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Hanuman Calisa

By Swami Tejomayananda Courtesy & Copyright Chinmaya





Living in this world, it is almost impossible for any

individual to load a life that is above criticism –

just or unjust. If we study the great epic, Ramayana,

we find that even Lord Rama and Mother Sita could not

escape criticism, though unjust, from their own

subjects. The only person in Ramayana who succeeded in

accomplishing this difficult task is Sri Hanuman – the

greatest devotee of the Lord. We do not find a single

incident wherein Sri Hanuman has made any mistake and

got blamed for it. He is the very embodiment of

wisdom, devotion and service. This noble son of Wind

God (vayu) has innumerable virtues.


We all very easily recognize the importance and the

service of sun because it is not available in the

night. But the wind remains with us all the 24 hours

of the days, serving all beings without any desire for

recognition and appreciation for its service. Thus we

take its existence for granted, without paying much

respect and attention to it. Sri Hanuman has imbibed

from his father, Wind God this race and noble virtue

of serving all without a trace of pride in his heart.

He crossed the ocean, entered the formidable Lanka and

burnt it. He discovered Mother Sita, killed the

demonic forces of Ravana. He served Lord Rama in such

numerous ways that the Lord Himself felt overwhelmed

with extreme love and gratitude for Sri Hanuman and He

gave expression to His feelings as well. But on

hearing his own praise, Sri Hanuman, the true devotee

of the Lord, fell at His feet with tears in his eyes,

giving all credit for his achievements to Lord Rama

alone. What a noble and inspiring ideal of service

with utmost humility!


Generally we are advised that we should imbibe from

Sri Hanuman’s character, this rare quality of serving

our master with unswerving faith and devotion. But

little do we realize that before doing so, it is of

extreme importance to know who should really be our

Master. He who is the Lord of the total universe and

in serving whom our potential divinity comes to shine

forth; He alone can be our true Master. This truth is

seen revealed in the life of Sri Hanuman. Before

meeting Lord Rama he was serving Sugreeva but his

powers remained dormant at the time and Sugreeva was

not able to bring them out as Lord Rama did by His

sheer grace. We see that Sugreeva himself was fraught

with mortal fear of death at the hands of his own

brother Vali, and was dependent on Sri Hanuman for his

own protection. How could such a person ever be

anyone’s true Master?


On the other hand when Sri Hanuman saw Lord Rama for

the very first time he recognized his Master

immediately and, thereafter, not only himself became

His loyal and devoted servant but also made Sugreeva

follow his example. As soon as Sugreeva surrendered

himself to the lotus feet of Lord Rama, he received

the fruit of his devotion. In Lanka also, the

she-demon Lankini and Vibheeshana were serving Ravana,

the mighty but atrocious king. They were under the

same notion that they should serve their Master,

whoever he may be. It is only Sri Hanuman who made

them realize their mistake. After recognizing this,

they both became devotees of Lord Rama.


Thus, we see that neither a weakling like Sugreeva nor

a mighty person like Ravana can ever be a true Master.

Lord Rama alone can be that Master who is great, not

because He keeps all beings under His control like

Ravana but because He makes His devotees greater than



May we all come to recognize Lord Rama as our Master

and serve Him in the attitude of His great devotee Sri

Hanuman? May we ever revel in singing the holy name of

the Lord – Sri Ram Jaya Ram Jaya Jaya Ram!



Hanuman Calisa

om sri ganesaya namah


Hanuman Chalisa is the most popular composition of the

great Saint Goswami Tulsidas, the author of Tulsi

Ramayan. He composed Hanuman Chalisa when he was very

sick. He sang the praise of Sri Hanuman and it is said

that he recovered from his illness. The significance

of singing the glories of the Lord is to purify your

speech and mind. It is impossible to sing all His

glories because they are infinite. You should chant

those of His glories that are dear to you. In the

Sundarakand of Tulsi Ramayan, Saint Tulsidas sings the

glory of Sri Hanuman:


Atulita-baladhamam svarna-sailabhadeham

Danuja-vana-kusanum jnaninam-agra-ganyam /


Sakala-guna-nidhanam vanaranam-adhisam

Raghupati-priya-bhaktam vata-jatam namami //


I salute the son of Wind God, the abode of

immeasurable strength, possessing a body shining like

a mountain of gold, a fire to consume the forest of

the demon race, the foremost among the wise,

storehouse of every excellence, the chief of the

monkeys, Lord Rama’s noble devotee!


The first attractive attribute that you see in Sri

Hanuman is that he is the abode of immeasurable and

incomparable strength that is not merely physical but

also has a splendor (tejas) in it. His splendor is

like a golden mountain. It is a rare quality. He uses

his strength not to scare ordinary of weak people but

to destroy those who give trouble to saintly persons.

He not only has the power but also is considered as a

wise, noble soul (jnanin). His language as well as the

feelings are pure.


The most admirable virtue of Sri Hanuman is his

politeness. Ravana was strong but he had pride. Such a

person does not really command any respect. Sri

Hanuman is truly the king of all Vanaras. To him, Lord

Rama is very dear. Also we can say that Sri Hanuman is

the favorite devotee of Lord Rama. When one has love

for the Lord, Lord embraces His devotee in thousand



Sri Hanuman brought life to all. He helped Sugreeva

get rid of his fear of Vali and he inspired

Vibheeshana who came away from Ravana to surrender at

the feet of the Lord. He saved the life of Mother

Sita, by conveying the message of the Lord to her. He

brought the sanjivani plant and saved the life of

Lakshmana. He proceeded to Ayodhya, much before Lord

Rama and conveyed the message of Lord’s arrival to

Bharata, who was ready to immolate himself then. It is

the glory of Sri Hanuman in the form of Hanuman



Hanuman Chalisa is sung in various parts of India with

great love and devotion. Some people chant it as their

daily prayer. People believe that if they have illness

or adversity, chanting of Hanuman Chalisa seven times

or one hundred times will relieve them of their

distress. There are others who consider Saturday or

Tuesday to be dedicated to Sri Hanuman and they spend

the day in thinking about the glories of Sri Hanuman,

going to the temple and chanting Hanuman Chalisa.

Thus, we see that this great composition of Saint

Tulsidas has become a part of the culture and

religious beliefs of a large number of people in

India. The word Chalisa means forty. This composition

has forty verses in praise of Sri Hanuman. Those who

are familiar with the story of Ramayana know his

greatness. As we read individual verses in detail, we

shall appreciate his various qualities namely love,

devotion, service, velour etc.


In life, it is almost impossible for a person to

remain free from blemish. Whether right or wrong,

criticisms and accusations are leveled against

everyone, It is impossible to escape this and no one

is immune from it. even Lord Rama and the divine

Mother Sita are not spared. Lord Rama was an

incarnation of righteousness and Mother Sita was the

incarnation of purity. They also are unfairly blamed

and criticized. But there is one character in Ramayana

who is above all criticisms and that is Sri Hanuman.

He is a great devotee and totally free from all faults

and blemish. We shall see this in more detail as we

study the text.


Dohas Chapter 1


sri guru carana saroja raja

nijamanu mukuru sudhari /


baranau raghubara bimala jasu

jo dayaku phala cari // 1 //


With a spotless (serene) mind, purified by the dust of

the lotus feet of Guru, I now (proceed to) describe

the unblemished glory of Sri Hanuman; the most exalted

one of Raghu’s family, who is capable of bestowing the

four fruits (purusartha-s) on his devotees.


Hanuman Chalisa is composed in the Avadhi language,

which is a dialect of Hindi and is spoken in Ayodhya

(in Uttar Pradesh, India), where Lord Rama was born.

