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Jai Guru Datta

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Thank you for posting these quotes. However, I think I need to make my point

from my previous email discussion much clearer.



[1]Thieves, murderers etc., do not have even an iota of Dharma in their

hearts. They are aware that what they are doing is Adharma. Still they

continue to do it. Therefore, they deserve punishment.



First of all -- have you thought about what "sin" really is? WHY do thieves do

what they do? WHY do murders murder? If you haven't understood the WHY then you

don't understand this quote at all. What is their underlying motivation? What in

their mind justifies their activities? Clearly it is their ego. So, still being

subject to the ego -- how are they different from us? How are we really

different from them? If you think it is somehow "more wrong" to kill a human

than an animal or a insect -- that is because you have been raised as such, not

because you have thought about it very deeply. You don't kow what it means to

kill. You don't know what killing is, and you don't know how many lifeforms you

kill every day. On the other hand, there are too many people who take pride in

"I don't kill animals" -- but really, you aren't doing it because you have

actually thought about it -- you are simply following whatever your parents told

you was right or wrong. Such thoughtless actions deserve no "extra credit merit"

what-so-ever. What is impressive are those people who have been brought up as

one thing (I see so many non-hindu's for example in the US), who are able to

transcend "what they were taught" and improve themselves (i.e., by actually

listening to the cries of their heart, by actually thinking, by actually

feeling), and have the courage to follow their hearts. I wish that I had such



The greatest trick the devil ever played, was making us believe he doesn't exist

-- he is the ego. He promotes adharma and creates separation through judgement.

He is the desire and its fulfillment. We all have this ego. Without annihilating

that ego (the root cause of adharma) we haven't truly followed the path of

dharma. Therefore, the phrase "committing all sorts of sins" (it means to go

against one's dharma in all activities, that is going against one's innate

nature, by "giving in" to one's ego). If you haven't spent time thinking about

what "ego" really is and maintaining that awareness -- then unconsciously you

create a home for it in your mind; you have created a home for the devil to

play. You may think you are walking "10 steps towards god" when in reality

through the processes of judgement and non-awareness, you have actually walked

"yet another 10 steps away from God."


Ego can only be gotten rid of through awareness of its activities. If we are

unaware of the activities of our own ego, we aren't somehow "superior" to those

who commit social crimes -- we are committing a spiritual crime through our

daily thoughts and activities. As harsh as that may sound, it is exactly what

each of us do every moment that we are not aware of our ego and its activities.


One who is self realized however transcends "adharma" naturally, because such a

realized one is not subject to the actions of the ego. If one "forces" dharma,

then it is not dharma at all. It is simply ego. Therefore, however such a

self-realized soul acts be it "good" or "bad" in the eyes of society -- he is

following "dharma" -- this is dattatreya. Such a self realized one is the

definition of "dharma". This is why Guru is said to be the form of "dharma".

Where there is Guru, there is no adharma; where Guru is absent, there alone does

"adharma" take root. Guru is like that light, when you turn on the switch, all

darkness disappears -- there is no darkness where the light shines; there is no

light, where there is darkness. To find the source of that light and to become

aware of that inner light, is the only real purpose of human life. Everything

else is darkness, useless, and ignorance -- and such things only lead to more

confusion, more pain, more sorrow, more ego, and more fake living. How many

people can say that they have "really" lived? What is "living"? Is it simply

following whatever society tells you, not questioning anything, creating some

name for yourself, repeating the same things over and over, day in and day out,

and then dying after your time on earth is over? Or does it involve finding out

who you are? Which of these is permanent and which of these is fake living?



[2]Dharma = the authourity for the code of conduct by which man can

make his life sublime, and the lord of Dharma is God.



Yes, Dharma = God. But who is GOD? God is the eternal brahman within. He alone

exists. Nothing else exists. If nothing else exists, then what is done / not

done? what remains to be done? who is to be punished? who is the judge? Where

such duality exists, non-duality does not exist. Where non-duality exists, it

does not even see itself. The process of seeing itself, leads to duality. See

the great problem? Where "I" and "You" exist, God does not exist. Where God

exists, "I" and "You" are absent. This is the eternal relationship between the

darkness and the light -- mutually exclusive. The darkness is the illusion, the

light is the truth. (Please, don't confuse "darkness" and "lightness" to have

anything to do with physical darkness or lightness... too many people think that

somehow sitting in the dark is wrong because that's evil.... it has nothing to

do with the physical lights or light switches or light bulbs or whatever!)


