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Intense Sexual Desire

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Dear Sirs and Ma'ams,

Since i've begun practicing Kundalini

I have experienced very intense sexual desires.

What techniques may I use to constructively sublimate

this phenomena?


Please write back soon,

Darren :-)

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In a message dated 10/1/99 6:29:45 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

gordon writes:


> Kundalini yoga has been termed "natural Viagra", because of it

invigorating effect on human sexuality.


I don't disagree with you, but-. I lived in India, took sannyas in India,

and no people on Earth are more repressed and (dare I say) unEnlightened than

the average Indian.


The relationship between this wisdom (the panoply of Indian Spiritual Masters

& traditions) and how little effect it has had on the Indian people, gives

one pause.



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Hi Darren.


My best advice to you would be to enjoy this gift. It is not something to be

"sublimated", it is neither wicked nor sinful - a throwback possibly to

misguided Christian suppression of a natural and wonderful part of the state

of humanity. Kundalini energy is sexual energy, the most powerful force

known to mankind. Kundalini yoga has been termed "natural Viagra", because

of it invigorating effect on human sexuality.


We believe that sexual and spiritual energy are one and the same thing -

they may manifest differently depending on which chakras are involved -

certainly you need to raise your kundalini before you can go on to activate

the higher chakras which will in turn lead to a deeper and more spiritual



Kundalini Yoga will bring this about, given time and regular and diligent

practice. From your comments, it is obvious that the process is already

underway. I don't know if you are going to a class or just working at home,

but for a much better explanation of all of these subjects, and KY basics

and sets and other advice to help you along your path, might I suggest you

check out one of Gururattan's books from Yoga Technology Press, our list

sponsors. The site has been down this week due to technical

problems at the Service Providers. It is now up and running again, but the

on-line store will not be available until later today.


Sat Nam!




Darren & Sharmila Grossman <qapla

<Kundaliniyoga >

Thursday, September 30, 1999 08:49

Intense Sexual Desire



> Darren & Sharmila Grossman <qapla


> Dear Sirs and Ma'ams,

> Since i've begun practicing Kundalini

> I have experienced very intense sexual desires.

> What techniques may I use to constructively sublimate

> this phenomena?

> .

> Please write back soon,

> Darren :-)


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> Dear Sirs and Ma'ams,

> Since i've begun practicing Kundalini

> I have experienced very intense sexual desires.

> What techniques may I use to constructively sublimate

> this phenomena?

> .

> Please write back soon,

> Darren :-)



Brightest Blessings, Darren


I first need to understand your term sublimate. To the general public it

means to subvert or control. But to my mind, you are asking how to channel

this energy into something more acceptable either on a social or personal

level. Is this right?


If it is, there are various ways of using that energy by looking at second

chakra activities. Second chakra is all about change, relationships and yes,

sex....but it is also creative, empathic, all emotions, movement. If you

don't have a creative outlet now, consider finding one you like. Whether it

be art, sculpture, rug-hooking, woodwork, or gardening....writing......all the

things we do that allow true expression of ourselves to come out. You might

want to take up a martial arts class. Then look at any uncomfortable feelings

you have over this new energy you are feeling and come to terms with it. What

you are feeling is life-force. This is what we are supposed to be feeling!

And once you give yourself permission to feel it, you will find it balances

out. Enjoy and let us know how it works :))


I hope this helps a little bit,

Blessed Be,


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In a message dated 10/1/99 4:53:42 AM Pacific Daylight Time, Aruftu



<< The relationship between this wisdom (the panoply of Indian Spiritual


& traditions) and how little effect it has had on the Indian people, gives

one pause.




Perhaps it expresses the nature of humanity. We shun coercion and rarely

admire that which is familiar. Having Gurus preaching endlessly for 10,000

years and having them grow up as your next door neighbor, etc., might account

for the lack of progress.


I vote that it is the curry, however. This spicy mixture has been linked to

several abnormal thinking patterns and to a form of vegetative disorder in

laboratory mice. Some suggest that the hotter Madras curries in fact, alter

brain chemistry, causing extreme dilation of the vessels going to the brain,

and "literally" causing the person or creature to sweat their brains out of

their head. After such an experience, we cannot expect them to achieve

enlightenment...or even common average behavior that we might consider

"normal." For this reason, too, it has been suggested that the practice of

wearing a tightly wrapped turban was developed by the Gurus (now common

throughout Brahmin and Hindu Culture) in order to retain pressure on the

skull, and to slow the loss of brain fluids during intense curry induced

brain sweat.


