Guest guest Posted September 29, 2005 Report Share Posted September 29, 2005 (If you are unsure why you are receiving this newsletter please jump to the end for clarification.) Hari Bolo Friends of the Vedas! Please accept my respects. All glory to the transcendental light of the Bhagavad-Gita as It Is! This Issue’s Feature Article: "Prodigal Son Knows Everything…" The Next Gathering of the American Vedic Association’s Bhagavad Gita Discussion and Fellowship is 1st Tuesday, Oct-04-2005 Prodigal Sons Know Everything, Adults Surrender” We have all observed how proud an adolescent can be. Some mature into sober adulthood and get a good education, while others retain their childish pride and insist they: "Don’t need ‘nuthin from-nobody." Find out if you are you a spiritual adolescent or an adult. 7:30 p.m. 640-0405 Always Free! * * * * * * * * * * * * * AVA at Ojai Valley Days Oct. 15 The American Vedic Association is happy to announce that we will have an informational book and display booth at the annual October 15th Ojai Valley Days event. This is a great time for our readers who have not attended one of our prior programs to come out and meet us. It is also an excellent time to purchase any one of the numerous books we provide as the local representative of the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, the largest publisher of Vedic literatures in the English Language. Some examples of book titles we will have available are: Bhagavad Gita As It Is (The largest selling Gita in the world.), The Nectar Of Instruction, “A Second Chance, Back To Godhead Magazine,” The Sri Isopanishad, Krishna Book (The Pastimes Of Lord Krishna with an introduction from the late George Harrison.) and numerous other small paperback books about reincarnation, vegetarian cooking, yoga and devotion etc. AVA Television Debut On: Adelphia Channel 10 @ Tuesdays 5PM! If you get benefit from the “AVA Newsletter,” you will really enjoy the six one-hour television broadcasts that are scheduled for transmission from Adelphia (Ojai, Ca.) Channel 10, on Tuesday evenings at 5 p.m. If you cannot be present at the time of the broadcast, we strongly recommend that you tape the series on your VCR so you can review the content and share the show with friends. On the evenings when we hold our Bhagavad-Gita Fellowship guests are welcome to come early to see the scheduled programs before we hold the bi-monthly meetings. #1 Tuesday: October 4th - 5pm Channel 10 Spark of Life: Academic inquiry exploring the relationship between body & soul as delineated in the Vedas. Nightmare Africa: Entertaining comedy with a powerful, convincing, & dramatic Vegetarian conclusion! AC Bhaktivedanta Swami discusses: Vedic definition of karma, human intelligence and social insanity! #2 Tuesday: October 11th - 5pm Channel 10. Healthy, Wealthy, & Wise: Pensive review of medical, ethical, & moral reasons behind burgeoning Vegetarianism. AC Bhaktivedanta Swami discusses: “Who is God? Here is God!" with prominent theologians. · Gita Verse: 10.8 Vegetarian Cooking: Tennis professional Peter Burwash teaches how to prepare a very tasty egg-less omelet from home-made curd! #3 Tuesday: October 18th - 5pm Channel 10 Nandulal: Endearing performance illustrating the deep loving affection between Krishna and his humble devotee. · Gita Verse: 8:6 Vegetarian Cooking: Extraordinary vegetable lasagna with medicinal herbs and spices. Fresh seasoned green beans & minestrone soup. AC Bhaktivedanta Swami discusses: The definition of religion and the rare opportunity of human life. (Network television interview.) #4 Tuesday: October 25 - 5pm Channel 10 The Ramayana: Indian classic epic tale about the saintly King Rama, the beautiful Sita, the heroic Laxman, & the monkey King Hanuman. #5 Tuesday: November 1st - 5pm Channel 10 Fate Museum: A powerful film of computer controlled dioramas that teach the lessons of India's most revered scripture, the Bhagavad Gita. Marshal Arts Sword Dance: World class Manipur marshal artists dangerously choreographed to thrust real swords at each other! AC Bhaktivedanta Swami discusses: Enjoyment, suffering, Godliness & the absolute nature of the Supreme Personailty of Godhead. The Dance of Krishna: Traditional Manipur dancer beautifully dressed to portray Krishna's pastimes with gopis. · Gita Verse: 18.61 AC Bhaktivedanta Swami discusses: The entire cosmic creation and how the human form of life is specifically meant to understand God. TK Band Performs: “Do the Chant” More proof that there are no fixed or firm rules about where, when or how to chant God's Holy name! #6 Tuesday: November 7th - 5pm Channel 10 Sacred Cow: A documentary that rationally explains why a cow is more valuable alive than as a burger! AC Bhaktivedanta Swami discusses: Cruelty of killing mother cow with French Cardinal Danielou 1975. Attam Dasi: Tulsi Joseph gracefully performs traditional Bharatnatyam dance of "Krishna's Flute". TK Band Performs: “Supreme Abode” thousands attend this live, festive, electric, concert in Bombay. