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Swamiji's speech in Vijayawada Ashrama on December 30, 2002

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Jaya Guru Datta!

My dear Datta Family members! As we have Swamiji in USA and all

devotees look forward to have Swamiji's darshan as well want to

utilize the opportunity of doing some seva, let us get sprinkled by

Swamiji's speech in Vijayawad Ashrama. (Available on Dattapeetham.com)


As I get to the speech on website to read, the first feeling I

observed in my mind is "Oh! so long speech, it will take a while to

read it." See how foolish thought/feeling. Swamiji gave speech all by

himself with pouring love to benefit us, spending so long time. And

this mind thinks Oh! so big, No time! I will stop here, so that we

can get to the real thing...


Pujya Sri Swamiji's speech in Vijayawada Ashrama on December 30, 2002



Many people ask what is the kind of service one should be rendering

to Swamiji? Some people simply try to point out at others' works and

keep commenting it as wrong. Some others behave as though they are

trying to protect Swamiji's property and interfere in Swamiji's

activities. Both of these groups are wrong. Your service should not

create unnecessary chaos and confusion. Then what is real service?


After coming to Ashrama, what is the effort you have made to attain

salvation? By the grace of Mother Goddess, by the grace of Datta or

by the grace of Ganapati, what is the effort you have put in to gain

knowledge? You should start thinking and working on these lines. If

you sincerely pursue this matter you would be doing great service to

Swamiji by helping his efforts to rectify you. You would be reducing

his work by 50% at least. When we become capable, by Karma Yoga

philosophy, to take care of all our problems by our own self, we will

be putting less and lesser burden on Sadguru. This is itself a great

service. One way of Guru Seva is to become independent (with

reference to our own Karma). Many devotees have become dependent on

Swamiji even to observe their duties. They say that they will do a

particular work only if Swamiji tells them. They will eat only if

Swamiji asks them to eat. They will donate only if Swamiji asks them

to donate. This kind of an attitude is wrong. It is not only wrong

but also cruel. Such thoughts must be destroyed at once. Having been

in association with Swamiji for so many years, you must learn to

practice devotion that inculcates in you gentleness, patience and

serenity. This is the real spiritual growth. Growth does not mean

building multistoried apartments. Even a roadside cheat can do that.

That is not at all important. Spiritual growth means a contemplation

about the essence of what we have learnt from Swamiji and how,

through Karma Yoga he has influenced our lives. We must always keep

observing these facts. You should not become dogmatic that you will

do a particular work only if Swamiji instructs. There are many works,

which must be done even before Swamiji instructs you to. Of course it

is absolute foolishness if you don't do the work even after receiving

Swamiji's instructions. Most of the works you can attempt to do even

before you are told to, thinking about it in your own capacity.




A great Yaga is going to take place here from 1st of January. You

must all participate in that great Yaga. It brings great fortune to

everyone who takes part. You should not think that Swamiji has not

told you. If you start thinking like that you will be left behind.

Swamiji will not tell you anything. If you stay behind thinking that

Swamiji has not instructed you to do, then you must never question at

a later date. You should not feel sorry later that you could not

participate. You should pacify and console yourself that you were

destined only for that much. Alternatively, consider yourself as a

lucky instrument in the hands of Sadguru, become a sponsor for this

Yaga, become the firewood for this sacrifice, become the oil for the

lamp. Participate in this Yaga with sincerity and commitment and

become a noble instrument in Swamiji's hands.




At a later date you should not curse yourself that you were unlucky

that you could not participate. You chose not to participate. So

abide by your choice till the end of your life and stay happy. Don't

curse yourself; it was your own decision.




Those who are participating must always remember that your

participation must be active and with involvement. It is not like

mechanical event. You should protect the wastage of materials, you

should help and guide new devotees. This is real Guru Seva. You

should be longing for such service.




You always think selfishly. "We have had Darshan of Swamiji, we have

eaten Prasadam, and our work is over, let's go. Why should we bother

about anything here?" All of us should become volunteers. Eighty

percent of the people here come for their own self. You should not

become a part of these 80%. All of you should become committed to

your Guru, develop attachment with him and start feeling that you are

a member of His Datta family. It is a sin if you think for your own

self all the time. Most of the devotees think "We want to meet

Swamiji once, somehow we have performed Pada Puja, somehow we offered

something to Swamiji, we want to get rid of our illness, we want to

touch Swamiji once. If I somehow get an opportunity to meet Swamiji

it is enough. Why should I bother about all other things here."




