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Fwd: 18 Questions NEED Anweres to counter those who hate Hinduism

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Please respond to these questions raised in this letter.

Tue, 20 Sep 2005 20:27:39 -0700 (PDT)

subash razdan subashrazdan

Fwd: 18 Questions NEED Anweres to counter those who hate Hinduism

dhiru shah siaram, Ram Sidhaye bafatlNote: forwarded message attached.

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"SATISH SETHI" sethisatish


18 Questions NEED Anweres to counter those who hate Hinduism

Tue, 20 Sep 2005 19:58:22 -0400

Karunajee and Shadilaljee; kindly respond to Mahesh Bhai and also enlighten all

of us on the many questions raised by Mahesh Bhai and he seems in earnest.

Jagte Raho!


Mahesh Bhai:

It is very dense and much of it I don't follow but I will comment on what I can

and ask questions about the rest for your explanations:

"please advise me with these facts that keep haunting me . Most of these

questions was challenged by my friends during our discussions after we finished

SatyaNaarayana Pooja in my house. We all agreed that Islam is in Identity Crisis

with fanatism and Christianity has its own weakness( like Jesus being Jew, muste

read book by Dan Brown ' DiVinci Code') with religion itself having growing

pains, where as our religion the Oldest Religion existing and proud of it. I

have decided to counter those who hate our Hinduism."

Who are these people you think who hate hinduism as to my knowledge it is not

even a religion[because there is no doctrine or a book] and I think as for

religions are concerned people I don't think pay any attention to it one way or

the other and are we proud "Pagans" like the greeks and the Romans?

"1. people say: that even though slavery is gone for all practical purposes: we

still have flourishig Castism and many people seems it is god's gift and it is

sin to get rid of it?it seems all pervading phenomenon in Indian Muslim,

christians too ! The inventors of Castism and Untouchability was the crux of

Hinduism downfall going into brink of extinction !"


Since the caste is inborn and there is no way to change the caste therefore I

don't think it is going to go away but I don't understand your assertion of:

"Hinduism downfall going into brink of extinction !"; kindly elucidate as I

think hinduism is neither going up or down.



"2. I was surprised to see in Zee TV recently that : Ekalavya and his tribe

still exists in India who are so scared of using their thumbs(even now !!) and

they have shown people using other fingers during their archery ??"


This I don't follow at all; who is this Ekalaya tribe; kindly expound on it.


"3. Parasuram Lord was in my (dhanunjaya) House and my son noticed his Violence

depicted on the picture we are praying on him ( he killed his own mother and

kept on killing Kshatriyas a kind of Genocidal Barbarism) I took Parasurma's

photo from my house and as I could not explain and give the same altered and

well coated meanigs sayiing" he is God's Avatar and he can do it and he has

purpose to do it" these over decorated meanings are disturbing my mind. I think

he was made GOD even though he Massagcred millions almost wiped out Kshatriyas."


This looks to be some local deity of Andhra as I know nothing about or even have

heard of Parasuram but then our statues go by 100s of names and may be in Delhi

he is called Jetha Ram and I also don't know which picture you refer to.


"4. I was told that We were beef eaters and it was well established facts that

CHandayoga permitted thesame. For centuries we were doing this pratices in

Vedas, including Animal sacrifices."


Yes I think this is true as it is said that during the Vedic era the brahmins

and everyone else ate meat including beef and this vegetarianism is of very

recent invention but tell me what is wrong with eating beef if we eat other

meats; I eat all and don't see the difference.


"5. Most astonishing fact: for me shocking revelation was: PurushaMedha Yagna ??

please explain what it means and without giving any decorated meanings. I am so

disappointed by this ritual and was ashamed when some one said that this

practice is equal to Cannibalism.

were we so bad and did we really practice. I know Ashwa Medha Yagna. people say

we are very good at giving changed, altered, well decorated meanings to our

history facts so that it looks and feels good to listen to and read too but

also keeps our Hinduism and our dominanation as Brahmins upbeated."


I am from Delhi and Punjab and I am not familiar with this at all; perhaps again a local tradition.


"6. I could not answer this statement: please shed some light : "Mass

hypnotism/mass exploitations of Emotions with highly successful ‘Fear factor’

of Hell and Pain was extensively used and attached for not following their

orders in name of GOD and thus Conditioning every Innocent non Brahmin Hindus

to castism making a permanent system that continues to propel their

superiority" do we have statements or evidence of facts and truth with some

proof do deny this ??"


Again I have never heard of it and am not familiar with it.


