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Communist threat to Bharat!

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12pt;">Communist portray being pro- Bharat but they are the biggest anti -

national they have for years resorted to bogus voting and now have gone a step

ahead by legalizing illegal immigrants (Bangladeshi's) in the country see the

example of Assam a total change in demographics where the legal populations

have now become minorities. The same is being done by the Congress turning a

blind eye to the Bangladeshi's entering India. An example of this is the posh

suburb of Mumbai Bandra where the local MLA has gone ahead and constructed row

houses in Bandra Reclamation below the Bandra -Worli bridge to legalise all the

illegal Bangladeshi's so as to never lose an election.It is high time this topic

of Communist and

Congress attitude be exposed and a movement to impose a legal immigration bill

to deport any person having overstayed his visa or is without right to reside

in India be chucked out. Finally a word on the overseas Indian Passport while

an Indian of Indian origin born in India after 1950 can avail of this facility

the restriction imposed upon him/her is that he/she cannot be a member of

parliament nor the legislature nor can he avail of employment in Government

offices. This is total hypocrisy whilst a person of foreign origin can acquire

Indian passport and become even the Prime Minister of the

country this restriction needs to be overthrown. These commies after deciding to

take the ballot route to get red flag on the red fort have successfully

manipulated the system and hoodwinked the Election Commission. There are booths

in which out of 600 voters, 595 vote for the Left front. How can this be true?

The voters don't go to vote. The party agents cast the ballots. As simple as

that. HV Seshadri wrote an excellent account of communism in Bharatam as

terrorism. They have taken the criminalised polity to its logical end,

criminals continue to murder to stay as criminals. Communists provide

anti-Hindi material to Michael Witzel Intellectual terrorism: Readers´ Forum in




Arial;">The way Romila Thapar and Michael Witzel have criticised the proposal of

California State Board of Education (CSBE) to teach Rama, Krishna, the Ramayana

and the Mahabharata in textbooks, in an article published in a Delhi-based

English daily, reveals the anti-Hindutva attitude of the two careerists. Since

their malicious propaganda stopped the Indian politicians and so-called

historians from teaching Hindu history including the epics and the great heroes

like Rama and Krishna in the Indian textbooks, the Romila Thapars’ and Michael

Witzels’ hearts are burning to note that their academic dictatorship has failed

to prevail on the politicians of America, where Hindus are not so stupid as we

are in India. Such career-seeker scholars who question the very existence of

the heroes of humanity, like Rama and Krishna, live in fool’s paradise. They

should ask

themselves as to why only their interpretation of Indian history should be

taught world over. Agreed, their collaboration with the violence-seeker

Marxists and fundamentalist Islamists has been terrorising the common Indian

Hindus for long, but now since the assertive Hindutva refuses to tolerate the

intolerance of the terrorists posing as scholars, the Hindu heroes must get a

place in Indian textbooks also. What exactly causes pain in the stomach of

Romila Thapar and Michael Witzel in noting that the “American Hindutva lobby is

very closely allied to the RSS” is not known. They must know that it is not only

the Hindus of more than one hundred countries who are allied to RSS. Every right

thinking person of any pursuance knows in his or her heart that RSS stands for

patriotism, freedom and true secularism. Opposing the CSBE move to update the

textbooks is nothing short of intellectual terrorism. It is the anti-Hindu

attitude of the so-called

secularists that gives solace to Nazism, racism, Marxism, fundamentalism and,

indeed, terrorism. An honest study and teaching of textbooks of the characters

of Rama and Krishna would make a terrorism-free world. Mankind has already

tasted the violence-seeker religionists’ rule and their approach to divide

humanity. Time has now come, when not only California, but the whole world must

ignore the society-breaker careerists posing as scholars and teach Hindutva in

detail in textbooks to redeem peace and progress for mankind. —Dr. Balram

Misra, How come the same West Bengal produced an Aurobindo?