Most of these people do not have any commitment or affection for

Swamiji. You should feel in your mind and heart, "He is my Guru. He

is my family. He is always in my heart." You must develop that

intimacy and attachment with Swamiji. You must involve yourself in

His mission. You should not become one of these eighty percent who

come only with a selfish motto. It is a sin to think selfishly.




Consider a situation that you have been given some work in the

Ashrama by Swamiji. You start to think that have not been given any

importance. You start feeling disgraced that Swamiji has scolded you

in front of everyone. You start thinking that you have not been

assigned the leadership of that work. It is a great sin to think like

that. It is a gateway to hell. Secondly you should not criticize

others' work here. You should not talk arrogantly and harshly with

fellow devotees. If there are any differences of opinions, just

prostrate to them and leave the place. You should not hate you fellow

devotees. Many people here have a bloated ego. "What do you think of

me?" they say. If you are considering yourself to be a big shot then

that is meant to be only in your home and for yourself, not in the

vicinity of Sadguru. Here everyone is a servant. "I am a senior

devotee. Swamiji has assigned this work only to me because there is

nobody else able to do this work. I don't require anyone else." Such

an attitude is wrong. We require everyone. All of us should be part

of Swamiji's work. If somebody has spoken something wrong, even then

you must take it in positive spirit. You should not react

unnecessarily. This is real Guru Seva.




"I am an important man. This Ashrama is because of me. This work is

possible only because of me. Swamiji is great because of me." Such a

foolish thought should never come to your mind. If you entertain such

thoughts even in the slightest corner of your mind, then it is hell

for you.




Remember that it is not because of you that the activity is taking

place. It is because of Swamiji that everything is going on. If He

wasn't' here, none of us would have been here. Everything exists

because of Sadguru. All this paraphernalia exists because of Him. He

has the capacity of getting the work done even by a donkey if I am

not there. We are not at all important. Swamiji is important. We must

understand that. If you have ego, keep it in your home. Frame it and

look at it everyday. Share it with your wife/husband and your

children. But do not express it here. Here all of us are servants,

slaves. You must develop such feeling in your mind. You must feel

proud and happy that you have been chosen to participate in the

activity. You must sincerely express your gratitude for having the

opportunity to participate. You must do it with sincerity and

devotion. You should not have differences in opinion, quarrels,

fights, and shout at each other. If such people are there, kindly

stay back at home. You need not come here at all. You can divorce

from Swamiji. If you feel you have not been given importance here,

then you also need not come here and suffer. Nobody gets importance

here. Only a true devotee gets importance. Only such a devotee who

has complete faith in Swamiji, who has completely surrendered to

Swamiji will get the reward. Your stupid ego is worthless here. Till

now you have gotten along with all your ego, but no more. This

Kshetra is becoming the abode of mother goddess. There is no place

for egoists here. Only people with devotion need to come here.

Swamiji wants devotees with pure devotion only. If you devotion is

pure, Swamiji becomes your devotee. If you try to show your ego

though, Swamiji will react. This will unnecessarily create a bad

atmosphere. So you better stay back at home. Who are you to come to

my house and show your ego? This is like somebody else enjoying my

property and commenting on it. Coming to my temple, my Ashrama, my

shrine; who are you to act and talk funnily.




Who are you to behave stupidly. I don't understand. You are supposed

to come and do service. This is not a fighting arena to exercise your

egos. This is not a society or political place to fight for

leadership. You can fight in your home. You must not have any mental

conflict in the Ashrama. You must have a very peaceful and calm mind

as soon as you enter the Ashrama. You must be disciplined here. As

soon as you see Datta or Ganapati you must become clam in your mind.

You must practice silence, you need not talk about anyone here. How

can you praise someone else's wife before your own wife? How can you

praise someone else's husband before your own husband? Like that you

should not talk about other Ashramas here. You talk about other

people and Ashramas here. How foolish are you? When you come here you

should talk about the deity here. What is the foolish compromise you

are making? What is the foolish ego you are showing? If you have

resigned from service, - then stay at your home and dance as you want





Don't try to express your foolish egos here. Why do you come here and

fight unnecessarily? You must all change. This is real progress. You

must become calm in your mind. You must change your habits- not just

listen for lectures for hours together. You must practice the

changes, which are explained.




