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JGD! ...Guru Gita

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In some versions of Guru Charitra, it is said that

Guru Nath relates the Guru Gita to his disciples in

this Chapter.


The Guru Gita is from Skanda Purana. It is said to

have been narrated to Mother Parvati by Lord Shiva

Himself, when Parvati entreated him to enlighten her

about the path by treading which the Jiva (the

individual soul) can attain enlightment and

liberation. The Lord then narrated to her the Guru

Gita, which says "It is by devoted service at the Feet

of the Guru alone, that one gets cleansed of all sins

and, ultimately attains the Supreme."


The Guru Gita emphsises that without the helping hand

of the Guru, one can never hope to reach the Goal; he

is indeed the link between man and God, between the

Jiva and Brahman. Unless the Guru transmits his own

soul-impulses to the disciple the latter will not gain

spiritual wisdom.


"The key to the doors of the mansion of Wisdom are

only with the Guru," it says. It also describes the

characteristics of the Guru. Unless one is fully

enlightened and had intuited the Truth himself, he is

not entitled to be a Guru. The Guru Gita also tells

how one should approach the Guru. One should approach

the Guru with great humility, with full and unwavering

faith (Shraddha) and with a burning yearning to attain



The Lord concludes the Guru Charitra, saying, "The

importance of my words will be truly appreciated by

those noble aspirants who are devoted to the Guru and

God in equal measure, and do not differentiate at all

between the two. The truly wise man always dips in the

Holy waters of "Guru-Gita", for Guru-Gita cuts at the

root of Samsara and snaps as under the ties of

Bondage. It opens the gates to Freedom - to the

Consciousness and Awareness of the Reality and the

Universality of Spirit....


The Upanishads have given "The Four sacred Maha

Vakyas' (The Grand proclamations), for the disciple's

Sadhana. These are:-


1. Prajnanam Brahma (Pure Consiousness or Awareness is

Brahman) This is called Guru's Upadesha Vakya.


2. Tatwamasi (That thou art. The goal you are seeking

is indeed thine own Self) -This is called Guru's

Adesha Vakya.


3) Ayamatma Brahma (This Self of mine is indeed itself

the Brahman, the Absolute Self) - This is Abhayasa



4) Aham Brahmasmi ( I am myself the Brahman. The pure

Consciousness within me - the core of my being is

indeed itself the Brahman) This is Anubhava Vakya.


The Guru from his Anubhava (from his experience) gives

the Upadesha and Adesa Vakyas, which the disciple

listens to, with full faith and devotion. This is



The disciple then contemplates upon the truths

enunciated by the Guru. He does Manana (rumination)

over the statements made by the Guru and then takes to

Nidhidhyasana (contemplation) upon the truth, with

full and implicit faith and devotion. When the

disciple's whole mind gets gradually focused on the

Self, the mind melts off and the Truth of the Self

flashes itself in his (the disciple's) awareness. He

also then gains the Anubhava Jnana, like his Guru. He

exclaims in divine awareness "Aham Brahmasmi -



As per the Brahmara - Keetaka Nyaya, whereby the (ugly

looking) beetle gets metamorphosed and transfigured

into the beautiful Bhramara itself, so also the Jiva,

striken with ignorance and all the afflictions of the

worldly life, attains enlightenment and blossoms forth

and begins to shine in his Atmic (Divine) splendour,

just like his Guru, through Nidhidhyasana on the Guru

and the Guropadesa.


For this great and grand attainment in one's life,

what is the primary and indispensable requisite is

implicit faith in Guru's words and devotion to him.

Then Guru's grace flows by itself and lifts the

Sadhaka to the higher and exalted states of

Consciousness and to the Ultimate Truth and Reality.



gurorangripadme ManaScenna Lagnam tata: kim tata: kim tata: kim tata: kim






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