Though an offshoot of Hindi, it has been modified over

the years where even students of Hindi may have

trouble in understanding a lot of the Avadhi words.

The word baranau means – I am going to describe. It

comes from the Sanskrit verb varnan ‘to describe’.

Saint Tulsidas says that in these verses he is going

to describe the holy, pure noble glories (bimala jasu)

of raghuvar. Lord Rama belonged to the dynasty of

Raghu (raghuvamsa). Raghu was a great king and the

entire dynasty was named after him. Raghuvar means the

supreme, the best among the descendants of Raghu

dynasty – Lord Rama. This particular verse is found in

Ayodhyakand of Ramcharita Manas. There we understand

that it refers to the glories of Lord Rama. In fact in

the second part of Ayodhyakand, the glories of Bharata

(younger brother of Lord Rama) are sung. So this verse

could also refer to Bharata as raghuvar since he was a

noble brother. Even though Hanuman Chalisa praises

Lord Rama, it is essentially being sung in praise of

Sri Hanuman. Why would then, Saint Tulsidas address

Sri Hanuman as raghuvar? As we all know, he was not

born in the Raghu dynasty. He was in the form of a

monkey. But there is a beautiful interpretation for

this. In Tulasi Ramayan, it is mentioned that he was

the adopted son of lord Rama and Mother Sita. When Sri

Hanuman went to Lanka to meet Mother Sita, she

recognized him as the greatest devotee of Lord Rama

and addressed him as Suta, my son. In turn, Sri

Hanuman called her as Janani, mother (one who gives

birth). And when Sri Hanuman returned from Lanka, Lord

Rama also addressed him as ‘son’. It is interesting

that Sri Hanuman met Lord Rama first but Mother Sita

was the one who addressed him first as son and

developed that relationship with him. In human life

also it is mother who gets close to the child first

and the relationship of father develops later.


Thus, Lord Rama and Mother Sita’s son becomes ‘one who

belongs to the dynasty of Raghu – raghuvamsl. And

because of the noble, divine qualities of Sri Hanuman,

he is referred to as raghuvar, the supreme and the

best. However, Sri Hanuman gives all the credit for

his success to Lord Rama. In fact the two are

inseparable. Hence these verses describe the glories

of the supreme descendants of Raghu.


Saint Tulsidas then goes on to say, “I am describing

the glories of Sri Hanuman, because he was not an

ordinary person. Don’t take him to be like an ordinary

king or divine minister or dictator. He is greater

than all those. Singing his glories gives you all the

four goals of life. The four goals are: Dharmah

arthah, kamah and moksah.


Arthah refers to wealth and prosperity and kamah means

worldly joy of sense pleasures. Some people may be

very rich but are not able to enjoy their wealth. They

may be so sick that they can’t even eat. Their

breakfast may be only medicines! What use is such

wealth? Others may have wealth and joy, but do not

perform any meritorious deeds, dharmah. They do not do

things for others and such people suffer in life.

Singing the glories of Sri Hanuman gives you dharmah

and also punyah (merit) to enjoy heaven. But the most

important goal of man's life is liberation from the

sufferings of the cycle of birth and death, moksah Sri

Hanuman can grant this great goal also to us.


How does one prepare oneself to sing the glories of

Sri Hanuman? It is by purifying one’s mind. A clean,

pure mind will be able to relate with the Lord and

fell His presence everywhere. Saint Tulsidas says. Sri

guru carana saroja raja nijananu mukuru sudhari. The

word sudhari signifies perfecting purifying and

cleaning. nijamanu mukuru means ‘the mirror of my

mind.’ I will clean the mirror of my mind so it will

reflect the glories of the Lord. Only in a clean

mirror the reflection is clear and in the mind-mirror,

Sri Hanuman’s glories can shine. How will I clean this

mind-mirror? guru carana saroja raja – with the dust

of my teacher’s lotus feet. By surrendering myself at

the feet of my teacher and in service to him, I will

be able to cleanse my mind of all impurities.




buddhihina tanu janike

sumirau pavana kumara /


bala buddhi bidya dehu mohi

harahu kalesa bikara // 2 //


Knowing that I am ignorant, I pray to you (Sri

Hanuman) the son of Wind God, to bless me with

strength, wisdom and discriminating knowledge. Banish

(all) my afflictions


Sumirau is derived from the sanskrit word smarana –

‘to remember’. In these local dialects, the difficult

Sanskrit words become sweeter and easier to pronounce.

The verse says, I remember pavana kumarah, son of the

Wind-god. Bala buddhi bidya dehu mohi – bless me with

strength that include physical, moral and strength of

character. Vidya means knowledge and buddhi is the

faculty with which we gain knowledge. If I do not have

this faculty, how can I know anything or learn? A

blind man has physical eyes, but does not have the

faculty of seeing. To gain knowledge, I must have the

faculty of knowing and understanding and also I must

use it. In this world every man is blessed with

intellect (buddhih), but not every one is intelligent

(buddhiman). A wise man not only learns, but also uses

that knowledge to help him others. One man was asked,

‘Why do you always act so foolish, why don’t you use

your brains?’ He said, ‘God has given me a limited

amount of intellect. I have to live for 70 years. If I

use it all right now, it will finish by the time I get

older. So, I have to conserve it and use it



People do not use their intellect and this is the

reason for bondage. Even if they do use it, it is only

at the worldly, superficial level. They do not think

about themselves, the truth behind this life or this

world. Saint Tulsidas says: ‘Bless me with strength

and knowledge.’ What will this knowledge do? Harahu

kalesa bikara – this knowledge alone can remove my

sufferings. Vikara means change or modification which

we are afraid of and do not want to accept. Kalesa (in

samskrit, klesah) here refer to afflictions that cause

misery, perversions and negative tendencies. Five

kinds of afflictions are mentioned in the scriptures:


1. Avidya – ignorance

2. Asmita – ego (the product of ignorance)

3. Ragah – things I like

4. Dvesah – things I dislike, and

5. Abhinivesah – fear of death.


Everyone suffers from these five afflictions. The more

likes and dislikes you have, the more unhappy you

become if you get the things you like you are happy

and if not or if you get things you dislike that make

you unhappy. However, it is not always possible to

have around you, the objects, people and places that

you like. In this way we create more sorrows for

ourselves. Even things that you like are not permanent

and you worry about preserving and multiplying them.

All these conditions bring increased sorrow and

stress. Saint Tulsidas says that worship of Sri

Hanuman frees the devotee from all these five

afflictions buddhihina tanu janike – knowing myself to

be ignorant. Tanu means body and buddhihina means

ignorance, absence of wisdom. To consider oneself only

as body is ignorance. The body is only inert matter,

has no life and has no capabilities to do anything by

itself. It is only when this body is permeated by

Lord’s grace, with His power it comes to life and

functions. So people who consider this body to be most

important are foolish.


To summarize, first clean your mind by rendering

service to your teacher. Once your mind is clean, the

glories of the Lord will shine clearly in your heart.

With this attitude, you sing the glories of the Lord

and you will get all that you seek, i.e. noble virtues

(dharmah), prosperity (arthah), joy (kamah) and

liberation (moksah). All you sorrows will disappear

and your ignorance will vanish. Such is the prayer of

Saint Tulsidas.


A simple meaning pavana kumarah is that he was the son

of the Wind God. Wind keeps on blowing, and therefore

it is a great purifier. For example, if you walk into

a room that has all windows and doors shut for a

while, it becomes very stuffy. The moment you open the

windows, the air blows in and purifies the atmosphere.

