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Ancient Hindu civilisation and mathematics

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Ancient Hindu civilisation and mathematics

By Dr R.N. Das


The ancient Hindu sages discovered the miracles of modern scientific

tools. Believe it or not, the following are the glorious examples of



I. The Concept of Zero


The concept of zero came from the revered Hindu sages in Vedic times

thousands of years ago.


Without the concept of zero the binary system is blind. No counting,

no commerce or no computer business. The earliest documented "date"

was found in today's Gujarat [bC 585-586] in an inscription on

Sankedia copper plate. In Brahamaphuta—Siddhanta of Brahamagupta (7th

century CE), zero was lucidly explained. Muslim invaders from Central

Asia crossing the Hindukush mountain ranges invaded Bharat 1300 years

ago and plundered its beauty, riches, books, thrones and what not.

They plagued the holy land with sword, loot, arson and rape and

destroyed and ravaged the whole land in the name of jehad

and "Allah". There was no Steven Spielberg (Schindler's List) like

cinema director who could document this sordid past of our history.

There was no patent system at that time. Might was right. They

considered those substances of robbery maal-e-ganimat (booty looted

from kafirs to be distributed among themselves and friends of theirs)

and thus inculcated those invaluable theorems of mathematics,

astronomy and geometry in Arabic books in around 770-1200 CE. From

there, those extraordinary concepts were carried to Spanish Europe in

the 8th century. However the concept of zero was referred to as

shunya in the early Sanskrit texts of the 4th century BC and was

clearly explained in Pingala's Chand Sutra of the 2nd century too.


II. The Contribution to Astronomy


Hindu sages told modern scientists how to map the sky in terms of

glaring stars almost 4000 years ago. Copernicus published his theory

of revolution of the Earth around the Sun in 1543 AD only. But our

Aryabhatta in the 5th century had stated that the Earth revolves

around the Sun in these specific words: "Just as a person boarding on

a boat feels that the trees on the banks are moving, people on the

revolving earth also feel that the sun is moving". Such illustrious

teaching of astronomy was rarely seen in the contemporary writings of

the Greek astronomers. In his Aryabhatteem, he clearly stated that

our Earth was round and it rotated on its own axis, orbited the Sun

and was suspended in the space. It also explained that the lunar and

solar eclipses occurred by the interplay of the shadows of the Sun,

the Moon and the Earth.


III. The Law of Gravity


The Law of Gravity was known to the ancient Hindu astronomer

Bhaskaracharya. In his Surya Siddhanta he noted: "Objects fall on the

Earth due to force of attraction of the Earth. Therefore, the Earth,

planets, constellations, the Moon, and the Sun are all held in the

galaxy due to this great cosmic attraction."


It was in 1687—1200 years later—that Sir Isaac Newton discovered (re-

discovered?) the Law of Gravity, which was already invented by the

greatest Hindu astronomer Bhaskaracharya, of course which was written

in the holiest language, Sanskrit.


IV. The Invention of Trikonmiti


The word geometry seems to have emerged from the Sanskrit word

gyaamiti, which means measuring the Earth. And the word trigonometry

is similar to trikonmiti meaning measuring triangular forms.


Euclid was famous for the invention of geometry in 300 BC whilst the

concept of trikonmiti had emerged in 1000 BC in Bharat. It is evident

lucidly from today's "practice of making fire alters (at homagni

kshetra) in different shapes, e.g., round, triangular, hexagonal,

pentagonal, square and rectangular". It was part and parcel of daily

pujas and homagnis in ancient times. The treatise of Surya Siddhanta

(4th century) described in fascinating details about trigonometry,

which was introduced in Europe by Briggs 1200 years later in the 16th



V. The Invention of Infinity


The value of "Pi" was first invented by the ancient sages of Bharat.

The ratio of circumference and diameter of a circle is known as "Pi"

which gives its value as 3.14592657932...


