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ABHAYAM: Fearless.ABHIMANA: Egoism, identification with the body. ABHYASA:

Spiritual practice.ADHIKARI: A qualified person.ADHISHTHANA: Substratum,

support.ADHYASA: Superimposition or false attribution of properties of one

thing on another thing. ADHYATMIC: Spiritual.ADHYAYANA: Study.ADVAITA:

Non-duality.AGRAHYA: Unknowable.AHANKARA: Egoism.AHIMSA: Non-injury in thought,

word and deed. Click here for a more detailed explanation.AISVARYA: Divine

powers.AJARAM: Without old age.ALABDHABHUMIKATVA: The feeling that it is

impossible to see reality.ALASYA: Laziness.AMARA: Immortal.AMARA-PURUSHA:

Immortal being.AMRITAM: Immortal.ANADI: Beginningless.ANAHATA: Mystic sound

heard by Yogis.ANANDA: Bliss, happiness, joy.ANANDA-GHANA: Cloud of

bliss.ANANDA-SVARUPA: Of the form of bliss.ANANDAMAYA: Full of great

happiness.ANTAHKARANA: Internal instrument such as mind, intellect, ego and the

subconscious mind.ANANTAM: Infinity. ANTARATMAN: Inner Self.ANTARYAMIN: Inner

witness. ANUBHAVA: Experience.APTA: Realized.ARHATA: A perfected

Soul.ASAMPRAJNATA: Highest superconscious state where the mind is completely

annihilated and Reality experienced. ASANA: A bodily pose or posture.ASHRAM: A

hermitage; monastery.ASHTANGA: Eight limbs. Click here for a discourse on Raja

Yoga / Ashtanga Yoga.ASURIC: Demoniacal.ATMA-JNANA: Knowledge of the

Self.ATMA-SVARUP: The essential nature of the Self.ATMAN: The Self.AVADHUTA: A

naked sage.AVARANA: Veil of ignorance.AVIDYA: Ignorance.AYURVEDA: The ancient

Indian science of medicine.

BENARES: A holy pilgrimage centre of Hindus, now called Varanasi in Uttar

Pradesh, India.BHAGAVAD-GITA: A scripture containing Lord Krishna's

teachings.Click here to view an online version.BHAGAVATA: Name of a Purana

(sacred work dealing with the doctrines of creation, etc.)BHAJAN: Devotional

songBHAKTA: Devotee of GodBHAKTI: Devotion.BHARATAVARSHA: India.BHAVA(NA):

Feeling; mental attitude.BHAYANAKA-SABDA: A fear inducing sound.BHOGI:

Enjoyer.BHUMA: The Unconditioned, the Great Infinite, Brahman.BHUTA-SIDDHI: A

psychic power by which mastery is gained over the elements. BODHISATTVA: A

being who, having developed the Awakening Mind (a mind infused with the

aspiration to attain the state of Buddhahood), devotes his life to the task of

achieving Buddhahood for the sake of all sentient beings.BRAHMA-CHINTANA:

Constant thinking of Brahman.BRAHMA-JNANA: Direct Knowledge of

Brahman.BRAHMA-NISHTHA: One who is established in the Knowledge of

Brahman.BRAHMA-SROTRI: One who has knowledge of the Vedas and the

Upanishads.BRAHMA-SUTRAS: Classical Vedantic scripture.BRAHMA-TEJAS: Spiritual

halo.BRAHMA-VIDYA: The science of Brahman, knowledge of Brahman, learning

pertaining to Brahman or the Absolute Reality. Click here for an essay on

Brahma Vidya.BRAHMACHARYA: Practice of celibacy. Purity in thought, word and

deed. Click here for a discourse on Brahmacharya.BRAHMAMUHURTA: Period from 4

a.m. to 6 a.m.BRAHMAN: The Absolute Reality; God.BRIHADARANYAKA: Name of an

Upanishad.BUDDHA: One who is totally purified from all defilements and who has

realized all that can be known.BUDDHI: Intellect.

CHAITANYA: Pure Consciousness.CHAKRAS: Centres of energy in the human

system.CHANDOGYA: Name of an Upanishad.CHELA: Disciple.CHIRANJIVI: One who has

gained eternal life.CHITTA: Subconscious mind.

DAIVIC: Divine.DAMA: Control of senses.DARSHAN: Vision.DAYA: Mercy.DEHA:

Body.DEVAS: Celestial beings.DHARANA: Concentration.DHARMA: Righteous way of

living as enjoined by the sacred scriptures, virtue. DHYANA:

Meditation.DIVYA-DRISHTI: Divine perception.DVESHA: Repulsion; hatred; dislike.

EKADASI: Eleventh day of the Hindu lunar fortnight

====== Snipped, please see the rest at:

http://www.sivanandadlshq.org/glossary.htmDo you ?

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