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Start This Issue Feature Article *-*-*-*-*-*-*-* The Prodigal Son Knows Everything,.. Adults Surrender Two Versions of the Parable An old proverb of unknown origin declares that the two most difficult times in a person’s life are when they become an adolescent and when they raise an adolescent. Those who have reared children would be inclined to suggest that of the two, raising an adolescent is more difficult. A good parent has the wisdom of maturity, but the responsibility of having to try and communicate that effectively with what is often a belligerent teen which can be both frustrating and nerve racking. Sociologists confirm that the youth of every generation thinks they are beyond reproach, invulnerable, and the smartest creatures on the face of the earth. The angst caused by defiant adolescents is so common that we find instructive stories about incorrigible young men causing grief to their parents in both the “Biblical Gospel according to Luke” and the Buddhist Saddharmapundarika Sutra 4. In both cases promising young men are driven by pride and ignorance to leave their fathers’ comfort where they then voyage out into the world on their own. In the Buddhist version the son simply runs away, but Luke compounds the umbrage by having the son demand his portion of inheritance from his vigorous father prior to his ungrateful departure. The runaway, Asian son slips into a life of severe menial labor. Even when providence reunites him with his wealthy father, his self esteem has degraded so much, he can’t even grasp the possibility of being an heir to such good fortune. In fact, he is so destitute that he is filled with trepidation for his own aristocratic father; he again flees his association out of fear of being arrested for cavorting among the rich. In the Bible, the doting father was unable to assuage the passions of his proud son and reluctantly agrees to give him his inheritance. He does so knowing full well that when he does, he will leave and squander it in the process of discovering the harsh realities of thieves on the road, and cheaters in the marketplace. The Coming of Age: Adulthood Many confess that they feel it was only by God’s grace that they survived their reckless youth and completed the rite of passage into adulthood safely. The great American author, Mark Twain, humorously captured that epiphany in his profound terse comment: “When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one I was astonished at how much he had learned in seven years!” - Mark Twain. Our story would end here if the symptoms of adulthood were merely a matter of reasoning in an unbiased, consistent, and sober way. However, any insurance adjuster who investigates accidents for insurance companies has a great deal of evidence to confirm that the truth is not always that easy to conclude. The only thing adulthood seems to confer in our society, other than the attainment of an arbitrary age, is financial independence. When a child is financially weaned from his parents and he has learned a socially acceptable way to pay his own bills, do we then consider the child to be an adult. More to Life than Sports & Vacations The Prodigal Son parable is effective because despite the social status, political influence, or degree of wealth one may rise to, many “adults” remain as spiritually obstinate, foolish or confused as the original prodigal son. Every significant religion petitions us to get serious about using the life we have to understand who we are and what our relationship is with God. However, despite all the good advice that is given, most people spend very little time doing that very thing. “One who knows that material happiness, whether good or bad, in this life or in the next, on this planet or on the heavenly planets, is temporary and useless, and that an intelligent person should not try to enjoy or even think of such things, is the knower of the self. Such a self-realized person knows quite well that material happiness is the very cause of continued material existence and forgetfulness of one's own constitutional position.” - Srimad Bhagavat Purana Canto 9, “Liberation”, Chapter 19 “King Yeti Achieves Liberation.” Text 20. All faiths advise that there is more to human life than Super Bowl games, Emmy Awards, dream vacations, amusement parks, PGA Golf Tournaments, and the latest Rolling Stone’s concert. Yet these mega events attract the consciousness of literally millions of people. Even if every atheistic or nihilistic person were to attend these attractions, it still wouldn’t account for the millions of people who patronize them. It is therefore safe to conclude, that the majority of people who bankroll these elaborated commercial endeavors claim to adhere to some type of religious teaching that would not condone such highly structured diversions of our time and assets. This is not surprising and is in fact, exactly what is to be expected in this millennium, called Kali Yuga. (The Age of Quarrel) The Religious Confusion of Kali Yuga One of the symptoms of Kail Yuga is that mankind suffers from all sorts of theological confusion. It abounds