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Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva/ Three

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Benefits in Reciting and Holding The Great Compassion Mantra Excerpts from The

Dharani Sutra English translation by the Buddhist Text Translation Society,

Dharma Realm Buddhist University, USA If humans and gods recite and hold the

phrases of the Great Compassion Mantra, then when they approach the end of

life, all the Buddhas of the ten directions will come to take them by the hand

to rebirth in whatever Buddhaland they wish, according to their desire. Should

any living beings who recites and holds the spiritual mantra of Great

Compassion fall into the three evil paths, I vow not to realise the right

enlightenment. Should any living being who recites and holds the spiritual

mantra of Great Compassion not be reborn in any Buddhaland, I vow not to

realise the right enlightenment. Should any living being who recites and holds

the spiritual mantra of Great Compassion not obtain unlimited samadhis and

eloquence, I vow not to realise the right enlightenment. Should any living

being who recites and holds the spiritual mantra of Great Compassion not obtain

the fruits of whatever is sought in this very life, then he cannot have been

making proper use of the Dharani of the Great Compassion Heart. People and gods

who recite and hold the Great Compassion Mantra will obtain fifteen kinds of

good birth and will not suffer fifteen kinds of bad death. The bad deaths are:

1. They will not die of starvation or privation 2. They will not die from

having been yoked, imprisoned, caned or otherwise beaten 3. They will not die

at the hands of hostile enemies 4. They will not be killed in military battle

5. They will not be killed by tigers, wolves, or other evil beasts 6. They will

not die from the venom of poisonous snakes, black serpents, or scorpions 7. They

will not drown or be burned to death 8. They will not be poisoned to death 9.

They will not die as a result of sorcery 10. They will not die of madness or

insanity 11. They will not be killed by landslides or falling trees 12. They

will not die of nightmares sent by evil people 13. They will not be killed by

deviant spirits or evil ghosts 14. They will not die of evil illnesses which

bind the body 15. They will not commit suicide Those who recite and hold the

spiritual Mantra of Great Compassion will not suffer any of these fifteen kinds

of bad death and will obtain the following fifteen kinds of good birth: 1. Their

place of birth will always have a good king 2. They will always be born in a

good country 3. They will always be born at a good time 4. They will always

meet good friends 5. The organs of their body will always be complete 6. Their

heart will be pure and full in the way 7. They will not violate the prohibitive

precepts 8. Their family will be kind and harmonious 9. They will always have

the necessary wealth and goods in abundance 10. They will always obtain the

respect and help of others 11. They riches will not be plundered 12. They will

obtain everything they seek 13. Dragons, gods, and good spirits will always

protect them 14. In the place where they are born they will see the Buddha and

hear the Dharma 15. They will awaken to the profound meaning of that Proper

Dharma which they hear. Those who recite and hold the Great Compassion Mantra

will obtain these fifteen kinds of good birth. All gods and people should

constantly recite and hold it, without carelessness.

Six Character Great Bright Mantra OM MANI PADME HUM Significance of OM,

MA, NI, PAD, ME, HUM OM Go for refuge to the Buddha Produce the aspiring

enlightened mind. Perfection of Generosity Guard the vows of an auditor Purify

physical obscurations Overcome the god demon Cure the sickness of bad

accumulation Pacify all defilemnts The Dharmadhatu wisdom arises Freedom from

the god's suffering of death and rebirth Union of all the Buddha families,

Mahakarunika, and Consort Sadaksari Obtain the state of Sarva-dakini Obtain the

Dharma Body MA Go for refuge to the Dharma Produce the engaging enlightened

mind Perfection of Moral Conduct Guard the vows of a bodhisattva Purify vocal

obscurations Overcome the female demoness Cure fever Defeat nescience The

mirror wisdom arises Freedom from the jealous gods' suffering of fighting

Buddha Vairocana and Consort Buddhalocana Obtain the state of Buddha-dakini

Obtain the Enjoyment Body NI Go for refuge to the Sangha Produce the non-dual

enlightened mind Perfection of Patience Guard the vows of fasting Purify mental

obscurations Overcome the rgyal-gong demon Cure wind diseases Defeat anger The

equanimity wisdom arises Freedom from the human suffering of change Vajrasattva

and Consort Samantabhadri Obtain the state of Vajra-dakini Obtain the Emanation

Body PAD Go for refuge to the Guru Produce the natural enlightened mind

Perfection of enthusiasm Guard the vows of the layperson Purify the

obscurations of defilement Overcome the local deity/naga demon Cure mucous

disease Defeat pride Discriminating wisdom arises Freedom from the animals'

suffering of service Ratnasambhava and Consort Manaki Obtain the state of

Ratna-dakini Obtain the Essence Body ME Go for refuge to the Yidam Produce

the wisdom enlightened mind Perfection of Meditation Guard the vows of celibacy

Purify the obscurations of the traces Overcome Mara and the Lord of Death Cure

arthritis Eliminate desire All-accomplishing wisdom arises Freedom from the

hungry ghosts' suffering of hunger and thirst Buddha Amitabha and Consort

Pandara-vasini Obtain the state of Padma-dakini Obtain the Enlightened Body

HUM Go for refuge to the Dakinis Produce the ultimate enlightened mind

Perfection of Discriminating Insight Guard the tantric vows of a Knowledge

Holder Purify the obscurations to knowledge Overcome the Raksa and Rahula

demons Cure bilious disease Eliminate jealousy Inherent wisdom arises Freedom

from the hell sufferings of hot and cold Buddha Amoghasiddhi and Consort

Samaya-tara Obtain the state of the Karma-dakini Obtain the unchanging

Vajra-like Body

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