So the God of Wind is a great purifier. His son Sri

Hanuman also moves around from place to place and

wherever he goes, he purifies the atmosphere. People

who come in contact with him also get purified. The

second meaning is that the wind always serves us

silently. The sun serves us during the day and the

moon illumines the earth at night. We see them when

they are present and notice their absence when they

are not visible. One the other hand, the wind serves

us constantly, day and night. Also it is within us in

the form of vital air (pranah), without which we

should be dead in a few minutes. However, the

invisible wind serves us silently without ostentation.

Hence, we often take it for granted. The wind does not

have any ego or sense of ‘I –ness.’


Similarly, his son Sri Hanuman’s life is full of

service to Lord Rama. He has no sense of pride,

arrogance or false ego. His goal is to serve the Lord

continuously with humility and devotion. These are the

qualities that we need to imbibe in us. Let us always

serve others, silently, without expecting praise or



Caupai 1-7 Chapter 2


Caupai 1:

jaya hanuman jnana guna sagara /

jaya kapisa tihuloka ujagara // 1 //


Victory to you, O Hanuman, who is an ocean of

knowledge and virtues. Victory to you. O Hanuman (Lord

of the monkeys), who is well known in all the three



Hanu means chin. But anyone who has a chin be called

as Sri Hanuman? His chin was cut, cleaved in the

middle and the whole mouth is swollen. When he was

born early in the morning, he was the rising sun and

thought it was a fruit. He had the ability to fly and

he flew to the sun and swallowed it. The whole world

became dark. Nobody could understand who this little

child was that had swallowed the sun?


At that time, Lord Indra, king of all gods came there

with his thunderbolt. His thunderbolt is infallible

and whoever is struck by it will be dead instantly.

Lord Indra struck that little child with his

thunderbolt to free the sun. The bolt struck Sri

Hanuman on the chin. However, being all-powerful, he

did not die but releasing the sun, he fell on the

earth and became unconscious. When the Wind God came

to know what had happened, he became very angry and

stopped the flow air. Everyone was dying without air.

They started praying to Wind God and all gods came and

sought apology. The Wind God said, ‘All of you will

have to bless my son with all your powers and good

qualities that you possess.’ Thus Sri Hanuman came to

be blessed with all might and strength.


Sri Hanuman is so strong that he could withstand a

blow from the mighty thunderbolt of Lord Indra. Saint

Tulsidas says that he is strong and he uses this

strength in the service of the Lord and others. Many

people who are also strong use their strength to

subjugate others and become dictators. Sri Hanuman

does not misuse his strength.


jnana guna sagara means, ‘you are an ocean of

knowledge and virtue’. Often people who have some

knowledge or a degree from some university become very

arrogant. They consider themselves superior to others.

But Sri Hanuman is the best among all learned people

(buddhimatam varistham) and also he has all the noble

virtues. The greatest virtues are humility and

nobility of character. He is the very embodiment of

these virtues. And the greatest knowledge is

Self-knowledge. Sri Hanuman has that too. He knew

exactly who he was. Lord Rama once asked him, ‘What is

your relationship with me?’ Sri Hanuman answered, ‘As

a body, I am your servant; as an individual soul, I am

a part of you and you are the whole; as the Self, we

both are one. This is my firm conviction!’ –

(deha-buddhya tu daso’smi jiva-buddhya tvadamsakah /

atma-buddhya tvamevaham iti me niscita matih //

Valmiki Ramayana)


Besides, Sri Hanuman is always good in his dealings

with everyone and dealt with each person appropriately

depending on his rank and stature. Valmiki Ramayan

says that he was a scholar and knew 9 kinds of

Sanskrit grammar (nava-vyakarana panditah). But at the

same time, he is an epitome of humility (guna sagara).

jaya kapisa means victory to the Lord of the monkeys.

In Tulasi Ramayan, at first Bali was the king of the

monkeys and then Sugreeva. They were kings, but Sri

Hanuman was the Lord who was a kingmaker! When

Sugreeva was running around, being afraid of his

brother Bali, it was Sri Hanuman’s courage and bravery

that gave him strength. And who is a true king? Is it

one who rules over a piece of land or a kingdom? Is it

one who gets power because the majority of people

voted for him? Or is it the one who rules over the

hearts of all people? Crowned king is an appointed

head of the state. But real Lordship is an uncrowned

king who is worshipped and respected by all. Such a

king is Sri Hanuman. He is Kapisah (kapi means monkey

and isah Lord). Also the word kapi stands for one who

drinks the joy of Brahman, which is the true

happiness. (ka – joy (sukham) and pi (pipate) – one

who drinks). The Chandogya Upanishad says, ‘That which

is infinite, that alone is happiness’. That which is

finite is not happiness. So one who knows this and

revels in the joy of Brahman is a kapi. Sri Hanuman is

not an ordinary monkey and none should insult him by

calling him a monkey-God. He is in the form of a

monkey, but he is a brahmajnanin, one who has supreme



tihuloka ujagara means, he who is well known in all

the three worlds. The light of his fame spreads

everywhere, everyone knows him and respects him.


Caupai 2:

Ramaduta atulita baladhama /

Anjani-putra pavana-suta nama // 2 //


You are the envoy of Lord Rama, an abode of

incomparable strength, the son of Anjana (popularly)

known with the name Pavana-suta (son of the Wind God).


Sri Hanuman is a messenger of Lord Rama. Being a

messenger is a difficult job. One has to make sure

that one delivers the message promptly and correctly.

In Sri Hanuma’s case, the job was more difficult

because he had to deliver a message to the enemy, King

Ravana of Lanka. The messenger even can get killed in

this endeavor! Prior to this, he had to secretly

deliver Lord Rama’s message to Mother Sita, concealing

himself from all the demon guards. But Sri Hanuman’s

greatness is that whatever he undertakes, he does

well, with complete devotion and courage.


He is the very epitome of immeasurable strength,

strength that you cannot compare with anything

(atulita). Saint Tulsidas says, ‘The first thing that

one notices is Sri Hanuman’s superhuman powers. His

mother’s name was Anjani (also, Anjana), which means

pure intellect. So. he was born of pure intellect, the

son of a pure hearted mother. Anjana also stands for

the beautifying paste that you put in your eyes.

Guru’s grace (gurukrpa) is also called Anjana, by

which one realizes the whole world to be Lord Rama.

Putra means a son who saves his parents from going to

hell. Various kinds of heaven and hell are described

in our scriptures. One of these is called pum.


A true son is one who saves his parents from suffering

and Misery (punnamno narakadyasmat-trayate pitaram

sutah. Tasmat putra iti proktah). Such a son was Sri

Hanuman. Also he brought so much fame to his parents.

If not for him, who would know Anjani?


Caupai 3:

mahabira bikrama bajarangi /

kumati nivara sumati ke sangi // 3 //


You, with the body as hard (strong) as diamond, are a

great warrior of incomparable valor; you are the

remover of wicked thoughts, and (you) grant me the

company of the wise.


Virah is a man of courage, strength, and valour. But

he is a mahabira, greatest warrior. Lord Rama Himself

sang his glories. Some poet or author would glorify an

ordinary warrior. But when the Lord Himself honors and

praises a person, that person cannot be an ordinary



Generally when one hears the word virah one considers

him having heroism and courage in the battlefield. But

there are five kinds of heroism (virata) are mentioned

in the scriptures:


1. Tyagavirah or dharmavirah – Hero in renunciation

and sacrifice. For the sake of righteous living, one

often has to sacrifice a lot. One who does this to

live a life of dharma is called tyagavirah.


