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Whadda I know? I just work here... I suppose you're asking what's a nice boy

like that doing with a lingam coming out of his jowl??? Whadda I know?

That's how I found it...ring and all...<<<<<< Cackles....! Dontcha go all

innocent, ya know more than ya let on & I'm darned sure about dat. Speaking of

lingams, have you ever heard tell of quartz crystals being considered natural

lingams? <<<<< Not specifically till now though I've heard about those crystal

skulls, etc.

I visited somebody or other's temple site yesterday, only to discover a huge

Arkansas quartz generator crystal all decked (talk about temple drag!!! this

crystal makes Liberace look like a nun!) << Lol.....! out in strings of flowers

and being venerated as a natural lingam...in some way it was implied that such a

lingam is superior to the polished ones we get from India...<< Can't help but

feel tis only "implications" on part of sales sharks wanting to set trends

(pardon the skeptism) though I don't mean all are that way inclined. being

self-emerged and so on....I think the temple is in Hawaii...have you ever heard

of quartz crystals being natural lingams?<< I'm only pritty sure there is a

temple in South India with a Ruby Shiva Lingam. Can't remember if its in

Chennai/Pondicherry or outside town. Might try and check dat out some time.

If I get any answers, shall let ya know. Wandering a bit off Ganesh, let me

explain that I have a large collection of quartz crystals, many of them

generators...<<<<<< Ya lucky boy! Wanta ship soom of ya treasures over to

Ozland when ya ready to git rid of dem? I also have a balcony at the end of my

apartment that faces in the direction of New York City...early last summer I

was impelled to take virtually all the crystals outside and leave them on the

balcony...resulting in so many crystals out there one couldn't move

around...<<<<< Sounds wonderful, wish I kin git on da broomstick (or if luck

has it, maybe Ganesha would lend His beloved Mushika) over there ta see it. all

summer they stayed there and I kept wondering what was up...Then came 9/11<<<<<

Shocking tragedy 911 was; that particular day shattered my life in a big way


and I knew...their move outside was some sort of transcendent magick that I

could serve (as crystal mover) but not understand. There was a "real" Shiva

lingam among them (14" high), the kind you see Ganesha cuddling....but lots of

quartz generators ...which I thinking now were lingams too...<< They may well

be. Whatever the mind of man can conceive, the mind of man can achieve (so

said someone famous whose name I kin't recall right now). Well, I've lived long

enough to figure out that one can rarely totally figure anything out...<<<<<

Sometimes in life, it is not wise to ponder, question or think too hard about

things. When the time is right, the answers simply dawn on us (when we are

ready for them that is....) To borrow something said a zillion times over by

just about everybawdy: When the "student" is ready, the guru will appear, be

it the inner guru or a living & kicking one. but one can keep tabs on

things...<<<<< Gret idea, ya kin't go wrung with dat. and one of the things I'm

trying to keep tabs on is this lingam-magick...which I serve without

understanding.<< Unquestioning devotion does not require understanding :-) In

my mail box, I see a huge blank gap between the above sentence and the next

one........ BTW, where DO you find all these links? I'm talking about the post

site links you just posted and the extraordinary link collection archived here

in . <<<<<< Here, there and everywhere whenever there's time. Tried

out just about every search engine that existed or exists, no particular

preference, just mish mash some words from time to time & lo + behold! some

bewdies wud show up when least expected. Bountiful blessings, Sy

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DId you note that NOT ONE Islamic cleric came out to condemn the sentence? NOT

ONE. Five years ago I had the profoundest respect for Islam; now, well, now

they're about on a par with cockroaches...lower, actually...cockroaches are not


Your point about the cleric not speaking up is a very good point. I would be a

little cautious in condemning ALL muslims though. They are not all bad

people!!! If you are born in a fundamentalist Muslim country what religious

choice would you have?

I don't mind. I can laugh at any belief system and could even laugh at my own

gods! I couldn't worship a god that didn't have a sense of humour! But you

should be a little cautious when you insult whole religions for the other more

sensative types sake;-)

Personally, I wish all of todays Muslims were Sufis then we wouldn't have any

problems! Look, there are Jewish Mystics -Qabbalists who see god in everyone

and everything is holy to them, they would not condemn a Hindu. Then, there are

fundamentalist Jews who would say that you will go straight to hell for not

being born as one of them!

There are Muslim Sufis who see everything as Holy and then there are

fundamentalists, extremists and terrorists. This rule applies to the Christians

although today it is rare to find a mystic amongst them!

It seems that when one declares a book written by a human hand as law for all.

Or if one thinks everyone should be the same there are serious problems. It is

a very unnatural way to think. Especially when you remove God from matter and

look at everything as a degredation the spiral starts going downwards and we

enter a serious trap.......

Not all muslims think the same way. I myself am generally anti-monotheist, but I

wait to judge an individual on their own terms. SO WATCH OUT! You might get

blown up!

Just kidding. I always have to end everything with a smile. Like Ganesha teaches

me to. My life is a game and a joke. I must always remember to never take

anything to seriously.

Jai Ganesha Deva,


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SY Zenith wrote:

G'day agin Scott, Good Evening. (This here's New Yawk. We gotta behave

sometimes...if only to avoid being busted...)

Scott Hutton wrote:

Whadda I know? I just work here... I suppose you're asking what's a nice boy

like that doing with a lingam coming out of his jowl??? Whadda I know?

