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New Millennium Being - issue 09 - Solstice Full Moon

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Dear Friends,


Have you noticed too, there is a lot going on! Next Tuesday is a very

special day to meditate. I am sending the instructions for a very special

meditation. If you can get a group of eleven minimum together, this is the

best meditation for the event. If not, do your own personal meditation or

any other one that I have sent out in previous newsletters, especially the

one in Newsletter # 3. (nmb03)


Because of the occasion, this newsletter has also been sent to rs

to Kundalini Yoga and KY Training. My apologies for the inevitable

duplication that may occur - one click of your mouse will remove the

duplicates from your mailbox.


I will be sending out two more newsletters by the end of the year. One will

contain the meditation given by Yogi Bhajan to do New Year's eve from

11:30pm to 00:01am. No minimum required for this one, but it is a great

group healing meditation. The next issues will also discuss the energy,

gifts and challenges of Capricorn. If you are not a r and wish to

receive these issues, please send mail to nmbeing-


Many blessings to all of you!!


Gururattan K. Khalsa "Rattana"




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Newsletter No. 9, December 18, 1999





DECEMBER 21, 1999



Greetings from Gururattan K. Khalsa, Ph.D. "Rattana"





Tuesday December 21st is a very special day. It is a Full Moon in Cancer

and it is Winter Solstice. The Solstice, or the shortest day of the year,

coincides with the Sun crossing into Capricorn at 11:44pm Tuesday the 21st.

This moment of standstill for the Sun can be the most meditative and

peaceful of the whole year.


This is the Last Lunar event of the Millennium: This Winter Solstice

coincides with the Full Moon for the first time in 133 years! At this time,

the Earth is closest to the Sun, and the Moon is closest to the Earth.

Since the Full Moon on the Winter Solstice occurs in conjunction with a

lunar perigee (point in the moon's orbit that is closest to Earth), the moon

will appear about 14% larger than it does at apogee (the point in it's

elliptical orbit that is farthest from the Earth).


The Earth is also several million miles closer to the Sun, than in the

summer. Sunlight striking the moon is about 7% stronger. This makes it

brighter. The Moon of this Solstice will be the biggest and brightest we

have ever seen. It will seem like daylight during the nighttime hours.

AND it hasn't happened this way for 133 years!


Jupiter, the planet of good fortune and joy goes direct or forward in Aires

(sign of new beginnings and energy for personal initiatives) on December

20th. Energetically this translates into optimistic moods and vital energy

to move forward in our life adventures. You may feel that areas of your

life that seemed blocked for the last few months are now wide open for

support, expression and direct action. There is an expansive window of

opportunity to let go of the past and embrace our goals, intentions and Self

for the New Year and New Millennium.


The Moon is in Cancer, a perfect time to nurture yourself and your New

Year's goals and to share with others. The Sun in Capricorn gives us the

perseverance to do our part in realizing our dreams.


The Full Moon is about completions and letting go. When we let go of the

past, we can embrace the moment and let it illuminate our path for the

future. The five days from December 20 to December 24 represent a Portal or

doorway into the future. Meditation during this time can be both personally

powerful and beneficial to the Planet. These moments of stillness provide

us with an opportunity to expand our awareness, to anchor into our essential

Selves and to prepare to move into unknown territory.








Actually the Moon is full at 9:31am PST on the 22nd. So the calendar says

that the Full Moon is on the 22nd. However, for those living in the Western

Hemisphere, the energy of the Full Moon will be the most powerful in the

evening of Tuesday the 21st.


The energy is always more intense before the astrological event and

diminishes after the event. (Not New Moons) The energy is like a train

coming toward you before the Full Moon and like a train moving away from you

after the Full Moon. To get the maximum effect and energy, the meditation

should be done before the peak of the Full Moon. Winter Solstice is on

December 21st, so this works perfectly. A similar principle applies to the

Solstice. When the Earth changes direction, the energy emitted from the

light is more powerful than after the fact. Therefore, we should plan to

meditate before, rather than after.


