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Morning Prayer

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font-family:Arial">Namaste all,


Another piece from http://perso.club-internet.fr/ganapati/anglais/chalisa


added). Hope

you enjoy.








"Copperplate Gothic Light";font-weight:bold">M

bold">orning prayer

Abstracts from Shri

Ganesha Purânam.



mso-bidi-font-weight:normal;font-style:italic"> namâmi

gananâtham ashesha haetam brahmâdi

deva varadam sakala âgamâdyam;

dharma artha kâma phaladam bhava-moksha haetam;

vâchâma agocharan anâdim ananta-rûpam

At morning, I meditate on

Lord Ganesha with this prayer : O my Lord Ganesha !

You are the source of this entire universe of sentient beings and insentient

matter. You have blessed Brahmâ, celestial beings by

fulfilling their wishes. You are propitiated by all the Vedas and holy

scriptures. You are the bestower

of dharma (virtue), artha (wealth), kâma (love) and moksha

(liberation) to Your votaries. You are beyond works

and mind. You are eternal and the infinite Truth. Salutations!



mso-bidi-font-weight:normal;font-style:italic"> namâni

kamalâpatim ugra vîryam;

nânâvatâra niratam nijarakshanâya;

kshîrâbdivâsam amarâdhipa bandham aesham;

pâpâpaham ripuharam bhava-mukti haetam

I meditate on Lord Mahavishnu, the spouse of

Mahalakshmi - the goddess

of wealth - the almighty Lord who incarnates again and again for the protection

of the good and the destruction of the wicked. I meditate on Lord Vishnu whose

abode is the ocean of milk, the human heart, One who

releases us from the bondage of karma and rebirth. I offer my morning

salutations to Lord Vishnu with all my heart



mso-bidi-font-weight:normal;font-style:italic"> namâmi

girijâpatam indumaulim;

vyâghrâjinâvritamuda tadayam


narayanaendra varadam surasiddha justam;

sarpâm trishula damarûn dadhatam purârim

I meditate on Lord Shiva

in my morning prayers, the spouse of Shakti, One who has the crescent moon decked

upon His forehead; One who is clad with the tiger

skin; One whose mind's eye-fire reduced Kamâ to

ashes; One who is propitiated by Vishnu, Indra and other celestials on whom He

bestows the great boons. To the Lord who has serpents as His ornaments, trident

and drum as His weapons; to One who has destroyed the

demon Tripurâ; to that Parashiva,

I salute again and again. M

morning">ay He bliss me.



mso-bidi-font-weight:normal;font-style:italic"> Namâmi

dîna nâtham aghâpahâram;

gâdândhakâra haram uttama loka vandyam;

vedatrayâtmaka mudastasurâri


jnanaika haetam urushaktim udârabhâram

Every morning I offer my

salutations to the Sun god who dispels the darkness from this world by his

light; he destroys our sins and blesses us. He is propitiated by the denizens

of heaven and other great lokas above. He is the

embodiment of pure knowledge and is of extraordinary prowess and strength. To

Him, I salute again and again. M

morning">ay He bliss me.



mso-bidi-font-weight:normal;font-style:italic"> namâmi

girijâm bhavabhuti haetam;

samsâra sindhu parapâratarim trinaetrâm;

tâttvâdi karana mudstâsurâri nâyâm;

mâyenayîm suramunîndra nutâm suraeshîm

I meditate on Goddess Girija -Shakti-, the daughter of Mount


morning">. She is the source of the highest wealth of Lord Shiva. She is the

Divine Mother who takes us across the ocean of rebirth.

She is Mahâmâya, delusion or remover of delusion. She is the

embodiment of the pure knowledge of Brahman. She is the Supreme Goddess, Devî,

who is propitiated by Devas

and Sages. I make my obeisance to that Divine M

morning">other. May She bless me.


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