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>From Japa Yoga:

A Comprehensive Treatise on Mantra-Sastra

Swami Sivananda, The Divine Life Society, India, 1992, pp94-99.

A Bija-Akshara is a seed-letter. It is a very powerful Mantra. Every Devata has

his or her own Bija-Akshara. The greatest of all Bija-Aksharas is OM or

Pranava, for it is the symbol of the Para-Brahman or the Paramatman Himself. OM

contains within itself all the other Bija-Aksharas. OM is the general source or

the common seed from which all the particular sounds or secondary seeds

proceed. The letters of the alphabet are only emanations from OM which is the

root of all sounds and letters. There is no Mantra superior to or greater than

OM. OM, as it pronounced ordinarily, is an outward gross form of the real

subtle inaudible state of sound which is called the Amatra or the immeasurable

fourth transcendental state. As the various Devatas are the aspects or forms of

the One Supreme Being, so the various Bija-Aksharas or Bija-Mantras are so many

aspects or forms of the Supreme Bija or Mantra, viz., OM. Even the letters 'A',

'U' and 'M' do not really give the transcendental or original state of sound.

Even this triliteral sound is only an expression or manifestation of the

highest primal Dhvani or vibration. The transcendental sound of OM is heard

only by Yogins and not by the ordinary ear. In the correct pronunciation of OM

the sound proceeds from the navel, with a deep and harmonious vibration, and

gradually manifests itself by stages at the upper part of the nostrils where

the Anusvara or the Chandrabindu is sounded.

Generally a Bija-Mantra consists of a single letter. Sometimes it constitutes

several syllables. For example, the Bija-Mantra 'Kam' has a single letter with

the Anusvara or the Chandrabindu which forms termination of all Bija-Mantras.

In the Chandrabindu, Nada and Bindu are blended together. Some Bija-Mantras are

made up of compound letters, such as the Mantra 'Hreem'. The Bija-Mantras have a

significant inner meaning and often do not convey any meaning on their face.

Their meaning is subtle, mystic. The form of the Bija-Mantra is the form of the

Devata signified by it.

The Bijas of the five Mahabhutas or great elements, i.e., of the Devatas or the

presiding intelligences of the elements, viz., Ether, Air, Fire, Water and

Earth, are respectively Ham, Yam, Ram, Vam and Lam. The meanings of a few

Bija-Mantras are given here, to serve as examples.


OM consists of three letters: 'A', 'U' and 'M'. It signifies the three periods

of time, the three states of consciousness, the entire existence. 'A' is the

waking state or Virat and Visva. 'U' is the dreaming state of Hiranyagarbha and

Taijasa. 'M' is the sleeping state or Isvara and Prajna. Study the

Mandukyopanishad in detail in order to understand the meaning of OM.


In this Mantra, Ha is Siva. Au is Sadasiva. The Nada and Bindu mean that which

dispels sorrow. With this Mantra Lord Siva should be worshipped.


Here Da means Durga. U means to protect. Nada means the mother of the universe.

Bindu signifies action (worship or prayer). This is the Mantra of Durga.


With this Mantra Kalika should be worshipped. Ka is Kali. Ra is Brahman. Ee is

Mahamaya. Nada is the mother of the universe. Bindu is the dispeller of sorrow.



This is the Mantra of Mahamaya or Bhuvanesvari. Ha means Siva. Ra is Prakriti.

Ee means Mahamaya. Nada is the mother of the universe. Bindu means the

dispeller of sorrow.


This is the Mantra of Mahalakshmi. Sa is Mahalakshmi. Ra means wealth. Ee means

satisfaction or contentment. Nada is Apara or the manifested Brahman or Isvara.

Bindu means the dispeller of sorrow.


This is the Bija-Mantra of Sarasvati. Ai means Sarasvati. Bindu means the dispeller of sorrow.


This is the Kamabija. Ka means the Lord of desire (Kamadeva). Ka may also mean

Krishna. La means Indra. Ee means contentment or satisfaction. Nada and Bindu

mean that which brings happiness and sorrow.


In this Mantra, Ha is Siva. U is Bhairava. Nada is the Supreme. Bindu means the

dispeller of sorrow. This is the threefold Bija of Varma of armour (coat of



This is the Ganesha-Bija. Ga means Ganesha. Bindu means the dispeller of sorrow.


This also is a Mantra of Ganesha. Ga means Ganesha. La means that which

pervades. Au means lustre or brilliance. Bindu means the dispeller of sorrow.


This is the Bija of Narasimha. Ksha is Narasimha. Ra is Brahma. Au means with

teeth pointing upwards. Bindu means the dispeller of sorrow.

There are, like these, many other Bija-Mantras which signify various Devatas.

'Vyaam' is the Bija of Vyasa-Mantra, 'Brim' of Brihaspati-Mantra and 'Raam' of



Sri-Vidya is the great Mantra of Tripurasundari or Bhuvanesvari or Mahamaya. It

is also called the Panchadasi or the Panchadasakshari, for it is formed of

fifteen letters. In its developed form it consists of sixteen letters and is

called Shodasi or the Shodasakshari. The aspirant should directly get

initiation of this Mantra from a Guru, and should not start reading it for

himself or doing Japa of it, of his own accord. This is a very powerful Mantra

and, when it is not properly repeated, it may harm the Upasaka. So it is

imperative that it should be got directly from a Guru who has got Siddhi of

this Mantra.

The general rule is that this Mantra (Sri-Vidya) should be repeated after one's

passing through certain stages of self-purification through other Mantras. In

the beginning a Purascharana of Ganesa-Mantra should be done. Then

Purascharanas of Gayatri-Mantra, Maha-Mrityunjaya-Mantra and Durga-Mantra

(Vaidika or Tantrika) have to be done. After this the Panchadasakshari and the

Shodasakshari have to be taken up for Japa.

The Bija-Mantras and the Sri-Vidya should not be repeated by those who are not

well acquainted with them. Only those who have a very good knowledge of the

Sanskrit language and who have been directly initiated by a Guru (who has

Mantra-Siddhi) can take up the Japa of Bija-Mantras and the Sri-Vidya. Others

should not approach these Mantras and should do only their own Ishta-Mantras

which are easy to pronounce and remember.

Url: http://www.trancenet.org/secrets/sastra.htmlDo you ?

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Heheh thanks dear, you sent me exactly the web I was looking at when I

searched for the bija mantra on the net...


I attended yesterday a concert done by two musicotherapeuts (wrong

spelling, sorry) with quartz singing bowls and vocal harmonic

overtones. At the end of the concert they offered a ceremony of bija

mantra, channeling our personal bija mantra...that´s why I was trying

to find some info, on personal bija mantras..not God´s bija mantra...


It was fun..I don´t resonate much with the bija mantra they gave me

but...that´s my ego I think...protesting hahahahaha...


Anyhow, happy full moon, may we all resonate harmonically increasing

levels of musicality on planet earth...

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