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Translation of HH Swamiji's interview in telugu news paper VAARTHA

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Jai Guru Datta,


I found this interview as helpfull and interesting.

Hence I spent sometime translating it to English using

best of my knowledge. Pl forgive me if you find any

mistakes in translation. Pl find the translation




'Rama Namam Rama Namam, Ramya minadi Rama Naamamu.

Ida Pingala Naadula madhyana imidi yunnadi Rama


Brief meaning of this Telugu bhajan is :

Rama's name is very sweet. It is embeded in between

Ida & Pingala naadis.


When devotional songs similar to above are sung nice,

there willn't be anyone who is unmoved.

Among different arts, music is very sweet & pleasant.

It can also atract/impress kids & animals.

Naada(music) has power to melt stones and light lamps.

Taan Sen(ancient hindustani singer) is

a good example for this. Though India is flooded with

fast life & globalisation, saint Thyagaraja

keertanas(bhajans) are still popular and will always

be popular. Guru's say Vedas &

Naadas(bhajans/devotional songs) are born out of


Being concerned/worried about people suffering from

mental & physical sickness, His holyness Sri

Ganapati Sachchidananda Swamiji is doing Naada

Chikitsa(Music healing) to help cure them.




Gurus/saints compare Ramayana to our body itself. Our

mind is like Sita(Rama's wife).

Sita(mind) is abducted by Dasa kanta/demon

Raavana(indriyas/senses). i.e. Mind is abducted by

our Indriyas/senses. Like God Hanuman found Sita in

Ramayana, We can find our mind with the help of



When Pujya Swamiji is asked 'If Naada is mentioned

anywhere in Ramayana?', Pujya Swamiji explained

following interesting story.




Swearing-in ceremony of Lord Rama was going on. God

Hanuman was serving Lord Rama by waving

'Vinjamara'(instument similar to fan). 'Vinjamara'

waving by Anjanisuta(Hanuman, son of Anjana Devi)

has generated sweet Naada(music). This sweet Naada

reminds Lord Rama of days He spent in Vanas(forests).

Then Lord Rama says:


After visiting Agastya ashrama(home of sage) & Atri

Anasuya ashrama Lord Rama hears sweet music.

At the bottom of a lake which is filled with water

Sapta Rushis(7 great sages) are doing deep

meditation with the help of Jalastambana(ability to

live in water for longer).

God Indra(King of deva loka) fears that Sapta Rushis

are meditating to take away his post/job. He sends

Yaksha, Gandharva, Kinnera, Kimpurusha naada taranga

kanyas(lady musicians) into lake to disturb

Sapta Rushis(7 great sages). They keep singing sweet

music. How much ever sweet Naada Kanya's music is,

Sapta Rishis meditation didn't get disturbed. Pleased

by Sapta Rishi's meditation finally God Brahma

appears and tells Sapta Rishi's He can grant whatever

wish they have. Then Sapta Rishi's say they don't

have any wish and they would like to keep staying in

lake listening to sweet music of 'Naada Kanyas'.


Then God Hanuman says, listening to above story told

by Lord Rama, He will visit that lake while going

back after swearing-in ceremony is completed.


When this reporter asked Pujya Swamiji that 'In which

Ramayana this story is mentioned?'.

Pujya Swamiji replied that 'This story is in Ananda

Ramayana which is written by Viswamitra not Vaalmiki'.


When asked 'How Naada is evolved?', Pujya Swamiji

replied that 'It is difficult to give a brief answer'.


When asked 'Can You cure deceases with

Naada(music)?', Pujya Swamiji said that 'I am doctor

to the

patients who come to me for treatment. In addition to

giving herbs & medicines to patient, with the help

of Naada(music) We give more mental powers & peace of

mind to patient'.


Pujya Swamiji also said that 'His ancestors are great

musicians and doctors'.


When asked which music among Carnatic, Hindustani,

Pop & Folk are used in Naada Chikitsa(music theraphy),

Pujya Swamiji replied that 'Carnatic music is used.

Only Carnatic & Hindhustani music are helpful in

Naada Chikitsa.'


When asked if Pujya Swamiji gives more importance to

either beat or tune in Naada Chikitsa, Pujya Swamiji


that 'both tune & beat are equally important'.


Pujya Swamiji also said that 'Swamiji uses

synthesizer which synthesizes multiple musical

instruments. Among

various musical instruments NaadaSwara(drums like

musical instrument) is more usefull'.


When asked to explain Naada Chikitsa(Music Theraphy)

in detail, Pujya Swamiji replied that 'Yoga, Jyotisha,

Mani Saastra

(crystal science), colors and in the last medicine are

used to treat patient in Naada chikitsa. Among various

naadis in our body Ida, Pingala & Brahma naadis are

important. Naadi centers are energized with




When which raaga(tune) is used in Naada chikitsa,

Pujya Swamiji has replied that 'Raaga is selected


on Roga(decease)'.


When asked if poetry also can be used in Naada

chikitsa, Pujya Swamiji said 'Poerty with rythm in

them can

influence naadis upto some extent'.




After interview with Swamiji, Sri Kuppa Venkata

Krishna Murthy(one of Swamiji's close associate) has

explained about Naada Chikitsa(Music Theraphy). He

explained as follows:


Yogi view body & world thru Yogic eye. According to

Yoga there are 72,000 Yoga naadi's in our body.

Prana sakti(power) flows thru these naadis. There are

centres in these naadis. They are called naadi


There are 7 important centers among these which are

called 'Shat Chakras'. 7th one is very important

in Yoga science. Only qualified persons are explained

about this 7th chakra(center) by Guru. Apart from


there are various other naadi centers which are not

important. All these naadi centers vibrate at


freequencies. A person is physically & mentally

healthy as long as these vibrations are regular. A

person becomes

sick when the vibrations in naadi centers become

irregular. Then Naada Chikitsa(Music Theraphy) is



Naada Vibrations generated by Pujya Swamiji's bhajan

singing influence naadi centers(chakras). These Naada


also have Yoga power. Naada vibrations with Yoga power

can regularise vibrations in naadi centers. Jyotisha &


are also used in Naada Chikitsa(Music Theraphy).

Strings are also arranged underneath patient's bed to


vibrations in naada chikitsa(Music Theraphy). Pujya

Swamiji sometimes does Naada Chikitsa(Music theraphy)


Plesant colors are also focused on patient who is

lying on the bed as part of Naada Chikitsa(Music

theraphy). Patient is given

head phones thru which Swamiji's healing music is



In Mani Saastra Swamiji uses crystal wand. When

Pujya Swamiji goes

around in audiens with crystal wand, looking at change

in colors in crystal wand Pujya Swamiji figures out

kind of sickness of

various persons. Then Pujya Swamiji uses same crystal

wand to cure those sicknesses.


After all these treatments Pujya Swamiji uses herbal

medicines. The teertha distributed in Pujya Swamiji

ashram in Mysore is mix

of 32 different herbs. Hence this teertha is called

'Mulika Teertha'.


Pujya Swamiji did Naada Chikitsa(Music theraphy) not

only on individuals but also on group of people at



Naada is Pujya Swamiji's Veda.

Naada is Cure for all diceases.


Sri Guru Datta


Tulasi Tummala


--- MadeleineHeiss wrote:

> Could anyone possibly translate this article into

> English? Jai Guru Datta.



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]







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