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Hi, I just joined this list, hoping to broaden my knowledge of yoga in

general, and kundalini specifically. I live in Phoenix, and I attend

classes at the Sikh Ashram from time to time. I would love to find one

person that would teach me, though I have some ambivalence towards the

traditional yogic Master/Student relationship. I've read so many warnings

against learning on one's own, that it can be dangerous, and I take these

seriously. But, with so much information available on the Internet, it

seems that many teachers of yoga don't feel this way anymore. Is this

belief passé?


I am also longing to learn more about the chakras and energy. I've never

heard of anyone at the Ashram mention arousing one's kundalini energy; does

kundalini yoga automatically do this? I've also heard such different

information about that particular subject that I've become totally confused.

Any first-hand info would certainly be appreciated.


One more question. I was told by a person at the ashram, a few years ago,

that the Sikhs don't use the Aum because they believe it is too strong.

That they are all people with families, jobs, obligations, and that Aum is

more for those who have renounced all of those things. Is this true?


To briefly introduce myself, I'd like to say that yoga has become such a

part of me that I don't believe I will ever live without it. A few years

back, I was an addict of just about anything I could over-use, and an

ex-Jehovah's Witness with much anger towards the god I was raised to fear.

I had a huge spiritual void which refused to be filled by anything I tried

to use.

I finally put myself in a counseling program. It was that or lose my

marriage. During counseling, one of the subjects that we spent some time

on was spirituality. Until that time, I hadn't consciously realized that

spirituality and religion were two separate things, and that you could have

one without the other. Well, I certainly realized you could have religion

without spirituality, but I didn't know it could go the other way, too.

That night, during the discussion, I started crying, and I ended up yelling

at my god. All of the emotions I'd supressed over the years came tumbling

out. After that night, a series of "chance" happenings occured, that

finally led me to yoga. Yoga became a part of my newly formed spirituality.

This was the most wonderful time of my life. I was like a child since I'd

never seen the world from this perspective! The things I learned and began

to believe in! Yoga has given me a deep, deep love of the Universe and the

Being that created it. It's a feeling I lived without for so long that

each day I can't believe I have it. I'm sorry this is so long, but I've

wanted to be part of a community that feels like I do for so long that I am

going on and on. Thanks for being here! Kris


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There are so many books available on chakra and raising your kundalini.

Two that come to my mind are by the author Barbara Brennan, they are titled,

Light Emerging and Hands of Light. Both talk about the chakras and

relationships to ALL Religions. The books have many exercises and meditations

to bring your awareness to your energy centers. Infact the books have

excercises for opening you meridians, yogic exercises for all chakras, and

many meditations. I found them to be very helpful. I was raised Roman

Catholic. I went through Baptism, Communion, Confession, and Confirmation,

the whole while still not knowing anything about God. I was raised to fear

him. But, that never seemed right to me. It wasnt until I found Reiki that I

started to gain a little more understanding of the Universe. Reiki opened so

many doors for me. it eventually led me to yoga which continues to open my

eyes and my heart daily. I think once I came to the realization that this is

my life and I chose it all, and to let my feelings flow instead of stifling

them, things started falling into place for me. There are no rights and

wrongs only lessons. I too feel blessed to have found this list. It is a

common ground for like minds and I joyfully open my mail everyday.



Love and Light,


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Chrissi, I will look into both books you mentioned. It seems that an

interest in any particular energy school leads to the interest in all of




> There are so many books available on chakra and raising your


>Two that come to my mind are by the author Barbara Brennan, they are


>Light Emerging and Hands of Light. Both talk about the chakras and

>relationships to ALL Religions.


THis, of course, is something I'd love to read. I don't feel that a belief

in any system of energy healing can be had while a person is a Jehovah's

Witness, though. I can see that perhaps other Christian religions might see

energy as the Holy Spirit or whatever, but Witnesses believe that any chance

of HS being used for healing was taken away with Christ's death. I'm sure

they would say that energy healing is the work of you know who, and that

it's just designed to take the focus from God and put it on humans, which is

a very far thing from the truth as I see it. Interesting, nonetheless.



I went through Baptism, Communion, Confession, and Confirmation,

>the whole while still not knowing anything about God. I was raised to fear

>him. But, that never seemed right to me.


Yes, isn't it sad that so many of the world's religions seem to have this

effect? On the other hand, coming from that place has made the feelings I

have towards my Creator even stronger now. I wouldn't trade my upbringing

for the world.



I think once I came to the realization that this is

>my life and I chose it all, and to let my feelings flow instead of stifling

>them, things started falling into place for me. There are no rights and

>wrongs only lessons. I too feel blessed to have found this list. It is a

>common ground for like minds and I joyfully open my mail everyday.



YES!!! These are the same things I always believed on a deep, deep level.