All judgements and punishments are for the ego alone. Regardless of which side

you are on, so long as you follow your ego (even if outwardly you say you follow

Swamiji or whatever may be your holy self-righteous cause) you are only deluding

yourself, and following the dictates of your ego. So long as you see a

difference between "me" and "him" or "us" and "them" you are acting in your

ego-centric state. This is a very complex psychological issue, so one MUST spend

time understanding and observing it if one must transcend it -- isn't this

afterall why people go to Swamiji? To find out who they are? Think about this

for a second. Why do you go to Sri Swamiji? Is there self-interest? What is that

self-interest? Why does true bhakthi lead to that state of "ego-lessness"?

Please think about these things.


Even the desire to transcend itself is limiting, as mentioned earlier. See this

paradox? Just as sobriety is the cure for the drunkard, so is self awareness the

cure for the ego. If we haven't destroyed our ego -- we are all more or less

drunkards who tell other drunkards what to do, what is right, what is wrong, and

who is better and who is worse. Ego is acting without self awareness. Whether

you act "righteously" or "inappropriately" you are driven by your ego alone --

you may be following the law, yet you still act within your ego. It is

subconsciously controlling all activities in ordinary men/women. When you judge

another person from the standpoint of "righteousness" you are exposing your own

ego -- you need to feel important, you need to feel that somehow you are "doing

good" so you must go and point out the flaws of someone else. This is your own

ego manifesting itself as "righteousness". This is your psychology. That is how

powerful the ego really is. It sits there, and grows in you when you stop

looking -- as Swamiji has said:


"Ego is at the root of all ignorance. When this 'I'ness disappears ignorance

also disappears."


Even as I write this, I must be extremely careful and quite aware of my own ego,

because if i'm not aware that my ego is acting here; I am allowing myself to be

controlled by that same ego. Do you see how complex ego is? If you are

'enjoying' yourself in any way, that is enjoyment such that you feel some sense

of "temporary" happiness or sadness -- these are nothing but the activities of

the ego. As I write this, if I feel "I am aware, I know what i'm doing, I am

smart, I am stupid, I am this, I am that, this person is wrong, that person is

right, this is right, that is wrong..." then truly I have let the ego conquer me

and I don't even realize it. That is how subtle ego is. If you aren't watchful,

you will become its slave guaranteed. Awareness alone can save you from the ego.

If you are truly busy trying to hunt down your ego, you generally don't have

time for "loose talk" or "gossip" or anything else really. You would be 24hrs a

day immersed in awareness of your mental processes, without any judgement or

condemnation; you are simply aware. This is real meditation. Meditation on the

source of "all this".


Such a slave to ego will do anything that promotes "self-interest". Murderers,

thieves, and even so-called "ordinary" people (as if that is somehow a superior

status) -- all function from that ego "center". They all function in someway or

other based on "self-interest". If I am doing something that isn't "spontaneous"

-- it has motivation -- then it is "ego-centric" action -- that becomes the ego

in me. To act from causeless inspiration, is far different from reacting to

something else. People who give away lots of money (for example), if they are

doing it with any motive what-so-ever, then they are doing it out of

"self-interest" -- whether they realize it or not. Just because you do one or

two good things, doesn't mean you've conquered ego, and it doesn't mean that

somehow you are "better" than someone else, because from an in-depth analysis,

you will come to realize, all this is nothing but the activity of the

ego-centric mind. This is why Swamiii says:


....don't say "I gave yesterday", you are still breathing today, so you continue

to give every day...


By promoting the psychology of "giving", we slowly detach ourselves from the

psychology of "I want this... I want that..." but by being aware of our "giving"

we also learn to detach ourselves from "I gave such and such...I am important

because I gave 10 million dollars to Swamiji's cause" etc. Are such thoughts

nothing more than ego? A truly ego-less act of charity, would be forgotten as

soon as it is done. This is true surrender. A public show where you fall at

Swamiji's feet and say "Oh Swamiji I give up everything" isn't surrendering.