The old Sanskrit text Baudhayna Sulbha Sutra of the 6th century BC

mentioned that above-mentioned ratio as approximately equalled to

that of Aryabhatta's ratio [in 499 BC] worked out the value of "Pi"

to the fourth decimal place as [3x (177/1250) = 3.1416]. Many

centuries later, in 825 AD, Arab mathematician, Mohammed Ibn Musa

admitted: "This value of "Pi" was given by the Hindus (62832/20,000 =



VI. Baudhayna's Sulbha Sutra versus Pythagoras's Theorem


The famous Pythagoras's theorem states: "The square of the hypotenuse

angled triangle equals to the sum of the two sides." This theorem was

actually discovered by Euclid in 300 BC but Greek writers attributed

this to Pythagoras. But the irony of fate is that our so-called

intellectuals (indeed Macaulay's sons who have forgotten their old

but rich and glorious ancient Hindu heritage) had also accepted that

theorem as a contribution of Pythagoras. They never read or tried to

know that Baudhayna's Sulbha Sutra which has been existing for many

thousands of years (written in the Sanskrit) had already described

lucidly the theorem as follows: "The area produced by the diagonal of

a rectangle is equal to the sum of the area produced by it on two



VII. The Measurement of Time or Time Scale


In Surya Siddhanta, Bhaskaracharya calculated the time taken by the

Earth to revolve around the Sun up to the 9th decimal place.

According to Bhaskaracharya's calculation it is 365.258756484 days.


Modern scientist accepted a value of the same time as 365.2596 days.


The difference between the two observations made by ancient Hindu

sage Bhaskaracharya just by using his super brain (in the 4th century

AD) and today's NASA (National Aeronautic and Space Agency)

scientists of America by using super computer (in the 20th century

AD) is only 0.00085, i.e., 0.0002 per cent of difference.


The ancient Bharatbhoomi had given the world the idea of the smallest

and largest measuring units of Time. In modern time, only Stephen

Hockings, Cambridge University Professor of theoretical physics, had

the courage to venture into the abysmal depth of the eternity of

Time. Astonishingly, our ancient sages taught us the following units

of time:


Krati =34,000th of a second

Truti =300th of a second

2 Truti =1 Luv

2 Luv = 1 Kshana

30 Kshana =1 Vipal

60 Vipal = 1 Pal

60 Pal = 1 Ghadi (=24 Minutes)

2.5 Ghadi = 1 Hora (=1 Hour)

24 Hora = 1 Divas (1 Day)

7 Divas = 1 Saptah (1 Week)

4 Saptah = 1 Maas (1 Month)

2 Maas = 1 Ritu (1 Season)

6 Ritu = 1 Varsha (1 Year)

100 Varsha = 1 Satabda (1 Century)

10 Shatabda = 1 Saharabda

432 Saharabda = 1Yug(Kali Yuga))

2 Yuga = 1 Dwapar Yuga

3 Yuga = 1 Treta Yuga

4 Yuga = Kruta Yuga

10 Yuga = 1 Maha Yuga (4,320,000)

1000 Maha Yuga = 1 Kalpa

1 Kalpa = 4.32 Billion Years.

Therefore, the lowest was 34,000th of a second known as krati and the

highest of the measurement of the Time was known as kalpa, which

equalled to 4.32 billion years. Is it not amazing? Are you not

feeling proud to be a Hindu descendent? Swami Vivekananda, the modern

sage of Bharat, stated in his famous sermons compiled in his Rousing

Call to the Hindu Nation, "Take pride in Hinduism; pronounce

yourselves as a descendant of a Hindu. Boast to be a Hindu and give a

clarion call to rouse the Hindu nation from its lethargy and



VIII. The Invention of Decimal System


It was the ancient Bharatbhoomi that gave us the ingenious methods of

expressing all the numbers by means of 10 symbols (decimal systems)—

an invaluable and gorgeous idea that escaped the genius of Archimedes

and Apollonius, two of the greatest Greek philosophers and

mathematician produced by antiquity (100-130BC).