The recommended meditation is The Tantric Healing Ring. This is a very

special meditation that is to be practiced only on the Full Moon, New Moon

and the 14th day of the New Moon, which is always just before the Full Moon.









The Tantric Healing Ring generates a tremendous healing energy which is

experienced by those participating and can be directed towards any

person --- a member of the circle, someone at a distance, or someone located

in the center of the circle.


Everyone can place someone who they wish to receive the healing energy in

the center of the circle. The intention is enough for them to get the

healing. Be sure to include Yogi Bhajan in the center of the circle in

gratitude for sharing Kundalini Yoga and this meditation with us and the

world. There is enough energy for everyone. Once the intention is set, let

it go and concentrate on the experience.


I suggest that everyone also state to the group their major goal and

intention for the New Year and place it in the circle for activation. You

may notice that you want other's goals. Everyone gets everyone else's

goals, if you choose! We are all one!


The participants focus their attention on the experience and let themselves

be filled with the sound, acutely listening to and tuning in to the call.

During this meditation one becomes aware that each person is a part of

oneself. It is truly a heart opening experience.





At least eleven persons are required to do this special meditation. Sit in

an unbroken circle. Use cushions or other props to position yourself in any

comfortable, cross-legged position that helps you keep a straight spine.

Hold hands with the left palm up to receive and the right palm down to give.


Once the circle is set and meditation has begun, no one should leave or join

the circle. Latecomers can sit outside the circle and participate in the

answer chants.


One person begins by sweetly and powerfully calling WAA HAY GUROO in a

monotone. WAA and HAY each have one beat, and GUROO has two beats. Once

this mantra has been called out, the other members of the circle answer with

WAAHAY GUROO, chanting as described above. The caller then says SAT NAAM

softly. Then the person sitting to the left of the caller becomes the next

caller, who then calls out Waahay Guroo. The group answers Waahay Guroo; the

caller says Sat Naam, and this continues clockwise around the circle.


Inhale as the mantra is being chanted by the caller and exhale as you chant

the mantra in response. This should be practiced for at least 11 minutes and

preferably for 31 minutes.


WAA HAY GURU means ecstacy. When we chant it, we claim our natural right to

be happy. SAT NAAM means to call upon the Truth.


This meditation is only to be done on the days of the full moon, the new

moon, and the eleventh day of the new moon. The minimum number of

participants is eleven people and the ring must not be broken for any



To change our lives, we must change our energy. This event and this

meditation give us a powerful opportunity to step into a new reality at this

auspicious moment of time.


Many blessings to all of you!


Gururattan Kaur "Rattana"





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Or better yet, save yourself some time and just using one of the

methods detailed above.


Please share the New Millennium Being with friends and fellow seekers. If

each one of you could pass on this newsletter to at least two others, then

we would soon be getting our message out to a very much wider audience. More

readers means more feedback and an even better newsletter for everyone!



The first issue which contains the article about the August 11th, 1999 Solar

Eclipse is available at



The second issue - the Perfection of Virgo is available at



We also have an autoresponder service where you can automatically have back

issues mailed to your address - to use this, send mail to nmbxx

but taking care to replace xx with the issue number - 01, 02, 03, etc.



This Ezine is sponsored by YOGA TECHNOLOGY PRESS

- publishers of a popular and practical range of books on Kundalini Yoga and

Meditation, Tantric Yoga and also Women's Empowerment. To view and order

their books, visit their secure on-line store -


If you would like to join our on-line Kundalini yoga class send a blank

email to kytraining-

I cover a lot of basic information in this class that can be applied to

other disciplines as well and life in general.


Copies of previous lessons are available from

kundalini yogaclasses.html

You will find clickable links near the top of the page.

Also, there is an autoresponder service. Send mail to

kytxx, again remembering to replace xx with the

appropriate lesson number - 01, 02, 03, etc.


Finally, there is the Kundalini Yoga mailing list where people discuss and

ask questions about KY. To be on the list send a blank email to


or go to //kundaliniyoga


Home page for the Kundaliniyoga Mailing List is at

kundalini yoga

A growing and comprehensive on-line resource covering the art, science and

technology of Kundalini Yoga, also containing many links to other sites of





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