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RE: Digest Number 194

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dear sy,


thank you for your response. none of the agencies you mentioned

want to tangle with these guys because they have alot of money and

sue people for slander. i found none of this out until it was too

late. they have good spin doctors and advertisers so anyone who

has not dealt with them has only heard good things and apparently

the bbb (better business bureau) are all folks that are paid by



if i had the money, i would have paid them just to avoid this... they

want *$30,000.00* more from me which i do not have. this $30,000.00

is in addition to what i have already paid them. this is a huge

amount of money to me, i know it's not to many people but to me

it is a fortune.


thank you for your prayers.


with love,











>There are 3 messages in this issue.


>Topics in this digest:


> 1. Re: Ramakrishna Center

> "wednesdayschild13" <agirlasleep

> 2. Legend of Ganesha

> SY Zenith <syzenith

> 3. Prayer Request

> SY Zenith <syzenith






>Message: 1

> Sat, 19 Jan 2002 07:48:04 -0000

> "wednesdayschild13" <agirlasleep

>Re: Ramakrishna Center


>Dear Jennifer,


>I was just looking through the archives and saw this message.

>Somehow I had missed it when you first wrote it. Thank you

>so much for the information. I *think* I may know where this

>place is, I think I have seen a statue from a road near by.

>I will let you know when I have gone by. It seems like

>a very interesting place!


>with love,



>(I am writing from someone else's home and computer

>so I do not know what email address may show in this mail)


>, "vaayel" <vaayel> wrote:

>> Lillith

>> Hi. I have found the URL for the center, here it is:

>> http://www.vedantasociety.org/

>> The address is under contacts. If you do decide to go there let us

>> know how it is. I have been to the one in Chennai India

>> (Headquarters) and one in San Francisco. They are very peaceful

>> places. Some have libraries and or book stores. Usually they sell

>> books at very reasonable prices. The books usually come from India

>> and usually if you buy these same books at the bookstore they are

>> VERY expensive compared to buying them at ramakrishna math. You


>> be able to order on line too.

>> I don't know if the groups knows about Ramakrishna?

>> He is a great sage of India. He grew up in the state of West


>> and from a young age, he rebelled against school to become a god

>> realized person. He was a brahmin and as a teen he took up temple

>> service (pujari=priest) at a temple owned by a low caste person (he

>> was almost shunned by his family for this). He is famous for this

>> temple because there he became a devote of Kali, the mother


>> He used to get so frantic in his prayer he would dress the mother


>> feed the mother as though she was really alive. He was 'hold

>> discussions' with her and go into fits of devotion he could not


>> out of for days and weeks. The other thing he is really famous for

>> is realizing ALL GOD IS ONE, but humans like to see GOD in


>> forms. When he was still alive, he took on a disciple, Sri

>> Vivekananda. Vivekananda is famous as he was the first Hindu to


>> abroad. He spoke the famous lines "Hello Brothers and Sisters" at


>> World Council on Religions in Chicago in about 1897.

>> That is just a bit of background.


>> Jennifer







>Message: 2

> Sat, 19 Jan 2002 04:25:05 -0800 (PST)

> SY Zenith <syzenith

>Legend of Ganesha



>Namaste Friends,



>Holy Mountain Trading Company's


> anesha, also known as Vinayaka (the prominent leader), is the elephant-headed

Hindu god of wisdom, literature and worldly success. He is thought to derive

from an animistic deity, possibly a Dravidian (aboriginal) sun god. Ganesha is a

propitious god, promising success, prosperity, and peace and is invoked before

any sort of enterprise. It is his responsibility to decide between success and

failure, to remove obstacles or create them as necessary. His pot-belly

symbolizes a pitcher full of prosperity, a sort of abdominal cornucopia.

> Ganesha has many names. The main ones are Ganapati (Lord of the tribe or

attendants), Vighnesvara (controller of all obstacles), Gajanana

(elephant-faced), Gajadhipati (Lord of elephants), Lambkarn (long-eared),

Lambodar (pendant-bellied) and Ekadant (having one tusk).

