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Last night while meditating with the help of a CD called "Chakra Meditation", I

experienced some very pleasurable tingling sensations that seemed to go from my

root chakra to my sacral chakra through the front half of my body. I did not

feel anything particularly along the spine. Does anyone know what these were or

has anyone had any similar experiences. What can I do to extend these



I was lying down on the floor, legs crossed and my hands grounded into my sacral

charka. I was attempting to open my root chakra by drawing energy from my crown

to me root chakra. Then these sensation occurred, originating at me root chakra

and "tingling" up to the sacral chakra.





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stevewhere did you get that cd?





Kundaliniyoga <Kundaliniyoga >

Tuesday, March 09, 1999 4:03 PM






>Last night while meditating with the help of a CD called "Chakra

Meditation", I experienced some very pleasurable tingling sensations that

seemed to go from my root chakra to my sacral chakra through the front half

of my body. I did not feel anything particularly along the spine. Does

anyone know what these were or has anyone had any similar experiences. What

can I do to extend these sensations?


>I was lying down on the floor, legs crossed and my hands grounded into my

sacral charka. I was attempting to open my root chakra by drawing energy

from my crown to me root chakra. Then these sensation occurred, originating

at me root chakra and "tingling" up to the sacral chakra.







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> "Zack Kaplan" <zkaplan


> stevewhere did you get that cd?


And from me.......what music does everyone use to work with while doing

kyoga? or meditating? or do you use it at all?


I have a few favourites....the Kim Robertson series....and the chakra music

that Chip Davis of Mannheim Steamroller put out on his CD "7". It is part

of the Fresh Aire series, I think. I have most of their music as I love it




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Hi Steve


Sat Nam and welcome to Kundaliniyoga.


I don't think anyone has responded to your original questions yet, so I've

reposted them here in the hope that someone will second time around.


Perhaps it would help if you gave us more background - I take it you are

practicing KY - how long have you been doing this for, do you have a teacher

or are you doing it on your own, and if so what are you using for guidance?









>Last night while meditating with the help of a CD called "Chakra

Meditation", I experienced some very pleasurable tingling sensations that

seemed to go from my root chakra to my sacral chakra through the front half

of my body. I did not feel anything particularly along the spine. Does

anyone know what these were or has anyone had any similar experiences. What

can I do to extend these sensations?


>I was lying down on the floor, legs crossed and my hands grounded into my

sacral charka. I was attempting to open my root chakra by drawing energy

from my crown to me root chakra. Then these sensation occurred, originating

at me root chakra and "tingling" up to the sacral chakra.

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Thanks for the interest gordon. As far as back ground, my real basis for

meditation has been the martial arts (around 8 years). I am actually practicing

chi gung, howvever the Yoga meditations are so similar to what I am doing in chi

gung, that I have incorporated both style in my practice. Recently I began

making real progress and have been practising various meditations about twice a

day. I have felt energy flow in my hands, several pulsating chakras and now the

latest sensations that were the subject of my note.



---------------------- Forwarded by Steve E. Ehrenreich on 03/11/99 09:29 AM




cc: (bcc: Steve E. Ehrenreich)

03/11/99 08:30 AM


Re: Sensations




"gordon lamb" <gordon


Hi Steve


Sat Nam and welcome to Kundaliniyoga.


I don't think anyone has responded to your original questions yet, so I've

reposted them here in the hope that someone will second time around.


Perhaps it would help if you gave us more background - I take it you are

practicing KY - how long have you been doing this for, do you have a teacher

or are you doing it on your own, and if so what are you using for guidance?









>Last night while meditating with the help of a CD called "Chakra

Meditation", I experienced some very pleasurable tingling sensations that

seemed to go from my root chakra to my sacral chakra through the front half

of my body. I did not feel anything particularly along the spine. Does

anyone know what these were or has anyone had any similar experiences. What

can I do to extend these sensations?


>I was lying down on the floor, legs crossed and my hands grounded into my

sacral charka. I was attempting to open my root chakra by drawing energy

from my crown to me root chakra. Then these sensation occurred, originating

at me root chakra and "tingling" up to the sacral chakra.





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>Last night while meditating with the help of a CD called "Chakra

Meditation", I experienced some very pleasurable tingling sensations that

seemed to go from my root chakra to my sacral chakra through the front half

of my body. I did not feel anything particularly along the spine. Does

anyone know what these were or has anyone had any similar experiences. What

can I do to extend these sensations?


Steve and all,


Such experiences are do happen for people who meditate, practice yoga, or

practice spiritual healing, especially if they are trying to do so while

earthed (grounded) - and I (who am not naturally very well earthed and have

had to work at it a great deal) feel that grounding is *very* important on

any spiritual path. In fact, when I experienced kundalini rising, my main

problem was to ground all of that energy instead of letting it zing around

in my system gathering static and confusion. Yes, I think I've experienced

what you are describing. :)


As I said before, I'm not an expert on yoga, but my experience with

meditation and healing is that it is very important *not* to cling to any

particular sensations. Teachers on most spiritual paths seem to advise us

that all of these energy sensations are just part of a process, markers

perhaps, and that clinging to the pleasant ones or rejecting/denying the

unpleasant ones blocks our progress.