everywhere and in every tradition and denomination. That is exactly what we can observe. For example, the most sacred of Lord Buddha’s teachings were ahimsa & kripaya (non-violence & compassion.) These are the reasons why all Buddhists were originally strict vegetarians. However, that is no longer the case. There are even whole sects in Buddhism that claim to present the purest form of Buddhism today, but nowhere in their teachings is there any information about the importance of becoming a vegetarian. Similarly, churches also preach about the so-called virgin birth of Lord Christ, despite the fact that there are very few serious biblical scholars who agree with that, or many of the other so-called miracles that the Bible asks people to believe ever happened. In the same way, anyone who keeps up with the news knows that Islam is also in a major crisis. The most obvious example of that is evident by the confusion regarding what the Prophet Mohammed meant when he spoke about the controversial subject of Jihad. (Holy war) So it is not surprising that millions of well-intended pious people will spend small fortunes to get box seat, season tickets to huge sporting arenas. Virtuous people are also quickly convinced to take on huge debts in order to purchase a time-share property, even though they may not own their own home, cannot afford a time share, and don’t even have adequate time to utilize it! The details of all these examples may vary, but the essence of the question remains the same. What does riding a roller coaster at break neck speed have to do with restoring one’s lost relationship with God? Pinocchio & “Pleasure Island” Despite how concurrent all religious scriptures are about advising us not to pursue temporary worldly agendas, few people seem to honestly follow that advice. Instead, the Western world is the biggest consumer society the world has ever known. We clamor for every type of new convenience and entertainment enticement, just like Pinocchio’s young friends who couldn’t wait to get to Pleasure Island! “Taking shelter of insatiable lust and absorbed in the conceit of pride and false prestige, the impious, thus illusioned, are always sworn to unclean work, attracted by the impermanent. They believe that to gratify the senses is the prime necessity of human civilization. Thus until the end of life their anxiety is immeasurable. Bound by a network of hundreds of thousands of desires and absorbed in lust and anger, they secure money by illegal means for sense gratification”- Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Chapter 16 “The Divine and Demoniac Nature”, Text 10-12. When saintly people try to remind us that chasing after the “…impermanent” might not be such a good idea, the average conditioned soul tends to respond with the same type of childish impudence exhibited by the Prodigal Son. “The conditioned souls become completely bound in affection to their own corpselike material bodies and their relatives and paraphernalia. In such a proud and foolish condition, the conditioned souls envy other living entities as well as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, who resides in the heart of all beings. Thus enviously offending others, the conditioned souls gradually fall down into hell.” - Srimad Bhagavat Purana Canto 11 General History, Chapter 5 “Narada Concludes His Teachings to Vasudeva”, Text 15. Donkey Mentality The delights available on Pinocchio’s Pleasure Island were so intoxicating that those who indulged in them didn’t even notice that they were slowly transformed into foolish donkeys. Children are by nature prone to wanderlust. In the Pinocchio story, we can reasonably assume that many were allured to Pleasure Island because they didn’t have anything better to do, were following the lead of their friends and just didn’t know any better. However, responsible adults are considered to be more mature and are not expected to run off and chase their every desire whenever there is an opportunity to do so. Although they may find that doing so will not result in a new set of donkey ears, the Vedas would characterize their foolishness to be equivalent to that of an ass. Even in secular life, we see that those who are sober, practice self-discipline and temperance are the ones who rise to prominent positions of leadership and responsibility. The same principle applies in the spiritual paradigm. “Sober and expert persons should search for the spirit soul with minds purified through analytical study in terms of the soul's connection with and distinction from all things that undergo creation, maintenance and destruction.” - Srimad Bhagavat Purana Canto 7 “The Science of God,” Chapter 7,”What Pralada Learned in the Womb,” Text 24. The neophyte spiritualist just doesn’t recognize how indulging in frivolous activities impacts their consciousness and therefore makes no attempt to check them. They may even be powerful, influential, virtuous, and generous leaders in society, but if they do not have a clear understanding of who they are, what they are doing, and why, then they too, will also