Guest guest Posted April 8, 2006 Report Share Posted April 8, 2006 vedic108 (AT) aol (DOT) com . Sincerely,The Office of Chakrapani Please note that all of Chakrapani's articles frompast newsletters are located in the "archive"section of the website. Article - The Vedic New Year 2006------------------------- Vedic Astrology recognizes both the Solar andthe Lunar Year. The Solar Year always begins onthe 13th / 14th of April each year with theingress of the Sun into the 1st degree of Aries.Its primary use is for marking units of time (i.e.Yugas). The Vedic Lunar New Year, (Shukla PakshaPratipada) falls between the 15th of March andthe 15th of April yearly, at the first new moonfollowing the spring equinox. It is determined byspecific astrological configurations rather thanbeing an arbitrarily assigned day. The Vedic Calendar operates in 60-year cycles.Each year within a cycle has a specific messagefor the world as to events to take place. Byunderstanding the significance of the beginningof each year, one can evaluate its influence forthe year to come as it applies to the world ingeneral and to countries in particular. The Vedic New Year chart offers an importanttool for gaining insight into the energetic toneand nature of events for the year to come.Proper analysis of Shukla Paksha Pratipada offersthe astrologer the insight needed for makingaccurate predictions, for offering appropriateguidance, and for determining auspicious datesfor all manners of ritualistic and worldly activities. According to the Vedic tradition the Vedic NewYear, called Vyaya, for the United States beganin Washington, DC on the 29th of March, 2006 at5:15am. This year the New Year began at theend of a Solar Eclipse. The planetary position rising at this time are asfollows: Aquarius rising 25.01, Mercury at 19.55in the rising sign. The Moon is in Pisces at 14.38,the Sun is also in Pisces at 14.38, Rahu is also inPisces at 10.25. Mars is in Taurus at 27.09.Retrograde Saturn is in Cancer at 10.28. Ketu isin Virgo at 10.25. Retrograde Jupiter is in Libra at23.59. Venus is in Capricorn at 28.10. For those not familiar with the chart of theUnited States I am using July 4th, 1776 at6:30pm (to see USA chart please visit thewebsite) which gives Sagittarius rising with Ketuin the 2nd house in Capricorn, Moon in the 3rdhouse in Aquarius, Mars, Venus, Jupiter and theSun in the 7th in Gemini, Rahu and retrogradeMercury in the 8th house in Cancer and Saturn inthe 10th house in Virgo. First let us look at the New Year Chart for theUS. When the rising sign is occupied bybenevolent Mercury and aspected by benevolentJupiter, (the Navamsa rising sign is also occupiedby natural benefic Jupiter) these beneficialinfluences become positively supportive of thecountry in general. Mercury, the ruler of the 5th house, is in therising sign in a friendly house and aspected bythe benevolent Jupiter. Saturn, the ruler of therising sign, is placed in the 6th house in Cancer.Mercury supports intellectual pursuits, attentionto education and general acknowledgement andsupport of intellectual and research activities.Therefore, their could be more attention in thecoming year toward the education of children andincreased attention toward university education.Additionally, Saturn's placement in Cancer bringsto the fore ancient knowledge in the areas of art,literature, anthropology, and many other areas oflearning. This Saturn placed in the 6th house is alsoindicative of the fact that there will be a lot ofstruggle on the domestic front economically, interms of people needing to tighten their belts.The average person will need to be moreconservative with their money, there will be lessuse of goods and services due to this lack butthey could also have a tendency to create moredebt for themselves. To read the rest of the Vedic New Year predictions, : http://www.Vedic ==========================================================Chakrapani Ullal500 South Lorraine Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90020Web Site: http://www.Vedic Astrology.comE-mail: info (AT) Vedic Astrology (DOT) comPhone: 323.931.9988 Fax: 323.931.9989 _____________________Powered by Microsoft Small BusinessTo follow the link: Love cheap thrills? Enjoy PC-to-Phone calls to 30+ countries for just 2¢/min with Messenger with Voice. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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