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Dear Shepard:


In response to your interesting question about God I must chuckle a bit.


First, I have felt a part of a greater universal chorus of harmony and light,

pure and unending, unspeakable in its love and radiance. Is this God?

Certainly not for the traditional Christian.


Is it something I can transfer to others? Not in any useful way. It defies

that. Words are just plain useless in rendering the wordless.


Perfection? Yes, and ecstasy. God? God is in the details, I believe. We

are all but dancers and the Music belongs to everyone. Without consciousness

there can be no "God."


Did God create or do we create God? I fear that it is a little of both.

Imagine having a child who in growing up communicates new insights to the

adult...seeing with different eyes. Are we then the differing eyes of

universal consciousness? Yes, I believe so.


Next you'll ask "Why?" Please don't. I am tired this week. LOL








PS, I have had "contact" with other minds while out of my physical body, many

quite spiritual or peaceful. They all had a reverence for life and for all

living things...they often referred to a "Most High" but never used the term

God, as far as I can remember. Is the Most High a title, a name for God, or

a state of existence? My questions about this were never answered, yet I was

shown a place of unspeakable beauty and brilliant light. Was this state or

place the "Most High?" I still cannot say.

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  • 1 month later...

Sat Nam.

I am going on my 6th year practicing kundalini yoga and starting my 2nd year

teaching it. My life has changed for the better with my practice as I have

felt the direct and profound effect it has had on me. I have learned

techniques that I use in my daily life to help cope with situations. I sit

here now, confused and upset, over something that happened to me yesterday.

I found myself in a group of people that I have been friendly with for quite

some time. We found ourselves in a position of talking quite openly about

the need to be honest with each other as we work very closely together in our

church community and some personality problems had arisen over the past

several months that we were trying to resolve. In the middle of this

meeting, I was verbally attacked by another member of the church. As it was

happening, without even thinking, I closed my eyes, turned inward and began

long deep breathing. It got me through an extremely bad situation. However,

when I returned home, thankfully with the support and encouragement of my

husband and everyone else there, I was trembling and found myself totally

unable to calm myself. I must say at this point, that I did feel that the

person attacking me verbally was on the verge of attacking me physically. I

tried, to no avail, to calm myself, to gain control over the emotions that I

was feeling. Focusing on breath and mantra, for the first time in my

practice, did not help me. My mind was racing, I was frightened, and could

not calm down for quite a while, although I was able to feel better later

with an inordinate amount of breathwork. Has this happened to any of you

before that your practice of KY was unable to help you? I will continue, of

course, with my practice because I know that is essential to my well-being,

but I was just curious as to anyone else's experiences in a situation like

this. Thank you.


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In a message dated 9/20/99 9:25:31 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

DevtaKaur1 writes:


<< Focusing on breath and mantra, for the first time in my

practice, did not help me. My mind was racing, I was frightened, and could

not calm down for quite a while, although I was able to feel better later

with an inordinate amount of breathwork. Has this happened to any of you

before that your practice of KY was unable to help you? I will continue, of

course, with my practice because I know that is essential to my well-being,

but I was just curious as to anyone else's experiences in a situation like

this. Thank you.

DevtaKaur >>


Dear DevtaKaur:


Such a charged situation can be a most difficult and embarrassing challenge.

I do not seek to understand the nature of the accusations and their effect on

you, but these very elements that you "glossed over" are somehow the key to

this situation. If this member had accused you of "Raising dogs for

barbecuing in Virginia for a Vietnamese Bed and Breakfast" you would have

laughed at her. If she had said that you "Had been secretly married to the

Prince of Monaco and to Sam Donaldson, the news journalist at the same time

and that this was flagrant bigamy" then you would have rolled in the aisles.


Aside from any fear regarding your physical body, all the words were just

words. Where fear and emotional control get lost however, is when we

identify with the words and give them power over us. So, for Kundalini to

set you free, even with the basic breathing exercises and focusing the mind,

if part of the mind remains deeply attached to the "word-fear-image" that the

critic lavished upon you, then you will have some trouble casting this off.


If there is any small "truth" to the accusations, or if you live in a

conscious fear that others might believe these accusations to be true, then

you are a victim and can be terrorized by this person time and again. You

must confront the words, the meaning and your own fears. Cleanse yourself of

the attachments and see them for what they are. If you have done this or

that, you must admit or acknowledge it. If you have not, you also must be

willing to publicly express that the accusation is not accurate. It is wrong

to allow others to slander or libel you or anyone.


