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Ganesh Chalisa

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font-family:Arial">Namaste all,


Text from http://perso.club-internet.fr/ganapati/anglais/adetcult.html#chalisa

(formatting added).


12.0pt;font-family:Arial">Om Shanti



font-family:"Copperplate Gothic Light";mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">Ganesh



mso-bidi-font-weight:normal;font-style:italic">Jai Jai

vandana bhuvana | nandana gauri ganesha


dukha dvandvana phandana harana | sundara suvana mahesha ||


glory, all glory to You, O Ganesha; to You, the whole world pays homage, for

You are the delight of Gauri and the charming son of

Shiva. You are the extirpator of all pairs of contraries (such as joy and

sorrow, birth and death, attraction and repulsion, etc.) and deliverer from




mso-bidi-font-weight:normal;font-style:italic"> sambhu-suta

gauri-nandana | vighna harana nasana bhava-phandana



font-weight:bold;mso-bidi-font-weight:normal;font-style:italic"> gananayaka

janasukha dayaka | vishva vinayaka buddhi-vidhayaka

font-weight:bold;mso-bidi-font-weight:normal"> ||


to You, O son of Shambu and delight of Gauri; You are the destroyer of

all obstacles and deliverer of all from the cycle of birth and death. Glory to

You, O leader of Shiva's henchmen, bestower of

happiness on all your votaries, teachor of all and

operator of the intellect !



mso-bidi-font-weight:normal;font-style:italic"> radana

gaja badana virajata | vakratunda suchi sumda susajata


tilaka tripunda bhala sasi sohata

| chabi sakhi sura


font-style:italic">nara muni mana mohata



Ganesh (Vakratunda), resplendent is the only tusk which You

have on Your elephant face and well adorned is Your sacred trunk; the crescent

shaped triple mark on Your forehead is as beautiful as the Moon, and the celestials, men and

ascetic who beheld Your loveliness cannot of it spell.



mso-bidi-font-weight:normal;font-style:italic"> mani-mala

sarohuna lochana | ratna mukuta sira

socha vimochana ||

kara kuthara suchi subhaga trishulam

| modaka bhoga sugandhita phulam ||


Your bosom is a garland of jewels, in Your eyes the

beauty of the full-blown lotus and on Your head a crowd of gems. You deliver

Your devotees from anxiety and wield a sacred axe and a

beautiful trident in Your hands. Sweet laddus among

delicacies and fragrant blossoms among flowers are Your




mso-bidi-font-weight:normal;font-style:italic"> pitambara

tana sajita | charana paduka muni mana rajita


dhani shiva-suvana bhuvana sukha data | gauri-lalana sadanana bharata ||


are You, O Karttikeya's brother and beloved son of

Shiva and Gauri; elegantly attired in a beautiful

yellow silken dress and wearing a pair of wooden sandals all studded with gems

on Your feet, You are the source of all the blessings

of the world.



mso-bidi-font-weight:normal;font-style:italic"> siddhi

tava chamvara sudharahim | mushaka vahana sohita dvarahim


tava mahima ko varne par | janma charitra vichitra tumhara ||


Prosperity and Accomplishment wave royal whisks (chowries)

over You (as if they were chowrie-burdars),

and Your vehicle, the mouse, adds to Your splendor at

Your door. As the story of Your life is so strange and mysterious, who can

venture to describe Your magnificence which passes all telling




mso-bidi-font-weight:normal;font-style:italic"> asura

shiva rupa bavanai | gaurihim chalana hetu tavam

avai ||

yaha karana te shri shiva-pyari

| nija tana-maila murti rachi dari



demon, disguised as Shiva, often came to delude Gauri;

in order to foil his design, Gauri, the beloved

consort of Shiva, created a divine form from the scurf of Her



mso-bidi-font-weight:normal;font-style:italic">So nija

suta kari griha rakhavare | dvarapala sama tehim baithare ||

jabahim svayam shri shiva taham

aye | binu pahichana jana nahim paye


mso-bidi-font-family:Arial">Asking Her son to keep

watch, She stationed Him at the palace door, like a door-keeper. When Shiva

Himself came there, He wasn't recognized and was denied entrance into the




mso-bidi-font-weight:normal;font-style:italic"> shiva

ho kinake lala | bolata bhe tuma

vachana rasala ||

main hum gauri-suta suni

lijai | age paga na bhavana hita

dijai ||


asked :"Tell me, who is your father ?". In a

voice sweet as honey, You replied : "Hearken,

sir, I am Gauri's son; don't you dare advance even a

step beyond this point".



mso-bidi-font-weight:normal;font-style:italic"> matu bhuji taba jao

| balaka se jani bata baRhao ||

chalana chahyo shiva bachana na

manyo | taba hvai kruddha yuddha

tuma thanyo ||


sir ! Let take my mother's

permission before I allow you to go inside; wrangling with a mere stripling

like me will be of no avail". Not listening to Your

behest, Shiva attempted to rush towards the house, which so vexed You that You,

waxing furious, threw the gautlet down.



