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Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva/ Part One

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Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, known as Kuan Yin to the Japanese and Chinese, and

Chenresig to the Tibetans, is the bodhisattva who most embodies compassion. The

name Avalokitesvara has its root meaning as "he who observes the sounds of the

world". The great vow of Avalokitesvara is to listen to the supplications, and

cries for help from those in difficulty in the world and to provide them with

aid. He takes many different forms....male, female, four-armed, thousand-armed,

human, non-human, teacher, student...whatever expedient means are needed to help

people most effectively. Kuan Yin Bodhisattva, an emanation of Amida Buddha's

compassion, is the "Regarder of the Cries of the World". Sometimes referred to

in the West as the Goddess of Mercy. (Note: Avalokitesvara means "Kuan Yin" in

Sanskrit, the language of early India, from an earlier time when The Cry

Regarder was depicted as a male figure. "Kuan Yin" is Chinese; "Kannon" is


The following brief excerpt was adapted (notably changing "he" to "she") from

the chapter on the Bodhisattva Regarder of the Cries of the World, in the W. E.

Soothill translation of The Lotus Sutra (The Lotus of the Wonderful Law,

published by Curzon Press):

"Listen to the deeds of the Cry-Regarder,

Who well responds to every quarter;

Vast is her vow as deep the sea,

Age-long, and inconceivable.

Who hears her name and looks to her,

Unremittingly remembering her,

Will end the sorrows of existence.

* * *

Sorrows of birth, age, disease, death,

All will thus be ended.

True regard, serene regard,

Far-reaching, wise regard,

Regard of pity, regard compassionate,

Ever longed for, ever looked for,

In radiance ever pure and serene!

Wisdom's sun, destroying darkness,

Subduer of woes, of storm, of fire,

Illuminator of the world!

Law of pity, thunder quivering,

Compassion wondrous as a great cloud,

Pouring spiritual rain like nectar,

Quenching all the flames of distress!

* * *

Voice of the Regarder, wondrous voice,

Voice of the rolling tide, Brahma-voice,

Voice all world-surpassing,

Ever to be cherished in mind

With never a doubting thought.

World's Cry-Regarder, pure and holy,

In pain, distress, in death or woe,

Potent as a sure reliance,

Perfect in every virtuous merit,

All-beholding with eyes of pity,

Boundless ocean-store of blessings!

Prostrate, let us make obeisance."

Praise To Qwan Yin Bodhisattva Gwan Yin Bodhisattva's compassion for all

beings is so vast and inconceivable, our gratitude cannot comprehend nor fully

express the magnitude of her blessings. Her body and garments of brilliant,

translucent White Light. Her adornments, a white vase of Compassionate Water in

her left hand, The Sacred Willow Branch in her right hand. Enlightened through

infinite acts of compassion countless lifetimes ago. Her feet rest upon a

fragrant red lotus flower above a vast ocean. Her brows curved and radiant like

the crescent of an autumn moon. With the sweet dew drops she sprinkles from her

vase, She relieves the suffering of beings everywhere and always, for countless

autumns. Prayers for help arise from thousands of hearts, and thousands of

prayers are answered by her vow of eternal compassion: Beings in Samsara, who

sail the ocean of suffering, She will guide and deliver safely to the ultimate

shore of enlightenment.

http://sunflower.singnet.com.sg/~alankhoo/Avalokitesvara.htmDo You ?

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