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my friend/ Jen

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jenpolan (AT) indya (DOT) com wrote:

Hi to the groupToday I recieved some bad news. I have a friend, whose name is

Ganesh. Today I recieved an email from his ex-roomate who introduced me to

Ganesh 3 years ago. Apparently he worked in the WTC, on the 102nd floor. His

family have been searching for him since Tuesday. He just married three months

back, and his wife is in utter grief. She moved here straight from India. I

was relieved to hear she has family in NJ area to help her through this time.

Please send prayers for Ganesh. He is a great person, very accomplished, yet

very simple and humble. I will always remember his simplicity and kind

generosity. When I heard I was in utter disbelief as I also haven't heard from

him in some time and he usually stays in contact with my mom through e-mail.

Feel a profound sadness like most in Australia at the recent terrorist horrors

in your country. Our stations continue daily and nightly coverage and updates

of events and developments. Saddened too, to hear about your friend Ganesh and

I can understand how devastating his wife and family must feel. I feel for her

and them too.

It is true this tragedy has bought americans together, but some people have

taken their doubt out on the groups they feel are 'enemies'. I have heard of

attacks on muslims, middle eastern, pakistani and Indian persons from mere name

calling to firing guns on them. This utterly terrifies me, as there are people

from all walks of life who are in America as citizen, or if not citizen, are

law abiding and no one deserves to be attacked.

We now have the same problem in Australia as your country is our closest ally.

Some mosques have been attacked and graffiti splatted all over the place;

Moslems hassled and abused. It is sad that communities sometimes cannot

differentiate between the genuine Moslems who are by nature of their religion

when they are of the "True Path", are peace-loving, upright citizens who obey

the laws of the country, contribute to society and are good people. With

education and information by relevant sources, if the public can understand the

differences between Islam and Islam fanatics, fundamentalists and terrorists, it

would help the world on a large scale.

On a separate train of thought, Usama bin Ladeen is a Saudi dissident currently

harboured by Afghanistan (Taliban) who took U.S. dollars not to grow "poppies".

Ironically, it was the U.S. who trained bin Ladeen in fighting the Russians in

Aghanistan not too long ago. More ironical are the boatloads of refugees from

Afghanistan and Iraq trying to get into Australia - these peoples are the very

victims of the regimes which rule their countries and they are ordinary Muslims

themselves trying to escape fanatism or extremism in their countries of


Even those who were.I have another question does anyone think US will really 'go to war'

I would guess the U.S. will first establish and gather hard evidence before

making plans to proceed further. Even in taking the process further if they

establish bin Ladeen to be fully responsible (via other terrorist networks and

connections, even in Hamburg, Germany where they raise funds for him), the U.S.

govt. and military resources will have to have a foolproof strategy. They are

only after one man and his co-horts, not ordinary citizens or civilians. But

given the mountain strong-hold location bin Ladeen is currently cubby-holed in,

they will need super-military brains and brawn to bring the man to justice. I

feel for the families whose husbands and sons would be on the "teams"

despatched to Afghanistan. The mountain terrain is trecherous, especially for

the Land Troops. Hope with God's Might, that Presidnet Bush, Colin Powell and

relevant authorities will come up with just the "formula" needed.

and what type of war will it be?

There is no saying at the moment. It can well be a "retaliation" and not

"full-on" war. There is a vast difference between the 2 wors. All we can do

is pray and hope that there will be No War. In weeks to come, the govt. and

other world leaders (Nato, etc.) will have a clearer picture. Meantime,

Australia's Prime Minister has invoked the "Anzus Treaty" in preparation for

the time in case the U.S. requires assistance from our defence forces. Our

country backs the U.S. all the way.

I am very upset because I was supposed to go to India to finish my exams, now I

am very worried. I spent two years there studying master's and the exams are

in November. Now I am not sure if I will go.. what do you think?

Jen, it depends largely on the location you are intending to go to. In any

case, use your Intuition..... Listen to your inner voice. If its not safe for

you to go, perhaps you can postpone the exams for a later date. Or do they have

distance exams which you can take in the U.S. where the papers are sent to you

via air mail?

Best wishes,

SyTerrorist Attacks on U.S. - How can you help?

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Hello. THank you for your words and experience.

I was thinking last night, talking to my boyfriend, who is an Indian,

we were reading from a site called returntoindia.com and there was

something that hit us both at the same time. If anyone has seen

footage of the incident, and I was watching 24 hrs for at least the 3

first days, they did not show any victims families who were non-

white, giving the impression to the rest of the country and world

that only whites were affected. Even the pictures of the people

fleeing showed majority whites. I think the media did this

intentionally, and it makes me mad. Sure they mentioned here and

there that arab-americans were in the blast, but they had not shown

anyone. I saw only one report of an Indian lady who was missing. If

you visit the site for the indian consulate of NYC, you will see a

list of at least 100 missing Indian people. Hence, they are

affected, but typical americans don't know the difference.

It is quite Ironic, also what you said about AMerica funding Osama

Bin Laden. This morning, they say he is also making money off the

attack from the reopening of the stock exchange.

You mentioned that even muslims are being attacked in Australia...

are other groups mistaken too? What exactly has happened there? Has

Hindu temples been attacked? I heard one temple got attacked here in




Enjoy being an Indyan at http://www.indya.com

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