You require ego for your survival outside. Keep it with you. Swamiji

will bless you for that. But the moment you enter the Ashrama you

should become like a gentle deer and leave all your ego outside. You

should develop that faith and gentleness in you. Guru Sannidhi (abode

of Guru) is like that. If you have got the opportunity to do some

service, you should feel proud that you are selected for the job. You

should fight to get such an opportunity to do service near Guru.

Don't fight for leadership. Give a chance to everyone.


God has given you the opportunity to support financially, to serve

physically or many people serve intellectually speaking about

Swamiji, speaking about the temple and doing this kind of service.

Even remaining silent itself is a big service. Many people keep

giving plans and suggestions. Swamiji does not like it. If you are

giving plans and suggestions, then you must involve yourself in it.

You should not only make comments. You should stand there and get the

work done. This is not a factory; it is the fruit of Swamiji's

Sankalpa. This temple is Swamiji's determination. It is Swamiji's

inner vision that is materializing.




As soon as we enter inside we must search for that peace that energy

and that bliss here. We should not try to search for unhappiness. We

should not try to pass unnecessary comments. A particular job has

been assigned to somebody. Let him do it. "I will get some other

opportunity"- you should think like that. If Swamiji has asked you to

go and join them, it means that he has instructed you to shed off

your ego and join them, not to go and express your ego there. It is

for correcting you indirectly.




You should not express you ego, your plans, your suggestions unless

asked for it. No useless comments. This is the basic discipline,

basic foundation, basic need for every devotee. If you practice these

basic tenets, any message of Upadesha given by Swamiji, sticks to

your mind firmly. Otherwise Swamiji's energy gets wastefully expended

and Swamiji's throat will pain but you will never reform. You should

not speak harshly and arrogantly in the presence of Guru.




You must practice gentleness in devotion. You must feel happy that

somebody is doing service. It is a result of his penance. You must

pray that you should become capable to do such service in your field

in the future. You must pledge for yourself that you will do

committed service. You must pray and request for service. You should

not think that only getting an interview with Swamiji and going away

is your work and other works are not your domain of interest. Swamiji

can speak about Guru Seva for hours and days together. Only when the

stone is chiseled millions of times, a beautiful statue is formed.

Only when gold is polished again and again will it shine brightly and

become a beautiful ornament. Just like that Guru treats his disciples

with different lessons, by punishing them, scolding them, making fun

of him and many others, all different processes of reformation.

Sadguru always wants to carve a beautiful idol out of the stone (us).

We should not feel that the Guru has insulted or scolded us. If you

think like that then there is no greater fool than you. Swamiji wants

His disciples to become like him. These are the words of Jayalakshmi

Mata. These are the words which mother has told Swamiji. Not one word

less, not one more. I am revealing to you each and every word which

mother has told me.




We must have patience. We should not expect that all your works and

desires will be fulfilled as soon as you come here the first time. If

you really want Swamiji, you must undergo the rigorous train to

obtain him. If not you can go in your own way. Accept your Karma and

do what you like. If you have the feeling that you have to suffer you

Karma and no Swamiji is going to help you, fine! Abide it and follow

your own path. Swamiji will also teach you how to scold gurus if you

want to learn. You can abuse in your home. NOT HERE. If you do such a

thing here, it becomes an offence. Swamiji does not like it. You come

to my home and sit on the sofa, and then you start pinching out the

foam from the sofa. You think I will remain silent. When a relative

comes to our home, and without permission opens the refrigerator and

empties it, will you keep silent? He switches on the TV and keeps

switching the channels, will you be quiet everyday, simply because he

is a relative? Obviously you will stop inviting him to you house

from the next day onwards. Even if he comes on his own, without

invitation, you will try to evade him, saying that you have to go out

for some work. We keep all our things locked and safe so that he does

not open them. She may be a very close friend, but if she behaves

foolishly by plucking out the foam from the sofa, opening up all

drawers and taking out the items, using the phone recklessly, - will

you keep quiet? One day you will become angry with him or her, and

will try to evade him/her. Won't you do that? Won't you? Maybe you

won' because you are also behaving like that when you go to their

house. Then you are fit for such people.




But I will definitely take action against such people, however close

they might be. I will tell them not to come from the next day. I will

make him sit on a mat instead of a sofa.




