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Jennifer's Ganesh/Christ post

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Dear Jennifer,



I enjoyed your comments. I loved your Ganesh/Christ comparisons. Here

are some responses I have to them:


Christianity says you pray to Jesus to get to the Father (GOD), this

author claimed that we pray to Ganesha (THE SON of GOD) to get to his

father (SIVA).


Yes, I agree with this too. Only I believe I would be correct in

saying that both Siva and Ganesh though distinct persons, are both

GOD. Am I wrong in this? For Christians it is the same, the FATHER

and YESU, the SON, are both equally GOD.


> Someone else mentioned being taught as a kid that Jesus keeps the

> world or universe in him. It is said Ganesha keeps the universe in

> his stomach!


These selections from Ganapati Atharva Seersha Upanishad show Ganesh

as creator and sustainer of universe:


Thou art the one and

only Creator, Supporter and Dissolver of this Universe; Thou art the

Brahman permeating everything manifest; Thou art none other than the

eternal Brahman. I am uttering only Rtham (Absolute Truth) and

Sathyam (that which remains the same in all the three periods of time-

past, present and future).


This whole Universe has emanated from Thee; is sustained by Thee

and by Thy power, shall dissolve in Thee only.


May we realize Lord Ganesa. Let us meditate on His curved trunk,

Your Cosmic-belly containing all the worlds;

and Thou as the immutable Cause of this Universe; Your

manifestation at the beginning of Creation, although Thou art beyond

prakriti and purusha'.


Our prostrations to Vratapati (Leader of the assemblage of gods),

Ganapati (Leader of the Ganas), Pramathapati (Leader of Pramathas,

the attendants of Lord Siva), the Lord with a Cosmic-belly and one

tusk, Who is the son of Lord Siva; Who destroys all obstacles and Who

grants all our wishes.


These passages from the Christian holy books say the same of Yesu:


John 1:1-3


In the beginning was the Word (Yesu) and the Word was with God and

the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all

things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.


Colossians 1:15-19


He (Yesu) is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all

creation. For by him all things were created; things in heaven and on

earth, visible or invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers

or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He is

before all things, and in him all things hold together......For God

was pleased to have all his fulness dwell in him.


I think those parallels are amazing. I think the main difference

would be whether we see creation as an emanation of God, or whether

we believe that God created 'out of nothing'. Either way, both Ganesh

and Yesu are reminders that God did somehow create and that God

somehow sustains.


Another thing I found interesting about both Ganesh and Yesu is that

they both were injured at their fathers' hands. Ganesh for justice

and Yesu for a sin sacrifice. Both gods come away with permanent

marks, Ganesh's head and Christ's sacrificial wounds.


Jennifer, I am sorry you had to hide your true beliefs from your

Christian classmates. That is ashame. I hope that in the future

people won't need to do that. In the meantime I like seeing how much

Ganesh and Yesu remind me how God looks like himself.


Of all the Hindu gods, Ganesh reminds me the most of Yesu, who I knew

all my life. When I see Ganesh I always feel at home since he is so

much like Yesu. I still worship in the Christian way although I have

much respect for the Hindu way. I have an image of Ganesh in my room

and I am often moved to prayers when I see it. But I find that I am

best connected to God through Yesu, who I believe is the incarnation

of God. Other gods that remind me of Yesu are Siva, Rama and Krishna

(esp. Siva). But Ganesh is the most like him. If you ever wish to

continue a discussion I would welcome any email at:



Also, I know of some books like:



THE CRUCIFIED GURU by M. Thomas Thangaraj



Much love and blessings to you, through the Creator and Sustainer of

all, Bill

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> "Yes, I agree with this too. Only I believe I would be correct in

> saying that both Siva and Ganesh though distinct persons, are both

> GOD. Am I wrong in this? For Christians it is the same, the FATHER

> and YESU, the SON, are both equally GOD. "


********** :) :) :)))), only thing instead of using PERSON ,I might

have used "CHARACTER" *******



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