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Ganesh & Tantrism/ Ganesh Mantra

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Ganesh is the Lord of the Mûlâdhâra chakra, which is the first chakra, the

chakra of the base. The Mûlâdhâra chakra corresponds to the Earth (Prithivî)

element; it is represented by a yellow-colored square figure, in which is

written the root-mantra (bîja-mantra ) LAM; this square is bordered, on the

four sides, by four petals. Inside the square figure, below the bîja-mantra,

one generally finds the Shiva Lingam , black-colored, in a turned down summit

triangle. The snake, representing the Kundalini asleep power, is wound around

this Shiva Lingam. Every bîja-mantra is associated with a carrier-animal

(vâhana ). The vâhana of LAM is the elephant. Therefore, in tantric practices,

Ganesh is invoked as the Power able to awake the Kundalini Shakti. Indeed, the

target of tantric practices (once the context has been correctly appreciated,

and the mentionned-above precautions have been assimilated), is to wake the

energy asleep in the mûladhâra chakra and to make it rising, crossing every

chakra, up to the Sahasrara Chakra. Let us stress this point : this practice is

difficult and somewhat risky if the student expects to run over the stages too

quickly. It is easy to understand why : in every chakra there are blokages

(energy nodes, grantha) which indicate the lack of yogic preparation of this

chakra energies. For exemple : if excessive rajasic energies are vigorously set

in motion by intensive prânâyâma, that can get jammed in the Svâdishthâna chakra

and generate intemperates sexual needs (nice result !), or in the Manipûra

chakra irritate the person who does not understand what happens and why she

feels herself so bad. In the practices involving Ganesh, we have to remember

that the god power is used to transform our negative forces in positive ones.

We know that Hindu gods are definitely universal forces which take on various

functions. About this topic, read again the "background" chapter. Gods act

through the mantra which invoke them. Indeed, mantra are very powerful

phonemes. We talk about bîja mantra which are the true vibrations of the deity.

It is absolutely necessary, for several reasons, that working with the Kundalini

implies the use of a bîja mantra under the effective supervision of a skilled

teacher, and in certain circumstances. This is why it's really not very

interesting to learn bîja-mantra in books. On the other hand, Vedic mantra,

used in exoteric rituals, are not dangerous ones; and they always bring very

benefic results. Ganesh mantra

There are many kinds of tantric mantra. Some are personal mantra used for japa

practice, other satisfy particular purposes. Mantra bring strong psychic,

therapeutic, and spiritual results. LAM is the bîja-mantra of the Earth

element. Therefore, it is in connexion with the Mûladhara chakra. GAM is also

linked with the Earth element; it is the reason why one can say that it is a

Ganesh bîja-mantra. GLAUM is another bîja-mantra in connexion with Ganesh. By

contrast, OM is a universal mantra, which must be pronounced before all the

other mantra. However, we have observed that Ganesh, for his devotees, is OM

Himself. For instance : OM GAM Ganeshaya Namaha. Please note : the final a f

the word namaha is not pronounced. Mantra purposes are many :

OM Shrî Ganeshâya namaha : the most classical Ganesh mantra; this is a good

mantra for youg people (among others), to assist success at school OM GAM

Ganapataye namaha (Ganapati Up.) : used in order to remove all obstacles before

starting anything OM namo bhagavate Gajânanâya namaha : devotional mantra used

to feel the all-pervaiding presence of Lord Ganesh and to obtain His darshana

OM Vakratundâya HUM : powerful mantra quoted in the Ganesha Purâna, used to

rectify twisted events OM Kshipra Prasâdâya namaha : to obtain quickly Ganesh's

help and to purify the aura OM HRîM SHRîM KLîM GLAUM GAM Ganapataye Varavarada

sarvajaname vashamanâya svaha : this is a mantra of self giving to Lord Ganesh

OM HRîM SHRîM KLîM GAUM GAH Shrîmahâganâdhipataye namaha OM HRîM SHRîM KLîM

namo bhagavate Gajânanâya Shrîmahâganapati pranava mûlamantra GAM OM HRîM SHRîM

KLîM GAUM varadamûrtaye namaha OM HRîM SHRîM KLîM namo Ganeshvarâya brahmarûpâya

charâve sarvasiddhipradeyâya brahmanaspataye namaha Shrî Gajânana jaya Gajânana

HRîM GAM HRîM Ganapataye namaha Bîjâya Bhâlachandrâya Ganeshaparamâtmane

pranatakleshanâsâya Herambâya namo namaha âpadâmapahartâram dâtâram

sukhasampadâm ksipraprasâdanam devam bhûyo bhûyo namâmyaham Namo Ganapate

tubhyam Herambâyaikadantine svânandavâsine tubhyam brahmaanspataye namaha

Suklâmbaradharam devam sasisûryanibhânanam prasannavadanam dhyâyet

sarvavighnopasântaye Namastamai Ganeshâya brahmavidyâpradâyine yasyâ gastayate

nâma vighnasâgarasosane Yadbhrûpranihitam lakshmîm labhante bhaktakotayah

svatantramekam netâram vighnarâjam namâmyaham

Thus, one may verify that most mantra are specialized ones. They are adressed to

specific Ganesh forms which represent all the specific powers of this god. To

consult the chapter on the Ganesh names. The very broad range of these names

represents a good abstract of the Ganesh powers. Ganesh Gâyatrî mantra

Gâyatrî mantra are Vedic mantra. They are used during pûjâ.

Mahâkarnâya vidmahe vakratundâya dhîmahi tanno danti prachodayât Ekadantâya

Vidmahe Vakratundâya dhîmahi tanno danti prachodayât (Ganapati Up.) OM

tatpurushâya vidmahe Vakratundâya dhîmahi tanno danti prachodayât (Narayana

Up.) OM tat karâtâya vidmahe hasti mukhâya dhîmahi tanno danti prachodayât

(Maibrâyani Samhita 2:6-9) OM ekadantâya vidmahe vakratundâya dhîmahi tanno

danti prachodayât

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