mso-bidi-font-weight:normal;font-style:italic"> nahi kachu sambhu bicharyo

| gahi trishula bhula vasa maryo


Srisha phula sama sira kati

gayau | chata uRi lopa gagana

maham bhayau ||


a fit of rage, Shiva picked up His trident and driven by delusion, hurled it on

You. Your head, tender like the sirisha

flower, was severed and instantly it soared into the sky and disappeared there.



mso-bidi-font-weight:normal;font-style:italic"> sambhu

jaba bhavana mamjhari | jaham baithi giriraja-kumari ||

puche shiva nija mana mushakaye

| kahahu sati suta kaham te jaye



Shiva went happily inside where Gauri, daughter of Mountain King, was sitting, He

smilingly asked : "Tell me, Sati, how did you

give birth to a son ?"



mso-bidi-font-weight:normal;font-style:italic"> bheda

katha suni sari | giri vikala giriraja

dulari ||

kiyo na bhala svami aba

jao | lao sisa jaham se pao



hearing the whole episode, the mystery cleared. Gauri,

though daughter of the Great Mountain King (celebrated for

immobility) was so moved and distraught that she fell to the ground and said

:"You have done me a great disfavor, my Lord;

now go and fetch the severed head of my son from wherever You find it".



mso-bidi-font-weight:normal;font-style:italic"> vishnu

samga shiva vijnani | milyo na so hastihim sira ani ||

dhaRa upara sthita kara dinhyom

| prana-vayu samchalana kinhyom ||


expert in all skills, took His departure accompanied by Vishnu, but having

failed to find the head, they brought one of an elephant and placed it upon the

trunk and breathed life into it.


mso-bidi-font-weight:normal;font-style:italic">Shri ganeshashiva

nama dharayo | vidya buddhi amara


bhe prabhu prathama pujya sukhadayaka | vighna vinashaka buddhi vidhayaka ||


was Lord Shiva who named You Shri Ganesha and blessed You

with knowledge, wisdom and immortality. You are, O Lord, the first among those

who are worshipped; You bring joy to the faithful,

destroy all obstructions, and cause the operation of the intellect.



mso-bidi-font-weight:normal;font-style:italic"> nama leta tava joi

| jaga kaham sakala sidha hoi ||

sumirahim tumahim milahim sukha nana | binu tava kripa

na kahum kalyana ||


remembers You before embarking on any mission finds

all his tasks accomplished in the world. The very remembrance of Your name

brings all happiness; whitout

Your all-pardoning grace, there is no security and well-being anywhere in the




mso-bidi-font-weight:normal;font-style:italic"> sapa bhayo jaga amkita

| bhadavam chauthi chandra akalamkita ||

Jabahim pariksha shiva tuhim linha

| pradakshina prithvi kahi dinha ||


by You, the Moon's face was tarnished with the

black reflection of the earth as it appears on the fourth day in the bright

half of Bhadrapada, which none would dare look at.

When Shiva wanted to test Your might and intelligence,

He asked You to circumambulate the Earth.



mso-bidi-font-weight:normal;font-style:italic"> chalyo

mayura uRai | baithi rache tuma

sahaja upai ||

rama nama mahi para likhi

anka | kinha pradakshina taji mana shanka



Satmukha (Your brother Karttikeya)

went flying on His peacock, You adapted an easier

curse without budging; You scribbled the name of Rama

on the ground and, abandoning all misgivings, circumambulated



mso-bidi-font-weight:normal;font-style:italic">Shri pithu-matu-charana

dhari linhyo | ta kaham sata

pradakshina kinhyo ||

prithvi parikrama phala payo | asa

lakhi surana sumana varsayo ||


utmost devotion, you clasped the feet of your parents and circumambulated

then seven times. Thus, You were rewarded with the

fruit of having circumambulated the Earth, a feat

that made the gods shower the flowers on You.


mso-bidi-font-weight:normal;font-style:italic">"sundaradasa" ram ke chera |

durvasa ashrama dhari dera


virachyo shri ganesha chalisa | shiva purana varnita

yogisha ||


dwelling in the hermitage of the Sage Durvasa, Sundaradasa, a devotee of Rama,

composed this hymn to Ganesha in forty verses just as the foremost among the

adepts in the Shiva Purana had done.



mso-bidi-font-weight:normal;font-style:italic"> gajanana

jo guna gavata

| griha vasi sumati parama sukha

pavata ||

jana-dhana-dhanya suvana sukha dayaka

| dehim sakala subha shri gananayaka



wise who hymn the glory of Ganesha every day are blessed with supreme bliss.

The Lord of Shiva's henchmen who blesses His votaries with wealth, progeny and

happiness, also bestows upon them every auspicious object.



Shri ganesa yaha chalisa, patha

karai dhari dhyana | nita nava

mamgala moda lahi ||

milai jagata sammana ||


who repeats this hymn with earnestness is blessed with all felicity and

gracious gifts, the novelty of which grows ever greater, as well as great





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