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>Be wary, of course, of those who would offer to provide you with exceptional

>Tantra training in a motel room for a one time fee of a hundred dollars or

>more, "but no kinky stuff or violence" as these are not well regarded Tantra

>teachers, and this type of training is not looked upon with favor by local

>constabularies in most communities. :))


Thanks for the advise zenbob...We have plenty of these tantric trainers in

the Motels round where I work, but I doubt most of them are Buddhist or

trained as your trainer was...by the way, I thought Shakti Parwha Kaur

Hkalsa's chapter on Tantra Yoga was interesting in which she delineated

White, Black and Red Tantra. I think the practice of Tantra on a spiritual

level is the optimal goal... with the physical or Red Tantra or left handed

Tantra being in disrepute in most places and rarely if ever actually

practised...also, it tends to awaken puritanical condemnations from those

who least understand.


I may be living in the best of all possible worlds zenbob, but frankly free

yoga seems to be working out pretty well from where I can see... once you

offer something like that...you can see the energy in people's faces when

they smile! The rest is easy... so I have kids and their mothers in

class... Some old people.. everyone enjoys... By the way, you may remember

the community mental health movement in this country (USA) ...they started

using the same argument you espoused... well people here in the usa value

money so it cheapens us and our service when we don't charge anything...

well guess what happened, the so called community mental health movement is

now controlled by hmo's and medic-cal and now could care a rat's ass about

sick people in the community! Let's not go down that path...keep money as

far aaway from this as we can and believe me the "pay off" will be greater

than you or anyone else can possibly imagine! - Art




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In a message dated 9/6/99 8:52:16 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

lgregory writes:


<< Some old people.. everyone enjoys... By the way, you may remember

the community mental health movement in this country (USA) ...they started

using the same argument you espoused... well people here in the usa value

money so it cheapens us and our service when we don't charge anything...

well guess what happened, the so called community mental health movement is

now controlled by hmo's and medic-cal and now could care a rat's ass about

sick people in the community! Let's not go down that path...keep money as

far aaway from this as we can and believe me the "pay off" will be greater

than you or anyone else can possibly imagine! - Art


Dear Art:


I am not sure that what occurred with community health organizations could be

compressed into the framework you describe...many closed because they did not

make enough money to justify their existence. So, this may not be the best

example, although I certainly feel as you do about what a loss this is to

communities and the horror of HMO's.


I think, as I mentioned, and as many have expressed, that in order for this

to be a fair exchange, it is sometimes good to have those who are able to,

donate time, efforts, food, etc., as an offering of appreciation. I do not

see that this would compromise your ideals or feelings about your efforts.

My question is simple...if all your classes are free and the facility costs

"X" per month, and phone service costs "Y" per month,

how is it wrong to attempt to collect enough in donations

to maintain these expenses? Everyone knows that all of these things cost

money. It is not as if you were asking for skads of cash to buy Rolls

Royces...since you only have two and the neighbors have five. (LOL)


I am not suggesting that you "should" charge...that is your choice and if

everything works for you and your students in the system that you

have...don't change it! However, I am cautioning against harsh judgment on

those who must charge some fees, accept donations or ask for help in exchange

for the lessons they receive. Believe me, I have done it both ways. Neither

method is without limitations or advantages.


By the way, Art...where is this Utopian center for learning located? LOL I

might want to take some "free lessons" too, if I am ever near your area. :)


Warm Regards,





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