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Issue O2 - The Perfection of Virgo

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Dear Friends,


This is the second issue of my newsletter New Millennium Being, devoted to

helping each of us achieve the highest expression of ourselves and thus to

make our highest contribution to the creation of a peaceful, equitable and

sustainable New Millennium.


Every month as the Sun enters another sign of the Zodiac, I will offer ideas

and techniques on how to take advantage of the energy available to tap the

gifts and qualities of that sign.


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Training, and the Kundalini Yoga Mailing List are listed below.



Thursday August 26th!!! After writing this article I understand why Yogi

Bhajan can always tell us with such conviction "All you have to do is see

God everywhere and in everybody." Some of us are still working on

achieving this state of consciousness. This Virgo issue is about perceiving

and living in this state of perfection.


Sat Nam and many blessings to you all,


Gururattan Kaur Khalsa, Ph.D. "Rattana"




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Meditation, and also Women's Empowerment.

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Issue No. Two

August 23, 1999






by Gururattan K. Khalsa, Ph.D. "Rattana"



The Sun entered the sign of Virgo Monday August 23 and will be in this part

of the zodiac through September 22. While the Sun is in a particular sign,

we feel the effects of its energy. We are lead to work on the lessons it has

to teach us. We are supported with the powers and insights that it has to

offer. It is beneficial to consciously orient our attention to the gifts

that it is bringing us during this 30-31 day period.


This is also true while the Moon is in a particular sign. And intensely

true when both the Sun and the Moon are in the same sign. While the Sun is

in Virgo, the moon will also be in Virgo September 8 from 7:57am(PST-Pacific

Standard Time) till 2:16pm (PST) September 10. During that time there is a

New Moon in Virgo September 9 at 2:03pm (PST) The New Moon is the best time

to set goals for that sign for the coming year. We have two and a half

weeks while the Sun is in Virgo to figure out what these goals are.


Each sign of the Zodiac offers us a special way of being. Each sign is a

different aspect of the unfoldment of a complete human being. As we move

through the Zodiac cultivating the attributes of each cycle of growth and

development, we experience more and more wholeness. When the Sun is in a

particular sign, it is an opportune time to discover and explore its unique

qualities. When the Sun is shining through Virgo, it is a propitious time

to incorporate the practical, meticulous, analytical and discriminating

qualities of this Earth sign into our being.


Each sign of the Zodiac is associated with (or ruled by) a Planet.

Traditionally Virgo is ruled by Mercury, which explains its discriminating

intellect and ability to analyze details. Some astrologists also associate

Virgo with the asteroid Chiron which orbits between Saturn and Uranus. I

feel that Chiron helps complete our understanding of Virgo. Chiron is the

wounded-healer. Virgo energy is concerned with health and healing. Many

great healers are Virgo's. When Chiron gets in touch with its own wounds

and heals itself, it is able to offer its healing gifts to the world.


Chiron bridges the personal planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and

Saturn) with the impersonal planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto). Virgo

energy plays a pivotal role in transitioning to the Aquarian Age because it

perceives the Truth with its powerful mind and holds the pole on Earth to

manifest it.


Chiron is symbolically the bridge between the inner and outer aspects of our

psyche. The bridge is crossed through our personal healing journey which

includes the care of our body through appropriate exercise and nutrition and

care of our Soul through the recognition of our own gifts and perfection.

Virgo energy feels compelled to express itself through work and service.

What greater healing than to work hard offering our gifts to the world!





Each sign has its "bad reputation." People with their sun sign in Virgo

have the reputation of being knit-picky, fastidious, perfectionists,

obsessed with details and often workaholics and worriers. I have had

Virgo's themselves tell me, "My need to analyze everything drives me crazy."

I have also heard disorganized non-Virgo's wish for "more Virgo energy."

Two days after the Sun went into Virgo. I personally found myself compelled

during my morning yoga to get up and organize something in my room. One

friend, with prominent, but not Sun, Virgo energy, told me that someone who

interpreted speech patterns said that his need for order and cleanliness in

his life, meant that physical order brought him closer to the Divine.


Before we make too many generalizations, it is important to point out that

we each have every sign of the zodiac in our natal chart. If our Moon,

Ascendant or Rising Sign (where the Sun appeared in the sky when we were

born) or any of the other planets are in Virgo, we too incorporate Virgo

energy into our psyche and need to align with its highest expression to find

peace and wholeness. If we have none of the above in Virgo, it is still

there in some House (area of life) of our natal chart willing, but perhaps

not demanding us, to use its energy and its gifts.

