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Solstice and Silence

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Summer Solstice 1999

Silence and Intuition



Dear Kundalini yoga list rs,


Sat Nam! This is a four page letter about the Summer Solstice Celebration,

followed by a meditation practice to cultivate the art of silence.


I recently returned from the 3HO Summer Solstice Celebration in New Mexico.

I have attended 19 of the last 22. There have been 28 all together. This

event is held in the mountains outside of Espanola about 45 minutes from

Santa Fe. Yogi Bhajan bought the land from Native Americans who would sell

only to someone who would preserve the sacredness of the land. One of the

requirements was to have a day devoted to world peace each year. The 14th

International Peace Prayer Day was held this year.


We all camp in tents on the dry, expansive land. Everyone is served a

special vegetarian diet. Over the years we have built bathing and kitchen

facilities and a huge open shelter that holds over 1000 people. The main

event is the White Tantric Yoga course, which is 3 days of the 8 days. The

other days there is a selection of courses by wonderful teachers in the 3HO

Organization. Each Tantric day we do six or seven 62 or 31 minute

meditations. There are short bathroom and watermelon (a wonderful relief

from the heat!) breaks and lunch. The energy is so intense these days we

do well to hold on to ourselves.


To my knowledge, White Tantric is the most powerful clearing of the

subconscious mind on the planet. The exercises are done in pairs. We sit

in long lines with men and women facing each other. The exercises are

usually done looking into each other's eyes, chanting, with a hand

position. We always wait anxiously to hear the hand position, which can be

anything from hands on the knees (easy), holding hands with your partner

(cozy), to hands on your ears (the worst!).


There is only one Master on the planet at a time who can lead this

cleansing process. At this time it is Yogi Bhajan. It is through his

subtle body that the subconscious mind is cleared of garbage that we cannot

access and get rid of in any other way. I keep coming back because the

process is so effective and the results are lasting. I feel so clean and

refreshed afterwards. Each course produces a dramatic shift in my life. I

owe much of my spiritual progress to the over 90 White Tantric courses that

I have attended in the last 22 years. (There are also weekend courses

during the year and Winter Solstice in December.)


People come from all over the world to attend this event. This year there

were almost 1000 adults, plus children. I want to plant the seeds now so

as many of you as possible can attend next summer. And don't let distance

deter you. There were over 20 people attending from Chile. It is one of

those special events that you cherish for your whole life. (You can read

more of the www.3HO.com site.)


Words from the Master


Yogi Bhajan, Master of Hatha, Kundalini and White Tantric yoga, shared many

special messages with us. I want to share some of his words with you.

Here are a few paraphrased quotes from my notes.


(1) "Let God work. Watch God work. Understand the play of God. Give God

a chance. This life was given to you as a gift. Let God take you on this



(2) "Doubt and duality are the main causes of disaster…. We forget that

God is with us"


( 3) "We need mental security. Our intuition is our security. If we seek

the satisfaction of our ego, our third eye (seat of our intuition) will not

open up. If we give up our ego, the vacuum is filled with our intuition

and we are uplifted….It is easy to access our intuition when our chakras

are open."


(4) "We are in the cusp (transition) to the Aquarian Age, which will begin

in 2012. Until then, do your best, enjoy your life, have faith and let God

take care of your life."




(1) Good ideas! How do I do that?! Kundalini Yoga is one of the

spiritual disciplines developed by saints and sages to accomplish these



(2) I couldn't agree more. Help! How can I remember? Patience. We are

getting to that part.


(3) Ego is one of those misunderstood words with many meanings. Defined

as our conscious awareness, an ego is necessary to think, operate, make

decisions and take action in this world. The problem is that we usually

operate from a "limited ego" and narrow view of ourselves and the world.

It is this "false ego" that we are trying to give up or transcend.


