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Kshipra Ganapathi


Who is Lord Ganesh?

The literal meaning of the word Ganesha is Lord of groups. He is the Lord (Isa)

of the groups (Gana) of Shiva!s attendants. One legend recounts that Parvati

scraped the scuff off her body, mixed it with oil, fashioned it into a small

child, and commanded life into this figure by sprinkling Ganges water on it.

This child was then asked to guard her bathroom door. When Shiva tried to enter

and found his entrance denied, he cut off Ganesh's head following a battle. On

seeing Parvati's sorrow, Shiva severed the head of the first living being he

saw, which happened to be an elephant, and joined it to the child.

Lord Ganesh is the God of wisdom, master of knowledge, champion of worldly

achievements, and remover of obstacles. He is invoked at the beginning of all

religious events and many important undertakings. He is represented with four

hands: One holds a noose (Paasa) and one holds a goad (Ankusha); the other two

are held in the positions of protection-giving (Abhaya) and blessing (Varada).

These four hands represent the four Vedas. He has only one tusk. He is said to

have written down the Mahabharata as Sage Vyasa dictated. He is depicted as

riding a mouse (Muusika) which symbolizes the Atma (self). If the self is not

guarded properly, it becomes materialistic and wants all that other people


Ganesh is represented by the sound image (mantra), AUM, and graphic image Yantra

(Swastika). He is known by other names such as Ganapathi (leader of the group),

Vinayaka (remover of obstacles), Lambodara (pot-bellied one), Gajaanana,

(elephant headed one), Ekadanata (one-toothed).

(His Holiness Sri Ganapathi Sachchidananda Swamyi's lecture on Ganesh Chaturdhi, September 9, 1985)

The main day for the celebration of Ganapathi Puja all over India is on the

fourth day of the bright half of the month of Bhadrapada. It is the sixth in

the Hindu calendar. The number six denotes the power beyond the five great

elements. The bright half is indicative of knowledge (Jnana). The fourth day

symbolizes the power beyond the three Gunas and the three states (awake, dream,

deep sleep). Prayer to Ganapathi who is none other than the Para Brahman and

therefore beyond the five elements, destroys the three sources of disturbances:

those caused by nature, those caused by animals, and those that are subjective.

Prayer to Ganapathi also grants peace of mind and contentment. Ganapathi is the

Lord of obstacles. We pray for success in all undertakings.

By the grace of Lord Shiva, Ganapathi obtained the foremost place among the

Pramatha Gunas. Ganapathi is the presiding deity for Muladhara Chakra. He alone

is the ladder of liberation. That is why He is worshiped first. He is the Lord

of Vidhyadhara, omniscient and bestower of auspiciousness. We consider

Ganapathi as constituting the essence of the five great elements and at the

same time transcending them.

Ganapathi who was a formless Principle in the Vedas and Upanishads, came to be

regarded as a visible God during the time of Puranas. It is Ganapathi who

humiliated naughty and insolvent Ravana. People attribute different

significance to Ganapathi. Having been created out of mud, He provides

incentive for agriculture operations to the farmers. To the intellectuals He is

the presiding deity for education. He is Vidya Ganapati to the students. As

Nrtya Ganapati (Ganapati in dance pose), He is Guru to dance students. He is

very dear to musicians and very much revered by them. Rarely does a musical

performance begin without singing the famous composition "Vaataapi Ganapathi"

which extols Him. Before undertaking all works, such as commencement of study,

marriage, war, etc. worship is first offered to Ganapati. The word Ganapati

means the Lord of Republics/categories.

His form connotes the virtues that leaders of men should possess. His elephant

face indicates that the strength of an elephant is necessary to overcome the

challenges in life. Tiny eyes denote the sharpness of vision needed for an

objective view of things and situations. Large ears demonstrate that one should

lend one's ears to all. "Paasa" (noose) suggests that "Maya" should be

controlled. The goad represents restraining the ego. Big head signifies broad

intellect. Single tooth is symbol of victory over lust. Large stomach denotes

that all public secrets should be taken in. Snake is symbolic of the sleeping

Kundalini. The rat that is always seen with Ganapathi and is His vehicle

signifies piercing "Ajnana" (ignorance). The snake and rat living together

teaches the moral that men should shed mutual hatred and live with love and

friendship for all. The elephant trunk stands for the one-lettered Pranava "OM'

which symbolizes Brahman.

Ganapathi stands for the inherent unity of our ancient culture and is worshiped

by the followers of almost all the religious faiths. He has many aspects, and

He is also "Jeshtaraja" (first among rulers) and Brihaspati and presiding Deity

of our ashram, to bless all with prosperity and happiness!

Om Shree Ganeshaaya Namaha

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