be victims of the harsh laws of nature: “There were many great saintly kings who were very expert in performing sacrificial rituals and very competent in conquering other kingdoms, yet despite their power they could not attain the loving service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is because those great kings could not even conquer the false consciousness of "I am this body, and this is my property." Thus they simply created enmity with rival kings, fought with them and died without having discharged life's real mission. - Srimad Bhagavat Purana Canto 5, “The Creative Impetus,” Chapter 14 “The Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment”, Text 40. Real spiritual maturity is not just a matter of attending church once a week, meditating every day, chanting mantras, building hospitals or feeding the homeless. Those things may be legitimate religiously inspiring activities, but unless those disciplines lead to a genuine love for God, they are all considered to be useless. “Transcendental practices that do not ultimately help one realize the Supreme Personality of Godhead are useless, be they mystic yoga practices, the analytical study of matter, severe austerity, the acceptance of sannyasa, or the study of Vedic literature. All these may be very important aspects of spiritual advancement, but unless one understands the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, all these processes are useless.” - Srimad Bhagavat Purana Canto 4, “The Creation of the Fourth Order,” Chapter 31 “Narada Instructs the Pracetas”, Text 12. Change Of Heart That genuine change of heart is similar to the one experienced by the Prodigal son. The living entity is actually a part and partial of the Supreme Lord, and as such, is endowed with God’s qualities, but only in very minute quantities. One of God’s qualities is that He is completely independent, and can do whatever he wishes. As unique individual spiritual sparks, we too are given that same freedom. However the caveat of independence is that it is also the origin of pride. The Prodigal Son was an adolescent, which demarks the age when children begin to demand their right to think independently. It was only because of the Prodigal Son’s persistence, that his kind farther acquiesced to his demand to receive his inheritance prematurely. It was not until he was humbled by the material nature that he finally returned to the shelter of his patient, forgiving and prosperous father. That is also our position. When one finally gets tired of being kicked by the harsh laws of nature the option of returning home to the shelter, affection and prudent guidance of our Supreme Father, the Personality of Godhead, Lord Krishna Himself, becomes significantly more attractive. That return home, back to Godhead, cannot happen until there is a genuine change of heart When that occurs, we not only do the smartest thing to improve our own condition, but that also happens to be the best thing we can do for everyone else as well. “O best among the twice-born, it is therefore concluded that the highest perfection one can achieve by discharging the duties prescribed for one's own occupation according to caste divisions and orders of life is to please the Personality of Godhead.” - - Srimad Bhagavat Purana Canto 1 “Creation,” Chapter 2, “Divinity and Divine Service,” Text 13. For further information on this verse go to the following link: *-*-*-*-*-*-*-* End This Issue Feature Article *-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Vegetarian Cooking! We are happy to see how nicely the AVA congregational members are improving their Vegetarian culinary skills! Adopting a diet that allows other creatures to live their lives peacefully is a tradition that extends way back in both Vedic as well as Buddhist traditions. One would think that all serious transcendentalists would understand this simple principal, but unfortunately that does not appear to be true. Educating people about the importance of a Vegetarian diet is essential for anyone who is serious about escaping the serious laws of karma delineated in the Vedas. Unfortunately there are many teachers who will compromise the importance of the Vegetarian diet in order to attract more followers and promote their own watered down ideas about what real spiritual maturity is all about. AVA is committed to teaching the science of Self Realization the way it has been handed down and respected by the great sages for thousands of generations. That is why part of the service we offer is to teach anyone who is interested in this process how to eat properly. Those who are raised in a carnivorous society but then want to convert to a Vegetarian diet often experience a lot of cognitive dissonance. On one hand, they are intellectually convinced that they ought to be a vegetarian, but they simply don’t know how to convert their diet over to that lifestyle. Instead of postponing that on-going dilemma, why not consider learning how to cook wonderful Vegetarian foods using herbs and spices that not only taste good, but also make eating a tremendously