". This statement was mind bongling and dumbfounded and unable to answer to my

fellow friends who confronted me with this big Concept: It says:

"Brahmins enjoyed > 100% ‘RESERVATION in education : You bloom where planted and

the concept of reservation is planted by these people and now it is blooming

their backyard. Brahmins enjoyed 100% ( more than 100%) Reservation for

centuries ( Educational Monopoly) . Now it is time for Kshudras and other non

Brahmins to take reservation and go upto 100%. For them there is pot of gold at

the end of Rainbow. So I say to these people abandon all hope , ye who enter

here and in this book. Poor people entertain with heart while others indulge in

Soma Juicy drink which was used by all Aryans in Vedas for centuries as a

powerful Drug."


I think since independence the policies have been changed and now the preference

is given to the scheduled castes and tribes and I think that is a good thing to

make up for any wrongs of the long gone past; wouldn't you agree my good Sir?

"8 .Agni-hotras -- the prototype of the Brahmin Tribe as of today"Agni-Hotra"

Preserver of Fire .Yagna was Orignally the Cooking Process for the Tribe.

According to one hypothesis, the origin of the clergy in India goes back to the

days when humans learnt to ignite fire through friction. Initially the fire must

have been obtained from an already burning source like forest fires. In these

circumstances, before the days of ignition the task of tending the fire was

very crucial. Accidents happen in best regulated tribes like in any race and it

was by accident only that word Brahmin was attached to ‘Agni Hotra” Fire was

then, as it still is, an object of worship."

I don't see its importance or application in present day India and how does it

affect our daily lives.

"9. Is it true that it was mentioned in the Rig-Veda, much of the Brahman

literature is embellished with instructions for the careful performance of new

sacrifices, such as the rajasuya, or royal consecration, the vajapeya, a

strength-drinking rejuvenation ceremony, and the Chandogya, permit the

consumption of meat."

I will copy this mail to milady Parama Karuna Devi who is a Vedic Scholar in

Orissa and she can explain what you seek.

"10. Pre Aryan Kshudras It is widely agreed that the Shudra caste of Indian

society was largely constituted from the pre-Aryan inhabitants of India who

were subjugated by the Aryans. Is this a fact or fiction do we have proof for


Parama Karuna Devi doesn't even believe that there was an Aryan Invasion and my

friend Shadilaljee here who is a great follower of Dr. Frawley doesn't either;

both are being copied and I think we should wait for their comments.

"11. Gotra - The Common Cowpen These clans which were based on ownership of

cattle came to be termed as Gotra which literally means a cowpen. In this

environment rival clans strived to obtain cattle, the principal sources of

wealth, by war when they could not successfully breed it. The word used to

describe a war was Gavishti which literally means 'to search for cows Here

qualities such as greed and accumulation of wealth in the form of cattle could


On our side we have never heard of it and are not bothered by it if it was so in the ancient times.

"12. Are we really Cooks in the Vedic times( like Udipi and Woodlands hotels)

:The origin of the Brahmins as cooks can be understood only in the context of

the Yagna being looked upon as a ritualization of the cooking function. The

Yagna is a term we popularly understand as a fire sacrifice involving the

offering of grains, clarified butter, sandalwood etc, to a fire . This fire is

ignited in a special fireplace called the Kund, which literally means a "Pot".

This indicates that the original yagna could have involved a pot."

Parama Karuna Devi will enlighten us; kindly include Mahesh Bhai in your response.

"13. Dana and Dakshina for Brahmins and Kar, Shulka, Bali for the Kshatriyas

While the Kshatriyas acquired their share of the social surplus through the

force of arms in the form of taxes (kar, shulka, bali, etc.), forced labour

(vishti, balutam, etc.), tithes and other privileges. The Brahmin clergy

enforced its claim to the social surplus through a moral deterrent which was

based on strength of the tribal morality of distribution. The Brahmins who were

now not only tenderers of the fireplace any longer, but had come to acquire the

status of representatives of Gods on earth} secured their share in the surplus

by propagating beliefs that those who looked upon their own needs without a

thought of the Brahmins were eaters of sin. This was how the practice of Dana

was born."

Sir where are you reading all this and why is important to you when there are so

many other urgent problems facing our most wretched India?

"14. DO we agree on this historical facts told by my Professor: The Upanayana -

Thread Ceremony - was a tool by which the Brahmins could preserve their hold

over the Kshatriyas . The Upanayana ceremony like any other religious ceremony

could be performed only, by the Brahmins. After undergoing Upanayana, the

Kshatriyas had to pledge to be protectors of Brahmins and recognize the higher

status of the Brahmins in the caste hierarchy. In doing this, the Brahmins had

the support of the emotional hold they had over society as a whole by means

which they could differentiate between warriors baptised as Kshatriyas and the

unbaptised 'degraded' Kshatriyas."

He must be a locally known professor as we know nothing of him.

"15. Did we really commit this Crime: when some say: " Historical crime has been

committed by these Untouchable Brahmins.The enormity of crime is indescribable.

