existent God. They speak as they like. No one can really explain the full

description of God. That is always truth.


There were two friends. One lent money to the other. The one who gave money

wanted the receiver to write a promissory note for having received the money as

loan. The one who received chided him for not having faith and trust and said

that the tree under which they were standing was the witness for their

transaction. The money was transacted. The one who received lost his money in

reckless and mindless trading in stock market. The friend who gave the money

came to know about this loss and went to his friend who had taken money from

him. He agreed that the loss was bad but wanted as much money he could afford to

be returned. This friend who had taken the money refused to accept that he had

taken any money as loan in the first place. The lender went to court and filed a

case. The debtor too came and refused in the court having accepted any loan. The

case went on for much time as the witness was mentioned as a tree. There was no

pronote and hence the case was being postponed indefinitely. You all know about

courts. If you are very lucky, the case will be finalized during the lifetime of

your grand son. If you get one grand son. Going to court means never ending

case. In our story, the judge was about to be retired from service. He wanted to

some how give judgment in this case. So, he summoned both parties and said that

he would finalize the case that day and asked the court warrant to be issued to

that tree which was mentioned as the witness. The judge ordered both parties to

stand and wait for the tree to come. Evening came. Everyone was hungry. Like you

all must be now. You must be wondering when this Swamiji would finish his

stories so that you can go and eat. Any way, the person who had taken the loan

was getting restless after standing about 10 hours in the court. Exasperated, he

told the judge that the process server (one who takes court warrants to people

and gives them) must not know which tree to go to and said ?The tree is in the

fourth lane after the main road?. The judge said, ?Note this point?. The person

has confessed where the transaction took place. We learn from this story that

the truth cannot be hidden for long. Gandhi ji said the same. Truth will reveal

itself because it is the only real thing. One who says false things has more

work to do because he has to remember all his lies and keep telling them when

ever he has to say it again. Whereas a truthful fellow will never have that

difficulty because he has only one version and that is the truthful version.


We have performed the Kumbhabhishekam of a great temple today. Someone asked me

?Why do we need temples?? I then asked, ?What should I open? Shops or bazaars?

Cinema halls? We have deteriorated to such extent that we think of Dharma only

when we are in a temple or somewhere near a sacred place. There should be

temples in every street. We build altars at home to remind us of His presence

everywhere. It is to serve us as a reminder to be Dharmic and for the children

to grow up in such Dharmic and spiritual atmosphere so that it bears good

influence on them. Why does an ascetic wear Saffron robes and hold a staff in

his hand? To clear animals that may come when he walks around? No. That Staff is

Dharma Danda. To protect Dharma so that it will protect us in turn. Why is

Kamandala (water pot) held in his hand? That is Jnana Jala (water of knowledge.

It is not water for emergency drinking. He wears saffron robes not because they

are inexpensive. No. It denotes Vairagya (renunciation). You listen to the

instructions of volunteers because they wear uniform and are recognizable. It

reminds the volunteers that they are on duty. The saffron robes constantly

remind the psyche of the Sannyasin to be spiritual and recounciative. Our bad

habits keep popping up again and again. When wearing uniform, we fell euphoric

about maintaining certain standards. Datta Vastram too serves the same purpose.

We have to train our Buddhi to behave. It always looks for ways to corrupt our

lives. They serve are symbols. Devatha Aradhana (Worshipping) too is similar.

Many carry Panchamritam from temples (Pancha Amrita is a delicious mix of milk,

honey, curd, sugar and ghee, which is used as Abhishekam in temples. They are

given in small quantities as Teertha to devotees visiting the temple). They ask

for more because it is delicious. Swamiji?s Teertha is bitter because it has 32

herbal powders. All human beings have Shiva Granthi and Vishnu Granthi in throat

region. It is like a Saligrama. When you drink Teertha it is like performing

Abhishekam to your Saligrama. That is why you drink only a spoonful of Teertha,

which wets your inner throat area. You don?t drink bucketful of Teertha. The

herbal Teertha has immense benefits. These benefits are subtle and you may fail

to notice it.