Sensations such as these come and go. They may happen only once, as the

energy path opens wider. They may happen repeatedly when a part of the

energy path needs extensive opening, clearing and strengthening. The

important thing is to note and release the sensations, if we want to follow

the path. If it is appropriate, they will repeat themselves, and if it

isn't, it really slows us down to try to stay at that point in our growth.

Otherwise, we are like someone who set out to climb a mountain, reached a

place part way up, and stopped there because the view was so beautiful - not

realizing that the view from there is very limited compared to the view from

and experience of the peak.


The sensations are like that - there are better ones ahead. :) And it is

important not to get stuck on *those* either. Isn't it part of the kundalini

process, yoga and all, to transform psyche and body to where we are able to

experience more energy and strength in every aspect of our lives?


To me, some of the important questions would be: Has this energetic

experience changed you in any way? Do you feel more balanced? Less balanced?

Has your 'center of gravity' settled more toward the sacral and root chakras

since the experience? Do you feel more or less earthed? Does your personal

energy field feel more or less clear? In other words, what effect has it had

on you? And then, what can you do to balance this energy, make certain it is

grounded and flowing, and integrate it into your life? How can you use this

in your daily life to be more authentically your true self?


Sorry my response to this has been so slow, but I've been away from the

computer for a while. It's snowing out this morning in the "sunny" Southern

California mountains and it seems a good time to catch up on email.




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Thanks for the input Jesa. You have some good questions! Yes there have been

changes in my life as I have gotten more and more into my meditation.

Specifically, I am requiring much less sleep than before. I have a much more

steady energy level, a much higher energy level, sharper metal focus, better

physical and mental endurance. Addionally, my gastro-intestinal system has been

working much better that before (although I did not think there was anything

wrong with it before), my athlete's foot (nasty) has gone into remission, etc.,



The other day, in fact, I went to see my chiroprator (who is also my martial

arts instructor) who practises Applied Kinesiology and he could not find one

thing wrong with me.


Hows that for a yes!


One interesting parallel that I can draw is the timeing of my experiences in

meditaion. I have been meditating for quite a while (with no where near the

commintment I have now) with very few results. Something that i think helped

get me on the right track was when I took up free diving (breath hold diving).

In this endevor you train to go as deep as you can for as long as you can. As

you can imagine, this means proper breathing, relaxation and being in tune with

your body. Sound familiar.


Thanks for the advice, its right on point with my research.





Jesa Macbeth <jesamac




>Last night while meditating with the help of a CD called "Chakra

Meditation", I experienced some very pleasurable tingling sensations that

seemed to go from my root chakra to my sacral chakra through the front half

of my body. I did not feel anything particularly along the spine. Does

anyone know what these were or has anyone had any similar experiences. What

can I do to extend these sensations?


Steve and all,


Such experiences are do happen for people who meditate, practice yoga, or

practice spiritual healing, especially if they are trying to do so while

earthed (grounded) - and I (who am not naturally very well earthed and have

had to work at it a great deal) feel that grounding is *very* important on

any spiritual path. In fact, when I experienced kundalini rising, my main

problem was to ground all of that energy instead of letting it zing around

in my system gathering static and confusion. Yes, I think I've experienced

what you are describing. :)


As I said before, I'm not an expert on yoga, but my experience with

meditation and healing is that it is very important *not* to cling to any

particular sensations. Teachers on most spiritual paths seem to advise us

that all of these energy sensations are just part of a process, markers

perhaps, and that clinging to the pleasant ones or rejecting/denying the

unpleasant ones blocks our progress.


Sensations such as these come and go. They may happen only once, as the

energy path opens wider. They may happen repeatedly when a part of the

energy path needs extensive opening, clearing and strengthening. The

important thing is to note and release the sensations, if we want to follow

the path. If it is appropriate, they will repeat themselves, and if it

isn't, it really slows us down to try to stay at that point in our growth.

Otherwise, we are like someone who set out to climb a mountain, reached a

place part way up, and stopped there because the view was so beautiful - not

realizing that the view from there is very limited compared to the view from

and experience of the peak.


The sensations are like that - there are better ones ahead. :) And it is

important not to get stuck on *those* either. Isn't it part of the kundalini

process, yoga and all, to transform psyche and body to where we are able to

experience more energy and strength in every aspect of our lives?


To me, some of the important questions would be: Has this energetic

experience changed you in any way? Do you feel more balanced? Less balanced?

Has your 'center of gravity' settled more toward the sacral and root chakras

since the experience? Do you feel more or less earthed? Does your personal

energy field feel more or less clear? In other words, what effect has it had

on you? And then, what can you do to balance this energy, make certain it is

grounded and flowing, and integrate it into your life? How can you use this

in your daily life to be more authentically your true self?


Sorry my response to this has been so slow, but I've been away from the

computer for a while. It's snowing out this morning in the "sunny" Southern

California mountains and it seems a good time to catch up on email.








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