Be strong...be thoughtful. When your mind's ideas of who you are come as

close as possible to the ideas that others have of who you are, then you are

making some progress. You should never

fear or have concern however, about the mistaken or completely false ideas

that others might have about you. Only if you fear that they either are true

or can become true, do these ideas

have power over you.


If a Church member accuses you of being a "Saint" it does not make it

so...you should laugh...if the same person decides that you are a "Demon" and

accuses you...laugh again. Neither are the truth, and neither should concern

you much at all.


Sat Nam!





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  • 2 weeks later...

Please do not be upset anybody--but I saw this on a list and thought since it

was a good cause I would help spread the word. . . . . .

All you do is click a

button and somewhere in the world some hungry person gets a meal to eat at no

cost to you. The food is paid for by corporate sponsors whose logos you

get to look at afterwards. All you do is go to the site and click. You're

only allowed one click per day so spread the word to others.


Visit the site and pass the word. http://www.thehungersite.com

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Hi Soloebe


I know that your intentions are for the best, but I would remind everyone

that the FAQ clearly lays down that no messages of this sort are to be

posted to the list unless previously ok'd by me.

This applies to all kinds of messages that circulate around the Net. Many

may not be what they seem, although this one I believe to be genuine.


On a related matter, I would also ask that folk don't multi-post messages to

this and other lists. The next step is that replies from other lists also

get forwarded here, and before long we have a total mess on our hands. I

have seen it happen elsewhere. This list is about Kundalini Yoga and related

matters, and everyone should bear this fact in mind before posting mail that

may or may not be relevant.


Sat Nam!





<Kundaliniyoga >

Tuesday, October 05, 1999 06:20




> Soloebe


> Please do not be upset anybody--but I saw this on a list and thought since


> was a good cause I would help spread the word. . . . . .

> All you do is click a

> button and somewhere in the world some hungry person gets a meal to eat at


> cost to you. The food is paid for by corporate sponsors whose logos you

> get to look at afterwards. All you do is go to the site and click. You're

> only allowed one click per day so spread the word to others.


> Visit the site and pass the word. http://www.thehungersite.com



> - Yogi Bhajan


> Check out our website:

> http://www.gtmark.com/ky/index.htm


> Sponsored by Yoga Technology Press

> Popular publishers of books on Kundalini Yoga and Meditation.



> To from this list, go to

> ONElist Member Center, or send mail to

> Kundaliniyoga-

> No requests to the list please!

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Dear Soloebe,


Caring is the heart chakra and when we truly care about others, our

compassion helps open our hearts. We do have to DO in addition to think

about how we would like the world to be different.


This small gesture of clicking to donate food, not only feeds the hungry but

registers kindness in the our planetary force flield.


I would like to request, however, in the future to pass any similar letters

through Gordon and myself. Gordon knows how to check if things are real or

hoaxes. And since this is a KY List, we want to be careful to keep within

our territory.


I do know about the Hunger Project and have personally met the woman who has

been the director for over twenty years. This is one of the most effective

grassroot programs on the planet. When they are invited into a village to

teach people how to be self-sufficient, they first require that all levels

of government from local to national align around several basic intentions.

The first is that the program is first and foremost committed to the

empowerment of women. This is quite controversial and threatening to all

levels of the power structure in developing countries, but they won't budge

an inch on this. And it works! Just remembering this opens my heart.


Thanks for caring.


Sat Nam,





> Please do not be upset anybody--but I saw this on a list and thought since


> was a good cause I would help spread the word. . . . . .

> All you do is click a

> button and somewhere in the world some hungry person gets a meal to eat at


> cost to you. The food is paid for by corporate sponsors whose logos you

> get to look at afterwards. All you do is go to the site and click. You're

> only allowed one click per day so spread the word to others.


> Visit the site and pass the word. http://www.thehungersite.com


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  • 3 months later...

Hi Kathleen


The link for unsubscribing is contained in the trailer of this and every

message to the list. Just given below and then reply to

the confirmation request that you will receive from ONElist. It is as simple

as that. If you have any problems, please mail me OFF list.


Sat Nam!




Kathleen Stefancin R.D. <games

<Kundaliniyoga >

Tuesday, January 25, 2000 04:34




> "Kathleen Stefancin R.D." <games


> How do you get taken off the list???


