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No apology necessary.....Bill responds to the Montage....

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Brother it literally was hidden from me the first time around, but

when I went back a second time. Scott, it was beautiful! I have to

believe you created that. If you did then it is a wonderful gift from

your spirit to mine, and to all beings. Thanks. I love the radiance

in it. Brother, you don't know how touched I am. I am most

complimented by this gift. Also, let me tell you that it is powerful

to me. VERY POWERFUL! Ganesh, the mouse, etc. I love it. The whole

thing. Meanings dissolve as truth flows out of our spirits. Meanings

are interpretations of dynamic realities. Thanks brother. I love this

treasure. May I have permission to share it w others if I mention you?


With love, Bill

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Scott Hutton wrote:

Share it however you like, mention or no mention...frankly, I think it was to

some extent "channeled" and have little sense of authorship. If I ever get off

this Ganesha imaging toot, I'm going to go back to your website and play around

some more...if I produce other such images having nothing to do with Ganesh I'd

email them only to you, to deal with as you see fit. BTW, is your stuff

copyrighted? Might be wise...I can easily see those drawings being swiped for

t-shirt designs... Here's another Ganesh image that came through this

morning...same base image as your montage. Stay well...I agree: our spirits

must talking away over the Cosmic Wireless... S

giveawayboy wrote: Brother it literally was hidden from me the first time

around, but when I went back a second time. Scott, it was beautiful! I have to

believe you created that. If you did then it is a wonderful gift from your

spirit to mine, and to all beings. Thanks. I love the radiance in it. Brother,

you don't know how touched I am. I am most complimented by this gift. Also, let

me tell you that it is powerful to me. VERY POWERFUL! Ganesh, the mouse, etc. I

love it. The whole thing. Meanings dissolve as truth flows out of our spirits.

Meanings are interpretations of dynamic realities. Thanks brother. I love this

treasure. May I have permission to share it w others if I mention you?With

love, BillTo from this group, send an email

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