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from Gururattan K. Khalsa "Rattana"


Dear Friends,


Sat Nam. This email contains

(1) a message from Yogi Bhajan about the August 11th solar eclipse.

(2) Information about my new newsletter New Millennium Being.

(3) A meditation to do during this powerful time to align yourself with the


(4) An article on the August 11th solar eclipse which launches the



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Many blessings to you,


Gururattan Kaur "Rattana"






Yogi Bhajan has given us the message that from July 28th to August 11th

particularly, "Do sadhana or God bless you." He also said that the

astrological configurations of the August 11th Solar Eclipse were last

experienced at the onset of the Fall of the Roman Empire. He said the

energy unleashed at this eclipse will carry you either toward the light or

away from the light depending on how you use it. As you will see in the

following article, it is an energy that cannot be avoided -- it must be put

to good use. It can propel you on your destiny path.





New Millennium Being is a periodic (at least 12 times per year) newsletter

whose purpose is to help guide us into the 21st century. The focus is on

our personal preparation and how we can each in our own unique way establish

a connection with our Self and follow our destiny path. The goal is to

guide us so that instead of being a victim of the powerful energies

available on the Planet at this time, we can use them for our own personal

empowerment and liberation. The first 12 issues will synthesize relevant

information about Astrology, the Chakras, the 5 Elements and Kundalini yoga.


Astrology helps us understand the energies that we have to work with. The

zodiac signs and the planets related to the chakras give us an in depth

analysis of our human potential and how to tap it. The five Elements or

Tattvas (Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Ether) are the context for the lessons

that we have chosen to learn this lifetime in order to achieve peace and

freedom. Kundalini yoga (as taught by Yogi Bhajan) is the quantum

technology for the Aquarian age. Practice of Kundalini kriyas and

meditations align us with universal energies and our own truth.


If you are interested in yourself , your inner peace and freedom, the role

you can play in creating a sustainable world and are looking for powerful

techniques that can help you achieve these goals, this newsletter is for



We would like this Ezine to get to as many people as possible. If there is

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request in this connection is that you forward the entire publication.


If you have been forwarded this Ezine by someone else, and wish to

for future issues, please send a blank email to






In addition to morning sadhana, as a part of it, or as an evening meditation

here is a meditation that can be done for 11, 22 or 31-minutes. This is a

very blissful meditation that keeps you in your body. When you need help

chant this mantra. Calling on Guru Ram Das produces healing, magic and

miracles. Enjoy!


Sit in easy pose, with hands on the lap, right on top of left.

Sit absolutely still for this meditation for the full effects.

Chant very quietly, in monotone, almost, but not a whisper, with the lips,

so you feel a vibration in the lips Guru, Guru, Wa He Guru, Guru Ram Das



Chant the syllables in each of the chakras.

(Tip-Guru is vibrated in every chakra except 3rd and 6th.)


Guru- 1st base of spine

Guru- 2nd sex organ, abdomen

Wa He- 3rd- navel

Guru- 4th heart

Guru- 5th throat

Ram Das-6th third eye

Guru- 7th top of head






by Gururattan K. Khalsa, Ph.D. "Rattana"

Copyright by Gururattan Khalsa, Ph.D.


June 15-August 3, 1999



The solar eclipse August 11, 1999 is part of one of two of the most powerful

astrological configurations of this century.* In a solar eclipse, the Sun

is obscured briefly by the Moon. Normal rational thought and actions give

way to the non-rational, irrational, emotional, and imaginative. Because

our responses at this level of consciousness are often uncontrolled and

chaotic, this time is one of not business as usual and anything can happen

and often does. Eclipses provide a boost in energy, expand consciousness

and stimulate evolutionary change.


Eclipses are often felt months before the actual event and their effects

last long afterwards. As you read this article, you may recognize how some

of the phenomenon of this eclipse are influencing your life already. The

purpose of this article is to examine the nature of this event and its

possible impacts in our personal and collective lives.





Four potent energies are lined up in a grand cross. So what is a grand

gross and why is this so potent? A grand cross is formed when two things

happen-- (1) Two planets, or sun and moon, (in this case the sun and the

moon together, with the moon eclipsing or covering the sun) are opposite

each other in the sky. (2) A second set of planets (or sun and moon) are

directly opposite each other, crossing the other set at a 90o angle. The

result is that 4 planets are at 90o angles to each other and two sets of

planets are directly opposite or opposing each other.


