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Sri Aurobindo’s audacious vision

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Sri Aurobindo's audacious vision


Makarand Paranjape

Wednesday, November 23, 2005 22:52 IST


The main purpose of Sri Aurobindo's yoga is to help individuals and

the human race evolve to a higher plane of consciousness. He held

this necessary and inevitable because `homo sapiens' is not the final

step in evolution. He believed, as in Vedic wisdom, that behind all

appearances of diversity and imperfection lies the Divine, which

manifests as the cosmos. But this Divine is dynamic, compelled by its

own nature to seek higher manifestations of its own innate



Evolution proceeds from matter, to life, to mind, where most

evolutionary biologists stopped. Beyond the mind are realms of higher

consciousness, which mystics and sages have glimpsed. Sri Aurobindo's

contribution was his discovery and description of the Supermind, a

plane just below the Absolute, but far above the relative. The great

task of transformation could be accomplished by bringing `down' the

Supermind to earth consciousness. Sri Aurobindo's agenda was more far-

reaching than anything hitherto imagined.


The purpose of yoga — individual liberation — did not necessarily

help the world, he thought. The entire human species needed to evolve

to a higher level of consciousness if we were to solve our problems

of war, disease, destruction of our habitat, and ultimately, death.

Earlier, evolution was involuntary; with the emergence of the human

species, it becomes co-operative. We are co-creators of our

destinies, nature's associates in evolution, God's partners, no less.

Rather than harking back to the past, we must work for a future which

will be more glorious and fulfilling.


Sri Aurobindo's sadhana method, Integral Yoga, synthesises all four

yogas: bhakti, karma, jnana and raja yoga. He and the Mother led a

large community of practitioners in this yoga at their ashram in

Pondicherry. In the ultimate analysis, Sri Aurobindo offered an

encyclopedic and vastly enriching possibility of human transformation

through a vision which was as systematically worked out as it was

audaciously inspiring.


Today is Sri Aurobindo's Sidhi day



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