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Dear Evicka,


> I am not so sure, if head stand, shoulder stand, plough and fish sequence

> incorporated into my yoga practice with combination of Kriya for


> breath of fire are ok to practice all at the same time.

> Whenever I do this sequence even without adding Kryia for elevation and

> breath of fire, I noticed to have prickly disposition for the rest of the



The first guidance is your own intuition. If this sequence makes you feel

irritable and you don't want to feel that way, then you could alter your

practice. Are you tuning in before your practice? Make sure you do. One

idea is to alternate a hatha yoga sequence one day and KY the next.


In general the kryias are done as they are given, unless you are physically

unable to do an exercise.. It is fine to add warm ups before a set. The

problem with the 4 exercises that you have mentioned is that they are not

warm up excercises. They need warming up before doing them. Spinal flexes

is an example of a warm up exercise. Easy to do and get your spine loosened



> It is not difficult for me to get argumentative , but it does not last to

> long, I very quickly become aware of it and bring it under control.


Yoga does bring up our emotions to be healed. So this is not necessarily


I remember when I first started doing KY. When I did the punching I would

get so angry. I got angry at everyone until one day I got angry at myself.

And then the anger subsided. "I met the enemy and it was me." But the

anger did not persist during the day.


On the other hand it is very important to non verbally feel the feeling of

the emotions in the body so that they can be transmuted and you can use that

energy. Anger energy turns into light. The only way to get to this point

is to sit there and get into the feeling in your body. There is no short



TIP- feeling your emotional energy is a non verbal experience.


It does sound like the sequence is throwing you off balance more than

aligning you if you have this reaction on a regular basis. Also you may not

be resting enough at the end. The deep relaxation is needed to give the

body and psyche time to integrate. This is the release, allow part.


Also meditation and chanting at the end are very important to integrate the

energy. Try doing an 11 minutes meditation to complete your practice. The

devotional part is very important because it allows higher forces to help



> Is there any way I would be able to find out what sequencing is to be done

> with what breathing and or how to combine asanas to make my practice more

> beneficial and not to get this negative affect?

> Also am I to practice sequences for more then 1-2 consecutive days, or

> should I be alternating with different one every day?


There are different ways. Some people like to do one set each day of the

week. Some change each day. Some do 40 days one set and then choose

another. This allows you to build up and get the powerful cumulative



> As far as your suggestion goes to check with my teacher if I am breathing


> correctly, well I did ask, but I am attending Hatha Yoga classes and

> according to my teacher Bhastrika is the same as KY BF which according to

> the book Kundalini Yoga Flow of Eternal Power it is not.

> Now I am even more confused :(


Bof F is even inhale and exhale, but the exhale you make happen and the

inhale you let happen.


> Please advise, as to what is correct.

> Is there any good KY teacher in my area? Edmonton, province of Alberta in

> Canada?


Check www.ikyta.com list.


Hope this helps. Why not plan to come to Summer Solstice in New Mexico June

18-25 (approx) Then you can learn all the techniques. This is an

invitation for everyone. When the info is on the web I will let you know.

In the meantime open the space for this wonderful event.


Sat Nam,



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Dear Rattana,


Thank you so very much for your detailed explanation to my questions.

I will incorporate all of your suggestions to my Yoga rutine and see how

will it affect me.



>Hope this helps. Why not plan to come to Summer Solstice in New Mexico June

>18-25 (approx) Then you can learn all the techniques. This is an

>invitation for everyone. When the info is on the web I will let you know.

>In the meantime open the space for this wonderful event.


The Summer Solstice in New Mexico sounds interesting, yes I would like to

know more about it.


Sat Nam,




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> - Yogi Bhajan


>Check out our website:

>kundalini yoga


>Sponsored by Yoga Technology Press

>Popular publishers of books on Kundalini Yoga and Meditation.



>To from this list, go to

>ONElist Member Center, or send mail to


>No requests to the list please!




..... :) Health is wealth, and piece of mind is happiness....[:)

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  • 2 weeks later...

--- Maya Soskin <MSOSKIN wrote:

> What does "LOL" mean?



It means Laugh Out Loud.

Cute, isn't it?





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Could also mean


Lots of Love

Loads of Loving

Living on Love


(seems to be a lot of LOVE words)


There's a lot more. But, Lady Peace, I think you are right, it started as

Laughing out Loud.