In astrological terms, planets at 90o "square" each other. The relationship

of the planets to each other in the sky creates a certain energy that is

felt and played out in our earthly experiences. Squares and oppositions

give us energy to do things. They motivate and often provoke us to take

action. The grand cross of August 11 combines 4 squares and 2 oppositions,

all at the same time, plus a solar eclipse! In sum, there is a tremendous

amount of energy that needs to be put to use, to be expressed or to be

dedicated to a goal.


This astrological configuration not only gives us the energy to get things

done, it contains the greatest potential for growth. Most of us have

already realized that growth is not always easy. This is why in astrology

the squares and the oppositions are called "hard" aspects. The "hard"

aspects are always challenging, but the struggle and pain come when we

resist our lessons. Combined with an attitude of commitment and dedication

to something we truly believe in, this energy can be very rewarding and

productive. The secret is to cooperate with it, to consciously handle our

challenges, and to take advantage of the energy to create our dreams and

accomplish our goals.


The amount of energy available in grand crosses, like it or not, accelerates

the human growth process. We face simultaneous challenges and are forced to

make decisions that will result in complete and total life changes. "The

reward for handling the energy positively is the potential to make a huge

evolutionary leap." (p. 10) We may experience that this energy challenges

us to make big changes "right now!" I have personally felt like there are

many things that need to be done all at once. I have also witnessed

multiple things magically fall into place when my intent is clear and my

actions are one-pointed.





What kind of change can we look forward to? First we have to get

acquainted with the players. Saturn in Taurus is in opposition to Mars in

Scorpio. Saturn teaches us our lessons without compromise and is willing to

wait it out until we wake up, look at what is really happening and make the

appropriate changes in our consciousness and life style. Taurus is

determined to get its needs met, wants beauty and honors the Earth and its



Scorpionic energy ensures that our lessons will be deep, meaningful and

long-lasting. The Mars urge demands action, is aggressive and keeps the

foot on the accelerator. Pressure cooker and time bomb are two ways to

characterize this combination.


Then there is the eclipse in Leo which opposes Uranus in Aquarius. Both

eclipses and Uranium energies are unpredictable, volatile and electric.

Leo the lion wants to be noticed. Unconscious Leos are egotistical and

demand attention. Evolved Leos attract attention because they are

individualized beings who use their special talents to offer their creations

to the world. Aquarian energy is detached, revolutionary and dedicated to

change, brotherhood and universal principles.


Add the squares or the 90o interactions. Mars square Uranus creates energy

that is fast-acting, trigger happy, rebellious, unrepressed and in search of

a cause or a fight.


Saturn square Uranus creates energy that pushes us to wake up and take quick

and drastic action for a worthy cause.


The Sun and the Moon squared Mars set the stage for lots of high drama,

internally and externally.


The Sun and the Moon squared Saturn says "Just do it!"-take unemotional,

detached action and get the job done.


Aquarius, Scorpio, Taurus and Leo are "fixed" signs. It is their nature to

use, accumulate and maintain power. They embody will, determination, and

fixity of purpose. They do not let go easily or willingly They are

interested in resources and values. Fixed signs reveal our desires and

motives. When they are in "hard" aspect to each other (squares and

oppositions) they challenge us, create stress and tension and present us

with conflicting values. ( p. 13) The release of the tension is inevitable

and it is often as dramatic as earthquakes and volcanoes.


Kim Rogers-Gallagher explains-"Squares are internalized arguments, but

oppositions are open debates. With so much of that confrontative energy

grinding against itself, this grand cross will present situations that force

us to act, and to make choices-maybe tough choices. The fixed signs mean

that change is inevitable, and that it's going to be permanent, too." (p.



This combination of planetary actors and their moods (signs i.e. Aquarius,

Scorpio, Taurus and Leo) confront us with powerful and contradictory

energies. There is no way to predict what can or will happen. Although it

is pretty safe to say that our level of consciousness (or unconsciousness)

will determine the nature and the quality of what we will experience

individually and collectively. What is certain is that something is brewing

that we cannot ignore and must meet head on with committed action.





What does this mean for each of us personally? Many of us see the events

of our lives unfold into a pattern and a deeper purpose. We know what we

have to do and in many cases it corresponds to what we have wanted to do for

a long time. If we do not know what "it" is yet, we feel intensely

motivated to find out. If you do not know, tune into our own inner

guidance and ask for clarity. Then attentively watch and listen for the

answer. Our directives may also hit us right in the face. Whatever we

feel directed to do, the key is to USE the energy. Do something with it!

