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noble actions and malicious vows

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Satsu chaasatsu bhaaveshu naalasyaalasate kramaat


Vibhaktavye ghasra raatreshwarkabhaa tamasee yathaa


Just as light and darkness are distributed in day and night respectively, one

should distribute agility and laziness between noble and malicious vows.


In the previous two months, we discussed about laziness. Between laziness and

agility, which is Bhaava Padaartha (that which has true existence) and which

is Abhaava Padaartha? (that which does not have a true existence) ?


"Why? Everyone knows that light is 'bhaava padartha' and darkness is 'abhaava

padaartha'. Between agility and sluggishness, which is light and which is



"If it is so, it would have been proper if light (agility) was discussed

first. But in the previous Sookti Manjaris, darkness (laziness) was discussed.

Also, in the above Sookti, agility has been termed as Naalasyam (absence of

laziness). Why is a negative term used here?"


"You are saying that light is a Bhaava padaartha. According to you, what is



"That, in the presence of which objects can be seen is light."


"What is darkness?"


"Absence of light"


"Why don't you say absence of darkness is light"?


"Then we will have to first say what darkness is"


"O.K. That, in the presence of which we can not see objects is darkness"


"Is darkness visible to the eyes?"


"Because it the eye which tells us that there is darkness, yes, it is



"O.K. All objects in the world can be seen clearly in the presence of light.

In fact, finer details of the objects are revealed in bright light. Extending

the logic, can we say that we can see the darkness better in light"?


"Absurd. How is it possible?"


"If light is capable of revealing the objects, and if according to your

statement, darkness is also an object, why then does it become invisible with


advent of light?"


O. K, let us make an amendment. Light is a formless object which comes in the

way of visual perception."


"Is it ever possible for a formless object to come between the eyes and

another object so as to obstruct the vision? Can space and air, which do not


form, obstruct our vision?"


"Now, let me think."


"Good. Also think about this - if darkness were to be really an object and

devoid of form, from where did it come?"


"It came with the exit of light"


"If you say so, is it not same as accepting that absence of light is

darkness? What happened to your argument? Were you not trying all the time to


the contrary?"


"Yes, it is true"


"Therefore it is not proper to say that absence of darkness itself is light.

Light is a bhaava padaartha, which has true existence. We can actually see its

source. (sun, candle etc.). It is therefore proper to first describe light

and then say 'darkness is nothing but absence of light'"


>From the above discussion, clearly one has to first describe agility and then

say that lethargy is nothing but lack of agility. But, in the previous sookti

manjaris, laziness has been described first and now, it is said - 'absence of

laziness itself is agility. (Na + Aalasyam =Naalasyam = absence of laziness)

What is the purpose behind this?


Agility or laziness is revealed through actions. Still the above sookti seems

to ignore this and is trying to describe about the nobility and maliciousness

of purpose behind the actions. What purpose does it serve?


In Sanskrit, there are several synonyms for laziness - Aalasya, Alasatva,

Tandra, Deergha sootrika, Stabdhata etc. But there is no specific term for

agility! All the words which mean agility are coined by adding a negative prefix


the words that represent laziness!! For e.g., Analasya, Atandra, Adeergha

sootrika etc. How strange!


All of you have heard the word 'Advaita'. Advaita means 'not two'. Why should

we say 'not two'? Why not say 'Ekam'- 'one'? No, advaita does not mean 'one'.

It is neither two nor one!


When you count 'one', you actually are implying that you are different from

THAT. Thus, when you count as 'one', you actually are acknowledging the

existence of two objects - the 'counter' and the 'counted'. Thus it sums up to


Such a state is not 'Advaita'. Therefore the state of 'Advaita' is not 'One'.

It is not 'two' either. Thus, 'Advaita' is neither the absence of duality nor

contrary to duality. It is not zero either!! It can not be represented by

numbers! Though it is represented by a term with a negative prefix, it is not

antagonistic to anything!


Let us consider another example. 'Pratyaksha' means that which can be

perceived by the sense organs. 'Paroksha' means that which can not be perceived


the sense organs. If there is something that can be perceived by bypassing the

sense organs, what should it be called as? It is neither 'Pratyaksha' nor '

Paroksha'. For instance, you are able to perceive whether or not your mind is

functioning. Do you need any sensory faculty to perceive it? No. It is not

Pratyaksha nor Paroksha. Such perception is called as 'Aparoksha'. It may look

like a

negative word. Still, it does not have a negative meaning!


The term Naalasyam (Anaalasyam=absence of laziness) used in the present

Sookti is also one of such words.