One of Virgo's challenges is to accept, not complain about or get upset by,

mistakes and imperfections. For Virgo's this requires a reframe of the

concept of perfection. The goal of Virgo's commanding desire for

perfection, is to actually experience the reality of perfection in the

universe and in one's Self. And most fortunately for all of us, the

universe is a perfect place. Our human quest is to align ourselves with

this perfection.


Perfect does not mean that everything is the way we want it to be. Perfect

means everything is the way it is! Perfect does not mean that everything is

goody-goody and all "bad or evil" has been eliminated. Perfect means that

the law of cause and effect is calibrated precisely for everyone and

everything, every where. What we put out, we get back. What we project, we

attract. And we are all One in this cosmic dance. All our stories,

conversations, wishes, dreams, curses, fears, tantrums interact with each

other and fit together like a cosmic jigsaw puzzle.


Free will gives us the choice of how we want to interact. We get to make

our own decisions about what we want to contribute to the cosmic soup. And

the taste of the soup depends upon what we offer to the pot. If the

majority of us offer fear and anger, we get wars and environmental

destruction. If a critical mass of us offers service and love, we get peace

and joy. And everyone of us is doing exactly what we have to do that this

time and place to learn, grow and elevate ourselves to place where we

consciously perceive and live by this law.


This perfect alignment of cause and effect sooner of later leads us to

observe some basic facts of life including the following. There is a

constant interaction and co-creation taking place between our inner and

outer realities. Each one influences the other. One of the main challenges

of life is to maintain an equilibrium between the two and to align both our

inner psyche and our outer environment so that they positively impact and

support each other.


Our goal is to align our inner and outer environments with the cosmic flow

and with the perfected energy of our Soul. The process of attaining this

goal includes everything from the very mundane to the spiritually exalted.

As we make progress at both ends of the spectrum, we realize that they are

not only mutually supportive, they are perhaps the very same thing, just

different manifestations of the Divine. Let's explore how we achieve both

outer and inner alignment.





How can our outer environments help us reach personal and cosmic alignment?

If it is true that everything is interconnected, and we are assuming this is

true, the more our outer environments are in order, they more they will

support our inner order. And the more we desire inner order, the more we

will be motivated to put our physical plane into order.


Years ago someone told me about one of the follow-up courses to the EST

Training, which used outer alignment to create personal alignment. I don't

remember the name of the course but I will call it the Clean Your Closet

Course. (CYC Course for short) The first class consisted of one

assignment-put order into your life. Clean and organize your closets and

drawers, get rid of what you do not use or want, pay your bills, clean up

your debts. And do whatever else you can think of to clean up your

scene-wash your car, feng shui your house (this was not included but it is a

good idea), sew the rips in your clothes. The list could go on. The

participants had 3 months "to get their external worlds together".


Virgo's must have loved this course! I bet they felt very validated!

Imagine the enthusiasm and the reverence, that they must have brought to

the whole process. Not to mention the joy they must have felt when the

perfection they sought in mundane cleanliness and order started to produce

magical results.


As Virgo's and non-Virgo's alike organized their lives, amazing things

started to happen-new jobs, new relationships, new opportunities-all of

which were not planned or sought out. In sum, the external cleansing

created the space for new events and possibilities to manifest.


It has been over twenty years since I heard about the CYC Course and I have

"enrolled" myself in my own version of it many times. Whenever I feel stuck

or things aren't happening fast enough for me, I either take a full on

course or at least a refresher until the energy opens up and things start to

move forward to my satisfaction. Actually organization is an on-going

process in my life.


As we know, there is a constant interaction between our inner and outer

environments. Inner order through yoga and meditation and other spiritual

practices creates the desire and space for outer order. Outer order creates

a stable environment in which to pursue inner order. That is why we have

churches, meditation rooms, dojo's-places consecrated to a particular

spiritual activity where the energy and the intention support our journey.

The point is that whether you are just beginning or continuing your yoga and

meditation practice, your progress will be greatly enhanced by planning

your own CYC Course. Begin wherever you feel most appropriate for you, but

be sure to include cleaning up your living space and creating a special

place to do yoga and meditation.


As a culture we are very externally oriented. One of our biggest life

challenges is to be able to actually focus on our own thoughts and energy.

Our thoughts and energy do create our inner and outer realities, so if we

want to consciously participate in what we create, we have to be able to

connect and interact with our own psyche and vibration. The question is HOW

do we turn our sensors to ourselves? How can we get our own attention?


The outer part of the answer is that we have to organize our lives enough so

we can relax and focus on ourselves. If our external life is chaotic, it

will command our attention. We will, by necessity, be trying to figure out

what to do next, how to establish safety or how to get our needs met. Or

the chaos may simply provide so much stimulation that we are drawn towards

it and away from ourselves. If we are distracted, preoccupied or upset, the

prevailing circumstances will demand our attention and use our energy. It

takes a harmonious, non-disruptive environment to be able to focus on

ourselves. It takes a supportive environment to be able to pull our

attention into ourselves.