> Ganesha is said to have been the son of Parvati and Shiva. His task in life

was to guard his mother and once while doing so he foolishly failed to recognize

Shiva himself who had come seeking his consort. Trying to defend his mother's

bath, Ganesha was beheaded by Shiva who later was persuaded by Parvati to revive

him. He promised Ganesha that he should have the head of the first creature who

happened along. An elephant, the wisest of animals, appeared and became the

involuntary donor in the first successful head transplant in history.

> Ganesha was a glutton. One evening, having stuffed himself to capacity, he

decided to take a post-prandial ride on his favored mount, Mooshika, a rat or

shrew. Along the moonlit road they chanced upon a large snake and the startled

rat bolted, throwing the gross Ganesha. Ganesha fell heavily; he hit the ground

so hard that his stomach burst open. Gathering up the remains of his

self-esteem, his ample guts and the snake, Ganesha wittily used the reptile as a

belt and tied himself up together again. Howls of derision shattered the

peaceful scene; it was the moon who had witnessed the whole incident with great

relish. Ganesha lost his temper and angrily looked about for something to throw

at his tormentor. Finding nothing suitable, he ripped off one of his own tusks

and hurled it at the moon. He added a vindictive curse that every so often the

moon would lose its power of giving light.

> Another explanation of his missing tusk is that he plucked it out in his

enthusiasm to write down the Mahabharata, the Hindu religious epic, at the

dictation of sage Vyasa. He was after all the Hindu god of learning and the

patron of letters. Would that all in the literary world were as kind, gentle and

well-meaning as Ganesha.

> Ganesha is depicted with having four arms. These symbolize him as the

universal ruler establishing four categories of beings -- firstly those who can

live only in water, secondly those who can live in water and earth, thirdly

those who can live only on earth and lastly those who can fly in the air.

Moreover it is also Ganesha who instituted the four castes and four Vedas. One

hymn in Sri Bhagavat Tathva, an ancient scripture, says:

>"In heaven this child will establish the predominance of gods,

>on earth that of men, in the nether world that of the anti-gods

>and serpents. He causes the four principles of the elements to

>move and is therefore four-armed. In one hand he is shown to

>have a shell, in another a discus, in the third a club or a sweet

>cake and in the fourth a water lily."

> The vehicle of Ganesha is a mouse. As rats generally succeed in gnawing their

way through every obstruction, the rat symbolizes this god's ability to destroy

every obstacle. Being an elephant he passes through the thickest of wild growth

in a forest, uproots and tears to smithereens the thickest trees hindering his

path and fells out whatever comes in his way. While drilling holes like a mouse

he can also slip through the narrowest of spaces and thickest of the walls.

Moreover, the mouse is deemed to be the master of inside everything. The

all-pervading Atman (soul) is the mouse that lives in the hole called Intellect,

within the heart of every being. It hides itself behind the inscrutable shape of


> The legend about Ganesha having preference over all other gods establishes his

sharpness of intellect. There was a keen competition amongst all gods to gain

the first place of worship amongst the laity. It was decided that the god who

would return first after traversing the whole universe shall be declared the

winner. All gods and goddesses ran on their fast vehicles. Ganesh with his

pot-bellied body and mouse's vehicle could never hope to compete. He took a

round of his parents, Shiva and Parvati, and just sat there at the starting

point. He was declared the winner because one who goes round his parents and

touches their feet traverses the whole universe. Since then Ganesha is always

worshipped first and every other god takes a back seat. Another legend says that

when Parvati saw an elephant's head being fixed on her son's body, she burst

into tears and could not be soothed. To pacify her Brahma announced that amongst

the worship of all the gods, that of Ganesha should forever bear the first


> Ganesha has two wives, one named Siddhi (Success) and the other named Riddhi

(Prosperity). Of course one who pleases the Lord automatically comes into the

good books of his two wives!

> As the Lord of Obstacles and the personification of those qualities which

surmount all difficulties, Ganesha is often honored at the outset of any project

or test and consequently has become particularly popular with modern businessmen

and students. He is the typical lord of success in life and its accompaniments

of good living, prosperity and peace. In all ceremonies (except funeral rites)

Ganesha is first involked. He is revered by most Hindus, whether followers of

Shiva or Vishnu.

> Ganesha represents the unity of the Small Being, the man, with the Great

Being, the elephant. It is the blending of the microcosm with macrocosm, of drop

of water with the ocean and of individual soul with divinity.