That's how I found it...ring and all...<<<<<< Cackles....! Dontcha go all

innocent, ya know more than ya let on & I'm darned sure about dat. Hm...yew've

been readin m'mail...and probably snoopin them akashic records...well, I lived

in NYC's East Village in the late 1960's, when it was considered rude to remain

clothed....and went on from there...whhadda life that was! We knew of, but I

never met her, this crazy Jap gal who'd give sunrise parties (you can fill in

the refreshments for yourself) and such....her last name was Ono...we were

scandalized when she married that Brit rock star....

Speaking of lingams, have you ever heard tell of quartz crystals being

considered natural lingams? <<<<< Not specifically till now though I've heard

about those crystal skulls, etc.

It was my great pleasure to know Samy Mitchell Hedges and to spend a great deal

of time with the Mitchell Hedges skull...if you would like to hear anecdotes,

contact me privately...I would never discuss these experiences

publicly...simply because Samy hated that...

Wandering a bit off Ganesh, let me explain that I have a large collection of

quartz crystals, many of them generators...<<<<<< Ya lucky boy! Wanta ship

soom of ya treasures over to Ozland when ya ready to git rid of dem? There is a

slew of crystals in New Zealand, and that country is blessed by some very high

crystal workers...snarf that out...



all summer they stayed there and I kept wondering what was up...Then came

9/11<<<<< Shocking tragedy 911 was; that particular day shattered my life in a

big way too.

It was, finally, the air... the disgusting air that day...as we had, even 1.5

miles north of the disaster, to breath in ash that one could not possible deny

had to contain particles, however tiny, of those who perished....oh, the

disgusting air of that day...I hear the next day was worse...for then the air

was laden with the smell of electrical fires as well... but I stayed up here in

the suburbs to avoid it...did you read in the news today about the Nigerian girl

who's to be stoned to death as soon as her child is weaned, for the child was

born out of wedlock? DId you note that NOT ONE Islamic cleric came out to

condemn the sentence? NOT ONE. Five years ago I had the profoundest respect

for Islam; now, well, now they're about on a par with cockroaches...lower,

actually...cockroaches are not hypocrites...the morning of 9/11 a friend of a

friend hailed a cab in the upper West Side...it was an Arabi cabbie...she got

in and told him to go near the WTC...and he refused...this was about 45 minutes

before it happened....a day or so earlier, the daughter of a friend was

confronted by road rage - another Arab screaming at her, "You people will

burn!!!" The media doesn't report that but New York City's heart was so big it

let in assassins...the Arab cabbies have all disappeared....I make it a point to

glare at the occasional woman in Arab Drag (we have that whorehouse of a UN

here, you know, and for decades have wanted them gone)...you see them on 5th

Avenue during the day...pretending to blend in....but oh that air, that

disgusting air...which looked so much like normal clouds....


a zillion times over by just about everybawdy: When the "student" is ready,

the guru will appear, be it the inner guru or a living & kicking one. For me

the Guru is the formless mind, beyond birth/death and all imagining...sometimes

I'm ready but usually not....hopefully, at death, the unreadiness will entirely

drop off with the body...


In my mail box, I see a huge blank gap between the above sentence and the next

one........ I got carried away with the Enter Key


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I cannot agree with you. Those maintaining silence share the shame.

Can you honestly keep smiling at the notion of a new mother being stoned to

death? Can you with good conscience make excuses?

That's not religion; that's comatose.



lionserpent358 (AT) aol (DOT) com wrote:

In a message dated 8/20/2002 9:50:04 PM Eastern Daylight Time, hmshutton writes:

DId you note that NOT ONE Islamic cleric came out to condemn the sentence? NOT

ONE. Five years ago I had the profoundest respect for Islam; now, well, now

they're about on a par with cockroaches...lower, actually...cockroaches are not

hypocrites.Your point about the cleric not speaking up is a very good point. I

would be a little cautious in condemning ALL muslims though. They are not all

bad people!!! If you are born in a fundamentalist Muslim country what religious

choice would you have? I don't mind. I can laugh at any belief system and could

even laugh at my own gods! I couldn't worship a god that didn't have a sense of

humour! But you should be a little cautious when you insult whole religions for

the other more sensative types sake;-) Personally, I wish all of todays Muslims

were Sufis then we wouldn't have any problems! Look, there are Jewish Mystics

-Qabbalists who see god in everyone and everything is holy to them, they would

not condemn a Hindu. Then, there are fundamentalist Jews who would say that you

will go straight to hell for not being born as one of them! There are Muslim

Sufis who see everything as Holy and then there are fundamentalists, extremists

and terrorists. This rule applies to the Christians although today it is rare to

find a mystic amongst them! It seems that when one declares a book written by a

human hand as law for all. Or if one thinks everyone should be the same there

are serious problems. It is a very unnatural way to think. Especially when you

remove God from matter and look at everything as a degredation the spiral

starts going downwards and we enter a serious trap....... Not all muslims think

the same way. I myself am generally anti-monotheist, but I wait to judge an

individual on their own terms. SO WATCH OUT! You might get blown up! Just

kidding. I always have to end everything with a smile. Like Ganesha teaches me

to. My life is a game and a joke. I must always remember to never take anything

to seriously. Jai Ganesha Deva, William To from this group, send an

email to:-http://www.geocities.com/aumganesh/

Do You


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