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Ma/Aghora III

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Scott Hutton <hmshutton > wrote:

I got the third book. It's yewrs anytime yew want...from Amazon..<<<<< Gonna

lay hands on it soon, I hope. So what's in the 3rd one? Saw the cover, was he

tawking horse-racing? Just kidding there....What fool compared this man to

Castenada? <<<<< It was some web site I think. Its been a couple of months

since I saw it. Didn't bother to bookmark the link.

Sometimes I long to assume the form of Kali or Sekhmet (I think they're the same

gal btw) and roar through the New Age fussers...The Cosmos, I'm sure, hates a

tight ass.Castaneda's an entirely other trip....I don't even see a connection.

Man.<<<<<< Absolutely agree with ya, man.



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, SY Zenith <syzenith> wrote:


> Hi Scott,

> Scott Hutton <hmshutton> wrote:

> I got the third book. It's yewrs anytime yew want...from

Amazon..<<<<< Gonna lay hands on it soon, I hope. So what's in the

3rd one? Saw the cover, was he tawking horse-racing? Just kidding



Good Gawd woman, I ain't even finished Book 1 and yer after moi for

Book 3? There is a lot of falderol in this writing, blended in with

the most sublime mind sparkings - just like daily life. I'm loving



> What fool compared this man to Castenada? <<<<< It was some web

site I think. Its been a couple of months since I saw it. Didn't

bother to bookmark the link.


I see the connection now - both approved of booze and dope. Well,

that's ok but it's not much of a connection. They're REAL different



> Sometimes I long to

> assume the form of Kali or Sekhmet (I think they're the same gal

> btw) and roar through the New Age fussers...The Cosmos, I'm sure,

> hates a tight ass.


You know, it occurs to moi: "The Cosmos hates a tight ass" may be a

corollary to "Nature abhors a vacuum," a law I flash on everytime I

open a can of anything. Including worms.




> Castaneda's an entirely other trip....I don't even see a

> connection. Man.<<<<<< Absolutely agree with ya, man.


I suppose this is as good a time as any to announce to the list: I

am changing my name to "Lama Snafu."


You may address me as "Snaffy".


Rhymes with "daffy" but I'm not, at least the last time I checked, a



Forgot to mention: last week I acquired the most amazing statue: a

two armed Ganesha as a naked sadhu, so anatomically correct I nearly

called the cops. If yer real good, ol' Stark might send you a

picture of it...I wouldn't dream of posting it here. Anyhoo...the

only thing missing from the rupa was the mouse. So I clawed through

m'Hopi fetish collection and, lo! there was a forgotten mouse

fetish! He and Newd Ganesh are buddyin it jes' fine.


(Whatever do people whose mother tongue ain't English make of our

linguistic mangles?)


Yer bud,








> Ommmm


> Sy




So where's the Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?





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