The very fact of this crime collapses whole Brahminism and thus Hinduism.The

account of peace and happiness is credited when Untouchability and Intellectual

slavery is remembered , but debited when it is forgotten. This is self

victimizing religious Phenomenon. By definition they became Criminals of

History and continue to commit emotional crimes with their criminal mind. This

emotional crime has no objective evidence involved. It brings Spiritual

blackmailing, which enhances Emotional Terrorism."

Many of these hindutva people[brahmins] I will agree are criminals but I

wouldn't say all of them are bad and if we don't follow them; I think we can

move forward as we are now under Sardar Manmohan Singh.

"16. IS it Justified to make this happen(internationalization) when I heard this

news: "Dalits Break Through UN Wall of Silence on CasteGeneva, April 19 2005:

The UN Commission on Human Rights today adopted by consensus a decision to

appoint two Special Rapporteurs to tackle the entrenched problem of caste-based

discrimination. The Commission was endorsing an earlier decision taken by its

Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights to conduct a

comprehensive analysis of the problem and find solutions for its eradication.

This is the first time a political body of the UN has referred directly to the

problem, and the decision is seen as a crucial step in the campaign for justice

for South Asia’s Dalits (formerly known as ‘untouchables’) and communities

suffering from similar forms of discrimination around the world."

I had not heard of it but if it was condemned at the UN then it is good.

"17. The Hindu American Foundation (HAF) expresses great distress over the

arrest of one of the most widely admired and respected Hindu spiritual leaders,

the Sankaracharya of Kanchi, Pujya Shri Jayendra Saraswati. The Sankaracharya

has been an inspiration and guide to Hindus throughout the world. Further, he

has led important reforms in India and within Hinduism, particularly in

uplifting socially and economically depressed communities and in expanding the

role of the Sankara Mutt to encompass education and healthcare across India."

I was in India last year when he was arrested and what surprised me was that

there was no commotion and everyone took it in stride and if he is found guilty

of the crime[murder] then he should be jailed; shouldn't he be my learned Sir?

"18. Please tell me this statement is an exaggeration so that I can sleep

finally: n the Bombay Army, `the Brahmin stands shoulder to shoulder in the

ranks, nay sleeps in the same tent with his Parwari [Mahar] soldier, and dreams

not of any objection to the arrangement.' --Brigadier John Jacob, Views and

Opinions, 1858."

If I follow this correctly; I think it is true.

"The problem is suffering of 250 million Hindus who are untouchables ?"

Are their really that many of them; I think this is gross exaggeration and yes

there are 250 to 300 million very poor people in India who starve every night

and that is what is most troubling and should be attended to by the government.

These 18 questions (like 18 parvas in Gita) are daunting task and big mental and

emotional hurdle we as a great hindus should face and get above it and conquer

not by giving some other meaning but showing historical proof that will make

these facts as myths and wrong way of looking at Hinduism. Please Enlighten me

and us and to every one who will face this issue infront our Children. by

Venkaraman Krishanan

Good luck with your thinking or ignoring these facts or ? do we have anything to

disapprove them ?? Greatest blunder of our Hinduism is neglecting others and not

helping your neighbor by telling that it is all maya and u suffer because of

your past sins and paying for it now( this is down fall of Hinduism and at the

brink of extinction, if are so selfish, nature will make sure we go exticnt, be

very very careful)

EVERY PROBLEM HAS ITS PAST But let me tell u to those who are ignoring our

Hindus. There is no heaven or salvation, when u ignore our past history. Every

problem has Past > Any problem that any one has : first thing u ask is : what

happened ? then u tell them about past events of that problem ? The problem is

suffering of 250 million Hindus who are untouchables ? So like any problem it

has ‘start and end’. Past is very important to know and diagnose exactly and to

come up with plan of action for solution. The better u understand our past of

the problem the easier it is to solve. Some times just making aware of the

problem brings solution , as simple as that. So ‘Awareness’ of the problem is

vital. I am very firm with Authority of my Concept but gentle and sweet when

administering my authority on this Concept. Please don’t use Instinct response

like young Gulls(bird) open their mouths for food as soon as a beak like shape

with a red spot on it appears above the, because this is how the mother gull

looks. A piece of wood bearing a red spot will produce the same response. In

the past people depended entirely on the trustworthiness of the source of our

scriptures that is passing on the learning. Majority of Hindus meet this

knowledge through the possibly prejudiced eyes of the person who is handing on

the learning. Understanding our Hinduism is like process of changing an

unfamiliar process into familiar one so that all our Hindus will know what to

do about our altered facts and real facts. This understanding of our Hinduism

is a very powerful process because it is the means by which our hindus multiply

their Knowledge. Some people may say ‘Why Bother’ . why should one bother to try

and understand what happened exactly to our Hinduism.

Jagte Raho!


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