I am in fact writing this article because I recently had this experience in

my morning meditation. Over the past few weeks I have organized many things

in my personal life including, fixing my car, buying a new bed, defragging

and increasing the rams on my computer, organizing my closet, purchasing a

file cabinet and filing and marking all my papers, etc. The day before I

washed my car, vacuumed and dusted the house, washed clothes, completed many

things on my to-do list, cleaned out and filed more e-mails from my inbox.


During my meditation I experienced that I could actually focus on my own

energy in a more powerful way than before and that this was a result of the

satisfaction that I felt from the level of organization that I was

achieving. I realized that if I simply aligned my own energy in a very

peaceful way that I could attract to me the wool rug I want for my

office/bedroom. Totally in keeping with Virgo energy, I want something very

practical, yet beautiful, that will unify the energy in my room. I set my

intention, and in fact wrote it down, and then did my morning meditations in

a way that I was really present to their power and sweetness.


For the record, less than a minute after completing my morning practice,

someone called me who wanted to place an order for my yoga manuals in a few

weeks. (I stated in goal that I wanted results by the end of August which

is in 1 1/2 weeks.) I am going to keep track of the results this time. In

any case, I took this call as confirmation from the universe.





There are many levels of self-awareness. Our major awareness is about the

appearance of our body. But we want to cultivate more subtle energetic

awarenesses where we can feel and be present to the energy in and around

our body. Then we can begin to distinguish between different energies, e.g.

between emotions, levels of comfort, and the energies of each of our



The above is important because it is at these finer levels of energy that we

can influence how we co-create our reality. To change our reality, we have

to change our energy. There are two basic ways to do so.


First, we can change our reality simply by creating alignment within

ourselves. To do so we have to be able to bring our attention to ourselves

and our own energy. In this chaotic world of over stimulation and

manipulation and control, focusing on ourselves is a very challenging task.

That is why we discussed the importance of creating order in the areas of

our external world that we have control over. Alignment in our environment

facilitates self-focus, which is a prerequisite for inner alignment. In

turn our inner alignment creates changes in our outer environment. And to

complete the interaction, the more we consolidate our own energy, the more

we want order around ourselves and are motivated to take the necessary

action to achieve it. Inner organization stimulates the need and desire to

create organization in all aspects of one's life.


Outer and inner alignment can be related respectively to the tasks of

scandisk and defrag of one's computer. To keep our computer functioning we

have to perform these two operations on a regular basis. Scanning the disc

or the hard drive, locates and puts back into place major areas that have

been displaced or mis-aligned. Defragmentation goes deeper into the files

"cells" and reorganizes them by getting rid of wasted space and putting

everything back in an orderly fashion. It is fun to watch the screen while

this process is going on. Visually you can see the screen with thousands of

tiny squares being reorganized. The same principles apply to our own lives.


To align ourselves with our environment and with the universe, we have to

smooth out our own edges. We have to "scan" what isn't working for us or

needs cleaning up and do what needs to be done to bring us back on track.

We also have to make peace within ourselves. To cultivate a peaceful inner

space and a balanced emotional state, we have to "defragment" ourselves,

make peace with all aspects of our being and connect with our center where

we experience our own oneness. When we do so, we experience our presence as

both calm and vital.


When our energy is coherent and harmonious, it aligns with universal

energies. It is this alignment that attracts things to us with little or no

effort. It is this alignment that makes it possible to set goals and watch

circumstances in our life unfold to bring them into manifestation.

Intention, setting goals and prayer are the second way we participate in

co-creation. We get specific about what we want. We direct our energy to

achieve certain results.





How do we align our energy with the energy of the universe? Pranayama or

the art and science of breathing is one powerful method. There are many

Pranayama exercises which include both passively, but attentively, being

with the breath and controlling the breath. Chanting mantras is another

very powerful technique for creating a peaceful and harmonious presence.

Kundalini yoga offers many meditations which combine both rhythmic breathing

and internal chanting of a divine mantra. While breathing or chanting we

become the vibration. We synchronize ourselves with the harmony, the love

and the energy that they create. The power of the breath and the mantra

creates this effect even if we are distracted. In fact, over time Pranayama

and mantra meditation help us reach a state where through conscious focus,

we are not distracted.


The real power of manifestation and pleasure come when we can hold our

attention on our breath and mantra and on the effects that they are creating

in our own psyche and energy field. Our goal is to reach the state where we

are aware of what we are doing and enjoying the process.