What is Saashtaanga Namaskara? It means offering your eight parts to the lord

(Namaskara with eight parts of body). You may wonder why we bow our head in

front of a Guru. Why show head? And not leg or stomach? This head is a Jnana

tree. He pours water in it. When you bow your head he shows Abhaya, which means

Protection. It also means stop. Not a train stop or bus stop. It means. Wait.

Patience. Patience is the greatest penance. When we do Namaskara by folding our

hands (Cupping the palms together), it means what is the relation between the

Jeevatma and Paramaatma. When you do this to a friend, he too in turn performs

the same, which means, ?I too don?t know about this relation ship.? Only a Guru

shows Abhaya with his hand, which denotes patience, I will teach you. This is a

subtle and symbolic affair. To gain Jnana you need not sit and talk for hours

with the Guru. He is ?Mauna Prakatita? which means expressively silent.


Many people insist on house visits by Swamiji. I don?t understand. Do they think

I am going to spend hours in their house? No. Why should I go there again and

again, year after year? To see what new type of paint have they put? It is

ridiculous. Even old devotees do not understand that house visits serve no other

purpose than taxing Swamiji and causing strain and stress. DO I have to go

through all this just to make you happy? Instead of house visits you should ask

Swamiji to come in your body and see if you are pure and precious. That is more

purposeful. That is the Puja you need to perform. When you ring a bell during

Puja, it does not denote that the God is deaf. It is you who are deaf. You come

to temple and stand before the idol and talk with the next person about woman

and girls. It is shameful. We try to fix marriages there. Temples are one of the

most used places for marriage arrangement.


When the priest offers Arati, we offer money. Money represents flower offering

to the temple. You put your hand close to the Arati flame and then press your

palms against your eyes. It means, melt my sins like camphor burning in the

Arati and help me open my eyes of knowledge (Jnana Chakshus). Give me Jnana.

Remove the veil between us. Samsaara is like a terrible snake coiled around a

large spiky tree. This tree spawns a very large area and has its branches

twisted and coiled. It resembles our life with many people playing their parts.

Plan hatching relatives. Over enthusiastic friends. Depending family members and

others. Liars, jealous and the like. My life tree is full of them and the pain

is unbearable. Here is my sister. Her alcoholic husband. Her Sick son. Her

unmarried daughter. Her cunning sister in law. Her abusive mother-in-law. How

many of them tormenting me. This Samsara Saagara (Family ocean), Samsara Vruksha

(Family tree), Samsara Chakra (The wheel of family life). The poisonous snake

has made this tree its home. Fear of the debtors, Fear of the career. Fear of

mortgage. Fear of your daughter loving some one and running away. But still you

live with a hope. The hope for a better life and to live. The hope to live with

a surgery. The hope to live by getting a small loan and bettering your life.

Having lived so far, have you valued your life? What is the value addition you

have given to your life? Every extra you live is a great gift from God. What

good thing did you do today? Have you smiled at someone? Have you helped anyone

today? Have you spoken kind words to anyone today? NO NO NO NO NO. You just say

?I am alive today because of God?s grace. I am alive today because of Swamiji?s

miracles and blessings?. You just say this around. What good have you done after

getting this extra lease of life? The only thing you have done is eat oily and

fatty foods and getting ready for the next heart attack. Instead of saying God?s

grace and Swamiji?s Blessings, translate that in to action. Be kind and be good

to others. It does not require additional training or additional cost. Chant the

name of God. Swamiji did not bless you to live a wanton and fake life. Live your

life with values and love. Share this message to all. Many are opportunists and

self oriented. When you fall ill you call Ashrama hundreds of times informing

each inch your trolley moves. When you get discharged, you never telephone. All

you want is wellness. Once that comes, you don?t even have minimum courtesy of

calling and saying all is well. Well what happens next? You fall ill again and

go to hospital. Then the ten times a day telephoning recommences. This is wrong

and I am ashamed of such devotees. When no telephone calls comes after you are

discharged from hospital we in Mysore Ashrama assume that you must have died.