2. Dayavirah – Hero in compassion. One who is great

even in compassion, cannot stand the sorrows of

others, and will do anything to alleviate them is a



3. Vidyavirah – Hero in knowledge and learning.


4. Danavirah – Hero in charity. Sri Hanuman gives you

anything you seek (dharmah, arthah, kamah and moksah).

But his greatest gift is that he gives you –devotion

to Lord Rama (rama-bhaktih).


5. Ranavirah – Brave warrior in the battlefield.


In the world, we may find people who have one kind of

heroism. They may be brave in battle, but lacking

knowledge (vidya) or compassion (daya). Sri Hanuman is

such a hero who has all five kinds of valour, hence he

is called mahabira. If all the five are used in the

service of the Lord, there can be nothing greater.

Such a person is called a Supreme Hero (paramavirah).

Lord Rama said to Sri Hanuman, ‘I am forever indebted

to you. I will never be able to repay you debt’.


bikrama – A mighty person, one who has great valour.

Sri Hanuman is also known as bajarangi. The original

Sanskrit word is vajra-angi. Sri hanuman has a body

made up of a steel-like frame, strong enough to

withstand the thunderbolt of Lord Indra. So, the word

vajra-angi became bajarangi in avadhi language, which

is easier to pronounce.


kumati nivara sumati ke sangi – You eliminate all

illusions of the mind. kumati means all vicious,

negative tendencies of the mind. nivara means, to get

rid of. sumati ke sangi – you gave us bright intellect

or you are the friend of a person of good intellect.

Sri Hanuman gives us good thoughts and eliminates evil

thoughts. These words can also mean that Sri Hanuman

punishes people who are evil and he supports those who

are good.


Caupai 4:

kancana barana biraja subesa /

anana kundala kuncita kesa // 4 //


Your golden complexion shines more in attractive

clothes (which you are wearing) and with the

glittering earrings and (your) curly hair.


Caupai 5:

hatha bajra au dhvaja biraja /

kandhe munja janeu sajai // 5 //


You have the thunderbolt (in one hand) and the flag

(in another), and the sacred thread across your

shoulder made of munja grass decorates you.


Sri Hanuman carries a mace (gada) in his hand that is

strong like Lord Indra’s thunderbolt and kills whoever

it is used on. The word gada also means ‘to speak’.

This weapon is used in the battlefield to eliminate

enemies and the other, to flatten and destroy

ignorance and ego with the help of words (true

knowledge). dhvaja birajai – He carries the flag of

Lord Rama in his hand which symbolically shows that he

always honors and remembers Lord Rama. Dhvaja also

stands for victory to Lord Rama. Usually flags were

flown on warrior’s chariots to identify them to a

friend or a foe. But Sri Hanuman’s body itself is like

a chariot as he flies from place to place. Thus, he

has to carry Lord Rama’s flag in his hand. Saint

Tulsidas says that Sri Hanuman carries the flag of

truthfulness, good character and faith in God’s name.


kandhe munja janeu sajai – janeu is the sacred thread

made of cotton that is worn around the neck when one

is initiated into gayatri-mantrah. Originally it was

made of munja grass and therefore known as munja

janeu. This thread ceremony is carried out when a boy

is between 5 and 10 years old to inform him that his

playful days are over. Thereafter, he has to begin a

life of Study and discipline. The knot in the thread

represents Brahman – the Supreme Consciousness. The

three threads woven together represent the three

qualities (sattva, rajas and tamas) and that they are

centered on Brahman. Traditionally, people are advised

to hold on to the knot of Brahman while chanting the

gayatri-mantrah. Sri Hanuman wears the sacred thread

made of munja grass on his shoulder and his attention

is always on Brahman.


Caupai 6:

sankara-suvana kesari-nandana /

teja pratapa maha jaga-bandana // 6 //


You are an incarnation of Shiva and son of Kesari.

Everyone in the world respects you because of your

luster and great valor.


Sankara-suvana kesari-nandana – Son of lord Shiva and

also son of Kesari. One may wonder as to how many

people is he the son of? Wind god, Lord Shiva and

Kesari? When Ravana’s atrocities were increasing and

he was playing havoc in the world, all the gods and

ascetics prayed to Lord Vishnu. They appealed to Him

that the earth cannot take much more of this misery

and requested the Lord to come and save everyone. Lord

said, ‘I will take birth as Rama, to free the earth

the evil grip of Ravana.’ Lord Brahma said to all

gods, ‘Since Lord Vishnu is coming on this earth; we

must all serve him there. As He is assuming the form

of human (narah), we should all assume the lower form

of monkeys (vanarah). So all the monkeys that served

Lord Rama were none other than the gods themselves.

Vali was the son of Indra, Sugreeva was the son of

Surya, etc. Vayu blessed Anjani and Kesari (parents of

Sri Hanuman) with his glow (tejas). This power he

placed in Sri Hanuman when he was born. Therefore he

is called as son of Wind.


Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu are good friends. When one

takes birth, the other wants to serve him. Lord Shiva

thought, ‘I wish to serve Lord Vishnu when he comes as

Lord Rama. If I comes as a member of his family, he

may hesitate to take service from me and may want to

serve me back. But if I come in a lower (monkey) form

there will be no such problem!’ Thinking thus, he

placed his tejas in Sri Hanuman to serve Lord Rama

Therefore, Sri Hanuman is called as son of Lord Shiva

(sankara suvana) and also known as an incarnation of

lord Shiva (rudra-avatarah).


His father’s name was Kesari, which also means ‘lion’.

Therefore, Sri Hanuman is born of a lion-like monkey

who is fearless, brave and strong. Sri Hanuman

purifies everybody that he comes in contact with, like

Wind-God He has the purity of intellect. He blesses

everyone, like Lord Shiva.


teja pratapa maha jaga-bandana – His glow or fame is

very bright and is praised by the entire world.

Everyone glorifies the name of Sri Hanuman.


Caupai 7:

bidyavana guni ati catura /

rama kaja karibe ko atura // 7 //


You are well versed in all the lores: you are fully of

virtues: you are highly intelligent. You are ever

ready to carry out the missions of Lord Rama.


bidyavana – Man of great knowledge and guni a person

of great virtue. ati catura – Extremely wise. There

are many people in this world who are very energetic

and wise but all their energy is directed into worldly

matters. If you ask them to do anything for God, or to

go to the temple, they suddenly find all kinds of

excuses. They will wake up early in the morning to

play tennis, but not for meditation. But Sri Hanuman

is ever ready to do the Lord’s work. When Lakshmana

was struck by the arrow of Indrajit (Ravana’s son), he

fell unconscious. The life saving sanjivani plant (a

kind of elixir) had to be brought right away to save

his life. Sri Hanuman said, ‘Put mustard seed in

boiling oil. In the time that it takes the seed to

cook, I will be back with the plant.’ When he went to

the Himalayan Mountains, he could not find the plant

so he brought the entire mountain. His service for the

lord is constant, with full of love and devotion (rama

kaja karibe ko atura).


Caupai 8-25 Chapter 3


Caupai 8:

prabhu caritra sunibe ko rasiya /

ramalakhana sita mana basiya // 8 //


You (always take) delight in listening to the glories

of Prabhu (Ramachandra) and you have Lord Rama,

Lakshmana and Mother Sita residing (permanently) in

your heart.


He takes great delight (rasiya) in listening to the

glories of the Lord. Usually, this is not our nature.

