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Introduction and Questions

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All types of Yoga are at end doing the same thing to make you realize

yourself that you are no different than the divine power. The ways to this

cause are different in each Yoga like 'Hathyoga', 'Rajyoga' , 'Karmayoga' ,

'Bhaktiyoga' etc. It depends on one's nature which suits him the best.

KundiliniYoga is more or less 'Rajyoga' which teaches the awakening of

Kundilini 'The Serpent Power' controlling the breathings. If you want to get

rid of all this confusion, read 'Rajyoga' by Swami Vivekananda which

describes it best.






----Original Message Follows----

Debbie <debrc


Sat Nam,


I just joined this list after spending a longtime on the website. Plus,

I live "Relax and Renew". I live in Florida and am a psychotherapist .

I'm trying to find ways to incorporate some of the sets into working

with clients and am very interested in learning more about what

meditations and sets are good for anxiety and depression. If anyone can

answer this or point me to some resources that would be wonderful.


I've been pretty seriously involved in KY the last year and a half and

have some wonderful teachers here. They let me go to sadhana and it's

been very inspiring. Also, I took teacher training I and II this year

and feel so lucky to have found this.


I do have a few questions I'd love to ask. First of all, I'm supposed to

be doing a yoga class at a New Age Center on Saturday. Originally, I was

told it was an hour and a half class. Now, I'm told that people will be

"sampling" different things (ie reiki, tai chi etc etc) from 2 to 4:30

so that I should instead of that set up 30 minute classes PLUS people

will be wandering in and out as they please. I have no idea how to

proceed with this format! I know Ravi Singh has some 30 minute sets on

his videos I have so maybe I"ll use those. I dont' like the idea of

people floating in and out but I don't think I can have any control over

that. If anyone has thoughts on this I need to know this by Saturday

morning! Thank you...


On another note, I am trying to learn more on the history of Kundalini

Yoga. Everyone seems to have heard about "the serpent" and "raising

energy" yet people ask me where this is written. Is this in ancient

Hindu texts or was it the oral tradition that was passed on? I know that

different forms of yoga are discussed in Patanjali and in the Bhagavad

Gita but is kundalini itself specifically mentioned anywhere? I see a

lot of references to raja yoga and other forms of yoga only.


I look forward to this list and learning more about this wonderful

tradition and technology.


Sat Nam,





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Sat Nam,


I just joined this list after spending a longtime on the website. Plus,

I live "Relax and Renew". I live in Florida and am a psychotherapist .

I'm trying to find ways to incorporate some of the sets into working

with clients and am very interested in learning more about what

meditations and sets are good for anxiety and depression. If anyone can

answer this or point me to some resources that would be wonderful.


I've been pretty seriously involved in KY the last year and a half and

have some wonderful teachers here. They let me go to sadhana and it's

been very inspiring. Also, I took teacher training I and II this year

and feel so lucky to have found this.


I do have a few questions I'd love to ask. First of all, I'm supposed to

be doing a yoga class at a New Age Center on Saturday. Originally, I was

told it was an hour and a half class. Now, I'm told that people will be

"sampling" different things (ie reiki, tai chi etc etc) from 2 to 4:30

so that I should instead of that set up 30 minute classes PLUS people

will be wandering in and out as they please. I have no idea how to

proceed with this format! I know Ravi Singh has some 30 minute sets on

his videos I have so maybe I"ll use those. I dont' like the idea of

people floating in and out but I don't think I can have any control over

that. If anyone has thoughts on this I need to know this by Saturday

morning! Thank you...


On another note, I am trying to learn more on the history of Kundalini

Yoga. Everyone seems to have heard about "the serpent" and "raising

energy" yet people ask me where this is written. Is this in ancient

Hindu texts or was it the oral tradition that was passed on? I know that

different forms of yoga are discussed in Patanjali and in the Bhagavad

Gita but is kundalini itself specifically mentioned anywhere? I see a

lot of references to raja yoga and other forms of yoga only.


I look forward to this list and learning more about this wonderful

tradition and technology.


Sat Nam,




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Dear Diane,


I live "Relax and Renew". I live in Florida and am a psychotherapist .

> I'm trying to find ways to incorporate some of the sets into working

> with clients and am very interested in learning more about what

> meditations and sets are good for anxiety and depression. If anyone can

> answer this or point me to some resources that would be wonderful.


Actually any and all of them will help. Just get people doing something

that they will do. Keep looking through the table of contents and reading

about each meditation. The effects of each are explained. Offer the

simplest ones to your clients. Alternative breathing is simple and very

effective. 5 minutes 2 times a day and everyone will feel more balanced.

Depression is partly a closed heart center. Simply doing side twists is

good for the heart. My students reported a noticeable difference doing this

every day. Try heart twists and alternate breathing together.