Brightest Blessings,




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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Please stop senting us this KUDALINYOGA stuff





Sinead Lawson <shun

<kundaliniyoga >

Sunday, March 19, 2000 8:04 PM




> "Sinead Lawson" <shun


> Hi, my name is Sinead Lawson and I am 25 years old. I am Irish and am

currently living in Dublin, however, I have spent much of my life growing up

in Asia. I recently just got back from Bali, where I first found out about

kundalini from a colleague. I was working there as a Montessori teacher and

training staff as well as teaching English to the children. We used to do

yoga every morning with the children and with the staff in the afternoons

after a long days work. Recently I was diagnosed with a back problem and I

suffer greatly from it. Although I went to a physiotherapist and was given

exercises to improve it I am searching for som,ething a little more


> I recently purchased the 'Fly Like a Butterfly' by Shakta Kaur Khalsa and

as a fellow Montessori teacher was very excited by what she had written

about. Therefore before I thought about putting yoga into practice with my

students I wanted to make sure that I had a correct understanding of what

kundalini is.

> I look forward to learning hand in hand with you.

> Many thanks,

> Sinead






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> - Yogi Bhajan


> You can UNSUBSCRIBE from this list at the ONElist Member Center (My

ONElist), or send mail to

> Kundaliniyoga-


> WEB SITE: kundalini yoga



> kundalini yogaclasses.html


> Sponsored by YOGA TECHNOLOGY - Popular publishers since 1988 of books on

Kundalini Yoga and Meditation.



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Guest guest

Welcome Sinead....me too am living in Ireland.Swords.

Sebastiaan is the name,and 22 is the age.Nice to meet you.












>"Sinead Lawson" <shun


><kundaliniyoga >


>Sun, 19 Mar 2000 20:04:02 -0000


>"Sinead Lawson" <shun


>Hi, my name is Sinead Lawson and I am 25 years old. I am Irish and am

>currently living in Dublin, however, I have spent much of my life growing

>up in Asia. I recently just got back from Bali, where I first found out

>about kundalini from a colleague. I was working there as a Montessori

>teacher and training staff as well as teaching English to the children. We

>used to do yoga every morning with the children and with the staff in the

>afternoons after a long days work. Recently I was diagnosed with a back

>problem and I suffer greatly from it. Although I went to a physiotherapist

>and was given exercises to improve it I am searching for som,ething a

>little more spiritual.

>I recently purchased the 'Fly Like a Butterfly' by Shakta Kaur Khalsa and

>as a fellow Montessori teacher was very excited by what she had written

>about. Therefore before I thought about putting yoga into practice with my

>students I wanted to make sure that I had a correct understanding of what

>kundalini is.

>I look forward to learning hand in hand with you.

>Many thanks,








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> - Yogi Bhajan


>You can UNSUBSCRIBE from this list at the ONElist Member Center (My

>ONElist), or send mail to



>WEB SITE: kundalini yoga



>kundalini yogaclasses.html


>Sponsored by YOGA TECHNOLOGY - Popular publishers since 1988 of books on

>Kundalini Yoga and Meditation.





Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Good Morning Doria,

I am new to Kundalini Yoga also. I would like to share something that I

have found at the KYTraining site. Here is a quote from Lesson 3:




One of the features of Kundalini yoga that makes it so powerful is that we

do several things simultaneously. We (1) breathe, (2) internally chant and

(3) move (4) in a particular posture or Asana.


The internal chant that we mentally vibrate is SAT NAM. As we breathe, we

mentally inhale SAT. As we exhale we mentally vibrate NAM. Listen to the

sound Saaaaaat and Naaaam in your mind.


SAT NAM is a Bij Mantra or a "seed sound." Chanting Sat Nam is like

planting a grain of sand in an oyster. Our truth gathers around the grain.

Over time, as we accumulate our gifts and gather our true essence into our

consciousness, we become the pearl of Self.




SAT means Truth, unchanging universal truth. It is the vibration that is

ever-present. NAM means name, identity, to name, to call upon, to identify



SAT NAM means "Truth is my identity." When we chant Sat Nam (out loud or

internally), we resonate with our true identity, with our own truth.

Greeting others with the salutation Sat Nam, we acknowledge the other's true

identity and our mutual divine identities. 3


Sat Nam is a potent affirmation and a powerful way to cleanse the mind of

negative programming. Over time our minds tune into and resonate with who

we really are and believe our soul instead of our limited ego. Sat Nam is

inner psychology at work.