Laziness is Tamas. Agility is Rajas. The root cause for both is desire. Both

manifest in actions. Both are like darkness.


That which is neither of the above two is 'Anaalasya'.


It is neither Tamas nor Rajas.


It does not manifest in actions. It is hidden in the intentions and purpose

behind the actions. It has nothing to do with desires.


It is like Light.


Its absence is Alasatva


We have discussed about 'Lasatva' previously. It means 'that which shines'. '

Alasatva' is that which does not shine. It is lethargy or laziness.


Can we call agility as 'Lasatva' and that which opposed to it - laziness- as

'Alasatva'? No! By doing so, we will be imposing Rajas in 'Lasatva'. We will

also then imply that there is desire behind 'Lasatva'! Our culture has never

accepted such 'rajasic' agility. Therefore there is no specific term to denote

that in Sanskrit.


Therefore, first 'Alasatva'(laziness) which is of the nature of darkness was

described. Subsequently, agility, which is of the nature of Rajas was also

discarded and finally, the term 'Analasatva' (=Naalasya=absence of laziness) was

expounded to describe it's Satvic nature.


Like the words 'Advaita', 'Aparoksha', the term 'Naalasya' too does not

convey any negative meaning although possessing a negative prefix.


Considering this concept, the present Sookti is elucidating the message very

clearly. Let us see how.


Does the sun cause the morning or is it that morning occurs first and then

sun enters? The event of sun's entry itself is morning. This is the purport of

the expression 'distributing light to the day'.


'Naalasya' is Satvic consciousness in nature and is neither laziness nor

agility. The event of its entry in to the inner environment is Sadbhaava (noble

vow, noble intention).


That which contrary to this is 'Alasate'. Both rajas and Tamas are included

in this. The event of its entry in to the inner environment is Asadbhava

(malicious intention, malicious vow).


SAT is Sattva Guna.


ASAT is the combination of Rajas and Tamas.


One should infuse pure 'Naalasya' in to SAT.


ASAT has two parts. Rajas and Tamas. Between them, one should spread

sluggishness in to Rajasic agility and agility in to Tamasic sluggishness.


All this is related to intention, purpose and vow. Since all the activities

are based on intentions, by infusing "naalasya" in to noble vows (noble

intentions), the actions will be peaceful even if the Rajas is excited.


by infusing 'Alasatva' in malicious vows, potentially harmful acts can be



This is what is needed for the world today.


Sri Swamiji.


from dattapeetham.com Jai Guru Datta







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This is my first mail to , today some how i felt like sharing

this message with you all, this is a miracle how Babayya takes care of our








Jaya Datta..

Hope you are all doing well by the grace of Sri Swamiji. Here are everybody



I'm thinking taking buying home in Hyderabad..Let you know the details

The below experience was happend few (1 month)days back..

Sri Datta


Dolla, Kishore (IDS ECCS)

Wednesday, September 17, 2003 12:17 PM


RE: BM-Complaints-170903



Jaya Guru Datta..

Mom is Good by the grace of Appaji..There was miracle..


12th mid night, mom received a phone call from me (She thought its me, with


voice and all), in that call I was asking in hurry about How are mom ? How


everybody at home ? and all, as i was

speaking very very dull..at 12.15 AM in the night. She was asking in the


Where is Ashok? , I said Ashok didn't reach room, actually Ashok went to


that day, then She called up to ashok,

saying that, "Go Home Kishore is not feeling well", He came to room,


in sound sleep, then he rang up to home and said Im ok.? Actually I was


that time.I have also checked my house

number in my cell call list, that is there as I wasn't called.


that night from 9pm to 12 mid night, she is not feeling well with slite


pain, earlier 4 yrs back she got this type of pain. I told to Pedananna, he


doctor, already he has given medicine, he

is looking after..


In this way Appaji spoke to mom in that night, saved from danger..


I usually don't call after 9pm to home as they used to sleep at 8pm only..


I have been to home for one day.


Im sending Germany details to Murthy garu,


Howz ur training ? Everybody good at centre by the grace of Appaji, Harish

coming to Mysore on Saturday.

Sri datta










Venkateswar_Pydimarri [Venkatp]

Wednesday, September 17, 2003 11:49 AM

'Dolla, Kishore (IDS ECCS) '

RE: BM-Complaints-170903




Jaya Guru Datta. How is mom? Hope she is alright.

If needed, you may think of getting her to Hyderabad for any checkup or

somesuch thing...


Well. can you pl. also send the Germany details to Murty garu as you had

sent the Canada details earlier (download, zip and send across)


Sri Guru Datta









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