Do you like such behavior on the part of your friends and family when

they come to your home? Certainly not. Similarly when you come to my

home you must behave yourselves. You should not act like monkeys.

Your mind should be surrendered to Swamiji as you enter the Ashrama.

You should not behave badly, speak foolishly or act stupidly when you

enter these premises. As soon as you come here, your mind, your body

and your deeds belong to Datta. You should not comment about Swamiji

here. You can compare and discuss Swamiji sitting in your home. Not

here. Don't you have any other work here? Go to your home, see some

TV and behave like the serials. You can take a divorce from here

then, and enjoy life in your own way. If you vacate your one place

here, two good devotees are waiting to occupy that place. That is

why, if you really seek Swamiji's help and guidance, then you must

keep on getting reformed more and more. There is no end to that

process of reformation. It continues till your intellect exists, as

long as you have life in your body.




You must accept all activities with love. Do not try to make monetary

calculations about various programs. Do not make unnecessary

comments. If you have any doubt about the benefit you get from

Swamiji, you need not come. Just like you quit a horse, which cannot

walk/run, likewise you must quit a god who does not give you boons

despite your prayers. If you feel you are not being benefited by

Swamiji, then why are you here still? You can quit this place at any





No No! I am definitely benefiting from Swamiji. Oh? Is it so? Then

stay disciplined here. How do you repay the benefit you obtained from

Swamiji? By being disciplined, well behaved and devoted. If you

hadn't had any benefit from Swamiji, you wouldn't run after me for

all these years. You have been coming to Swamiji for so many years,

that itself means that you have been receiving benefits from Swamiji,

although maybe you cannot explain them in words. At least you might

be having a hope that you will benefit by Swamiji. You have been

following Swamiji from place to place because you are getting some

benefits or another. If you would not get anything, then obviously

you would not be mad about following Swamiji. We have been benefited,

we are being benefited and we will be benefited by Swamiji in the

future also. How shall we repay these benefits? Simply by being





To participate in the activities here is the first discipline.

Second discipline is not to pass comments.

Third discipline is to do whatever job is assigned to you, sincerely

and without question.

Fourth - whatever work Swamiji assigns to somebody, I will always be

ready to help without causing him/her any inconvenience.

Fifth - within our capacity we should do physical, mental and

monetary service to Swamiji.



Because you cannot leave me, you must follow these disciplines

sincerely. If you cannot follow these disciplines and you won't leave

me - then you become a nuisance to me. Why should I tolerate this

nuisance? When there is a toothache, the tooth has to be removed, or

undergo a rigorous root canal treatment. Why should you retain such a

tooth and undergo suffering. Get it fixed with a root-canal

treatment, clean it up to the root and refill it. You have to remove

all the ill parts from the deepest past of your mind and clean it.

Otherwise remove the whole tooth. You should not become such a tooth

in my jaw. Swamiji will either remove it or repair it. If you want

Swamiji - you have to undergo that reformation by following the

disciplines mentioned. There is only one Sachchidananda here. There

is only one Jayalakshmi Mata. There are no 22 Sachchidanandas.

Swamiji is the only important person. Who will give you importance?

Foolishness, madness to even think of trying to get importance. In

the presence of Mother goddess, of lord Dattatreya, let us all learn

to practice the disciplines mentioned and get devotion.




You must put this entire message on the internet. Do not edit it. All

the devotees must listen to it. If Swamiji says Daddammulu (foolish

people) then let that word come like that only. This is a private

program; Swamiji is talking to a private audience of his disciples.




When you come to Swamiji, do all the service possible, otherwise quit

this place chanting the name of lord Govinda. Why should we have this

headache? If you have developed good faith and love towards Swamiji

then please follow it up. Swamiji is a very good friend. It is very

difficult to get a friend like Swamiji. Even tough my words appear

harsh, my heart is very soft. If Swamiji were harsh at heart, then

you wouldn't have come here. But sometimes Swamiji appears quite

tough because he has to rectify you. If Swamiji does not rectify you

then it becomes Swamiji's mistake. You will all become over pampered

children. You should get reformed and become soft. Only then Swamiji

will like you. Your minds should become pure and clean like butter.


Jaya Guru Datta


"Always seeking Sadguru's Lotus Feet"

- Rama Janardhan.

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