> "sampling" different things (ie reiki, tai chi etc etc) from 2 to 4:30

> so that I should instead of that set up 30 minute classes PLUS people

> will be wandering in and out as they please. I have no idea how to

> proceed with this format! I know Ravi Singh has some 30 minute sets on

> his videos I have so maybe I"ll use those. I dont' like the idea of

> people floating in and out but I don't think I can have any control over

> that. If anyone has thoughts on this I need to know this by Saturday

> morning! Thank you...


I am familiar with this format and it is not my favorite either. Plan 25

minute classes and go from start to finish and don't let drifters bother

you. Mark on your door the times that the classes begin and end. Allow 5

minutes or so to change and ask questions. I suggest a short stress

reduction introduction-- tuning in, spinal flexes, side twists, shoulder

shruggs, neck rolls, alternate breathing and 4 part breath and then silent

meditation or deep relax. Or choose whatever you want and act like you know

what you are doing, because you do. Remember after tuning in you are




> On another note, I am trying to learn more on the history of Kundalini

> Yoga. Everyone seems to have heard about "the serpent" and "raising

> energy" yet people ask me where this is written. Is this in ancient

> Hindu texts or was it the oral tradition that was passed on?


This is true.


I know that

> different forms of yoga are discussed in Patanjali and in the Bhagavad

> Gita but is kundalini itself specifically mentioned anywhere? I see a

> lot of references to raja yoga and other forms of yoga only.


We keep getting this question and I wish someone would come up with the

information. I have never heard Yogi Bhajan refer to specific texts except

maybe the ones you mentioned. I wrote to someone with this question and

never got an answer. I have heard that YB said that about 1600 all the

sacred texts containing all the information about Kundalini Yoga were lost.

It is Yogi Bhajan's assignment to bring all the information back to the

world and get it written down again.


Sat Nam,



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At 01:26 PM 8/26/99 GMT, unmeshl wrote:



>All types of Yoga are at end doing the same thing to make you realize

>yourself that you are no different than the divine power. The ways to this

>cause are different in each Yoga like 'Hathyoga', 'Rajyoga' , 'Karmayoga' ,

>'Bhaktiyoga' etc. It depends on one's nature which suits him the best.

>KundiliniYoga is more or less 'Rajyoga' which teaches the awakening of

>Kundilini 'The Serpent Power' controlling the breathings. If you want to get

>rid of all this confusion, read 'Rajyoga' by Swami Vivekananda which

>describes it best.


Two other good books are:


The illustrated book of Yoga, by Swami Vishnudevananda,

and Kundalini: Evolution and Enlightenment, by John White.


-- Dude --

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At 08:45 AM 8/26/99 -0700, Debbie wrote:


>On another note, I am trying to learn more on the history of Kundalini

>Yoga. Everyone seems to have heard about "the serpent" and "raising

>energy" yet people ask me where this is written. Is this in ancient

>Hindu texts or was it the oral tradition that was passed on? I know that

>different forms of yoga are discussed in Patanjali and in the Bhagavad

>Gita but is kundalini itself specifically mentioned anywhere? I see a

>lot of references to raja yoga and other forms of yoga only.


Dear Debbie


I just finished reading a book titled "The Return of the

Serpents of Wisdom." The Cosmic Serpent of Wisdom can

be visualized as the power of Kundalini, which lies coiled

in human beings, at the base of the spine. When awakened

from its dormant stage, the Serpent travels up the spine

and into the brain, where it proceeds to bestow spiritual

illumination upon the worthy aspirant. There is a great deal

of historical information about the origin of Kundalini

in this great book. Also mentioned in detail, are yogic practices

that can assist people to achieve union with their Kundalini.

I highly recommend this book. It is one of the few excellent

books out there about the Serpent power of Kundalini.


-- Dude --



Serpents of Wisdom

by James Kumle


Mark Amaru Pinkham has recently published a fascinating book that could

radically alter many people's ideas about the history of humankind. In his

new book, The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom (Adventures Unlimited Press,

Kempton, IL), Mark presents a spiritualized history, with the main

protagonists being numerous lineages of spiritual masters associated with

the serpent. According to him, these "Serpents" have been around at least

104,000 years. They have founded many great civilizations, served as priest

kings and hierophants, and built colossal pyramids. More recently they

played a pivotal role in some important historical events, such as the

French Revolution and the founding of the U.S.A. I was able to catch Mark

as he was departing to lead a tour in Peru.


James: In your book, The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom, you reveal that

spiritual teachers and priest kings associated with the serpent could once

be found in most major ancient civilizations around the Earth.


Mark: Yes, this is true. Study the histories of the early civilizations and

you will find that it is true. You will also find that many of these

teachers and rulers originally came as missionaries from island continents

that sank to the bottom of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, or they were

descended from serpent masters who had.