When a man becomes famous, he wants people to talk

about his glory; he does not want to listen to the

glories of others. He does not even want to talk about

the Lord’s glories. But Sri Hanuman always revels in

this joy and he is eager to hear people describe the

character and valor of lord Rama. In Sri Hanuman’s

heart, Lord Rama, Lakshmana and Mother Sita are ever

established. They always dwell in his heart. It also

means that Sri Hanuman lives in their heart too! Lord

Rama represents Self-knowledge, Mother Sita represents

devotion (bhaktih) and Lakshmana stands for sacrifice

and dispassion (vairagya). In Sri Hanuman there is

knowledge, devotion and dispassion, all of them in

great measure!


Caupai 9:

suksma rupadhari siyahin dikhava /

bikata rupadhari lanka jarava // 9 //


You assumed the minutest form (subtle form as small as

an atom) when you revealed yourself to Mother Sita,

and by assuming a fierce form, you burnt down (the

city of) Lanka.


Sri Hanuman had the power to become small or big. When

he went to meet Mother Sita, he became as small as a

mosquito so he could approach her without being

detected by the guards. In general, people who are big

do not want to become small. They are too proud to do

anything below their false ‘dignity’. But Sri Hanuman

has no such ego. He does whatever is required to

accomplish the Lord’s work. For him, the work is more



He assumed a huge form and destroyed and burnt

Ravana’s Lanka. This has several meanings. One is that

he destroyed Ravana’s places and forts. Lanka also

represents the land of sense pleasures, material

possessions, etc. during that time the people who

lived there were mostly demons (asurah), i.e. those

who think they are only the body. They do everything

for the body’s comforts, sense pleasures, etc. so he

destroyed the land of sensuality. He also had the

right knowledge that, ‘I am not this body, I do not

have to spend all my time taking care of this body’s

pleasures and comforts.’ So, Sri Hanuman’s grace gives

us true knowledge. This fire of Self-knowledge removes

our body’ identification and attachment. Another fire

is the fire of Mother Sita’s sorrow. It is said that

when a noble person is tortured, the fire of his or

her sorrow that arises cannot be quenched. The fire of

Mother Sita’s sorrow burnt Lanka to ashes.


Caupai 10:

bhima rupa dhari asura samhare /

ramacandra ke kaja samvare // 10 //


Assuming a dreadful form to destroy the demons, you

accomplished the mission of Lord Rama.


Caupai 11:

laya sanjivana lakhana jiyaye /

sri raghubira harasi ura laye // 11 //


You fetched sanjivani to revive Lakshmana (who had

fainted on the battlefield) and made Lord Rama happily

embrace you.


The arrow of Indrajit struck Lakshmana and Sri Hanuman

brought the life-saving sanjivani plant that brought

him back to life. Lord Rama was so delighted by this

act that he embraced Sri Hanuman to His heart. It is

evident that when the Lord embraces His devotee, He

places His heart in the devotee’s heart. So if you

want to find the Lord, you have to search for Him in

the heart of a true devotee.


Caupai 12:

raghupati kinhi bahuta badai /

tuma mama priya bharatahi sama bahi // 12 //


Lord Rama praised (you) very highly (and said), “You

are as dear to me as my brother Bharata”.


Caupai 13:

sahasa badana tumharo jasa gavan /

asa kahi sripati kantha lagavai // 13 //


Embracing you, Lord Rama Said, “Even Shesha, the

thousand headed serpent sings your glory”


It is believed that everyone meditates on Lord Rama,

but He meditates on Bharat, His younger brother.

Bharata was so dear to Him. Lord Rama says, ‘I love

you as much as my dear brother Bharata, whom I

remember at all times with great love.’ asa kahi

sripati kantha lagavai – sripatih or lakshmipatih

refers to Lord Rama (Lakshmi’s consort being Lord

Vishnu). He embraced Sri Hanuman to His heart and

praised him.


Saint Tulsidas says, - sahasa badana tumharo jasa

gavai – ‘The thousand-headed snake (sesah) is singing

your glories and even a thousand mouths are not enough

to sing your glories.’ Secondly sesah himself

incarnated as Lakhmana and he always sang Sri

Hanuman’s glories.


Caupai 14:

sanakadika brahmadi munisa /

narada sarada sahita ahisa // 14 //


The (great) sages like Sanaka, etc., and gods like

Brahma, Shesha (the King of Serpents) and Narada and

goddess Sharada.


Caupai 15:

jama kubera digapala jaha te /

kabi kobida kahi sake kaha te // 15 //


Yama – the god of death, Kubera – the god of wealth,

the eight regents (of the directions), poets and

scholars have not been able to praise you adequately.


The Sanat Kumars, Brahma, Indra, Vayu, Kubera (all the

gods) and Sages also praise you. The great sages like

Nrada, Sharada (sarasvati – goddess of Knowledge) all

sing your glories. Yama, God of Death, Kubera,

treasurer of gods, dik-palakah, guardian of all the

directions, great poets, scholars, pundits – all

praise you and sing your glories! These are

inexhaustible, how can I enumerate them?


Caupai 16:

tuma upakara sugrivahi kinha /

rama milaya rajapada dinha // 16 //


You helped Sugreeva in regaining his (lost) kingdom by

making him meet Lord Rama.


Sugreeva was a monkey king. His brother Vali (also

known as Bali) drove him out of the kingdom and became

king. Sugreeva lived in Rishyamukh Mountain, fearing

for his life. When Sugreeva saw Lord Rama and

Lakshmana approaching, he was afraid and thought that

they were sent by Bali to kill him. They looked so

brave and brilliant. He started running away. At that

time Sri Hanuman said, ‘Why don’t you find out who

they are, before running away? Don’t asume that these

mighty warriors are your enemies!’ Thus giving him

courage, Sri Hanuman brought Lord Rama to Sugreeva and

established friendship between them. Lord Rama then

killed Bali and Sugreeva was crowned as the king of

Kishkinda. Also by introducing Lord Rama to him,

Hanuman gave the knowledge of Supreme Truth to

Sugreeva, since the Absolute Reality is the Lord

Himself! Sri Hanuman expects nothing for himself and

he always remains as a servant of the Lord. This is

the greatness of Sri Hanuman.


Caupai 17:

tumaharo mantra bibhisana mana /

lankesvara bhaye saba jaga jana // 17 //


Vibheeshana heeded your advice. The entire world knows

that he became the king of Lanka.


In this context, mantra means advice (mantrana). Sri

Hanuman asked Vibheeshana (Ravana’s brother) to

surrender to Lord Rama. No sooner Vibheeshana did

that, Lord Rama appointed him as the king of Lanka.

Lord Rama never asked Sugreeva or Vibheeshana to

fulfil his task for crowning them as kings. All they

had to do was surrender to the Lord and all glory was

theirs. This shows that, by surrendering to Lord Rama,

you get secular powers and liberation (moksah) too!


Caupai 18:

juga sahasra jojana para bhanu /

lilyo tahi madhura phala janu // 18 //


You leaped quite easily at the Sun (who is) thousands

of miles away thinking him to be a sweet fruit.


When Sri Hanuman was born, he saw the sun in the sky

Thinking it to be a fruit, he flew towards it and

swallowed it! Some people say that this is impossible.

But he is the son of Wind God. The sun is fire and

wind (vayuh) is the cause of fire. After all, fire

merges into the air. So, why can’t air swallow the

fire? This is a Vedantic principle. Further, Sri

Hanuman is not an ordinary monkey. So why do we doubt

his power? He had all the powers that ascetics

(yogi-s) and gods have i.e., eight-fold powers and

nine types of wealth (astasiddhi and navanidhi), which

we shall see in a later verse. One more explanation

for this is that a child’s mind is always pure and a

child’s imagination runs very high. It always asks

questions about the sun, the moon and the stars. How

does it rain? Where did I come from? It does not ask

questions about dollar and monkey until so, a child’s

imagination runs as high as the sun. But as adults, we

don’t want to answer his question and ask him to shut

up. Similarly Lord Indra struck Sri Hanuman with his

thunderbolt so that he would not fly high. That is why

according to the story, the world became dark until

Sri Hanuman released the sun.