All those years trying to fit into my family and religion couldn't erase the

deep-seated knowledge I had. It wasn't until I recognized that knowledge

and gave it power that things began to change. This was the first

experience I had which made me so sure that we do have the Divine, the

Infinite, in us. That is what we are. With love, Kris


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Hello all, my reiki instructor taught me tha thte chakras vibrate to

certain frequencies and are as follows, red or base - C, orange or 2nd

-D, yellow or 3rd- E, green or heart chakra -F, blue or throat chakra

-G, indigo or third eye point -A, and voilet or crown chakra - B. If

you make a tape of these notes and play it for 15 min. while thinking

only good thoughts, no neg. ones this is said to balance all chakras and

open blocks. We tried this in class once , doing one chakra at a time.

It has to be experienced for there are no words to describe it. All I

can say is that it make you feel clean. I apologise for not being able

to explain this any better. sat nam, suki

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There are also many tapes on the market that vibrate to the frequencies

of your chakras. I try to play them in the morning when I lovingly do my

chores, I also play them and burn lotus and jasmine insence before going to

bed. I find that my dreams are more prophetic and I remember them better.

Music is the song of Angels. I also am a lover of crystals. My husband teases

me and says I can never leave the house without my "mojo" as he calls it. I

keep an apophylite cluster near my bed to aid me in astral travel. My first

regression was through that crystal. This is where I learned of my mothers

past life with me and why things were so difficult for us in this life. The

Earth has many gifts to offer us. When we wipe the mud from our eyes and see

with clarity we are open to these gifts. I have never loved life so much, it

truly is a gift. There are also many essential oils that when applied to the

chakra locations can help in clearing blockages. Lavender for crown, rose

geranium for third eye, sandalwood for throat, rose for heart, myrh for solar

plexus, patchouli for sacral, and frankinscence for root. I have to sometimes

laugh when getting ready to leave the house or meditate and do yoga, there is

more time in preparation than the actual act. But it is wonderful to treat

yourself with love and do what makes you happy. Five years ago I could not

tell you what made me happy. Today if you asked that question you couldnt get

me to stop talking. Suki, I enjoy your knowledge and look forward to reading

your mail.


Love and Light,


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chrissi, I too have many crystals and essential oils in my home. I burn

frankensense and myrrh to clear. My children are pretty much used to all

of my "mojo" also. I have a wonderful earth keeper crystal set in a

crystal grid to send continuous healing energy to the earth 24-7. Also

everyone on the planet benefits because by sending it to the earth they

recieve energy too. I think that's really great. I truly enjoy you and

your wisdom and knowledge. I always look foward to your messages. Some

people have refered to my being in league with the devil, but like you

said, some just can't see the forest for the trees. I feel sad sometimes

for what they are missing, but a friend of mine says you can;t beat a

dead horse. Figuratively speaking, she wouldn't harm a fly. But I have

to agree with you, life is wonderful, and I enjoy it and even take time

to stop and smell the roses. Many blessings to you and yours, and sat

naam, suki

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What amazes me the most about yoga is the instant connection I felt. I

have played around with many forms of exercise for many years. But that is

all it was....exercise. It left me feeling okay but never really fufilled.

Then a friend of a friend came to my house with a kundalini yoga tape. We

live in a very small two bedroom cottage in the suburbs, two black labs, a

ten year old son, and my husband. So we move the furniture out of the living

room and five of us procede. Wow an instant connection. I felt like I had

found home. It is not just a physical activity to help stay slim. It is a way

of life, one which I cannot live without. I often had problems meditating

(being Gemini and all) now I find myself having trouble not going within. I

feel very fortunate to have found this path in life.



Love and Light,


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Suki and Chrissi.. I think there are many of us of 'like mind'.. I, too,

burn incense every day.. and surround myself as I do it...I work with the

crystals, have altars... and all of my 'MOJO" stuff.. I have three grown

daughters who grew up with this, so they accepted me a long time ago. I am,

however, in the Bible belt, and a teacher as well. I have had lots of

labels, because I think we teach what we have learned or need to learn.

Some of these things just naturally carry over into the classroom. Kids

happen to think it's "cool"....I have begun to see a shift in consciousness,

especially with younger people, in this direction. Thank God!! I love this

group, I just don't contribute very often. KY is very important to me, and

has become so beneficial, health wise and in every way. I am a long time

student of hatha yoga, but find KY much more rewarding. Blessings to all

y'all... SAT NAM, BARBARA-


<Kundaliniyoga >

Friday, May 26, 2000 4:15 PM

Re: introduction



> chrissi, I too have many crystals and essential oils in my home. I burn

> frankensense and myrrh to clear. My children are pretty much used to all

> of my "mojo" also. I have a wonderful earth keeper crystal set in a

> crystal grid to send continuous healing energy to the earth 24-7. Also

> everyone on the planet benefits because by sending it to the earth they

> recieve energy too. I think that's really great. I truly enjoy you and

> your wisdom and knowledge. I always look foward to your messages. Some

> people have refered to my being in league with the devil, but like you

> said, some just can't see the forest for the trees. I feel sad sometimes

> for what they are missing, but a friend of mine says you can;t beat a

> dead horse. Figuratively speaking, she wouldn't harm a fly. But I have

> to agree with you, life is wonderful, and I enjoy it and even take time

> to stop and smell the roses. Many blessings to you and yours, and sat

> naam, suki



> ------

> Failed tests, classes skipped, forgotten locker combinations.