An important task of our "aware ego" is to train ourselves to listen to our

intuition, instead of reacting to random thoughts that are set off by our

wounded emotions and inappropriate training. We need our "aware ego" to

tune into God and join forces. As we do so, we experience "My will is

God's will." And "God in me, me in God are One."


(4) "God" also has so many meanings and is a very misunderstood concept.

A spiritual path is about experiencing the reality of this concept. Yogi

Bhajan always tells us that our biggest problem is that we think God is

outside ourselves. The purpose of a spiritual practice is to experience

God within our own being and to connect our individual psyche with the

universal psyche. (one definition of God)


Silence and Intuition


Silence is core to all spiritual practices. The Buddhists are masters of

silence. Or at least they recognize its value and practice the discipline.

One must be silent to "hear" God. Practicing silence is recommended at

Solstice. Silence used to be required. Now it is optional. Many people

chose and were actually able to observe this sacred discipline. The

experience is definitely more effective when we observe silence. When we

are silent, our attention turns inward. We are able to identify and stop

relating to what is called "excess personality" or "externalized ego". We

begin relating to our Essential Self or Soul. It is our Essential Self

that accesses our intuition and finds God within.


The full effects of the White Tantric Course take effect 40 days after the

event. The 40th day will be August 3rd. I thought we might tap some of

this energy by practicing a silent meditation. Mercury being retrograde

(July 12th -August 4th) also facilitates our inner journey. During Mercury

retrograde (which happens 3 times a year for a little over 3 weeks each

time) the mind loses some of its grip. It is easier to release thoughts,

be still, meditate and be in the heart.


A Silent Meditation for 40 Days


In the yogic tradition, meditations practiced for a certain number of days

have a certain effect. Forty days is the minimum to break a habit and set

the stage for an internal shift. One student asked me once—"Forty days in

a row?!" The whole class laughed. Yes, forty days in a row! And if that

seems like a long time, in the past many spiritual masters have taken 40

years to achieve enlightenment. I imagine that all of us on the KYList

have done that path in other lifetimes. This lifetime, we are attempting

to get quicker results, so that we can enjoy peace and happiness in this



Let's get started. Here is a simple mindful meditation to practice for the

next 40 days. Actually silent, mindful meditation is our first, last and

ongoing lesson. We will use this meditation as a touchstone overtime to

review our progress and assess our goal of achieving inner peace,

contentment and a richer, fuller life.


Part One. Everyday be silent and practice listening within. Morning

before sunrise is the best time. Or at least morning before you start your

work day. Simply sit quietly and observe your thoughts, be with your

breath and feel the sensations in your body. Gently and silently be with

yourself. The optimal time is 22 or 31 minutes. If you don't have that

much time, 11 minutes is also an effective yogic time for meditation.


Part Two. During the day, practice listening to yourself before you

interact with others. Do your best to get your own answers before seeking

advise. Process your own thoughts and feelings before sharing them with

others. Share only those thoughts and feelings that inform and inspire

others. Do not dump your emotions on others as a way to avoid processing

them yourself. Keep your own personal issues and process to yourself.

(Unless you are working with a counselor or therapy group.)


Part Three. Once a week practice silence with a partner or with a group of

friends. Observing silence, go for a walk together, be together at home,

eat a meal together or partake in another activity. Agree on the process

beforehand, so you can relax and enjoy the experience. Have a notepad

handy in case the need to communicate arises.


You might also want to check out silent Buddhist evening and day

meditations or week retreats.


Results. The above practice makes us aware of how much we turn our

attention outward and look for cues outside ourselves. We realize how much

we say that is unnecessary and a waste of energy. We start to see how much

we try to fill in "empty" spaces to feel comfortable or make the other

person feel comfortable so we will feel comfortable.


