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Global Muladhara Working

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Namaste Friends,


Came across this site, quite an interesting read though the 'journey'

may now be old news.. Some excerpts:




The Base Chakra -Muladhara- is about survival and instinct, our basic

animal physical natures. Its colour is red, it's tone, 'Ohhh' on a

low C and it's bija-mantra or seed-sound is 'Lam'.


The local means of gnosis and chakra activation for this working were

meditation, Ganesha (lord of the base chakra in the hindu pantheon)

puja (worship), extended chanting of chakra tones, and Chakra

Piercings - a powerful gnosis technique developed over the last few

years. This also allowed the formation of a physical symbolic weaving

between the initiates.

The perineum is the ideal place to be pierced for Muladhara, but this

is impractical for the weaving -as the piercings sit underneath, it

would be extremely difficult to run threads between the standing

initiates. Therefore most of the piercings were done just above the

genitals, with the Netzach initiate opting (appropriately to her

sephiroth) for a clitoris-hood piercing.

Thread was then run between these piercings to form a ten-pointed

star between the 10 Initiates.


Not all of the Chakra workings at the different Global Chakras will

be physical piercings and weavings, but it was appropriate for the

base chakra to have something so manifest and physical.

The weaving was conducted with extended chanting of base chakra tones

and mantras by all gathered, to the accompaniment of didgeridoo.

The Rite was opened with prayers and praises chanted to Ganesha, the

elephant-headed Lord of the Base Chakra and Remover of Obstacles in

the Hindu pantheon. Om Ganapati Namah! Om Gam Namah!, and the

creation and charging of a Muladhara mandala and Ganesha yantra as a

midpoint fromwhich to begin the weaving.


The 10-star Weaving formation we performed at Mt Shasta represented

Malkuth, the Base 'Kingdom' Sphere on the Tree of Life which

represents physical reality and thus corresponds to the Base Chakra


As the densest plane, Malkuth contains all the other sephiroth or

levels of existence, perceptible to varying degrees. Therefore each

Initiate in the weaving represented one of the sephiroth, and the

resultant 10-pointed star collectively represented Malkuth, whose

number is 10, containing the other sephiroth. As well as invoking

their sephiroth extensively on the day of the ritual, most of the

initiates had been working with, through meditation and ritual, the

energies of their selected sephiroth on a daily basis in the three

weeks prior to the ritual. Regular chakra work and reiki attunements,

individually and in groups, were also performed by the participants

during this time.


The piercer/weaver represented Da'ath or the Abyss, who in the

central position does not form a point of the Star, even as Da'ath is

Not a sphere as such, but the void from which the Tree of Life forms.


There is an 11-Star Rite currently operational within the Horus-Maat

Lodge, established on the 11:11 solar eclipse and Grand Cross

alignment of the 11th of August 1999.

This astral (and Beyond) 11-Star formation channelled through into

physical ma-nifestat-ion as the 10-Star at Mt Shasta, via the

Daathian Weaver (myself) who was in both 10-star and 11-star rites to

establish the interface.



The Starstone Temple has existed for several decades as an astral

temple of the A:.A:. Now it is being earthed, each Sphere brought

into physical manifestation at a different Sacred Site Chakra of the

Earth. The exact nature of the physical manifestations is not yet


The overall goal of this Great Work is to advance Human evolution and

Biosphere betterment by furthing the manifestation of the Group Human

Species Mind to full consciousness.

These global chakra workings are star-seedings of N'aton,

progressively awakening in tandem with the stirring of the Rainbow

and Feathered Serpents, the kundalini of Gaia.


Frater Achad -Crowley's magickal childe who first channelled the Maat

current of magick (Balancing the force and fire of the Aeon of Horus

with the Egyptian Goddess of Truth and Justice)- had a vision of the

Tree of Life Imploding in the Ma-Ion to form a Sphere. This vision is

now being realized via this star-seeding, in a more tangible form

than Achad probably expected: The Sphere is Gaia, the sephiroth being

Earthed at each of Her Chakra points in this transitional period

between Now and the Omega Point of Solstice December 2012

(the 'Bindu' to which Achad envisioned the sphere-tree would

eventually implode?)


The implosion 'began' when Nema, priestess of Maat, transmitted the

11-star rite, inwhich the sephiroth are arranged in a circle,

abolishing the implicitly hierarchical vertical formation of the Tree

for a circle of Stones/Thrones with Kether connecting directly to

Malkuth. Aion, another of the founders of the Horus-Maat Lodge,

opened earthly access to the Starstone Temple, an astral nexus of the

A:.A:. inwhich the spheres are also arranged in a circular fashion,

but with ten points and Daath central.

This Muladhara working was the ultimate result of this formation: The

earthing of the Temple in Malkuth (the physical plane).


The Tenstar Weaving at Mt Shasta was a powerful expanding mandala,

and it's morphic fields will continue to replicate and resonate in

ever-more-intricate concentric fractal ripples.


Already ideas and inspiration have begun to flow towards the global

Svadisthana working (Feb/Mar 2000) at Lake Titicaca, South America -

info about the imminent working there and how to tune in to it

astrally will be online soon- now that the Base link has been

activated at a Malkuth level.

>From there the energy will flow to Australia for the Solar plexus 13-

tribe weaving near Uluru mid-2000, the vision ofwhich began the

entire project.



To read the rest, pls visit:




Om Ganesha,

Sy Zenith

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