Hope that helps and that it is not a repeat of a response from Gordon.


Sat Nam






Re: 911 Virus Update

Fri, 7 Apr 2000 09:11:04 -0400 (EDT)


Dear Gordon .hi! how are you today?can you please explain to me wht Sat

Nam means? sincerely! Doria Meyer. thank you for answering me back!


doria meyer






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Guest guest

Dearjudy.i would like to thank you! for your input of what Sat Nam is.i

am new to this too! thank you once again ! sincerely! Doria meyer


doria meyer

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  • 5 months later...

Sat Nam Sadhant,


Thank you so much for your response to my basics email. Definitely gives me a

starting point.


Another question I have is why do so many people think that the Kundalini

energy should remain coiled? What is the purpose of working on getting it to

rise, only to force it back? Both my Reiki teacher, and my Tai Chi Master have

recommended that I do so, and yet I am ok with it just the way it is.

Sometimes it is tiring to have energy surges, and I know I need to remain

grounded, but I am learning to live with the energy, and have learned to make

peace with the process.


Is the practice of KY generally done to achieve Ascension or

to awaken Shakti?


Also, can anyone shed some light on the importance of this day, September 22,

2000 (Equinox, Archangel Michael)?


Thanks and have a wonderful day,


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  • 4 months later...

I started Kundalini yoga three weeks ago. I follow the video by Gurmukh. I

felt enlightened from the very first minutes of doing Kundalini yoga.

This morning after I started doing this practise for a few minutes my face

became very very hot. In fact I kept opening my eyes to check if there was

a flame by my face, it felt just like a fire and as if my face was slightly


Can somebody help shed some light on this experience.

I would really appreciate this.

Sat Nam


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Dear Laura,



Thats Kundalini energy in the upper chakras.


SAt Nam,


Gururattan Kaur

I felt enlightened from the very first minutes of doing Kundalini yoga.

> This morning after I started doing this practise for a few minutes my face

> became very very hot. In fact I kept opening my eyes to check if there


> a flame by my face, it felt just like a fire and as if my face was

slightly burning.

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  • 7 months later...


I would have to admit I am scared about the whole thing to and under NO

circumstances want any kind of war. Hopefuly, they will bring whoever to justice

and protect the american soil and no war will be uncertaken. I like what someone

on here wrote, as they quoted Gaundi as saying,An eye for an eye makes both

people blind. If the powers at hand can only see that and come to a peaceful

agreement without more death occuring. Gaundi died you know. It all scares me

so. I pray there will be only peace as we are all brothers and sisters of the

great one.I have friends all over the world and some are of arab descent. I have

an almost 18 year old son that I would not want to see go to war or be injured

in all these attacks within our own soil. I hope we all can learn from all this

and not interfere with eachothers politics. I did not agree with what the US did

in supplying guns. that was stupid. and I don't agree on revenge as it only

makes matters worse and then we all attack eachother. Dear God I pray you look

down upon us and send us your peace and understanding in order to share it with

our brother and they with us.

Thankyou for writing back,

may peace and intuitive understanding come upon us all so that we may learn to

love oneanother,




On Fri, 14 September 2001, robertocagliero wrote:



> Dear Melanie, I certainly had no intention to breed hate, and if this is the

> impression you got from my message I do apologize to you, Samantha, and

> other list members who might have felt insulted by what I said. And I am

> sure that you do agree when I say that "any war action is bound to kill

> innocent people".


> I also agree that every country and every President makes both good and bad

> things.

> However, not every country and every President has the military power that

> Bush has at hand. Many of us are concerned about what the American President

> will do now, and how devastating the consequences will be. I am horrified

> by the possibility of a worldwide conflict developing out of this tragedy.


> But yes, I do not like your President. I think he is a dangerous character.

> This time he certainly has a chance to change my mind about him.


> Ang Sang Wahe Guru

> Roberto



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Sat Nam,


I did not perceive Roberto as speaking nationalistically and pointing a

finger at the USA. It is when we identify ourselves with this body,

that we get stuck in the "us" and "them" complex. This country is a

creator of violence and so are others. It doesn't matter who did it, it

matters how we respond, and responding with more violence will not

prevent more violence from falling upon us, that is what karma teaches

us. The only thing that can end violence is to stop committing it and

look to God, pray, Love, and work together.