We find our intuition and "hear God" in the open spaces of our minds. I am

always reminded that I have to listen to myself, if I want to hear my

intuition. It is not that our intuition is not working. It is dormant

through inactivity or is buried by all our mental noise. We are not

listening, trusting and following our intuition. When we don't listen to

our intuition, our Soul screams at us in other ways—accidents, stress,

fear, anger. (You must have noticed! :+))


Preparing for the New Millennium


As Yogi Bhajan shared with us (at the last Solstice of the millennium), our

intuition is our security. When we tune into our intuition, we know what

to do. When we know what to do, we can trust ourselves and our universe.

When we trust ourselves, we are in charge of our own lives. On the other

hand, if we don't listen to ourselves, we have nothing to trust. The best

we can do it operate from blind faith. But doubt ends up getting the upper

hand. We turn to external authorities and become a victim of forces

outside ourselves. As we move into the next millennium, our goal is to

empower ourselves from within (there is no other way) and to extreicate

ourselves from all forms of victimization.


The energy on the planet is becoming more and more intense. (I am sure you

have noticed!) Many people feel out of control and they probably are. The

only way to deal with the energy is match it, join it, go with it and use

it!. To do so, we must intuitively sense it and flow with it. The good

news is that the intensity of the energy also speeds up our desire and our

ability to tap our spiritual roots.


Our goal over time is to integrate the above practices into our daily

lives. To do so, we have to train and monitor ourselves. You may find it

useful to keep a journal of your experiences. I find it therapeutic and

encouraging to watch my progress. Training ourselves to connect with the

divine within and maintain this connection during every hour of the day is

the purpose of all spiritual disciplines. And with the energy available, we

could witness some quick results.


Although the above silent meditation may seem simple, its mastery is not.

Students take years and even lifetimes to perfect it. Fortunately, there

are Kundalini yoga techniques that facilitate the process and speed up our

progress. The purpose of the Kundalini Yoga Training is to share this

technology. Our first step is to simply practice mindful silent meditation

and watch our results. It is important to monitor your experiences so you

have a baseline of comparison as we add the Kundalini exercises to the



Get started today, have fun and lets share our results over the List.


Kundalini Yoga Training List


Many of you have already signed up for the Kundalini Yoga Training List,

where we will soon offer lessons and share our experiences with each other.

In order to let others know about this opportunity, I am beginning this

training with this lesson for everyone on the KYList. To go to--

KYtraining- .


Please tell your friends, so we can all get started together.



Sat Nam and many blessings,



Gururattan Kaur Khalsa, Ph.D.


Copyright by Gururattan K. Khalsa, Ph.D. July 16, 1999

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Rattana, thank you for sharing your experience at Summer Solstice. I was

wondering if you could talk more in depth of the following statement you



>>>>"Rattana Khalsa"

The energy on the planet is becoming more and more intense. (I am sure

you have noticed!) Many people feel out of control and they probably

are. The only way to deal with the energy is match it, join it, go with

it and use it!.>>>


I do agree that the energy from the planet is becoming more intense. How

do you suggest matching it in a positive light? Esp. if one views what's

around her as negative energy?



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Dear Angela,


I was

> wondering if you could talk more in depth of the following statement you

> made.


> >>>>"Rattana Khalsa"

> The energy on the planet is becoming more and more intense. (I am sure

> you have noticed!) Many people feel out of control and they probably

> are. The only way to deal with the energy is match it, join it, go with

> it and use it!.>>>


> I do agree that the energy from the planet is becoming more intense. How

> do you suggest matching it in a positive light? Esp. if one views what's

> around her as negative energy?




The energy on the planet is actually increasing in frequency. The new

freqency matches the frequency of the heart center. The way to match it is

to operate from your heart and be guided by your intuition. We all know

how to act and interact in a way that is uplifting, caring and graceful.

We need to learn to take our ques from inside ourselves and not from the

negative examples that exist around us.


The increased speed also means that the reactions to our actions will

happen quicker. Another way to say this is "instant karma." We take an

action and we experience the results right away. The good part of this is

that when we take actions that are in integrity with our heart and highest

values, we get supported.


Thanks for your question.


Sat Nam,



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