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jenpolan (AT) indya (DOT) com wrote:

SyHello. THank you for your words and experience.I was thinking last night,

talking to my boyfriend, who is an Indian, we were reading from a site called

returntoindia.com and there was something that hit us both at the same time.

If anyone has seen footage of the incident, and I was watching 24 hrs for at

least the 3 first days, they did not show any victims families who were

non-white, giving the impression to the rest of the country and world that only

whites were affected. Even the pictures of the people fleeing showed majority

whites. I think the media did this intentionally, and it makes me mad. >> I'm

not sure which footage but there are Anglo-Indians in India too. Some look real

white. I've seen other footage which shows both whites and non-whites affected.

Sure they mentioned here and there that arab-americans were in the blast, but

they had not shown anyone. >> Couple of nights ago (some Moslem businesses had

broken shop windows, their mercchandise thrashed to bits, etc.). Worst in

Texas to date. Even this evening, I saw some footage of Arab-Americas and

Moslems closing their shops, afraid to open for business. There were threats to

businesses (taped on phone); these people were told to "go home" to wherever

they came from. One guy was from Egypt. There were some cab-drivers afraid to

work their shifts, afraid for their lives and wanting to stay home to protect

their wives and kids.

I saw only one report of an Indian lady who was missing. If you visit the site

for the indian consulate of NYC, you will see a list of at least 100 missing

Indian people. Hence, they are affected, but typical americans don't know the

difference.>> It is sad when people do not know the difference nor how to


It is quite Ironic, also what you said about AMerica funding Osama Bin Laden.

>> He was not funded by the U.S. (he is the son of a billionaire construction

tycoon in Saudi Arabia and has a personal fortune worth millions - frozen now I

believe) but was trained by the U.S. to fight the Russians when they tried to

take over Afghanistan. Earlier this year, the U.S. (Bush Administration) gave

millions (3 or 4, I think) to the Taliban Regime in a bid to get them to stop

cultivating poppies. That money was supposed to assist them in resurrecting

the economy in Afghanistan. I mentioned in an earlier post in our Tantrism

group that it will not be surprising if the Taliban takes the money and run,

and "do an about-face".

This morning, they say he is also making money off the attack from the reopening

of the stock exchange. >> Bank account in Hong Kong.

You mentioned that even muslims are being attacked in Australia... >>

Fortunately not on a scale as large as in the U.S. (Texas for example). The

'action' is tame here compared to the U.S.

are other groups mistaken too? >> Many years ago, there was this "White

Australia" policy and aboriginals, ethnics (Asians included) were looked upon

literally as vermin. Italian migrants, Greeks, Lebanese, etc were labled

"Wogs". Then the Vietnamese boat-people arrived in the late 70's and early

'80s. Then former Prime Minister Bob Hawke gave a special kinda amnesty thing

to Tianamen Square (Chinese) victims permitting them residence. You can imagine

what names these people were called..

Then a lady named Pauline Hanson with her rising "One Nation Party" came on a

high wave of 2 years. Thanks to her personal prejudice and ill-informed mind

resulting in ignorant speeches covered big time by the media, imagine Asians

being hated, stabbed in broad-daylight, abused and discrimminated against in

some parts by ignoramuses. Those years, Asians were all lumbered into one

group "Asians". They (the media) didn't differentiate the difference between

the Viets who are notorious for selling drugs + their gangs/ syndicates, the

ordinary Chinese who owns a restaurant, the Korean who runs a laundromat or the

Japanese who runs a magazine for tourists. Or the brilliant Chinese doctors

like heart-surgeon Victor Chang and many unsung others who head some hospitals.

Or the Chinese, Indian and Philippino nurses at our hospitals. Got to say this

though, a lot of Viets speak Chinese and try to pass themselves off as Chinese

too. Only their accents give them away in most cases, to those who can spot the

difference. But there are educated Viets too, who have made substantial

contributions to the nation.

In the past few years, the media and govt press-release offices have learnt

their lesson in first of all, discerning between the various ethnicities and

minorities before pointing their fingers at the wrong folks. Now we have too

many boatloads of refugees circling our waters hoping to enter Australia -

these are labled "queue-jumpers", depending on the background of the person/s

using this word. However, in all, Australia has come a long way and educated

itself in the various admixtures which make up the melting pot of

multi-culturism in this nation. Thank God for that.

Now they can tell the difference between a Greek, Lebanese, Spanish, Italian,

Indian, Sri Lankan, Afghani, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Iranian, Iraqi, Egyptian,

Jordanian, Saudi Arabian, Turk, African, South African, Jewish, South American,


What exactly has happened there? >> Some Moslem ignoramuses were supposedly

seen celebrating outside the mosque in the Sydney suburb of Lakemba. In certain

parts, they were given dirty looks, shoved, and shown animosity but nothing

violent. What wasn't nice was that women were also targeted. Not too bad these

few days. Moslem leaders across the nation have been given a chance by the media

to have a shot at straightening things out. Coverage like this, even thought

small, assists in educating the public not to bundle all Moslems together and

call them all "terrorists". Not all terrorists are Moslems, and vice versa.

***** Great that President Bush went to a Washington Mosque to relay his message

that violence against Arab-Americans who are innocent people, is not right.

Hats off to him!!

Has Hindu temples been attacked? >> Thank God/dess, none at all over here.

I heard one temple got attacked here in US.>> Saddened to hear this. Hope it

won't happen any more.Jennifer

Continuing to pray for world peace,

Om Shanti Shanti

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