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Namaste Brothers & Sisters,


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# File generated by merge

(/htdocs/atul_asd/sanskrit/dict/dict.txt, /tmp/wadd_6618.sort)

# Tue Jul 22 20:27:00 PDT 1997

AUM = Primordial Sound

OMkaara = the syllable om

a = not

a.nkusha = a goad (metal stick used to control elephants)

a.nkushadhaariNam.h = bearing the weapon `ankusha' with which the


a.ngaNa = field

a.ngasa.nginau = with

a.ngaiH = limbs, body parts

a.ngaistushhTuvaa.nsastanuubhiH = having satisfied with strong limbs?

a.njana = anointment

aMbaa = mother

a.nsha = part, angle

a.nsha-bhuutaM = has been a part of her

a.nshaH = fragmental particle

a.nshumaan.h = radiant

a.nshena = part

aH = (v) to be

akartaaraM = as the nondoer

akarma = inaction

akarmakR^it.h = without doing something

akarmaNaH = than no work

akarmaNi = in not doing prescribed duties

akalmashhaM = freed from all past sinful reactions

akasmaat.h = by chance

akaaraH = the first letter

akaaro = the letter `a'

akaarya = and forbidden activities

akaaryaM = what ought not to be done

akaarye = and what ought not to be done

akiJNchanaH = (m) a have-not

akiirti = infamy

akiirtiM = infamy

akiirtiH = ill fame

akurvat.h = did

akurvata = did they do

akushalaM = inauspicious

akR^itabuddhitvaat.h = due to unintelligence

akR^itaatmaanaH = those without self-realization

akR^itena = without discharge of duty

akR^itvaa = without doing (from kRi)

akR^itsnavidaaH = persons with a poor fund of knowledge

akka = mother

akriyaaH = without duty

akrodha = freedom from anger

akrodhaH = freedom from anger

akledyaH = insoluble

akhila = entire

akhilaM = whole

akhilaguru = preceptor for all, also all types of long syllable


agata = not past

agatasuuMscha = agata + asuun.h + cha:undeparted life + and (living


agatvaa = without going (from gam.h)

agama = proof of the trustworthiness of a source of knowledge

agastamaasa = month of August

agochara = (adj) unknown

agni = fire

agniH = fire

agniparvataH = (m) volcano, volcanic cone

agnipetikaa = (f) matchbox

agnishalaakaa = (f) matchstick

agnishhu = in the fires

agnau = in the fire of consummation

agra = (neut in this sense) tip

agraM = at the tip

agrajaH = elder

agrataH = (let the two go) before (me)

agre = in front of/ahead/beforehand

agha.MmanaH = (adj) evil-minded

agha.MmanaH = adj. evil-minded

aghaM = grievous sins

aghaayuH = whose life is full of sins

aN^ga = a limb, or body part

aN^gaM = limb(s)

aN^gaani = limbs

aN^gula = a finger

aN^gushhTha = the big toe

aN^gushhThaH = (m) thumb

acharaM = and not moving

acharasya = and nonmoving

achala = (adj) still, stationary

achalaM = unmoving

achalaH = immovable

achalapratishhThaM = steadily situated

achalaa = unflinching

achalena = without its being deviated

achakshus.h = one without an eye

achaapalaM = determination

achintya = inconceivable

achintyaM = beyond contemplation

achintyaH = inconceivable

achiraad.h = without delay/in no time



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