When you come to Ashrama after a few months, we are scared that it could be a

ghost. Why is this? When you are scolded as to why you did not call after being

discharged from hospital, you answer, ?Swamiji knows everything?. If that is the

case, then well call Swamiji when you are sick in first place? This is a big

mistake by Datta devotees. You have a skewed up notion of Sadguru ? disciple

relationship. A wrong thinking about the way of worshipping Swamiji. What is

this but a misuse? Misuse of friendship. Don?t even think in your dreams that

you can get close to Swamiji with your money. IMPOSSIBLE. Never. Those who think

so are out of their minds. Give up that attitude. Whatever you do here with

money is for your good only. IT is like rainfall coming back to mother earth. It

comes back to you to help, cool, assist you. When you offer Arghya to Sun God,

do you think that hand full of water will go to Sun? Will it defy gravity and

travel to Sun? Will sun take it? No. It is for your benefit only.


All I want from you is your goodness. I want you to develop goodness. Goodness

by assisting a poor family to get a food for one day. Helping a poor student

with his studies. You sell your old clothes to be exchanged for steel vessels.

(In India one can barter old clothes in exchange for new steel vessels). What

shall I call you? Stingy? Thrifty? No. I call you inhuman. How can you do that?

Why don?t you give those old clothes to the washerwoman in your house? She works

like a horse and cleans your house, washes your clothes, washes your kitchen

vessels and utensils, brings you the latest gossips of the community, brings you

the small chit-chat from other houses she works for. You thirst for those things

and when the time to do something good to her comes, you shriek away. When you

are sick she has to cook for you. When you have pains, she massages you. If such

attitude in the society continues, there will be a revolt. Such attitude spells

death for any stream of religion or existence. You have to battle this by

developing charitable and hospitable mind in you. Sit in front of a temple and

reexamine your life and life style. Check if your heart approves it. Check if

you don?t have guilt consciousness. The answer will come ? saying you are

guilty. But what is the answer? The answer is developing goodness. Smile, Laugh,

Help, Assist, Be charitable, and get rid of lethargy. Stop lazing around sitting

in a couch, watching TV while puffing away smoke of your cigarettes. Count every

minute of your life. Start from the time you get up. Count every lie you say.

Every small cheat you commit, every trouble you cause your daughter-in-law. What

do you think of daughters-in-law? You should consider them as your real

daughters. She has given up her parents and her secure home and has come to your

home. You fight with her. After marriage your son primararily belongs to her

first then only to you. Your fights with her causes unimaginable agony in the

minds of the small children in the house. Dear Devotees, don?t feel I am

scolding. It is coming through me. That is all. You can select what ever you

like in my speech. I have said the same many times in a calm voice. But today I

am shouting because it went unheeded earlier.


You all are basically good people who have devotion. But train that devotion to

better your life. Disappointment is an appointment in life. Help others. Share

other?s troubles. Be truthful. Be truthful to your wife. Share all that you have

with her. Don?t hide anything with her. Every house will be heaven the day you

share your life truthfully and loyally. Husband and life are two bodies with one



Are you all feeling hungry? If I shout like this, even you get hungry. You may

ask me ? ?Did we ask you to shout?? Well. What I expect from you is to live a

Dharmic life.


Don?t ever think that Swamiji has forgotten you or that Swamiji is not talking

to me. You all are in my heart. Believe me and merge in me. Be like Hanuman. You

always are in my heart. I believe you. You need not physically open your hearts

to show that I am in your hearts. That was possible only to Hanuman. If you tear

open your hearts, all that I will find will be blood and muscles.


Today we have established a Shiva temple. I have named the temple as

?Vishveshvara Shiva Linga?. Citizens of Eluru are blessed. Don?t forget me.

Never forget me.


Don?t believe what Swamiji says in your dreams. Swamiji comes in Dreams only to

Give Darshan. Not to give subtle messages or to convey something. Don?t try to

interpret the dreams.


Do your works fearlessly and in Dharmic way. You will be victorious. Karya

Siddhi Hanuman will bless you.


Jaya Guru Datta ? Jaya Guru Datta

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