That is just fake. True surrending must be silent and must come from within. It

is a psychology.


And if someone were to ask you for another 10 million a moment later, you would

simply give it without even thinking "I gave 10 million just now, this guy wants

more...". This is the purpose of training ourselves to "give". If you are

instead giving to seek "punyam" and "pappam" (good credits vs bad credits), then

you are working out of "self-interest" -- which again, is your ego. There is no

such thing as a "good action" if one is acting with ego. (How many people

comfort themselves in their laziness towards spirituality by saying "Oh I'm not

capable of that, but at least I am doing this much..."??). "Doing this much..."

is doing nothing at all. You are only cheating yourself of that treasure within

which you rightfully own, because you are afraid, or because you lack commitment

to your purpose, or because simply you are acting out of self-interest and then

claiming that "oh i'm taking 1 step at a time". No, stop fooling yourself. Do or

don't do -- one should stop living a "half-life". One must decide here and now

that "I will live exactly as I am" and not "I will try tomorrow". Such

tomorrow's never come. Spirituality and life are not opposed to one another;

spirituality helps you discover what life is really about. If its not doing

that, then its not spirituality.


The seeking of any kind of security, is nothing but ego. In every activity we

do, we create an opportunity for ego to manifest itself and to control us. If

you are asking for anything at all in life, it is your ego. Regardless of

whether you are asking it for yourself, or for some relative of yours --

fundamentally, you are acting selfishly. Do not cheat yourself. No one else

cheats us, but our own mind, our own psychology. It is the greatest cheat of all

time. If you are giving because you think its a "righteous" thing to do -- that

is your ego. If an action is not spontaneous, it is ego-centric.



[3] ..opposing the words of the Vedas and other sacred scriptures, to

think that Dharma and Adharma are only imaginary concepts - all these

constitute sinful mental actions.


I didn't say "dharma" and "adharma" were imaginary concepts, they exist in the

world of the ego -- once the ego is transcended, only god remains; where there

is god, there is neither "dharma" nor "adharma". The lord alone is everything.

This equanimous state of mind alone can be emancipating, that state alone can be

conducive of true "dharma". That is what is meant, nothing less.


Anyway, I talk too much -- so it is time for me to "be quiet"; I would like

others to think about these things and post their thoughts as well. And when

posting messages, please delete my messages -- otherwise the combined messages

become too long and repetitive. These emails are not important, so don't give

them importance! What is important is that we can discuss these things to

increase awareness within ourselves, so that we can be stronger in our

convictions, and be doubtless in our actions, and develop faith in that God

within, we call "Guru".


That Jagat Guru (world teacher) is Shiva. He can be thought of as the cool

coconut milk encased in the tough outer husk, we call "ego". To get to the

coolness within, we must break the ego externally. We cannot break something we

cannot see -- so we must make the efforts to become aware of it. That is the

significance of all this. That Shiva is our awareness. That Shiva is our true

self. May Shiva Rathri become a good excuse for you to spend time and truly do

"Upavasa" (go "closer to God", not starve!). There is a beautiful song in the

Swamiji 60 CD on "Shiva Rathri", understand its meaning and contemplate on it.

Then only will you understand what Shiva Rathri really is.


"Thou Art That." - Tat Tvam Asi.


Jai Guru Datta. Jai Sri Swamiji.




The centipede was happy quite

until a bird said, in fun,

"Which foot goes after which?"

This raised his mind to such a pitch

he lay distracted in a ditch

considering how to run.





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Jaya Gurudeva Datta, so many words...for 1 sentence?


Yess, we have ego, thats why we should follow the prescribed path. The path of

Dharma. "We" should especially follow Sri Dattatreya sampradaya [*]. This

actually is near to all traditions. We should generally not kill, smoke, steal

etc etc. So that one day we can trancend the gunas! I think also in Sri Guru

Gita the mahavaakya "Tat Tvam Asi" is very good commented.


You say(i think) something like spontaneous is best in ego-sense, but you also

say if one is not self-realized the actions are worth nothing, so spontaneous

also is worthless as it also contains ego?! Pradyumna i consider you my bhai,

please summerize what you are saying. I notice that your posts are more and more

ego-laced, but i could very well be wrong. I'm not saying i am great or wise.