James: Are you referring to the lost continents of Atlantis and Lemuria?


Mark: Yes, although some legends worldwide may refer to these continents by

other names. It's all documented in my book.


James: Are there any serpent masters still on the planet today?


Mark: Yes, there are, and some of them are descendants of the earliest

serpent masters I just mentioned. The Taureg people of the Sahara Desert,

for example, have long been associated with the serpent, and there are many

wise men currently living among them. According to the Taureg records,

their ancestors first arrived in Africa as traders from Atlantis. Many

masters and gurus of India are similarly associated with serpents, and some

trace their heritage back to the Naacals or Nagas (serpents) who anciently

arrived in Asia from Mu (Lemuria). I myself am an initiate of a Peruvian

brotherhood called the Brotherhood of the Sun, the elders of which are

called Amarus, the Quechuan word for snake. The Amarus trace their origin

to Aramu or Amaru Muru, a serpent master who anciently traveled to the

Andes from Mu.


James: What has been your exposure to these serpent masters?


Mark: In India I have encountered Nagas wandering the country while

observing severe austerities. I have also studied under Swami Muktananda

Paramahamsa and Sri Mata Amritanandamayi, two gurus with tremendous serpent

power and wisdom (called shakti). With their power, these masters can

perform miracles or instantly awaken a person's inner spiritual energy (the

kundalini). When in Peru I study with Anton Ponce de Leon Paiva, the

current head of the Brotherhood of the Sun.


James: So, if a person wanted, they could acquire the teachings and gain

initiation into one of these ancient orders of serpents?


Mark: Yes. Initiation into the Peruvian Brotherhood of the Sun, for

example, is open to all sincere seekers. In India, the gurus and spiritual

masters have long been beckoning Westerners to come study with them. You

must also understand that the people of the serpent are alternately known

as the Great White Brotherhood, so initiation into any branch of the G.W.B.

would similarly align one with the serpent masters. A common branch of the

G.W.B. in the States is the Rosicrucians.


James: You state in your book that the ancient teachings of the serpent

masters are more accessible now than ever before. Why is this?


Mark: According to certain Native American tribes, such as the Hopi and

Seneca, we have now reached the end of a long 104,000-year cycle. This

cycle has been comprised of four "worlds" of 26,000 years each, and we are

now moving into the fifth world. Much of the secret spiritual wisdom which

has been disseminated by the serpents during this long cycle was

specifically designed to assist humankind in moving into this coming fifth

world, which is destined to be a golden age of enlightenment. That is why

the knowledge is more accessible today. We need it most now.


During the last twenty years, the secret wisdom of the Andean Amarus has

become accessible to the world through the vehicle of Anton Ponce de Leon

Paiva. Anton, a Peruvian man, was taken blindfolded to a hidden village in

the Andes, given the wisdom by the Amarus living there, and told to share

it with the outer world.


James: This spiritual wisdom of the serpents you refer to is about

awakening and transforming spiritually, is it not?



Mark: Yes. We all must transform in order to take our place in the fifth

world. The fifth world is also known as the world of Venus, the planet

whose number throughout ancient America was always five. Venus is the

planet of love, and to exist within the fifth world we must open our hearts.


Throughout the 104,000-year cycle, the serpents have traditionally been the

chosen guardians of the wisdom and practices pertaining to spiritual

transformation. Such wisdom often culminates in the awakening of the inner

spiritual energies and the development of supernatural powers, which is why

the wisdom has been kept secret.


James: The serpents have been afraid that these acquired powers could be

destructive in the wrong hands?


Mark: Exactly -- and they have been. The powers have been used in certain

cultures to control others, to exalt the ego, and to perform black magic.


James: So, in order for me to prepare for the fifth world it would be

helpful for me to find an authoritative serpent master who has the

requisite knowledge of transformation and can safely guide me?


Mark: That is one way. But you don't have to wait to find a master to open

your heart. Start by loving yourself and your neighbor. Start serving

others. This is the teaching of the Peruvian Amarus and many of the gurus

of India. In my book, I list numerous disciplines from many traditions to

open your heart and transform spiritually, such as yoga, meditation, and

traveling to high-energy vortex areas. In conjunction with Mystical

Journeys of Georgia, my wife and I currently help lead transformational

tours to certain sacred sites around the globe, such as Peru and England.

In these places, we conduct special rituals for transformation. Of course,

just being in proximity to these vortexes is highly transformative. .


James: I have heard that Peru is especially important at this time for



Mark: Yes. Peru is important because it is the home of perhaps the most

powerful yin vortex in the world, and we need to assimilate and balance the

female energies in order to awaken the heart. Glastonbury and the Himalayas

are also important now too. The Andean Amarus tell us that Peru,

Glastonbury (England) and the Himalayas are three principal "pillars" or

energy centers which are currently being activated to assist us in moving

into the fifth world.