Caupai 19:

prabhu mudrika meli mukha mahi /

jaladhi lamghi gaye acaraja nahi // 19 //


Holding the Lord’s (Rama’s) ring in your mouth, you

flew over (crossed) the ocean, which is no wonder (as

you are capable of any achievement).


When all the monkeys went in search of Mother Sita

they came to the vast ocean. On the other side was

Lanka. They were not able to cross this ocean. Sri

Hanuman put Lord Rama’s ring in his own mouth. With

that, he was able to cross that vast ocean and reach

Lanka. That is the power of the Lord’s name. Another

spiritual meaning is that Mother Sita represents

devotion (bhaktih) and to reach devotion or liberation

(moksah) you have to cross this ocean. What is this

ocean? The feeling that ‘I am this body

(dehatmabhavah)’. This feeling is as difficult to get

over as crossing an ocean. But chanting the lord’s

name, we understand that we are not this body, and

this way we cross this ocean of samsara (world). There

is no doubt (acaraja nahi), that one can accomplish

anything by chanting the Lord’s name and acting with

full faith and devotion. Such people are not afraid of

anything in this world.


Caupai 20:

durgama kaja jagata ke jete /

sugama anugraha tumhare tete // 20 //


By your grace even the most difficult of tasks become

easy to accomplish.


Whatever difficulties or obstacles you encounter in

life, are overcome by the grace of Sri Hanuman. There

are three kinds of people in this world.


1. Those who do not start any new project for fear of

obstacles. They keep on imagining all kinds of

problems and obstacles, hence they never get started.

2. Those who start a lot of projects, but the moment

they encounter difficulty or resistance, they at once

quit and move to another project.

3. Those who, when they encounter more obstacles, gain

more enthusiasm and courage. Such people do not quit

until their work is finished.


Sri Hanuman blesses the third type of people and makes

their job easier. Even the most difficult task becomes

easy to accomplish.


Caupai 21:

rama duare tuma rakhavare /

hota no ajna binu paisare // 21 //


You guard the door (entry) to Lord Rama’s palace where

none dare to enter (or go out) without your



Caupai 22:

Saba sukha lahai tumhari sarana /

Tuma racchaka kahu ko dara na // 22 //


All those who seek refuge in you enjoy every kind of

happiness. Why should one be afraid of anything when

you are there to protect?


Sri Hanuman is the ever-vigilant guard at the door of

Shri Rama. That does not mean that he will prevent you

from entering. On the contrary, he pulls people

towards Lord Rama. That is his job. Due to this very

reason, Sri Hanuman is dearer to Lord Rama, than even

Lakshmana. Lord Rama said, ‘By his devotion Sri

Hanuman inspires other people to love me and come

towards me.’


Remember: tuma upakara sugrivahi kinha, tumharo mantra

bibhisanamana – With the help of Sri Hanuman, Sugreeva

regained his kingdom and Vibheeshana listened to his

advice and took refuge in Lord Rama’s feet.


Any person can accomplish anything by chanting Sri

Hanuman’s name that will make one brave and fearless,

full of devotion, faith and powerful. Surrender to Sri

Hanuman and you will get all his qualities. Also, Sri

Hanuman will take you to Lord Rama (the Lord himself)

which is the greatest goal of all human beings.


Caupai 23:

apana teja samharo apai /

tino loka haka te kapai // 23 //


You alone are capable of controlling your power. All

the three worlds tremble when you roar.


Caupai 24:

buta pisaca nikata nahi avai /

mahabira jaba nama sunavai // 24 //


Evil spirits dare not go near a person on hearing the

name of the great warrior (i.e., Sri Hanuman) being



Sri Hanuman’s power is so great that no one can

control it except himself. When his mighty roar is

heard, all the three worlds (heaven, earth and the

lower worlds – nether worlds) tremble in fear. His

power and strength know no limits. Chanting the name

of Sri Hanuman transfers the same power and courage to

his devotee. Ghosts and demons do not come near such a

person. What are ghosts? It is believed that if a

person suffers an untimely death (due to murder or

suicide) then his spirit haunts that place. Normally

after death, the soul takes up another body. But if

for some reason, it does not happen immediately, then

that spirit stays around for a while and that is

called ghost. Chanting Sri Hanuman’s name will keep

all such ghosts and evil spirits away from you.


Caupai 25:

nasai roga harai saba pira /

japata nirantara hanumata bira // 25 //


All the ailments and diseases and afflictions vanish

when your name is repeated continuously.


One who constantly chants the name of Sri Hanuman,

such a person’s diseases are cured and his pains are

taken away. Even incurable diseases can be cured. So

someone may ask, ‘If I have cancer, will it be cured?’

Yes. If you have complete faith, that is possible! But

the real explanation is, all diseases we suffer from

are diseases of the body and the mind. Diseases of the

body are known in Sanskrit as vyadhih and of the mind,

adhih. These diseases cause suffering if only we think

that we are this body. But if we lose this

body-identification and attachment, then we will not

be afraid even to die. We accept diseases of the body

and mind with more grace and courage and they do not

affect us. Sri Hanuman takes us to Lord Rama; he makes

us realize that the nature of the Lord is our very

Self. To such a person, bodily afflictions no longer



Caupai 26-40 Chapter 4


Caupai 26:

sankata te hanumana chudavai /

mana krama bacana dhyana jo lavai // 26 //


Sri Hanuman helps those who worship Him with sincerity

and faith (i.e. by thought, action, speech and prayer)

in overcoming difficulties.


If you worship Sri Hanuman in thought word and deed,

he will release you from all difficulties. Mana is

mind; krama (karma) is deed and bacana (vacana) is

words. So all your thoughts, words and actions should

be a worship of the Lord. Then no actions will bind

you, or cause any sorrow.


Caupai 27:

saba para rama tapasvi raja /

tinake kaja sakala tuma saja // 27 //


You carried out all the missions of Lord Rama, who is

a supreme yogi ruling over everyone.


Caupai 28:

aura manoratha jo koi lavai /

soi amita jivana phala pavai // 28 //


You bless everyone who seeks your grace and growth him

in large measure all he wants and also grant him the

full fruit of life.


If you worship Sri Hanuman, all your jobs will be

accomplished and you will never be unsuccessful. What

is the guarantee? Think of it. Sri Hanuman was able to

accomplish all the tasks assigned to him by the Lord

Rama Himself. So, if he can carry out the Lord’s

tasks, why can’t he accomplish yours? And whatever you

desire in life, Sri Hanuman will grant you. He will do

anything for you. However, you should see that your

desires are noble.


Caupai 29:

caro juga paratapa tumhara /

hai parasiddha jagata ujiyara // 29 //


Your glory radiates through all the four yuga-s and

your fame shines everywhere in the universe.


Caupai 30:

sadhu santa ke tuma rakhavare /

asura nikandana rama dulare // 30 //


You are the protector of the righteous and destroyer

of the wicked. You are very dear to Lord Rama.


Your fame is prevalent in all four ages (yug-s krta or

satya, treta, dvapara and kalih). Sri Hanuman was here

on this earth only in tretayuga. Then how could his

glory, be present in all four ages? Lord’s glory is

eternal and his devotee’s glory is eternal too!

Secondly, the four ages follow each other in a cycle.