Perhaps Sri Shankaramanchi Shastri or Sri Srinivas Shastry could comment.

Anyhow..Sri Swamiji will in his speech tomorrow surely give us answers.


I've pasted[*] an beautiful discourse from Sri Swamiji for all to enjoy.. Please

study Sri Guru Gita, Sri Datta Darshanam and Sri Swamiji Life History(these are

not my words, i'm just repeating!!). Please visit these links and have darshan:





Please observe good feelings, good thoughts tommorow for it is Maha Shivratri

the great night of Shivbhagvaan. A day on which the stars are shining in favour

of spiritual progress.


Sri Dattatreya,




[*] In Datta Peetham, Dattatreya Sampradayam is followed. This is from time

immemorial Datta Tattva existed in all the four Yugas - Krita, Treta , Dwapar &

Kali. Datta was the Guru of the Devatas. Even Sri Rama went looking for Datta.

But only Atri and Anasuya were there. But on the day, Rama ascended the throne,

Dattatreya came from nowhere, blessed Rama and Seeta and disappeared. All sages

came to bless Rama that day. Datta Sampradaya, Datta tradition transcends all

barriers. It is a wonderful tradition.


Shankaracharya, in the Guru Ashtaka ,explains the Guru Tattva

(Sri Swamiji sings "Guru Ashtaka").


What is the use a of having beautiful body, family , a heap of wealth, if the

mind is not wedded on the Sacred feet of Guru ?

Scholar of Six Shastras, Vedas, Poet, a Literary expert. But what is the use if

the mind is not wedded on the Sacred feet of Guru ? If this is there the

learning gets useful.

Possessing educational qualifications from foreign universities, famous, gold

medallist, well respected . What is the use of them if the mind is not wedded on

the Sacred feet of Guru ?

All the rulers of this world are at His feet. He is an emperor. They serve him.

What is the use of him if his mind is not wedded on the Sacred feet of Guru ?

He is famous for donating. His fame has spread wide and far. But hat is the use

of him of his mind is not wedded on the Sacred feet of Guru. Then only his fame

gets qualified. Look at the story of sage Vishvamitra. Till he surrendered to a

Brahma Guru, he was not called as ' Brahmarshi'. Vishwamitra performed great

penance. But he did not seek a Guru. Until that happened, he was not recognized

as a Brahmarshi.

You may be a great devotee. You may not be interested wither in woman, or money,

or wealth or fame. But what is the use of these if your the mind is not wedded

on the Sacred feet of Guru?

You may not be interested in a life in forest. You may not be interrupted in

your wife, house, life. You are a renounciate. What is the use if the mind is

not wedded on the Sacred feet of Guru ?

You might have enjoyed the possession of the greatest of gems. What is its use

if the mind is not wedded on the Sacred feet of Guru?



Who ever listens to this Guru Ashtaka, will become true devotees. That too those

who listen from the lips of a Guru, Yogi, Brahma chari. What is the use of the

life, if Guru Karuna is not there ? It is like possessing the greatest car and

not knowing how to drive. We should find a able driver. The Driver tales you

through the best possible route. Like Krishna drove Arjuna in Maha Bharata. He

drove Arjuna to safety and finally victory. At last, Krishna Tells Arjuna " If

you cannot do anything, then at least surrender to me. I will help you."


You all are lucky. You have listened to the great Guru Ashtaka from Swamiji on

this sacred day of Guru Purnima.







Pradyumna Upadrashta <oneinfinitezero wrote:

There is """no such thing""" as a "good action" if one is acting with ego.





[3] ..opposing the words of the Vedas and other sacred scriptures, to

think that Dharma and Adharma are only imaginary concepts - all these

constitute sinful mental actions.


I didn't say "dharma" and "adharma" were imaginary concepts, """they exist""" in

the world of the ego --






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maybe the significance of Shivaratri is not (only) to stay up this one night,

but to be aware of one´s thoughts and motivations, and thus one´s ego every

day (even the wish for liberation is strictly speaking ego), from morning to

night, and not to let a single thought be thought while being unaware of the

ego that is involved/connected with it.

.. jai guru datta.




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