Choose to implement a project, move on something that you have been wanting

to do for a long time and not quite had the guts or resources to bring into



If your reaction is "Where can I hide this one out?", the answer is "You can

't!" No one is just going to sit this one out. Either we choose to take

action, or action will be taken for us. (i.e. accidents, demotions, being

evicted, losing jobs or even life itself.) This energy cannot be silently

endured. The explosiveness of this energy will force us to grow, to change,

to evolve. If we are wise we will take advantage of the opportunities that

are being presented. It is time to be bold and courageous.


Recent "accidents" (JFK,Jr.'s death the most poignant) are very

"Uranian"-surprising. Since Uranus energy is one arm of the grand cross,

we must know how to deal with it. Bold action does not mean taking unwise

risks. The stakes are too high. Be prudent in your actions in terms of

your personal safety. Don't run yellow lights. Don't speed on your motor

cycle or in your car. Don't fly in the fog. Don't accumulate more debt.

Let vigilance, not worry, be your touchstone. Tune into your intuition and

follow it. You will be guided.


Uranian energy can produce miracles and magic. It can also precipitate

mistakes. Some believe there are no mistakes, just alternate plans. Since

the alternatives may not be desirable, do your best to make wise decisions

when your body and physical possessions are involved. We are co-creators of

our reality. What we think, say and do does make a difference, i.e. what we

cause has an effect.


Use your courage to do your destiny. If you have identified your dream,

define it as a realistic project and take steps to make it happen. It could

happen very quickly, almost supernaturally and with surprising results. In

order to take advantage of the energy and the opportunities that lie before

us, we must act with courage, be self-reliant and be willing to take

initiative. In sum, get busy, concentrate, get and stay involved in your

project, keep focused on your goal, act with total integrity and dare to

keep your eyes open as you ride the crest of the wave of your destiny.


If you are still discovering your purpose in life, be open to a change in

direction, initiate a life style or values change. For example, watch less


TV and start a reading program. Begin an exercise program. Start or add to

your spiritual practice. Stop eating refined sugar and red meat. Clean out

your closets and drawers. Plant seeds of openness and non-judgment in our

own consciousness. Plant a tree and some flowers in your yard. Befriend

the unknown and welcome the unexpected.


In either case, go with the flow of events. If we resist, things will just

get worse. Do something different. Do the same old things in different

ways. Consider yourself an inventor of a new reality and adventure into

that reality with the gleeful spirit of a young child.





The signs of the fixed cross-Aquarius, Leo, Taurus and Scorpio are referred

in Revelations (Bible) as the four beasts of the apocalypse. Many forecast

that this eclipse will set off a wave of terrorism, tragedy, war, disease,

and natural disasters. Others of us see the eclipse as a turning point--the

breakdowns that occur in our political, economic and social systems will

clear the way to create new structures that are in harmony with higher order

and values.


In terms of global changes, here is a list of descriptions of what could be

manifestations of the energy being unleashed in this eclipse.


* breakdown of outworn value systems

* widespread agitation, impatience and discontent

* challenges to existing power structures

* wars, earthquakes and other natural disasters

* changes in the economic, warfare, and political systems

* restructuring of our values, goals and energy

* redistribution of resources through structural change

* breakthrough and realignment of consciousness

* shift into consciousness where human values take precedence

* creation of a society where the realization of selfhood is possible and



As Maya del Mar points out, "Old ways of seeing and working with

resources-land-money will no longer work. This is not news. The news is

that we have the opportunity now to make that breakthrough in realignment of

consciousness." (p.14)


The planetary line up on August 11 could well lay the foundation for the end

of the world as we know it and for a new one to emerge in the 21st Century.

The inappropriateness of many cherished belief systems, dogmas and systems

will be exposed. This may come as a shock to many. For others it will be a

welcome relief. The important thing is that we will realize that there is

much more meaning, beauty and depth to life than we had ever imagined.


There will be many changes in our personal, interpersonal and collective

lives. Not all of these changes will be peaceful or what we consider

desirable. From time to time we may feel that we are on the grand cross

ourselves, being pulled in four different directions. Our greatest

challenges are to act with integrity and from our hearts, to work for the

well-being of all and to honor the Earth. It is a time of personal and

collective empowerment. It is a time to extricate ourselves from all forms

of victimization. For better or worse, we are the co-creators of the new

millennium. For many of us, this is the moment we have been preparing for.

