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Loving Ganesha: Chapter 11 (Section 3) - Prayer to Lord Ganesha -- Ganapati Prarthanah

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Namaste all,


More chapter eleven of Loving Ganesha from http://www.himalayanacademy.com/books/lg/lg_ch-11.html


Om Shanti,






Aum, Shri Ganeshaya namah -- Great Lord of Wisdom, here I stand with so many

decisions to make, with so many ways to turn. I beg for Your grace. Fill me

with righteous judgment and clear discrimination as I lay all confusion at Your

holy feet and immerse myself solely in You. Aum, Ganesha sharanam, sharanam



Aum, Shri Ganeshaya namah -- Lord Vinayaka, You are the Destroyer of all sin. I

need you; help me. How long I've spent thinking only of worldly pursuits,

caring not for the children of the future. How often I forget Your eternal

presence. I beg for Your noose to hold me close and Your goad to spur me on.

Give me faith in God, Gods and satgurus. Ganesha sharanam, sharanam Ganesha.


Aum, Shri Ganeshaya namah -- Ganapati, Lord of Ganas. I, too, am a deva under

Your command. I know I can never ever separate myself from the intricate mind

of the supreme intelligence. O Lord who destroys the obstacles of His devotees,

grant me protection, guidance and help in this hour of need. (Devotee states his

need or trouble.) Aum, Ganesha sharanam. Grant me Your grace, sharanam Ganesha.


O Lord Ganesha, holder of the noose and goad, sweets, fruits and sugarcane,

please provide for the welfare of my family. Guide prosperity and abundance to

our door. But while we wait and mostly see only our wants and needs, please

help us feel within our home Your goodness and Divinity, which no calamity can

conceal. Ganesha sharanam, sharanam Ganesha.


Omnipresent Lambodara, pure and peaceful doer of all good. Take away my fear and

anger. Let me see Thee everywhere and at all times. Show me the truth that there

is no intrinsic evil. Remove all barriers in my mind to understanding, true

trust and love. Guide me to a harmonious life and righteous success in the

fulfillment of my dharma. Ganesha sharanam, sharanam Ganesha.


Aum, Shri Ganeshaya namah! O keeper of the gate to the life of Sanatana Dharma,

open that gate for me to feel Your intricate mind moving all things toward the

world of the Gods. Open the gate for me to a life of continuous worship. Let me

enter a new world where my ego is not my God. Open the gate; let me through to

Your blissful world of trust, love and harmony.Ganesha sharanam, sharanam


In prayers of praise, adoration and thankfulness we do not ask for anything, but

simply offer our feelings of love and recognition to Lord Ganesha when our heart

is full of His grace. The more we worship and come to understand Him, the more

we realize the greatness of His work in our life and see His presence all

around us. It is from this perspective that the great bhaktas of the past sang

many of their songs to God. Such prayers confirm our relationship with Lord

Ganesha and draw us ever closer to His mind.


Aum, Shri Ganeshaya namah! Thank You, Umaganesha, for the wonderful fulfillment

You have brought into my life. I show gratitude by giving abundant dana to the

temple where You received and answered my prayers. Your shakti is the

blossoming origin of love. Praise to You who are the source of all sweetness. I

take refuge in grateful surrender at Your holy feet. Aum, jai Ganesha!


Aum, Shri Ganeshaya namah! O my grand andgracious Lord Ganesha. Here I am, with

only You in my mind. My body's life is Your warmth. Your fire is my comfort.

Now, with puja flames we offer that fire back to You. These fruits and flowers

are Yours to enjoy. My very mind, too, is Yours to direct. O peaceful One,

praise to You. Take these offerings and take, too, a place in my humble life,

in Your heart. Ganesha sharanam, sharanam Ganesha.


Aum, Shri Ganeshaya namah! Peerless One,industrious indweller in all, we see You

in the full warmth of the Sun, in the full life of Earth and the orderliness of

all the turning planets. O Lord and lover of intellect, You are the intricate

knowledge blossoming in the mind of the people. O Lord who rules the mind of

each and all who worship You, because of You, chaos never was nor will it ever

be.Ganesha sharanam, sharanam Ganesha.

Here is a prayer that has been used for centuries wherever Ganapati is the

principal Deity of the home.


Praise be to elephant-faced Ganesha, the Incomprehensible One with a sharp tusk,

three eyes and capacious belly, King of all beings, the Eternal One of blood-red

hue, Whose forehead is illuminated by the new moon, Son of Siva-Shakti, Remover

of all difficulties. Ganesha sharanam, sharanam Ganesha.

Teaching children prayers to recite at regular times during the day is a

wonderful practice through which we fulfill our duty of passing our religion on

to coming generations. Parents are encouraged to sit and say these prayers with

the children until they enter the spirit of talking with Lord Ganesha



Aum, Lord Ganesha, You make the flowers grow, You keep the Earth going around

the Sun. All day You keep things going right. You are Lord of the devas. I am

one of Your devas, too. Help me to think of the needs of others, and to be kind

to everyone I meet. Help me to think of You first before beginning something new

and to always do what is right and kind. Ganesha sharanam, sharanam Ganesha.


Aum, Lord Ganesha, You have kept my heart beating. You have guarded me from

wrongdoing. Make my love for my family and friends grow stronger each day. Make

me careful and wise. Help me to respect and heed the remindings of our kulaguru,

to be respectful to my parents and remember above all the wisdom of the Vedas.

Ganesha, that is a lot for me to do. Please help me succeed. Ganesha sharanam,

sharanam Ganesha.


Aum, Lord Ganesha, nightime is here and the moon is in the sky above, reminding

me of Your crescent tusk. Remain with me, Ganesha, through the night, in my

deepest sleep, in my inner experiences, as You have remained with me during my

daytime, outer encounters. Let me never forget You, even in my dreams. May we

as a family be guided by Your loving wisdom, even there. Ganesha saranam,

sharanam Ganesha.


Aum, Lord Ganesha, all is within You. God Siva has given You dominion over the

material universe. Let me remember to always share my food with others. May the

prasada You have given me today make all my pranas and subtle currents flow in

perfect harmony, making my body healthy and strong so that I may serve You

well. Ganesha sharanam, sharanam Ganesha.

We close this section with a prayer to Lord Vighnaraja, Ruler of Obstacles, for

guidance and inspiration. This is something we all need to persevere through

life's offerings of its many challenges to the supreme goal of moksha.


O Lord and ruler of many ganas, O Peaceful One who loves pomp and ceremony,

patron of the arts and perserver of the best of ancient cultures, the one

worshiped by all sages, use Your mighty trunk to hold us close to Your majestic

mind, our purest state. Respond to our entreaties for clarity and direction, for

this we supplicate. Protect us from beguiling ways and sternly direct us in the

ways of our forefathers' traditions, forging for us new patterns to bring forth

the old in the world of today. Keep us resolute to live the Sanatana Dharma. We

prostrate at Your holy feet. Please grant us Your grace. Ganesha sharanam,

sharanam Ganesha.



Loving Ganesha by Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami


Web sites: http://www.hindu.org/ & http://www.himalayanacademy.com/

email: contact (AT) hindu (DOT) org

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