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mantra pushpam - meaning

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Mantra puspam contains the description of Virat

purusa. The prajapati exolled him as one who blesses

the persons praying him.


Mantra puspam is impregnated with the sum total of

Gayatri Hrdayam and Gayatri upanishat. The chanting of

Mantra puspam amounts to reciting Gayatri Hrdayam and



Mantra puspam is a Vedic extract. It is recited at the

end of daily worship in all Hindu temples. It also

contains text from Arunam and Maha souram. The

Creation of the universe is an utterance of Lord

Narayana. Who appeared in the Stages of Creation,

sustenance and dissolution. Creation has come up of

the Supra Cosmic Lord and it is not his function.


It is said that the Seven Centres, Muladhara cakra at

the tip of the Sacral region at the back, the

Svadhistana located, opposite to spleen along the

Spinal cord and the third Manipura Cakra at the navel

region and the fourth Anahata at the heart Centre and

the fifth Visuddha at the throat region and the sixth

Ajna Cakra between the eyebrows, the seventh Sahasrara

at the head centre got their Vibrations from the Seven

planets and there is turn from the Saptarsimandala.


These mystic sounds of the mantra when properly

meditated unlock the Seven Cosmic Centres (Nodes) and

establish direct link with Narayana.


The sound must be the beginning of creation. There

must be germsounds like germplasm. These are eternal

words out of which the whole universe has been



Nara means water and also man. The cosmic water can

dissolve everything in the Creation, the mind, buddhi,

intelligence and even soul. Nature is a product of God

and Hence Lord is indestructable. The Lord is the back

bone of cosmos. The Lord is eternal and exists at all

times. He may appear in a form like a wave of the



The meditation of Soul is a constant process and not

fixed to any particular times. The Lord is meditated

upon as Supreme as Knowledge. Belongs to mind and

wisdom to Soul.


All qualities and Nature belongs to God. The abode of

Narayana is in the heart in the form of an inverted

lotus bud. The beginning of Creation is the unfoldment

of lotus bud.


The Cosmic energy is like the germinating Core of a

rice seed. The principle of procreation called Adithi

is the mother principle of Cosmos.


The Solar Sun feeds from the Cosmic energy and gives

inturn Solar energy. (Suparna Sukta in Veda) This

energy is given to mature unto the earth in the form

of Cloud. The Sun’s rays evaporates the Waters through

radiation and converts them into potential energy. It

is otherwise known as magnetic energy. The Clouds are

charged with electrical energy for the procreation.


The Sun is a bundle of flames responsible for

combustion. The energy is directly drawn from space

and Converted into light energy by the Centre of the

Sun globe which is the Cosmic Consiousness otherwise

known as Supreme Consciousness “Narayana”.


Sun is a body of reflection and he transmits the same

again to Moon and other planets.


The earth receives the Solar light and gives the same

energy to all the living beings on the earthly

hemisphere. Narayana the source of Waters presides

over the spiritual water of experience.


Fire is the origin of water which in turn is the

source of fire. Watervapour condensed produces heat.

The space is filled with actual light called (Samudra)

possessing fine electrical energy and from this fire

is produced.


Contemplation upon the source of thought and mind

bestows eternal happiness.


Air is the source of water which in turn becomes the

source of water. Air is nothing but pulsation of

Space. The energies of space becomes molecules of air.

The breath and consciousness of the individual is to

merge into the Universal consciousness which is

nothing but eternal happiness.


Water is the source of heat which is responsible for

creation. Heat is converted into light which in turn

becomes the Sun’s magnetic field i.e. life’s energy.

One must meditate on his life’s energy, the source of

breath. The two palms contains two magnetic energy

centres when come in contact with water gets

stimulated and correct the health disorders. (Dr. P.J.

Mohan Rao).


The moon light is a reflector of the Sunlight in a

pleasant form as does the water.


The Constellations in the sky are the source of

creation which inturn are the waters of space. The

biological and animal kingdoms owe their existance to

the constellations.


Water is produced on earth due to the rotation of

earth around the Sun, and rains due to its rotation in

the season. Respiration is the product of these



“OM” is the node of cosmic mystic sound, the pulsation

of creation and activity. OM is real and all else is

unreal. The vibrations of ‘OM’ comes down and covers

the body and soul.


Kubera serves Lord Siva who is Kameswara, the

fulfiller of all desires. The breadth of Gods the

centripetal and contrifugal forces and Aswins in the

exhalation and inhalation are Apana and prana.

Vibration is the strength of Visnu, which emanates

from an eternal source.


Lord Narayana is the pulsator of water, the light, the

supreme consciousness outside and inside, the energy

the intelligence the source of eternal happiness,

creative intelligence and Vaisravana in Visnu.


It is stated that there are Seven life giving breath

airs in the body. They are Avaham, Pravaham, Nivaham,

Varaham, Udvaham, Samvaham, parihavam. Among them

parihavam also known as Mareeci is said to safeguard

Atma and Paramatma. If this particular Vayu (air) is

not circulated, the Atma and Paramatma will disappear

from the body. It is acclaimed as more minutest than

prana Vayu (oxygen) which we breathe in. Hence if this

parivaham vayu (air) is discovered and allow it to

circulate in the body prana will not desert us and

death is averted.


Thus Mantra puspam has a unique place in the worship

of god who is responsible for our birth and death and

the fulfiller of all our desires, destinies and liberation.



gurorangripadme ManaScenna Lagnam tata: kim tata: kim tata: kim tata: kim






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