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Gayatri Mantram 1

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This is very long so I will break it into 3 parts..



Om Bhur Bhuva Suvah Tat Savithur VarenyamBhargo Devasya Dheemahi Dhiyo Yonah Prachodayat

Meaning: Oh Mother, who subsists in all the three Kaalas (Time: Past, Present

and Future), in all the three lokas (Lokas: Heaven, Earth and Lower Regions)

and in all the three gunas (Gunas - Attributes: Sathwa, Rajas and Thamas), I

pray to Thee, to illumine my intellect and dispel my ignorance just as the

splendorous sunlight dispels all darkness. I pray to Thee to make my intellect

serene and bright and enlightened.

The Gaayathree manthra (Vedic prayer to illuminate the intelligence) is a sacred

manthra, which demonstrates the unity that underlies manifoldness in creation.

It is through the recognition of this unity that we can understand the

multiplicity. Clay is one and the same thing, though pots of different shapes

and sizes can be made from it. Gold is one, though gold ornaments can be

multifarious. The Aathma (Divine Self) is one, though the embodied forms in

which it resides may be many. Whatever the color of the cow, the milk is white


There is no object in the world, which does not have a form and a name. The

Cosmos is made up of things with forms and names. While the forms are subject

to constant change, the names remain unchanged. The form may change and even

completely disappear but the name remains. Once we know the name, we can

recognize what or whom it represents. In a large gathering, it will not be easy

to trace a person merely from the description of his features. But when his name

is called, he immediately responds and can be identified. Likewise, through the

name of the Lord, the form of the Lord can be visualized.

Gaayathree is described as having five faces. The first is "Om". The second is

"Bhurbhuvassuvah". The third is: "Thathsavithur Varenyam". The fourth is

"Bhargo Dhevasya Dheemahi". The fifth is: "Dhiyo-yo nah Prachodhayaath".

Gaayathree represents in these five faces the five Praanas (life forces).

Gaayathree is the protector of the five Praanas in man. Gaayantham thraayathe

ithi Gaayathree - "Because it protects the one who recites it, it is called

Gaayathree." When Gaayathree acts as protector of the life-forces, she is known

as Saavithree. Saavithree is known in the puraanic story as the devoted wife who

brought back to life her husband, Sathyavaan. Saavithree is the presiding deity

of the five praanas. She protects those who lead a life of Truth. This is the

inner meaning.

When one's intelligence and intuition are developed by the recitation of the

manthra, the activating deity is Gaayathree. When the life-forces are

protected, the guardian deity is called Saavithree. When one's speech is

protected, the deity is called Saraswathee. Because of the protective roles of

Saavithree, Saraswathee and Gaayathree, in relation to life, speech and the

intellect, Gaayathree is described as "Sarvadhevathaa-swaruupini", the

embodiment of all goddesses.

It is essential to recite the Gaayathree manthra at least three times during

morning, noon and evening. This will serve to reduce the effects of the wrong

acts one does every day. It is like buying goods for cash, instead of getting

them on credit. There is no accumulation of karmic (result of action) debt, as

each day's karma (action) is atoned for that day itself by reciting the

Gaayathree Manthra.


Meaning of Gayatri Mantra

Gayatri is a Mantra(vedic hymn) which inspires righteous wisdom its meaning is

that the Almighty God may illuminate our intellect which may lead us to

righteous path. This is most important teaching. All the problems of a person

are solved if he is endowed with the gift of righteous wisdom. Having endowed

with far sighted wisdom, a man is neither entangled in calamity nor does he

tread wrong path.Righteous wisdom stars emerging as soon as a methodical

recitation of this Mantra is performed.

OM Almighty God

BHOOR Embodiment of vital or spiritual energy

BHUVAHA Destroyer of suffering

SWAHA Embodiment of happiness

TAT That (indicating God)

SAVITUR Bright, luminous, like and sun

VARENIYAM Supreme, best

BHARGO Destroyer of sins


DHEEMAHI M ay receive

DHIYO Intellect

YO Who



Translated it means: "O God, Thou art the giver of life, the remover of pain and

sorrow, the bestower of happiness; O Creator of the Universe, may we receive thy

supreme, sin-destroying light; may Thou guide our intellect in the right


1. Om stands for "The Almighty God". He pervades in all the worlds

viz.Bhulo-lok, bhuvah-lok and swah-lok. He is omnipresent. All this

Creation.World, universe or cosmos is physical manifestation of God who

pervades in each and every particle. That I am seeing Him every where. I should

always remain aloof from evil thoughts and evil deeds and perform true worship

of God by extending cooperation in promoting happiness, peace and beauty this

universe which is his creation.

2. This(tat) i.e.: God is extremely bright(savitur) choicest (vareniyam)

devoid of sin (bhargo) and divine(devasya). I am assimilating such God within

me, in my conscience,. By such assimilation, I am also becoming bright,

virtuous, sinless anddivine. Every moment this virtues are developing in all

the pores and particles of my mind, brain and body. I am becoming one with

these virtues, these characteristics of God.

3. That God may inspire (prachodayat) our(nah) intellect (dhiyo) and lead us on

the righteous path. May our intellect become pious. May He lead us righteous

path.On getting the righteous wisdom we may be able to enjoy celestial bliss in

this life and make our life successful.We should contemplate and meditate on

these three determinations slowly and gradually pausing for a moment on each

word and an imaginary picture of that word should be drawn in the mind. The man

gets enriched in divine elements by contemplating and meditating on this meaning

of Gayatri. These sentiments are extremely powerful, encouraging, righteous and

elevating.One should contemplate these feelings daily for some time. By such

contemplation, the meaning of Gayatri Mantra is fully assimilated in the heart

of the person. The result is that in a few date his mind gets diverted from

evil deeds and he starts taking enthusiastic joy in righteous thinking and good

actions. How so ever little this tendency may be in the beginning, it is almost

certain that if it persists, the innerself of sadhak becomes spiritually

advanced day by day and ultimate aim of life appears to have come closer and

closer."The Gayatri Mantra does not belong to any particular sect of worship or

it is not restricted to any certain community. It is universal, for the whole

world. It contains in it the culture not of any particular society, but the

culture of humanity. The Gayatri Mantra is a treasure and heritage that belongs

to the whole of humanity without exclusion."

-Sri Sriram Sharma Acharya

All World Gayatri Pariwar USA is a non-profit organization.Tat Twam Asi

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