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For Better Health

The natural resonance properties of Earth’s rare gems have been known in ancient

cultures since time immemorial.

Gems and crystals have auric vibrational rates and with the use of only

recommended gems, our body’s vibrational rates change accordingly. Modern

technology uses quartz vibrating at a specific rate, fine tuning time to


Gems can be viewed as a vibrating tuning fork, when placed next to "dormant"

energy fields, activate a vibrational response. Over the ages gems and crystals

alike, have been found to carry vibrations that stimulate certain energies

within our electromagnetic systems, that are in constant motion within our

bodies. Different gems or crystals have different wavelengths vibrating at

different rates, thus having the ability to affect our entire body’s system.In

crystal healing, each different crystal can be used on different areas of our

body such as acupuncture points for corrective meridien flow or applied

directly to the charkas to enable the crystal to interact with our

electromagnetic gateways.According to Tibetan tradition, gems placed in the

teeth have been considered beneficial for the last 60,000 years. The Mayans,

Incas and Aztecs are said to have practiced this method as well. In Ayurvedic

therapy, gems are normally ground down and ingested. This processing method

does not alter the gems’ properties in any way.

As many diseases are caused through our body or mind’s imbalances Gemstone or

crystal therapy can be of enormous benefit to health In gem therapy, spherical

gemstones/ crystals assist in breaking up patterns in the physical and

non-physical (emotional and mental) bodies , thereby getting to the cause of

disease, thus healing mind, body and spirit.

Each gemstone has it’s own unique rhythm, character, chemical and mineral

content and therefore has it’s own magnetism.

The rate at which a gemstone's energy fills an aura is cyclic. Each cycle

begins when gemstone energy pours into a layer of aura. This flooding continues

until the aura's corresponding body responds to the effects of the energy and

this response creates a reshuffling of balancing energy bringing about a change

for the better.

For Prosperity with Benefic Planets

Gems radiated and effected by planets and stars in our solar systems are used in

close connection to each planet’s content and habits. Naturally, being direct

conductors of cosmic energy, they work as a receiver and transmit their

energies directly into our body.

Borne out of perfect forms in geometric shapes with perfect atomic alignment,

gem’s unique crystal structure flows unencumbered with their own regulated

frequency waves that harmonises and strengthens the potentized beneficial

radiations that weak or afflicted benefic planets lack.

The Puranas also explained that everything is composed and effected by rays that

create, maintain and destroy. And so to the ancient Rishis who comprehended

man’s true nature, gross or subtle in relation to the universe, gems are the

gifts of the mineral kingdom with their own transmittable consciousness, imbued

when in contact with our skin.

And thus was formed the perfect matrices of the earth to planets to mankind,

perfectly sythesized to advance us their positive influences through their

effulgent rays.

Om Tat Sat Om Tat Sat


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