It is time to step forward and participate in the creation of a peaceful,

equitable and sustainable world. Our conscious (and unconscious) choices

will determine what we create.





In terms of our own personal preparation, it is important to realize that

the energies being unleashed may bring up feelings of anger, frustration,

nervousness, panic and powerlessness. Yogically these are navel point or

third chakra energies. The above expressions indicate a weak navel point.

When our navel center is strong, we experience our own strength; we project

our unique identity; we feel empowered to take action; we can commit to our

goals and are motivated to use our energy to make our unique contribution.

Therefore, our personal preparation will optimally include exercises to

strengthen the navel point. In a crunch remember breath of fire is the

primo navel breath.


The deep emotions we are experiencing are also solar plexus energies. After

we establish a sense of our physical presence (and can hold on to it) at the

navel chakra, we must dive into our solar plexus to make our way to our



It is interesting how astrologically it all fits. The emotional component

(the moon) of this eclipse is directing us to plunge into the depth of our

non-verbal being. (solar plexus) Saturn (in Taurus), the task master, warns

us it will be work, but it will be worth it. Because after we anchor

ourselves in our values, establish our boundaries, and honor and enjoy our

bodies and the Earth (Taurus), we will find freedom (the goal of all those

Saturn lessons!).


Mars (in Scorpio) gives us the energy, motivation and discipline to get the

job done and Scorpio guarantees that the process is deep and meaningful.

Uranus is going to make sure there are plenty of surprises, which can come

in unpredictable packages including accidents, miracles and out-of-the-blue

events. Aquarius sets the context of enlightened humane change for the

highest good of all. Aquarius trusts we will all be friends once we make it

to our heart.





The eclipse is reminding us that our ultimate project is the project of the

Self. (Sun in Leo is the sign of the individualized Self) It is time to

get to know ourselves. The bad news is we can't blame others or look

outside ourselves for answers anymore. The good news is that we can feel

real, authentic and empowered and directed by our own Soul.( Leo the Lion)

This solar eclipse speeds up our individuation process and stimulates our

creativity. Our creativity bubbles forth from who we are. It is an

auspicious time to switch our mantra from "I do" to "I am." To further

establish our Soul identity, we can change our inner conversation from "I

want" to "I am."


A spiritual practice is highly recommended at this time. Kundalini yoga

sets to release anger, strengthen the navel center and transmute our primal

emotions into Soul power would be particularity beneficial.** At the same

time, take action on something that is important to you, acknowledge and

take care of yourself and have fun doing both! And periodically, especially

when challenged, in doubt or discouraged, remember to celebrate your

precious life. Celebration and gratitude transmute the darkness of pain and

ignorance into the light of the Soul.



Sat Nam and many blessings on your path,


Gururattan K. Khalsa, Ph.D. "Rattana"

e-mail rattana

(619) 435-3390




I just received this letter from someone who read this article. " The

Grand Cross was getting to me today. I followed your advice and got busy

and worked the energy out doing all my laundry and so much else. It works!

I have been telling everyone "Just get busy and let the energy flow through

you into achieving things."


If you would like to e-mail your Eclipse stories to me, please do so.

Please indicate if you would like your story to remain confidential or if

you would be willing to have it shared with others. (Leaving out the names

to protect the innocent and not so innocent.) e-mail rattana


Also, if you have any comments to make about New Millennium Being, or have

something you would like to submit for consideration for future

publication, please let us know.



* The other one was the Harmonic Convergence November 11, 1988. (11/11/88)


June-July 1999 Mountain Astrologer, "Millennium form: The Solar Eclipse of

August 1999. pp. 10-23.


** Many of these sets are found in my manual Transitions to a

Heart-Centered World.



I have been publishing my popular series of books on Kundalini yoga &

Meditation since 1988. I have now opened my own on-line store, where you can

read about and order

my manuals and books direct from your computer - credit cards accepted

(Secure server).

Please visit my website http://www.yogatech.com.

Also visit my other website http://www.womenoftheworld.org to read about my

latest books for and about women.


If you are interested in supporting New Millennium Being, either as an

advertiser or sponsor, please contact gordon


To to New Millennium Being, mail to nmbeing-


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