Kaliyuga is followed again by satyayuga So, Sri

Hanuman’s glory will be remembered for ages. And

besides that, the Wind God is always present and

without him life is not possible. So his son Sri

Hanuman is also (ciranjivi), one who lives forever!


He is protector of the saints and sages and destroyer

of demons. So, if a person is mighty, he should use

his strength to help good people and combat wicked

ones. Sri Hanuman is dear to Lord Rama.



Caupai 31:

atasiddhi nau nidhi ke data /

asa bara dinha janaki mata // 31 //


Janakimata (Mother Sita) bestowed on you the boon that

you may grant the eight siddhis (supernatural powers)

and the nine forms of wealth (on anyone you like).


When Sri Hanuman went to Lanka to meet Mother Sita, he

saw her and gave her the news of Lord Rama and

described His glories. Prior to this, Mother Sita was

very unhappy, but as soon as she heard that Lord Rama

was coming to her, her joy knew no bounds. She

immediately blessed Sri Hanuman, saying, ‘You will be

the giver of eight-fold supernatural powers of Yogis

(astasiddhi) and nine kinds of wealth of Kubera



These eight eight-fold supernatural powers are

described in the scriptures:


1. Anima – the power to assume a very small form (like

an atomic particle) or to become so subtle that one

can pervade even the smallest particle in the


2. Mahima – the power to become large, to pervade

everything from the smallest to the largest. We know

from Sri Hanuman’s visit to Lanka, that he became as

small as a mosquito to meet Mother Sita and became a

huge giant to confront the demons.

3. Garima – the power to make oneself heavy. Even a

limb of the body becomes so heavy that no one can lift

it. There is a story of the mighty warrior Bhima of

Mahabharata, walking in the forest when he encounters

Sri Hanuman lying on his side with his long tail in

the way. Bhima asked Sri Hanuman to move his tail (not

realizing whom he was talking to). Sri Hanuman said,

‘I am old, why don’t you lift my tail and move it?

Bhima tried to lift it, but despite all his strength,

he was unable to move it even an inch. That was when

he realized that it was no ordinary monkey, and

prostrated before him in humility. Sri Hanuman had

Garima siddhih too!

4. Laghima – the power to lighten oneself like a

feather. When he was in Lanka Sri Hanuman was huge,

taller than the tallest palace. But still, he was able

to lightly from rooftop to rooftop, without crushing

the buildings – this is due to Laghima siddhih.

5. Praptih – the power to attain whatever one wants.

With this power one is able to sit in one place and

watch everything that is going on not only on this

earth, but also in other worlds like Brahmalokah. With

television and satellites one is able to see only this

universe, (mrtyulokah) but not other worlds.

6. Prakamyam or Prakasyam – Prakamyam is the ability

to go anywhere in the three worlds, earth, heavens and

netherworlds. Prakasyam is to have a

self-illuminating, shining body. Sri Krishna’s body

was like that. When the Gopi-s hide the butter in a

dark place, he would come at night with his friends.

Because of Sri Krishna’s luminous body, they were able

to find the butter easily and eat it.

7. Isitvam – the power to rule over all the worlds.

Sri Hanuman rules over everybody’s hearts by his good

deeds and character, and not by his mighty power.

8. Vasitvam – the power to control everybody, to make

them follow you. Sri Hanuma’s magnetic personality

made everyone love him and obey him. Similarly, Lord

Rama had this ability. When he went to the forest, the

entire city of Ayodhya was empty as all people wanted

to follow him to the forest. When Sri Krishna played

his flute, not only the Gopis but even the cows and

birds also came to him. Nine kinds of wealth and

precious stones of Kubers are: Mahapadma, Padma,

Shankha, Makara, Kachapa, Mukunda, Kunda, Neela and

Kharva (mahapadmasca padmasca sankho-makara-kacchapau

I mukunda –kunda-nilasca kharvasca nidhayo nava //).

However, the greatest wealth that Sri Hanuman gives us

is love for Ram (ramarasah). Once you have that, you

don’t need any other wealth.


Caupai 32:

rama rasayana tumhare pasa /

sada raho raghupati ke dasa // 32 //


The elixir of devotion to Lord Rama is with you, who

always stays at the feet of Lord Rama as his servant

(with utmost humility).


Caupai 33:

tumhare bhajana ramako pavai /

janama janama ke dukha bisaravai // 33 //


Singing your praise makes Lord Rama bless (that

person) and makes one forget (relieves of) one’s

miseries of all (previous) births.


Caupai 34:

Anta kala raghubara pura jai /

Jaha janma haribhakta kahai // 34 //


At the end of one’s life when one goes to the abode of

Rama, such a person will be deemed as having been born

as a devotee of Hari (Lord Rama).


Mother Sita said, ‘May you always serve Lord Rama with

great love and devotion – may you always be his dear

servant. If anyone worships you, he automatically

obtains Lord Rama’. Another interpretation is that

Lord Rama is happy if people praise Sri Hanuman. So

this is the best way to please Lord Rama. One who

worships you will have no sorrow. He will forget

sorrows not only of this life but all past lives too.

Such a person at the time of death will go to the

abode of Lord Rama. This is also called vaikunthalokah

or saketalokah, where being born, they become devotees

of the Lord. And what do these devotees do? Just sit

and watch the Lord and nothing else. Some say that it

is unproductive to just watch the Lord do nothing

else. But these same people spend hours, watching

Television! True devotees never brow tired of watching

the lord, who is the very embodiment of all beauty,

kindness and compassion. In fact, devotees wish to be

born again on this earth when the Lord manifests as an

incarnation, so that they can be with Him and watch

his glories.


Caupai 35:

aura devata catta na dharai /

hanumata sei sarba sukha karai // 35 //


Even though a devotee does not bring to his memory

(worship) any other deity but Hanuman, he will

(surely) enjoy all happiness.


Caupai 36:

samkata katai mitai saba pira /

jo sumirai hanumata bala bira // 36 //


All miseries and torments vanish when one remembers

the brave Hanuman.


Saint Tulsida says, you do not need to remember any

other god. Just remember Sri Hanuman, you will get all

happiness from him. What does this means? One should

have full faith in whoever one worships, have single

pointed devotion. If you choose to worship Sri Hanuman

with full faith, all your prayers will be answered.

Another meaning of this verse is that some people

worship other gods or deities like Lord Indra etc.

asking for worldly pleasures or success etc. but these

deities are themselves full of desire. Lord Indra is

always afraid that some one who carries out great

penance may take over the throne of his heavenly

kingdom. So such deities may forget to answer your

prayer. But Sri Hanuman’s devotion is without any

selfish desire. He is always engaged in the service of

others. So he will never forget to answer your prayer.

Therefore worship him. All your problems, pains and

sorrows will be eliminated.


Caupai 37:

jai jai jai hanumana gosai /

krpa karahu gurudeva ki nai // 37 //


Victory to You! Victory to You! Victory to You! O God

Hanumanji! Bless us with your grace as our preceptor.


Victory to Sri Hanuman, who is a Gosvami (gosai – in

Avadhi dialect). Gosvami in Sanskrit means one who has

control over his senses. (go – sense organs; svamin –

master). Sri Hanuman can face any challenge and emerge

victorious because he has full control over his body

and mind. Any person, who is in full control of one’s

senses and worships Sri Hanuman with full devotion,

will emerge victorious. No challenge is too great for

such a person. Most of us have no control over our

mind; we let it run here and there. Let us make it

single pointed towards Sri Hanuman. nai means ‘like’

similar to’. Sri Hanuman is like a guru, a

compassionate teacher. As we read earlier, Sri Hanuman

is an incarnation of Lord Shiva, who is worshipped as

the universal teacher (guruh). Sri Hanuman is also a

compassionate guru and one should learn from him.