I have experienced this in a mild form after having some Thai hot red curry

soup, and accidentally swallowing an entire spoonful at one gulp. My brain

ceased to work for many minutes, I spoke a few, half comprehensible words in

the Mountain Thai Dialect of Bhat, "Nng, ghukarragganammurromb"

which caused several of the waiters to rush to my table and begin kicking me

and stomping on the floor...since this apparently means "Help, please, I am

being devoured by fire ants!"


Wiping my forehead and rubbing my shins, I discovered that I had sweated away

at least a half pound of brain mass.


I believe this accounts for a great deal and I hope that my friends here will

understand why my comments often go astray.



Sat Nam!

Mahat Curry!



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Dear Darren,


> > Dear Sirs and Ma'ams,

> > Since i've begun practicing Kundalini

> > I have experienced very intense sexual desires.

> > What techniques may I use to constructively sublimate

> > this phenomena?

> > .

> > Please write back soon,

> > Darren :-)


Thank you Darren from bringing up one our favorite subjects--the second

chakra--sexual energy. And thank you Susan, Gordon and Siobhan for those

most wonderful responses and the encouragement from Mike.


I too felt this powerful sexual energy expecially when I first started KY.

Someone told me that Yogi Bhajan said to do Sat Kriya in a warm bath tub. I

did and it made it even worse. The energy stays in the second chakra when

it and the other chakras are blocked. There are a couple of things I would

suggest which I will list below. Whoever tries these please let us know

what works.


1. Do breath of fire to unblock the navel so the energy can rise. Do BF so

you are pumping the whole abdominal area and lower spine. Then all three of

the lower chakras will open up.


2. Do chair or table pose. This is the first exercise in the "Raise

Kundalini in Quick Order" Set which is found in my books Sexuality and

Spirituality, Relax and Renew and Intro to KY.


Bend over, bring your hands inside your legs, grab on to your ankles from

the outside, make your back as flat as you can, like a table top and do BF.

Do for up to 5 minutes. Do it 1-2 minutes and then work up to 5.


The first time I did this was for 5 minutes in a big group. I thought I

would die. But I didn't and I felt absolutely fabulous after it was done.


Slowly lower yourself down to easy pose and meditate. This is the most

fabulous meditation. Let the breath slow down and breath to expand your

whole lower chakra area and chest. Open your heart to the energy.


Might want to do side twists to open up the heart, if the energy does not

automatically go there with the breath.


3. Baby pose. Sit on heels. Bring forehead to the ground. Breathe into

the abdominal area and open up the whole area with the breath. This can

give you instant relief.


Yes, please let us all know. We are all looking for answers to this one.


Sat Nam,


Gururattan Kaur "Rattana"


> >


> Brightest Blessings, Darren


> I first need to understand your term sublimate. To the general public it

> means to subvert or control. But to my mind, you are asking how to


> this energy into something more acceptable either on a social or personal

> level. Is this right?


> If it is, there are various ways of using that energy by looking at second

> chakra activities. Second chakra is all about change, relationships and


> sex....but it is also creative, empathic, all emotions, movement. If you

> don't have a creative outlet now, consider finding one you like. Whether


> be art, sculpture, rug-hooking, woodwork, or gardening....writing......all


> things we do that allow true expression of ourselves to come out. You


> want to take up a martial arts class. Then look at any uncomfortable


> you have over this new energy you are feeling and come to terms with it.


> you are feeling is life-force. This is what we are supposed to be


> And once you give yourself permission to feel it, you will find it


> out. Enjoy and let us know how it works :))


> I hope this helps a little bit,

> Blessed Be,

> Susan



> - Yogi Bhajan


> Check out our website:

> http://www.gtmark.com/ky/index.htm


> Sponsored by Yoga Technology Press

> Popular publishers of books on Kundalini Yoga and Meditation.



> To from this list, go to

> ONElist Member Center, or send mail to

> Kundaliniyoga-

> No requests to the list please!


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In a message dated 10/1/99 6:59:21 PM Eastern Daylight Time, ZEN2WRK




> I believe this accounts for a great deal and I hope that my friends here

> will

> understand why my comments often go astray.


> Blessings

> Sat Nam!

> Mahat Curry!


> Zenbob


I believe you are on to something. The thought of India sans curry, troubles

my mind!



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