fulfilling experience! You can do that prior to any AVA meeting where we always prepare a nice meal for all the guests who attend. Those who want to learn this tremendous skill are advised to contact us 36 hours prior to the AVA event so we can tell you what and when we will be cooking for that program. You can then join us at that time and start learning how to adopt the eating habits recommended in the Vedas for Human life, which is also the most beneficial for rapid spiritual maturity. :-) Public Engagements? As the AVA newsletter continues to find new audiences, some have asked about the possibility of bringing the subjects we discuss into other gatherings. If it is possible to schedule those requests we will be happy to do so as part of our service to the community. For this purpose AVA has compiled a list of contemporary subjects for which we have essays, books, charts, graphs, and in some cases, videos to augment our presentations. For more information about scheduling an engagement to learn more about the Vedic Siddhanta (conclusion) please contact us directly. Suggest A Subject? Many of the subjects we cover in the “AVA Newsletter” come from questions or topics that are only vaguely commented on by other sources. If you have a subject you would like us to address, please send the question in to us and we will consider it for a future AVA topic. Simple questions are also addressed during the “Bhagavad-Gita Fellowship” meetings for the benefit of all those who attend. Vedic Authority What makes the AVA program different from all other contemporary sources of transcendental learning? We rely on the methodical, thorough and scientific way the Vedas portray the world we live in. The Vedas are so vast, and unlike any other literature known to man, they are often criticized as confusing and esoteric. But this is because the secret of the Vedas can only be unlocked by one who has been properly trained how to “decode” them. Although that sounds like an exhausting study, it is actually quite easy if the candidate is willing to accept instruction from a good source. In fact, the path of Bhakti (Loving Devotion to the Supreme Lord in His Personal Form) is so powerful that the essences of all the Vedas become automatically realized to that soul who surrenders to the Personality of Godhead and engages in devotional service to Him. “A person who accepts the path of devotional service is not bereft of the results derived from studying the Vedas, performing austere sacrifices, giving charity or perusing philosophical and furtive activities. Simply by performing devotional service he attains all these and at the end he reaches the supreme eternal abode.” - Bhagavad-Gita Gita As It Is Chapter 8 “Attaining the Supreme” Text 28. To grow transcendentally requires a reliable authority like the Bhagavad-Gita, (The torchlight of knowledge, Bg. 10.11) One is free to reject Vedic authority, but the consequences of doing so returns one to the words of speculation, conjecture, flawed empirical analysis, and a plethora of silly ideas about what spiritual life is from psycho-therapists, self declared gurus, charlatans, and carpetbag religionists, to name just a few. Back Issues of AVA Newsletter The subjects that we have already covered in 2005 are also included at the end of this newsletter. If you would like a digital copy of a past “AVA Newsletter,” let us know and we will be happy to forward it to you for your further erudition. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Hoping this meets you in good health, happy spirits and enthusiastically engaged in the service of Lord Krishna. Your servant, mayesvara dasa (md @ aka: William Roberts* Director American Vedic Association “Dispel the Darkness of Ignorance With the Torchlight of Knowledge!” - Bg. 10.11 687 Villanova Road Ojai California, 93023 (805) 640-0405 AVA @ * William Roberts is the founding director of The American Vedic Association. He began studying Vedic philosophy in 1973 and assimilated the works of eminent Vaishnava saints while living in India for several years. He became an ordained Brahman priest under the tutelage of the world-class authority on Bhakti Yoga, HDG A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami. The American Vedic Association is currently sponsoring the Free Bhagavad-Gita Gita Fellowship gatherings held on the First and Third Tuesday of every month. For more information call, (805) 640-0405, or contact william.roberts @ Bhagavad-Gita Gita As It Is Discussion Fellowship Every 1st & 3rd Tuesday of EACH Month Sanskrit, Mantra, Kirtan, Prasadam! • ۩ • ۩ • AVA Schedule 2005 • ۩ • ۩ • Date/Event Meeting Subject 1st Tue: Jan-04-2005 Vows, Resolutions & Austerities 3rd Tue: Jan-18-2005 You Are NOT Your Body! 1st Tue: Feb-01-2005 Defrocking Religious Phobias 3rd Tue: Feb-15-2005 Primordial Valentine 1st Tue: Mar-01-2005 What To Do; What Not To Do & Why! 3rd Tue: Mar-15-2005 Who Is Lord Caitanya? 1st Tue: Apr-05-2005 Are You an April fool Being Cheated? 3rd Tue: Apr-19-2005 Carnivorous Environmentalist = Kleptomaniac Security Guards ßHOT! 1st Tue: May-03-2005 Is Knowledge Necessary, Useful or Just Plain Irrelevant? 