Another meaning of guru is one who swallows the

weaknesses of his students. Even if the student is

foolish, or makes mistakes, a true guru will overlook

it. He will help his students overcome their faults.

So, worship of Sri Hanuman will help you to overcome

all your errors and omissions.


Caupai 38:

jo sata bara patha kara koi /

cchutahi bandi maha sukha hai // 38 //


One who recites this (Hanuman Chalisa) a hundred

times, is released from bondage (i.e., the cycle of

death and rebirth) and enjoys (absolute) bliss.


Caupai 39:

jo yaha padhai hanumana calisa /

hoya siddhi sakhi gaurisa // 39 //


One who reads the Hanuman Chalisa (regularly) will

accomplish his goals to which Lord Shiva is witness.


One who reads this Hanuman Chalisa one hundred times

will be released from all bondage and sorrows. Many

people recite the Hanuman Chalisa one hundred times on

Tuesday or Saturday, it often takes 6-7 hours. Or they

may recite this continuously when they have problems

or stress in their lives. Chanting of his will lead to

relief from sorrow. One who reads Hanuman Chalisa will

attain perfection without blemish. Someone might say,

that is a tall claim. How do we know such a thing will

happen? Saint Tulsidas says that Lord Shiva (husband

of Gauri – Parvati) Himself is the witness. He will

guarantee that you will attain perfection. If you look

at it logically, if you chant Hanuman Chalisa

everyday, it will create noble thoughts in you. Then

you will want to know its real meaning. It will help

purify your mind. Once you start your search in this

direction, all your energies are directed to this

goal, and you will attain liberation. So you have to

make a beginning somewhere. With diligence and effort,

you will succeed.


Caupai 40:

tulasidasa sada hari cera /

kijai natha hrdaya maham dera // 40 //


O Hanumanji, I (Tulsidas) am always the servant of the

Lord (Lord Rama), and pray that make your (permanent)

residence in my heart.


Saint Tulsidas – who wrote this, is always a servant

of Lord Hari, Lord Rama. Hari means one who removes

all sufferings. Saint Tulsidas is his servant. He

says, ‘Oh Lord, please camp in my heart and reside

there always. Do not ever leave me.’



pavanatanaya samkata harana mamgala murti rupa /

rama lakhana sita sahita hradaya basahu sura bhupa //


Oh! Son of Wind, destroyer of all miseries, you are a

symbol of auspiciousness. Along with Lord Rama,

Lakshmana and Sita reside in my heart. Oh king of



May Sri Hanuman dwell in my heart. The son of Wind

God, who is the remover of all difficulties and whose

very form is so auspicious, is the king of all gods.

May he always dwell in my heart. Sri Hanuman will not

be alone. May Lord Rama, Lakshmana and Mother Sita

also be with him! The Lord is there where his devotee

is. So, Lord Rama will surely be in your heart with

Sri Hanuman. Secondly, as we learnt earlier, Lord Rama

represent knowledge, Mother Sita represents devotion

and Lakshmana represent dispassion. Sri Hanuman

embodies all these three qualities in him. Worship of

Sri Hanuman will inculcate these qualities in us too.


This is the glory (mahima) of Hanuman Chalisa. Though

it appears simple at first reading, recitation of it

with understanding and devotion will result in great

benefit. One should chant it at least once every day.

That will help you to purify your mind and lead you on

the path of liberation.


Om Tat Sat


Only doha/caupai Chapter 5




sri guru carana saroja raja nijamanu mukuru sudhari /

baranau raghubara bimala jasu jo dayaku phala cari //

1 //


buddhihina tanu janike, sumirau pavana kumara /

bala buddhi bidya dehu mohi, harahu kalesa bikara // 2



Caupai :


jaya hanuman jnana guna sagara /

jaya kapisa tihuloka ujagara // 1 //


ramaduta atulita baladhama /

anjani-putra pavana-suta nama // 2 //


mahabira bikrama bajarangi /

kumati nivara sumati ke sangi // 3 //


kancana barana biraja subesa /

anana kundala kuncita kesa // 4 //


hatha bajra au dhvaja birajai /

kandhe munja janeu sajai // 5 //


sankara-suvana kesari-nandana /

teja pratapa maha jaga-bandana // 6 //


bidyavana guni ati catura /

rama kaja karibe ko atura // 7 //


prabhu caritra sunibe ko rasiya /

ramalakhana sita mana basiya // 8 //


suksma rupadhari siyahin dikhava /

bikata rupadhari lanka jarava // 9 //


bhima rupa dhari asura samhare /

ramacandra ke kaja samvare // 10 //


laya sanjivana lakhana jiyaye /

sri raghubira harasi ura laye // 11 //


raghupati kinhi bahuta badai /

tuma mama priya bharatahi sama bhai // 12 //


sahasa badana tumharo jasa gavai /

asa kahi sripati kantha lagavai // 13 //


sanakadika brahmadi munisa /

narada sarada sahita ahisa // 14 //


jama kubera digapala jaha te /

kabi kobida kahi sake kaha te // 15 //


tuma upakara sugrivahi kinha /

rama milaya rajapada dinha // 16 //


tumharo mantra bibhisana mana /

lankesvara bhaye saba jaga jana // 17 //


juga sahasra jojana para bhanu /

lilyo tahi madhura phala janu // 18 //


prabhu mudrika meli mukha mahi /

jaladhi lamghi gaye acaraja nahi // 19 //


durgama kaja jagata ke jete /

sugama anugraha tumhare tete // 20 //


rama duare tuma rakhavare /

hota no ajna binu paisare // 21 //


saba sukha lahai tumhari sarana /

tuma racchaka kahu ko dara na // 22 //


apana teja samharo apai /

tino loka haka te kapai // 23 //


bhuta pisaca nikata nahi avai /

mahabira jaba nama sunavai // 24 //


nasai roga harai saba pira /

japata nirantara hanumata bira // 25 //


sankata te hanumana chudavai /

mana krama bacana dhyana jo lavai // 26 //


saba para rama tapasvi raja /

tinake kaja sakala tuma saja // 27 //


aura manoratha jo kai lavai /

soi amita jivana phala pavai // 28 //


caro juga paratapa tumhara /

hai parasiddha jagata ujiyara // 29 //


sadhu santa ke tuma rakhavare /

asura nikandana rama dulare // 30 //


astasiddhi nau nidhi ke data /

asa bara dinha janaki mata // 31 //


rama rasayana tumhare pasa /

sada raho raghupati ke dasa // 32 //


tumhare bhajana ramako pavai /

janama janama ke dukha bisaravai // 33 //


anta kala raghubara pura jai /

jaha janma haribhakta kahai // 34 //


aura devata catta na dharai /

hanumata sei sarba sukha karai // 35 //


samkata katai mitai saba pira /

jo sumirai hanumata bala bira // 36 //


jai jai jai hanumana gosai /

krpa karahu gurudeva ki nai // 37 //


jo sata bara patha kara koi /

cchutahi bandi maha sukha hoi // 38 //


jo yaha padhai hanumana calisa /

hoya siddhi sakhi gaurisa // 39 //


tulasidasa sada hari cera /

kijai natha hrdaya maham dera // 40 //




pavanatanaya samkata harana mamgala murti rupa /

rama lakhana sita sahita hradaya basahu sura bhupa //




gurorangripadme ManaScenna Lagnam tata: kim tata: kim tata: kim tata: kim






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