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Rethink the Prophecies.

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Is this the scientific proof that some of us need?

Does this prove that we can control our environment?

If this so then are we creating our own illusion/


and how would our KARMA be explained or taken into



Again i apologize for the other emails and thank

everyone in advance.




Let's Rethink the Prophecies

by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D.


As I write this article, on January 2nd, the

cloudy sky outside my

office threatens to rain upon Southern California.

There's nothing that

unusual about this weather, particularly since it was

cloudy two days ago,

on December 31st. The only thing extraordinary is that

in-between this

sandwich of cloud-covered days, yesterday, January

1st, was completely



It's the same thing every year in Southern

California. No matter

how bad the winter weather or city smog gets, January

1st is always

picture-perfect. So, the Rose Parade is consistently

backdropped by a

robin's-egg-blue skyline. Recently, this phenomenon

came to the attention of

scientists who study psychokinesis, or P.K. for short.

P.K. is the study of

how our thoughts affect matter. These scientists

observed that January 1st's

uncannily clear weather pattern beats statistical

chance. According to the

researchers, this phenomenon is attributable to the

large number of people

who hold strong thoughts about having clear skies

during the Rose Parade.

After all, many folks go to a lot of trouble building

floats and

transporting their schools' marching band to Pasadena.

Bad weather would

definitely rain on their parade.


Researchers at Princeton University noted a

similar phenomenon.

Every year during Princeton's outdoor graduation

ceremonies, the weather is

crystal clear. Princeton scientist Roger Nelson found

that the statistical

probability of this weather pattern was incredibly

small, so that mere

"chance" could not explain it. Dr. Nelson believes

that the graduates and

their out-of-town guests collectively create the

perfect weather condition

with their thoughts. The researcher noted that one

year, a record-heavy

rainfall "waited" until an hour after the graduation

ceremony before the

drops started falling.


These studies put a whole new light on

bumper stickers which read,

"Think Snow," or social patter where we say things

like, "Well, I put in my

order for good weather today." Of course, the studies'

implications are

well-known to any student of metaphysics. We

intuitively know that our

collective consciousness affects the earth and her

weather. When we hold

thoughts of anger, fear, jealousy, or competition, the

earth absorbs the

negative energy as if secondhand smoke was choking her

lifeblood. Mother

earth's body, like our physical bodies, manifests

illnesses from repressed

negative feelings. Yet, when we send loving and

peaceful thoughts outwardly,

the earth thirstily drinks them in.


I remember Johnny Carson's monologues that

poked fun at the

Harmonic Convergence. Yet, Dr. Nelson of Princeton

recently completed

another mind-blowing study that just might eliminate

all skepticism about

the group mind effect upon the earth. On January 23rd

1997, people around

the globe simultaneously meditated about world peace

for five minutes. The

event was known as "The Gaiamind Project."


Dr. Nelson and other American and European

scientists used

measuring devises in 14 global locations to test

changes in the earth's

energy field during the Gaiamind meditation. They

concluded that there was a

definite shift in the field during Gaiamind's five



University of Nevada researcher Dean Radin

has measured

significant changes in the earth's energy field during

group events such as

The Academy Awards, O.J. Simpson's verdict reading,

Super Bowls, and the

prime time television hours of 8 to 10 p.m. Both Drs.

Radin and Nelson use

instruments that are like giant brain wave machines,

measuring the

collective effects of group mind. These machines show

that when we put our

minds together and focus on a singular event

simultaneously, we send out

signals that affects matter. Interestingly, the

machines show that during

prime time television, our collective consciousness

zooms upward during the

television program, and then lulls during the

commercial breaks. The graphs

recorded by these machines show huge peaks and valleys

in our mass brain

waves that perfectly correlate to whether a prime

television program is on,

or whether we're all watching a commercial.


Princeton's Dr. Nelson measured the earth's

energy field during

the funerals of Princess Diana and Mother Teresa. He

found a statistically

significant effect during Diana's funeral, but not

during Mother Teresa's.

Dr. Nelson concluded that there was a unified focus

during Diana's funeral

because of the simultaneous television broadcast and

collective emotions of

grief, shock, and love. Mother Teresa's funeral, on

the other hand, was not

simultaneously broadcast and came after her lengthy



The bottom-line conclusion of these studies

is that we MUST unify

our thoughts and emotions to create an effect upon the

earth. That is why on

April 23rd at 6:30 p.m., we are asking everyone

everywhere to read and

follow the meditation of The Great Experiment. Please

tell everyone you

know, please mark your calendar, and make a firm

commitment to join us!


When Hurricane Fran threatened the east

coast in 1996, more than

100 hypnotherapists attending a hypnotherapy

convention in Virginia Beach

focused their attention on slowing the hurricane's

speed. Immediately after

their group meditation, Fran slowed from 110 miles per

hour, to 85 miles per

hour. Coincidence? Perhaps. Yet, hypnotherapists are

highly skilled at

focusing their thoughts, and studies show that an

intense and unwavering

focus is what creates the most powerful effect. Group

meditations where

people's minds wander don't do much good, in other

words. The hypnotists'

focused thoughts were also joined with the countless

wishes of other eastern

seaboard residents who wanted Fran to slow down and go



We know from countless scientific studies,

conducted at respected

universities, that our thoughts affect matter. These

studies show that our

thoughts significantly alter the growth rate of

plants, the temperature of

water and air temperature, and the toss of coins and

dice. Scientists are

even studying the "safety implications" of

mind-upon-matter. After all,

researchers have proven that people in bad moods are

statistically more

likely to crash their computers and foul-up photocopy

machines. They believe

it logically follows that a negative-minded pilot's

thoughts may mess with

the airplane's instruments.


Just as negative thoughts interfere with

matter, so do our loving

thoughts support harmonious experiences in the

material world. By regularly

meditating upon an environment that supports all life,

our thoughts will

rapidly transform the world. And just as we would

never dream of littering

or polluting the atmosphere, let's also collectively

stop littering the

earth's field with negative thoughts. Just imagine the

positive results if

we'd all go "cold turkey" and quit worrying,

stressing, and engaging in

other mental polluting habits. Maybe instead of those

signs that show a

cigarette with a circle and a line through it, we'll

all have placards that

read, "Thank you for holding only positive thoughts."

I'd also like to

suggest that, during those lull moments of commercial

television breaks,

that we all collectively say a prayer for world peace.


As we approach the millennium shift, where

prophecies have

predicted earthly doom and gloom, we can use the power

of our collective

thought to avert these thoughts of planetary disaster.

Many psychics and

prophets have predicted more torrential storms to hit

the U.S. in 1998.

Let's put our minds together and create a more

harmonious picture. We can

take charge of our environment by visualizing a

beautifully peaceful world.

As science is now proving: we have the power!


© 1998




Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat






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