From_: SURINDER97 (AT) aol (DOT) com Sun Jan 7, 2001 There was a highly informative

column about communism in Bulgaria. One querry tried to differentiate the

Bulgarian response by attributing it to Communist rule. Yes, we have our

Comrades in India too. 1. They nurture, water, and fertilise Islam in India

to survive politically, 2. They dance to the tune of Islam by damning Hinduism

five times a day. 3. Not content with the faster growth of Muslims they import

10‑20 million Muslims from Bangla Desh per year to boost their electoral

prospects. 4. They speak against religion only when it involves Hinduism but

cower and crawl before other religions. 5. They speak of progress of China but

when pointed out that Chinese are ruthless to secessionist movements be it

Sinkiang or Tibet, our Communists keep mum, 6. Our Communists aid and abet

secessionist movements in Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab, North East and Naxalite

movements in rest of Bharat to please their Islamic masters. So, the

fundamental question is not Communism but Nationalism. Bulgarian Communists,

Chinese Communists, Cuban communists are Nationalists to the core, while

Indian ones are Traitors. God forbid Bulgaria had a Jyoti Basu at the


0pt;"> a) He would have imported millions of Turks to subdue Bulgarian

aspirations and put on a huge tag of a "super secularist" b) He would have

accused Bulgarian Nationalists of "communalism" and banned their front

organisations. c) He would have made teaching and propagation of Turkish

language compulsory and banned teaching of Bulgarian literature, linking it to

fanning of

communal passions. Mind you, Bulgarian Nationalism ultimately devoured

Bulgarian Communism too. And that points to the fear and horror in the minds

of our Desi Secularists about the emergence of Hindutva. Surinder Paul Attri

says My Take: The communists of Bharat are the Intellectual Prostitutes of

Bharat; they use their prostituted talents to do Hinduism in. Those communists

have many elements of commonality with the two barbaric creeds of Islam and

Christianity is the subject of another paper. Suffice it to say here that they

are a bad news for the Hindus and Hinduism in India. Communists of Bharat

always pick on the Hindu, but they treat the Moslems and the Christians with

Kid‑Gloves. As an illustration, they often state

that "Religion Is the Opium of the Masses" but what they mean by this statement

is that, religion is the "Opium of the Hindu Masses" in India, not that of the

Moslem and Christian masses. They never tire of criticizing the Hindu for

Cow‑Worship but don't see a damn thing wrong with Islam's abstention from

pig‑eating or their barbaric custom of circumcising the male members of

their society, as an Islamic Religious Rite. What we are dealing with here is a

war between the forces of Dharma (Hindu) and the forces of Adharma /Asura

(Islam/Christianity/Communism). The Asuric Forces have regimented their

aggression against the Dharmic forces and there is no

neutral ground between the Dharmic and Adharmic Forces. The communists of India

have aligned themselves with the Adharmic Forces. The communists support every

anti‑Hindu law, rule or regulation that comes along. Because they assist

the illegal infiltration of Moslems from Bangladesh and they also support China

against Indian interests, these actions put them in the category of traitors,

which you have already observed. Even when the communists of India are forced

to reluctantly criticize the openly barbaric actions of Islam and Christianity

in Bharat, the communists of Bharat are EXTREMELY FRUGAL WITH THEIR WORDS.

Eaton has written a very good book on how Islam spread into the

hinterlands of Bengal. While he

glosses over the fact that force was one tool in the kitty of Islamic

mercenaries, he does a fairly good job at investigating the contribution of

socio-economic factors towards Islam's spread. Another book worth reading will

be on Bengal partition by Rafiuddin Ahmed. Both of these guys are "secular". A

very serious Hindu situation in Bharat. Many Bharatiya people would rather

prefer to have British to rule Bharat than Congress-Muslim-Communist rule.

Under this rule Hindus are third class citizens living under constant fear and

frustration. Under British all were equal. No

reservation, No subsidies to Hajj, no subsidies to madaresas, no special

privileges to nobody, no appeasement to nobody, no control over Hindu temple

trusts, No Namaz on streets, no corruption, no attacks on Hindu pilgrims, Ganga

was clean, contact with other European countries gave Bharat an opportunity to

compete in industrial and high technology, and many many good things besides

higher education, railways, industrial know how, and administrative skill in

very short period of 150 years. If British were In India, communist China would

not have taken away thousands of square miles of India's territory and

terrorists would not have killed over 100,000 thousands innocent Hindus in last

25 years. What Bharat got today is not Independence but lawlessness, sham

constitution, over 50% illiteracy, and corrupt lawmakers. BHARAT MERA MAHAN.


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