The highest prefix used for raising 10 to the power in today's

mathematics is "D" for 1030 (for Greek Deca).While as early as 100 BC

Hindu mathematicians had exact names for figures up to 1053.


a. Ekam = 1


b. Dashkam = 10 (101)


c. 1 Shatam = 100 (102)


d. 10 Shatam = 1 Shahashram = 1000 (103)


e. 10 Dash Shahashram = 10,000 (104)


f. Laksha = 100,000 (105)


g. Dash Laksha = 10,00,000 (106)


h. Kotihi = 10, 00, 0000 (107)


i. Ayutam = 100,000,000 (109)


j. Niyutam = 100,000,000,000 (1011)


k. Kankaram = 10,000,000,000,000 (1013)


l. Vivaram = 10,000,000,000,000,000 (1016)


m. Pararadahaa = 1017


n. Nivahata = 1019


o. Utsangaha = 1021


p. Bahulam = 1023


q. Naagbaalaha = 1025


r. Titlambam = 1027


s. Vyavasthaanapragnaptihi = 1029


t. Hetuhellam = 1031


u. Karahuhu = 1033


v. Hetvindreeyam = 1035


w. Sampaata Lambhaha = 1037


x. Gananaagatihi = 1039


y. Niravadyam = 1041


z. Mudraabalam = 1043


aa. Saraabalam = 1045


ab. Vishamagnagatihi = 1047


ac. Sarvagnaha = 1049


ad. Vibhutangaama = 1051


ae. Tallakshanaam = 1053


Is it not amazing to know that the ancient Hindu sages used to

remember them just by using their outstanding memory power or was

there some super computer known to them also, which we are quite

unaware of?


In Anuyogadwar Sutra, written 100 BC, one numeral had been shown to

be raised to as high as 10140 which is beyond our outmost stretches

of imagination. All of our remaining hidden treasures, which had not

been destroyed or stolen by the foreign mercenaries and invaders,

were written in Sanskrit, mother of all languages, which should be

revived. It is our legacy to inherit such rich property that our

forefather had left for us by their meticulous observations over

thousands of years ago.


All hidden treasures are written in Sanskrit, which we are quite

ignorant of and our so-called Macaulay's sons are trying their best

to prevent us from knowing about our glorious past. Sir Monier-

Williams rightly said: "Hindus are perhaps the only nation, except

the Greeks, who have investigated independently and in true

scientific manner, the general laws that govern the evolution of



There was no patent system at that time. Might was right. They

considered those substances of robbery maal-e-ganimat (booty looted

from kafirs to be distributed among themselves and friends of theirs)

and thus inculcated those invaluable theorems of mathematics,

astronomy and geometry in Arabic books in around 770-1200 CE.


More than this, the Hindus had made considerable advances in

astronomy, algebra, arithmetics, botany and medicine, not to mention

their superiority in grammar, long before some of these sciences were

cultivated by the most ancient nations of Europe.


Indeed, Hindus were Spinozists 2000 years before the birth of

Spinoza, Darwinians many centuries before the birth of Darwin, and

evolutionists, centuries before the doctrine of evolution had been

accepted by Aldus Huxley's of our times, and before any word like

evolution existed in any language in this world.


We should take a vow to work together to search those hidden

treasures out, propagate the notion that Sanskrit is not a dead

language. Sanskrit is the elite of the elitist, classic of the

classics and it should be revived once again. We will again sit in

the seat of the world assembly with our head held high and with

pride. I would like to draw the final touch with the quotation from

Swami Vivekananda, "I do not see into the future nor do I care to

see. But one vision I see clear as life before me, that the ancient

Mother has awakened once more sitting on her throne rejuvenated, more

glorious than ever. Proclaim her to all the world with the voice of

peace and benediction."


(The writer is Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, Manipal

Teaching Hospital, Pokhara, Nepal,





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