Order is the nature of the universe. Order is a critical requirement for

manifestation. As we establish order in our inner and outer environments,

we become one with universal order. There is no more powerful way to

manifest than to pull in possibilities to ourselves by the nature and the

power of our own presence. The more we consolidate our energy, the more we

magnetize to ourselves. Training ourselves to be magnets is the best game

in town.


During the month of Virgo is an appropriate time of the year to devote time

to our inner and outer alignment. Here are two exercises that will help you

take advantage of the available energy.





Make a list of what needs to be cleaned out or cleaned up in your life.


Make a schedule of when and how each can be accomplished.


Commit to doing something every day.


Watch for and make a journal of your results.


Enjoy the process.





Virgo is an Earth sign with acute mental capabilities. (Capricorn and Taurus

are the other Earth signs.) When the Sun is in an Earth sign, it is easier

to stay in our bodies and to connect with the Earth, both of which are

necessary to manifest. Take advantage of this time to "be in your body" by

feeling and being present to your physical sensations. Make your

meditations full body meditations.




Virgo's healing is to use the power of the mind to be present to and enjoy

the physical body. Virgo has the power to penetrate to the still point at

both the third eye, where it sees the Truth, and at the base of the first

chakra, where it feels the Truth. Meditating on the Earth element at the

base of the spine brings one to a point of total stillness. Since the mind

is so volatile it is harder to reach this point of stillness. Bringing

oneself to the point of stillness at the first chakra and then connecting

the first to the sixth, facilitates the task of entering "the eye of the

storm." From this center point, Virgo is able to discern what works for it

and what doesn't and to make appropriate choices. If you want another

center point to play with, extend a tail from the base of your spine to the

center of the Earth, where by the way, we all join as One.




The goal is to feel your own energy in your body and be able to change it by

either tuning into or altering your own breath, by chanting a divine mantra

or both.


Sit quietly. Feel the sensations in your body. Get in touch with any

tightness, tenseness, stress, aches and pains, as well as feelings of



There are many ways to meditate on the breath and mantras. Here are some

easy, yet powerful basic guidelines or options. Connect to the sound, the

feeling and the rhythm of your breath in your body. Continue while adding

the mantra SAT NAM to the breath. During the inhale mentally hear SAT.

During the exhale, mentally hear NAM. Or chant to a tape with a mantra that

you enjoy.


Become one with your breath and the sensations it produces in your body,

with the mantra or both. If you are chanting, first feel the essence of the

meaning of the words. Then simply merge with the sounds until you

experience sensations of peace and harmony in your body.


Early in the process, after you feel connected, set a goal and intend that

your state of being will attract it to you. Release it and do not think

about it any more. Trust yourself and the universe.


Then continue to breath or chant focusing your attention only on your state

of being and creating more peace and pleasure in your being. Continue for

11, 22 or 31 minutes.


To complete, consolidate your presence by feeling all the good feelings at

once for one or so minutes.


As you go about your day, maintain or return to this state as much as

possible. This can be done by returning to your breath or mentally

listening to the mantra. The goal is to be able to hold this state during

your daily activities.





Our goal is to experience that as we change, our life changes and that we

have the power to manifest through our own inner alignment. There is a

deep sense of pleasure that comes to us when we experience this level of

personal empowerment. There is not only the mental and psychological

satisfaction. This sense of well-being radiates through our whole body.

Learn to get in touch with it and hold on to these pleasurable feelings as

they flow through your body. They are the seeds of even more manifestation

and more pleasure.


In fact, it is these sensations that reorient our attention towards

ourselves. When it feels so good to be in our bodies, the physical

sensations seize our attention. When we have reached the stage where we

desire and choose to be with these feelings of well-being over external or

mental attention, our true inner journey has been launched. This feeling is

the seed of self-love. We love the feeling and the feeling is ourselves.


It is through self-love that we experience inner and outer perfection. As

our awareness expands and our hearts open, we witness the operation of

Divine perfection through the law of cause and effect. What we put out, we

get back. What others put out, they get back. Said in other words, "God

takes care of everything and everybody." What a relief for the Virgo part

of our being. We don't need to try to control anything and anybody. All we

need to do is to align with our Selves. And what is the true nature of our

Selves? The Virgo aspect of our being is the Priest and the Priestess.


Dress elegantly this month to facilitate your alignment with the highest

expression of Virgo. Have fun connecting with your Soul perfection, past

lives as Saints and Sages and inner Priest and Priestess while the Sun

shines through the Virgo sky!



Copyright by Gururattan Kaur Khalsa, Ph.D.





You can see and print out a formatted version of this issue at



The first issue which contains the article about the August 11th, 1999 Solar

Eclipse is available at



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