Love Always,

Littlebird Leslie



> robertocagliero [robertocagliero]

> Friday, September 14, 2001 9:41 AM

> Kundaliniyoga




> Dear Melanie, I certainly had no intention to breed hate, and

> if this is the impression you got from my message I do

> apologize to you, Samantha, and other list members who might

> have felt insulted by what I said. And I am sure that you do

> agree when I say that "any war action is bound to kill

> innocent people".


> I also agree that every country and every President makes

> both good and bad things. However, not every country and

> every President has the military power that Bush has at hand.

> Many of us are concerned about what the American President

> will do now, and how devastating the consequences will be. I

> am horrified by the possibility of a worldwide conflict

> developing out of this tragedy.


> But yes, I do not like your President. I think he is a

> dangerous character. This time he certainly has a chance to

> change my mind about him.


> Ang Sang Wahe Guru

> Roberto



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> - Yogi Bhajan


> You can UNSUBSCRIBE from this list at the Groups Member

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> Kundaliniyoga


> WEB SITE: kundalini yoga



> kundalini yogaclasses.html


> Sponsored by YOGA

> TECHNOLOGY - Practical Books & Videos on Kundalini Yoga &

> Meditation. Also Meditation & Mantra CDs.


> Your use of is subject to





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Sat Nam Roberto,


There are a lot of people who feel like you do. Have you seen any of his

speeches in regards to the attack on NY and DC? He is acting as a stateman.

He did not come out ranting and raving. His demeanor has been one of clam.

He chooses his words carefully and is keeping is country united. For those

who would speak out against him at this moment, I would say step into his

shoes, let's see how you do.


I did not take offense, except for the phrase "electric happy"







Friday, September 14, 2001 9:41 AM




> Dear Melanie, I certainly had no intention to breed hate, and if this is


> impression you got from my message I do apologize to you, Samantha, and

> other list members who might have felt insulted by what I said. And I am

> sure that you do agree when I say that "any war action is bound to kill

> innocent people".


> I also agree that every country and every President makes both good and


> things.

> However, not every country and every President has the military power that

> Bush has at hand. Many of us are concerned about what the American


> will do now, and how devastating the consequences will be. I am horrified

> by the possibility of a worldwide conflict developing out of this tragedy.


> But yes, I do not like your President. I think he is a dangerous


> This time he certainly has a chance to change my mind about him.


> Ang Sang Wahe Guru

> Roberto





> - Yogi Bhajan


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Hi to All


I have clearly requested this week that firstly no more posts are made

concerning the events of September 11th, and secondly that no circulars,

petitions or other kinds of multiple address messages are sent to the list.

At times it appears that my messages fall on deaf ears. Moderated status

awaits the senders of all such mail to the list!


Sat Nam!





"Maria mazin" <mariamazin

kundalini yoga

Sunday, September 23, 2001 08:56







> >"John Bloebaum" <charb

> >Kundaliniyoga

> >"Silvia Williams" <info

> >CC: "Bryan Bloebaum" <baum, " Brian" <Hawickbod,

> >" Carolyn Bloebaum" <bloebaum, " Dave Johnston"

> ><dharmadave, " Diana LoVerso" <dloverso, " Elsie

> >McFarland" <ejmac, " Frank Engel"

> ><franklispeaking, " Gwen Patch" <Gmzanon, " Jennifer

> >Woods new" <wooddancerdesign, " Joanne Denzer"

> ><bodycameramount, " joyceann hagen"


> >" Karen Clark (home)" <dessertdiva, " Kundalini Yoga"

> >kundalini yoga, " Leah Engel" <swingkat311,

> >" Nancy & Tim Montgomery/Hurd" <tan, " Neville Escher"

> ><neschen, " Paige Wallace" <PWallace, "


> >Reese Dennis" <gypsycaravan, " Peggy Reuler"

> ><Peggy_Reuler, " Perrin, Patricia A."

> ><PAPERRIN, " Robert Shipleynew" <maserbob40,

> >" Rosie Williams" <rwilliams, " Russell Dawson"

> ><rldawson, " Silvia Williams" <info,

> >" Victor Waters" <thewaters, " tracy jarvis"

> ><tracyj, " Vicki McElliott"

> ><vickimc, " Siobhan MacMahon"

> ><siobhanmac

> >

> >20 Sep 2001 00:09:44 -0700

> >

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