3rd Tue: May-17-2005 What Is Om & Why Vibrate That? ßHOT! 1st Tue: Jun-07-2005 Distinguishing Good From Evil 3rd Tue: Jun-21-2005 Derailed by Silent Meditation ßHOT! 1st Tue: Jul-05-2005 No-One Is Independent! 3rd Tue: Jul-19-2005 Nine Paths to Perfection 1st Tue: Aug-02-2005 Huge Ancient Rolling Temples! Festival of Chariots, All Day Venice Beach Sun: Aug-7-2005 3rd Tue: Aug-05-2005 Liberation Is The BOOBY Prize! Appearance Day of Lord Sri Krishna! - Sat: Aug-20-2005 1st Tue: Sep-06-2005 Hogs, Dogs, Camels & Asses 3rd Tue: Sep-20-2005 "Material" Fanatic 1st Tue: Oct-04-2005 Prodigal Sons Know Everything, Adults Surrender” October 3rd Tuesday, Oct-18-2005 Party-Yoga or Hedonism?” Bhakti yoga doesn't require entangling your limbs or staring at your nose. It's more equivalent to a galactic party where life is celebrated with intimate friends from all over the universe. Get with the program and take up Party-Yoga at AVA! 7:30 p.m., 640-0405 - Always Free! November 1st Tuesday, Nov-01-2005 Vedic Understanding of Universal Time & Creation The Vedas provide detailed descriptions of universal time and a scientific explanation of how the entire creation began with a sound vibration. Discover how the archaeological record seems to confirm the Vedic version of Genesis at AVA. 7:30 p.m. 640-0405 - Always Free! 3rd Tuesday, Nov-15-2005 The Non-Judgment Myth” A lot of people plea - "Don't be judgmental!” But what does that really mean? At AVA you will learn how to make wise, non-prejudicial decisions, and avoid the trap of claiming aloofness, while your senses rage out of control and make all your decisions for you! 7:30 p.m., 640-0405 - Always Free! December 1st Tuesday, Dec-06-2005 All Faiths Equal Sophistry” It is poor discretion that leads one to claim that "All religions are the same." They may share some characteristics, like all schools do - but a junior college is not the same as Harvard University! Learn spiritual discrimination at AVA! 7:30 p.m., 640-0405 - Always Free! 3rd Tuesday, Dec-20-2005 Gods "Prayer-Order" Warehouse?” There is only one legitimate thing that a devotee of God would ever request. Everything else springs from selfish ignorance and spiritual immaturity. If you don't know what that simple request is then find out at the next AVA meeting. 7:30 p.m., 640-0405 - Always Free! C/o William Roberts / mayesvara dasa: AVA Director (805) 640-0405 ----- Why This Newsletter Was Sent To You & the AVA Purpose This newsletter is being sent to you because someone felt you might have an interest in the “Science of Self Realization” as it is explained in the Vedic literature of ancient India. It is posted twice a month and its primary purpose is to remind the American Vedic Association congregation to attend the bi-monthly Bhagavad-Gita Gita Appreciation Gathering that is held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month. The material presented in these newsletters is based on the conclusions of the Vedic Literature as understood by India’s foremost authorities on that subject namely, Lord Brahma, Maharaja Pariksit, Narada Muni, Madhavacarya, Ramanujacarya, Krishna Dasa Kaviraja, Narotama Das Thakur, the Six Goswami’s of Vrindaban, Bhaktivenode Thakur and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to name just a few. The purpose of this correspondence is to help readers properly explain Sanskrit terms, clarify misunderstandings about Indian theology, and make the Vedic conclusion more accessible to the Western mind. Questions are always welcome, and may be integrated into future newsletters. It is our hope that you will find the content to be informative and meaningful. It is also an invitation for you to consider joining us at one of our bi-monthly Bhagavad-Gita Aas It Is meetings if you happen to be within a reasonable driving distance from Ojai, California, USA. Must Say No? Most people are familiar with the Biblical advice given in the “Sermon on the Mount” “Give not what is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine. Lest they trample them under their feet, and turn against and rend* you.” - Bible, Matthew Chapter7, Text 6. (*rend = tear you apart violently.) This is not only a common theme found in all great scriptures, yet even secular teachers have no interest in trying to explain something to a defiant student. Therefore, if you prefer not to receive any further information about the Vedas, AVA events, or the process of spiritual growth honored by the great sages of ancient India, then simply request to be removed from our mailing list. We will lament seeing you go when we do, but will gladly comply with your request. “Bewildered by the modes of material nature, the ignorant fully engage themselves in material activities and become attached. But the wise should not unsettle them, although these duties are inferior due to the performer’s lack of knowledge. “- BG 3.29 Thank you for your patience and interest! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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