> Remember the good 'ol days

> http://click./1/4053/3/_/505222/_/959375750/

> ------



> - Yogi Bhajan


> You can UNSUBSCRIBE from this list at the ONElist Member Center (My

ONElist), or send mail to

> Kundaliniyoga-


> WEB SITE: kundalini yoga



> kundalini yogaclasses.html


> Sponsored by YOGA TECHNOLOGY - Popular publishers since 1988 of books on

Kundalini Yoga and Meditation.




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Ditto to most all of what you say. I have been doing YOGA so long, it is

like breathing to me. I am self taught, I am 67 years young, and have done

yoga for at least 45 of those years. It always brings me back.... HOME!! I

have often thought I must have brought it over from another life, it is so

natural. I have more flexibility than my grandchildren... or anyone I know.

The KY has improved health problems. I have two books I really like, KY

guidelines for sadhana (daily practice) and Kundalini Meditation Manual for

intermediate students. I ordered both from Ancient Healing ways Catalogue...

Namaste... and SAT NAM..... Blessings, BARBARA



<Kundaliniyoga >

Saturday, May 27, 2000 11:47 AM

Re: introduction



> Barbara,

> What amazes me the most about yoga is the instant connection I felt. I

> have played around with many forms of exercise for many years. But that is

> all it was....exercise. It left me feeling okay but never really fufilled.

> Then a friend of a friend came to my house with a kundalini yoga tape. We

> live in a very small two bedroom cottage in the suburbs, two black labs, a

> ten year old son, and my husband. So we move the furniture out of the


> room and five of us procede. Wow an instant connection. I felt like I had

> found home. It is not just a physical activity to help stay slim. It is a


> of life, one which I cannot live without. I often had problems meditating

> (being Gemini and all) now I find myself having trouble not going within.


> feel very fortunate to have found this path in life.



> Love and Light,

> Chrissi


> ------

> Old school buds here:

> http://click./1/4057/3/_/505222/_/959446026/

> ------



> - Yogi Bhajan


> You can UNSUBSCRIBE from this list at the ONElist Member Center (My

ONElist), or send mail to

> Kundaliniyoga-


> WEB SITE: kundalini yoga



> kundalini yogaclasses.html


> Sponsored by YOGA TECHNOLOGY - Popular publishers since 1988 of books on

Kundalini Yoga and Meditation.




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Chrissi... a PS... I have a Gemini moon.. Virgo sun and ascd... diagnosed as

ADD or ADHD... I have used meditation techniques for years with kids, who

were as hyper as me... and they beg for it. It works much better than

meds... hopefully, this will be a future solution in lieu of drugging kids

up. Blessings, B


"Barbara or Jerry Miller" <jlmiller

<Kundaliniyoga >

Saturday, May 27, 2000 1:08 PM

Re: introduction



> Ditto to most all of what you say. I have been doing YOGA so long, it is

> like breathing to me. I am self taught, I am 67 years young, and have


> yoga for at least 45 of those years. It always brings me back.... HOME!!


> have often thought I must have brought it over from another life, it is so

> natural. I have more flexibility than my grandchildren... or anyone I


> The KY has improved health problems. I have two books I really like, KY

> guidelines for sadhana (daily practice) and Kundalini Meditation Manual


> intermediate students. I ordered both from Ancient Healing ways


> Namaste... and SAT NAM..... Blessings, BARBARA

> -

> <Chrissi61266

> <Kundaliniyoga >

> Saturday, May 27, 2000 11:47 AM

> Re: introduction



> > Barbara,

> > What amazes me the most about yoga is the instant connection I felt.


> > have played around with many forms of exercise for many years. But that


> > all it was....exercise. It left me feeling okay but never really


> > Then a friend of a friend came to my house with a kundalini yoga tape.


> > live in a very small two bedroom cottage in the suburbs, two black labs,


> > ten year old son, and my husband. So we move the furniture out of the

> living

> > room and five of us procede. Wow an instant connection. I felt like I


> > found home. It is not just a physical activity to help stay slim. It is


> way

> > of life, one which I cannot live without. I often had problems


> > (being Gemini and all) now I find myself having trouble not going


> I

> > feel very fortunate to have found this path in life.

> >

> >

> > Love and Light,

> > Chrissi

> >

> > ------

> > Old school buds here:

> > http://click./1/4057/3/_/505222/_/959446026/

> > ------

> >


> > - Yogi Bhajan

> >

> > You can UNSUBSCRIBE from this list at the ONElist Member Center (My

> ONElist), or send mail to

> > Kundaliniyoga-


> > WEB SITE: kundalini yoga

> >


> > kundalini yogaclasses.html

> >

> > Sponsored by YOGA TECHNOLOGY - Popular publishers since 1988 of books on

> Kundalini Yoga and Meditation.

> >

> >

> >





> - Yogi Bhajan


> You can UNSUBSCRIBE from this list at the ONElist Member Center (My

ONElist), or send mail to

> Kundaliniyoga-


> WEB SITE: kundalini yoga



> kundalini yogaclasses.html


> Sponsored by YOGA TECHNOLOGY - Popular publishers since 1988 of books on

Kundalini Yoga and Meditation.




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