James: One burning question remains. If the serpent was the symbol of the

ancient spiritual masters, why is it looked upon with such disdain and

trepidation today?


Mark: Many of the negative attributes of the serpent can be ascribed to the

Judeo-Christian tradition. They made of it some kind of evil devil. The

serpent was certainly responsible for the "fall" into matter, but this is

because it was the symbol of energy that crystallized to become the solid

forms of the physical universe. From another perspective, however, the

serpent is a symbol of the expansion of consciousness, which will

ultimately free us from the shackles of matter.


In most pre-Christian cultures the serpent represented both energy and

power, and for this reason it was often worshipped as the creator of the

universe -- because all forms precipitate out of pure energy. It became the

symbol of the serpent masters because they were full of wisdom and power,

but also because they had achieved immortality. The snake's tendency to

slough its skin and continually renew itself makes it a natural symbol of

immortality. According to some legends, certain serpent masters, such as

Babaji Nagaraj who lives in the Himalayas, have achieved immortality and

still reside in bodies that are hundreds or even thousands of years old.


James: It is very interesting what Christianity has made of the serpent

since, as you reveal in your book, even Jesus Christ was aligned with the

serpent masters.


Mark: Jesus Christ inherited an esoteric tradition which stretched back at

least as far as the civilizations of Chaldea and Egypt, the masters of

which were intimately associated with the serpent. In Chaldea the masters

were called Nagals and the Ashipu, embodiments of the wisdom and power of

the serpent, and in Egypt they were known as the Djedhi, a name which

denotes "serpent master." Ab-ram, "he of (serpent) fire," and Moses, the

magician-priest and Levite of Egypt, brought the wisdom of these serpent

masters to Palestine, where it became assimilated into the tradition of the

Levites, an order of anointed priests. The Levites waved incense before

images of the serpent; their name is related to Leviathan, the great

serpent. From the Levites, the tradition of the serpent masters was passed

down to the "School of Prophets," which included within its membership the

magicians Elijah and Elisha; and from them to the Essenes, the sect into

which Jesus was born. There are also legends that claim that during his

"lost years" Jesus traveled to Chaldea, Egypt and India and was directly

initiated into their indigenous traditions of serpent masters. Before he

died, according to a legend still adhered to in India, Jesus traveled to

Srinagar in Kashmir and performed many miracles and healings. You can find

his tomb there today. Sri-nagar, meaning "great serpent," was once a

principal headquarters of the serpent masters in India.


James: You have done a lot of synthesizing in this book, and given history

a fresh perspective.


Mark: One of my goals in writing the book was to reveal a worldwide network

which has, for the past 104,000 years, united all the major religions and

civilizations on Earth. Throughout the cycle, the serpent masters have been

ever vigilant as guardians of the flame of wisdom and as the teachers and

gurus for those ready to realize true knowledge and attain spiritual

freedom. During the current countdown to the fifth world, their timeless

wisdom and guidance is becoming increasingly invaluable as we aspire to

achieve the wisdom and power of which they have been the living embodiments

for ages.

<=========================== end ================================>


James Kumle has been a student of the ancient mystery teachings for most of

his life. He has studied with numerous teachers and has gone on pilgrimage

to many of the earth's vortex areas. In September 1996, James traveled to

Peru with a tour led by Mark Amaru Pinkham and gained initiation into the

Brotherhood of the Sun.


The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom will soon be available in many

bookstores, or it can be ordered for $16.95 + $3.00 shipping through Lapis

Ltd., 120 State Ave. NE, Suite 203, Olympia, WA 98501.

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Hi Kim


Have you checked out the Web Site?


Suggest you take a look around there at all the basic stuff and then come

back here with any questions. Also take a look at the first 3 lessons from

our training course - also on the site - page this time classes.htm - you

will see the lesson links near to the top.


Your question this morning could be the subject for a book! ;-)


Sat Nam!



> BBW1976 (Kim)


> Can someone explain in layman's terms what Kundalini yoga is and give me

> some tips, please?


> http://community.webtv.net/Untamed_N_Heart/Untamed_N_Wild


> My Healing Page:

> http://community.webtv.net/Untamed_N_Heart/Untamed_Healing


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Dear Kim,


You might like to read my book Introduction to Kundalini Yoga which is

available on The site also has some simple

"laymans" explanations of KY.


Sat Nam,




Kim <BBW1976

<Kundaliniyoga >

Friday, August 27, 1999 11:32 PM

Re: Introduction and Questions



> BBW1976 (Kim)


> Can someone explain in layman's terms what Kundalini yoga is and give me

> some tips, please?


> http://community.webtv.net/Untamed_N_Heart/Untamed_N_Wild


> My Healing Page:

> http://community.webtv.net/Untamed_N_Heart/Untamed_Healing



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