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“What is love? Take a look at a rose. Is it possible

for the rose to say, ‘I shall offer my fragrance to

good people and withhold it from bad people?’ Or can

you imagine a lamp that withholds its rays from a

wicked person who seeks to walk in its light? It could

only do that by ceasing to be a lamp. And observe how

helplessly and indiscriminately a tree gives its shade

to everyone, good and bad, young and old, high and

low; to animals and humans and every living creature —

even the one who seeks to cut it down. So this is the

first quality of love: its indiscriminate character.

~ Anthony De Mello


I have long believed that “love,” as Anthony De Mello

has defined it in the above quote is another way of

describing God’s unconditional giving of Its Self unto

Its creation. In Its highest vibration, God’s nature

is the divine Essence of Love. Simple spiritual logic

would tell us that if God really IS All there is, it

would be impossible for the Infinite to discriminate

and withhold any part of Its divine Nature from

Itself. As spiritual Beings taking form in the human

condition we have been given the ability and freedom

to be conscious conduits (or vessels) of God’s Love.

Conversely, we have also been given the ability and

freedom to exist unconsciously, in total ignorance of

Love’s presence within us, operating through us and as

us. In either case, Love in Its highest form has made

itself available to us. The question is, will we

choose to recognize Its presence and consciously “be”

in that Love? So, we could say you and I are “in”

Love, irrespective of whether we know it or not!


The awareness I have is that Love is simply the

highest form of energy there could ever be. As It

flows to and through all that is, It is absolutely

indiscriminate of who accepts or rejects It. My

question is, if God is indiscriminate in Its Loving,

holding back from none, why do we as human beings

discriminate and hold back our love from certain

others? We hold back because we tend to identify with

and live from the egoic self, which is constantly busy

trying to separate those we perceive as being “worthy”

from those who are less than worthy of our love. The

tool we use is to do this with is judgment. The moral

to the story: As we begin to identify less with the

egoic self (the judging self) and more with our unity

in God, we will automatically find ourselves loving

more and more indiscriminately, as God does. As this

happens the walls and barriers we have built between

ourselves and others will dissolve. All sense of

duality will disappear! Ultimately, a planetary

awakening of this truth is how humankind could heal

itself of all that from which it suffers. In his book

THE WAY TO LOVE, Anthony De Mello summarizes God’s

indiscriminately loving character in this manner:

”Perhaps this is why we are encouraged to be like God,

‘who makes his sun to shine on good and bad alike and

makes his rain to fall on saints and sinners alike: so

you must be all goodness as your heavenly Father is

all goodness.’”


Today I challenge you to live with the awareness that

as a conscious Being, you have the ability to perceive

life and EVERYONE in it through new eyes today

(including yourself). Choose to see God’s Love

unconditionally permeating all that you perceive. Then

realize that in that moment, you are actually “in

Love” with that which you perceive. If God is All

there is it can be no other way! This is what it means

to truly “be” in Love. This sort of gives Valentines

Day a new spin doesn’t it? Love the world…that’s one

of the lessons you have come here to learn. There is

no better time than now.



* Take specific time out of your schedule today to

spend out of doors. Stand in the sunlight and feel its

penetrating warmth sharing itself with you...and

others...with no discrimination.


* Find a flower and observe it receiving that same

warmth. Finally, find a weed and discover that it too

is basking in the glory of the same light from which

the flower and you benefit.


* Now repeat the exercise and visualize the sunlight

as God’s Love. Take a hint from the sun. This would be

a good day to enter into a more indiscriminate loving

of all that is, yes? So do it.



Dennis Merritt Jones, D.D.






Subscribe FREE to Dr. D’s weekly message at



Dennis Merritt Jones 2005



PS. Be sure to visit www.wisdomteachers.com today and

catch our TV program, ONE POWER! You can also listen

to the audio portion from my Sunday lesson at

OneSpirit entitled, “Happy Is…as Happy Does”.








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