Guest guest Posted March 25, 2002 Report Share Posted March 25, 2002 An excerpt from Swami Anandakapila's Notes to Selected Students dd March 24, 2002 below. Of interest to Yoga and Tantric students. Om Shanti, Sy ---------------------------- MASTERING NAULI: I highly recommend this technique even for those of you not engaged in Hatha Yoga Practices. This is an excerpt from Swami Ajnananda's book "Mastery of Stress" which is a treasure trove of information for all Tantric and Yogastudents. -Anandakapila. Particularly valuable for teachers and advanced OM-Kara Kriya students.This book may be ordered at: Page 173 Mastery of StressSteps to Nauli, Background and Benefits:The technique consists of voluntarily isolating the large columnar muscles at the front of the abdomen and then rotating them. It isa way of self-massaging all the organs in the abdominal cavity. The quality and depth of this massage cannot be duplicated by anyexternal operator.Liver, Pancreas, Spleen, whole Lower Digestive Tract, Reproductive Organs, Kidneys and Bladder are all toned and residual unwantedaccumulations milked out to be disposed of by the blood and the lymph. The overall effect is to dramatically raise the level ofvitality and energy.Nauli, the Practice: Do this in front of a mirror.Make sure that the stomach is empty. Stand with the feet slightly more than shoulder width apart. Bend the knees slightly and,keeping the back straight, bend forward from the waist so that your hands can be placed, palms downward at the knees, while keepingthe elbows locked and the arms straight.Phase One: Exhale completely and forcefully through the mouth, lower the chin into the hollow at the base of the throat and keep thelungs empty. With a moderate downward pressure on the thighs to assist you, draw the belly back towards the spine. Hold for onesecond only, let the contraction suddenly relax, releasing the pressure of the arms, and then apply the contraction againimmediately.Repeat this process as many times as you can comfortably manage while keeping the lungs empty. Always stay within the limitations ofyour comfortable breath capacity, very gradually increasing the number of contractions you can perform one external breathretention. At first there may not be much discernible movement of the abdomen, but with regular daily practice, you will eventuallybe able to proceed to the next phase.Note: When you reach the limit of the breath capacity and before you breathe in again, first always try to exhale a little more.This opens the airway and avoids a sudden, uncontrolled inrush of air.Phase Two: When you are capable of performing around twenty contractions on the one breath, you will be ready to move into thisphase. In classical Yoga terminology it is called Uddiyana Bandha.Proceed as for phase one, but, when you have drawn the belly back towards the spine, raise the shoulders and the rib cage and try tolift the abdominal contents up towards the chest cavity. Hold this contraction for as long as comfortable. When you are ready torelease, lower the shoulders, relax the rib cage, then relax the belly, remembering to breathe out a little before you inhale.By the time you become proficient at Phase Two, you will already be experiencing considerable benefits from the practice. Manydigestive disorders are rectified, even at this stage of the practice. It is also especially applicable to people suffering fromdiabetes because of the stimulus to the Pancreas.Phase Three: Proceed as for Phase two, applying a strong and comprehensive abdominal contraction. Bear down, applying pressure withthe arms to the thighs and push the two large muscle columns forward, isolating them ventrally. The feeling is rather like tryingto push the navel outwards while keeping the abdominal contents sucked in.Hold for a few seconds then draw everything in and upward in the Uddiyana Bandha. Repeat as many times as you can comfortably keepthe breath out. Concentrate on achieving high quality of muscular definition rather than the number of isolations. When thedefinition is good, you are ready to proceed to Phase four.Phase Four: In this stage, you are trying to separately isolate the two sides. Proceed as for Phase two, applying the contraction.Bear down on your right side only, leaving the left side as relaxed as you can manage. The left side of the abdomen should beconcave, while the right muscular column is pushed forward.Relax the pressure on the right side, drawing everything again up into the Uddiyana Bandha. Repeat the process on the left side. Youwill probably find that the definition is better on one side than the other. If this is so, work on the weaker side until it equalsthe stronger. Again, concentrate on quality rather than the number of repetitions.Phase Five: In this final stage, the aim is to apply the isolations alternately, creating a churning action. The Uddiyana Bandhaneeds to be quite strong as, while you are transferring the emphasis from one side to the other, it is responsible for the innerchurning action. It does take some time to develop the knack of moving with control from one isolation to the other, to produce thedeep massaging effect.Isolate the left side, then slowly relax it, drawing it, with control, back towards the spine. When it is almost retracted,relinquish the pressure of the left arm and transfer it to the right, pushing the right muscular column outward. Just as you reachmaximum isolation of the right side, start bearing down on the left and reducing the pressure being applied on the right. By thetime the left side is at maximum isolation, the right side will be relaxed and concave again.Work at perfecting the movement slowly, developing total control of each phase of the circular motion. Change the direction of yourrotation from time to time, but always finish the session with a clockwise movement (seen as if you were observing the circle beingdescribed by looking down at it from above) as this assists the natural peristaltic action in the large intestine.Once the technique has been mastered, it can be used at various times throughout your day, even while seated in front of yourcomputer. It also is a base practice for advanced internal cleansing procedures, but these require personal instruction.You will feel its effects not simply on the physiological level. You are also very likely to experience a dramatic increase inassertiveness and general self-confidence. ************** Snipped ************ Movies - coverage of the 74th Academy Awards® Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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