>Last modified: November 17, 2000

> 1999-2000 Holy Mountain Trading Company. All rights reserved.






> http://www.holymtn.com/gods/ganesh.htm





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>Message: 3

> Sat, 19 Jan 2002 04:53:31 -0800 (PST)

> SY Zenith <syzenith

>Prayer Request



>Hi Lilith,

>Sincere prayers are with you. Sorry to hear of your predicament and hope

everything will sort themselves out smoothly. I hope there is some way someone

can assist you over there.

>In Australia, such cases are often brought to the attention of Television

stations and aired on "Current Affairs Programs" where journalists track down

such devious companies and con-artists, question them and make them redress the

problems they cause to trusting people such as yourselves. The tv stations also

bring such cases to the attention of appropriate authorities who eventually seek

justice on behalf of those who have suffered.

>I have no ideas how things work in your country or how company laws are

structured. Surely there must be something akin to "Consumer Affairs" or "Fair

Trading Services Acts" that must be in place somehow. Have you got such

authorities as "local councils" and "Tradesmen licencing boards" in your state?

>Looks like the company has cornered you. If its not a humungous sum of money

you'd paid for your house to be painted, and if the "additional sum" billed to

you isn't extremely exhorbitant, sometimes it may be best to just pay up, forget

about the whole incident and move on....

>I know its easy to say but if you compare that sum of money over a legal fight

which could possibly make you lose your home, then the legalities are not worth

it. Any form of legal action, often results in draining one's mental and

financial resources. Its usually more stressful for the plaintiffs than the

respondents if they are "wealthy thieves".

>Must say that lawyers charge a hell of a lot over your side. This is in

comparison with Australian standards of course. I am sure your lawyer would

have done his best and given you the best advice he can under the circumstances.

>Best to save the stress, move on with your life and what you'd spent paying the

company and your lawyer, will eventually come back to you in another way. The

Universe provides somehow. Please have faith and don't traumatize nor give

yourself guilt trips over being too trusting in the first place. Some companies

are unethical. Just take it as a lesson and ask around for referrals (from

others) whenever you need some work done for your home in the future. Above all

else, I hope you will save your home and may all obstacles be removed for you by

Lord Ganesh's Grace.

>Just some thoughts, hope it helps.. Good wishes are with you from Australia.



> agirlasleep wrote: Hello! I want to thank you all for such a


>warm welcome. I feel like a part of a wonderful

>group with such a Beloved subject in common 8-).


>I am also writing to ask for prayers and possibly

>advice. I have found myself in a very difficult

>position and I need help. Here it is in brief:

>My father and grandmother passed away and left me

>a little inheritence. I decided to buy a home.

>In September of 2000 I asked a company to come

>and paint my home. Well it seems that I hired

>some people that ... well they did a very poor

>job and never even finished! I paid them a little

>more than I should have but with hopes they would

>do a good job. About 3/4 of the way through the

>painters quit the job! I was unhappy in many ways

>but happy too because they were so unreliable and

>did a bad job. I thought the whole thing was done.

>Well now the contractor I used to get the job done

>billed me for *more* money and when I told them the

>job was bad they filed a lien on my house! Now they

>are taking me to court and I could lose my home over

>this! My lawyer says that this contractor is a well

>known thief and they have lots of money and have

>no conscience at all. 8-(. He said they can afford

>to drag this out until I have no money left and lose!

>I am so frightened to lose

>my home! I have told my story during a deposition and

>they just lied about everything and said I fired the

>painters and that they did a lovely job and I should

>pay them!


>I hope this letter is not too long and I hope you don't

>mind me asking for help. I have been trying to learn from

>this situation and have worked very hard on being compassionate

>towards them... I am trying to find a way to not be entangled

>with these people. On the other hand it's hard not to be

>so angry. It feels like... they are siphoning my money,

>my hope, my home and my health.. like vampires. it is

>so very dark and spooky.


>Well thank you for listening and if anyone can please pray for

>me or offer me some advice I would appreciate it from the bottom

>of my heart. Oh, I don't mean legal advice 8-). I mean

>spiritual 8-).


>with love,



>"The Antidote to Violence is Compassion."

> - Thich Nhat Hanh





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