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Hi everyone,

I had posted a question in a while. I received interesting responds

and some few comments which I would like to address.

First of all my experience is not related to menopause or even early

menopause. The Doctor confirmed that. The other comment is about

having intuition. I believe that a lot of people don't trust

themselves regarding this matter. I don't think I have a especial

power and for a very long time I didn't trust my intuition either. I

think everyone had this but we don't reach inside ourselves to touch

it. Kundalini yoga helped me a lot about it. I don't want to talk too

much about my experiences but I just want to say that there are a lot

of things that can not be explained by thinking. It is easy to say

than doing it.

Good luck to all,


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I think a lot of the mistrust in ourselves is due to certain programming, if

you trust, respect, and believe in yourself some may look at you as being

conceited or full of yourself. Taking the time for Kundalini Yoga not only

helps get you in touch with your higher self, inner being, inner guidance, it

helps you to trust in that part of you. I used to be one of those people

looking for outside approval, looking everywhere but inside for answers to

all my questions and not trusting in what my inner guidance was telling me.

What a tough road that was. It does nothing for your energy system but weaken

and stagnate it. Then I got to the point where I was receiving messages, but

I doubted the information. The great thing about that was I was paying

attention to them, even though I had my doubts. It was easier then to say "Oh

yeah, I felt that or knew that!" As of today I have many things on my plate,

and I have to say with shame that I have not practiced Kundalini in about

three months. But, reading this list makes me realize just how bad I miss it.

October 15th I start a three week fast for my final Reiki class, you better

believe I will start my day at 4:30 a.m. searching for the strength within

through Kundalini Yoga. Those who know me well know the a.m. is not my best

time. ;O) Many blessings to all. May light and love guide you, surround you,

and protect you.


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that yo could help me in that regard. You see, I am tryng to find myself

and I know that inside of me is a beautiful person but now I can not even

trust that there is such a person so I relay on others for gradification.

Please write me back and help me with some mediation techinques or some

advise to assist me in my quest. Lola

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I cannot say that I have ever been one to find approval in others. I was more

the type to feel more insecure about my self worth because of others' lack of

approval, even though I knew that meant nothing and that I was a worthwhile

human being, yada yada, even if others didn't see it.


Then I got sick and lost my job and all sorts of changes took place in my

life that caused me to search for my own truth, too. Yoga happened to be a

part of it. I haven't done much Kundalini - mostly hatha - but I've gotta say

that it alone helped me enormously is getting in touch with the inner truth

and hence finding my inner peace. I realize now just how much even I was

taking cues from an outside world who's opinions I never even much respected.

But I guess I respected - or at least, trusted, my own less. I think just the

very process of yoga and meditation will change all that for you, too. Once

you start tuning in to your body to feel the sensations, the energy, that

Kundalini (or any yoga, for that matter) stirs up, you will start getting

more in touch with how you feel, the pure, uncensored, untainted feelings

that the outside world has nothing to do with. Once you become more in tune

with your own body, you should also begin to notice how YOU feel about things

more, YOUR opinions and reactions to things, and care less and less about

what others think. You will develop a confidence, a trust, in your own

senses, because of how tuned in to them you become and how pure and honest

they are. Little by little, you will know yourself more and more, start

listening to yourself more, and the respect you give to what YOU feel will

empower those feelings all the more so, and so on. Then, not only wont other

people's opinions matter as much, but you might actually begin to find that

your own newfound confidence in your own, plus the stronger energy behind

you, will actually help shape the feelings of those around you. Hopefully,

more positively. And you will know yourself in a completely different way

than you ever have, and, I'm sure, like yourself more too. For now, try to

remember, when you find yourself looking to others for approval, or answers,

that its a cue to tune inward. Take a deep breathe, maybe even close your

eyes, and just listen to what's going on inside of you. Even if you cannot

fully believe in what you feel, out of habit, make a decision now to just

trust it, implicitly, and honor it. This honor you give to yourself will give

YOU the freedom to let itself be heard more and more. And that's a wonderful



All the best,


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>>>   Message ISueMarcus Once you become more in tune

with your own body, you should also begin to notice how YOU feel about

things more, YOUR opinions and reactions to things, and care less and

less about what others think. >>>


This is so true. I grew up a very shy child/ teenager. Most of my life,

I had believed everyone elses' opinion mattered much more than my own.

The biggest difference I've received through my daily KY practice now is

more confidence. I voice my opinion more. Criticism doesn't sting as

much. I still have a lot of work to do though. There are days where I

slip. And as far as yoga is cocerned, I'd be damned if I could stand in

tree pose for more than 15 seconds! (The pose of being grounded and

confident!) But I'm getting there. I am getting there!


Sat nam,


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Interesting that you should give that example. I have found recently that

balance poses are pretty much about confidence. I used to feel my balance

slipping and give in to it; put my foot down. Now, I put my foot down

metaphorically instead, and insist on staying up there. The littlest muscles

in my feet started to respond to my determination and lo and behold, when I

believe I can stay in tree pose, I can. My mind concentrates on it and it

happens. That's the thing I love so much about yoga. Not only does listening

to your body effect your mind/consciousness, but your body also listens to

your mind. I guess its like any bridge or tunnel you build - it works just as

strongly going in both directions.


My teacher always says that the balancing poses are great for preparing your

public self, for instilling confidence. Don't know if you also practice any

hatha, but I find - and the lore has it - that the warrior poses also work

wonders in this area. Do you know them? Have you done them?


Thanks for responding with your story about your shyness. I love hearing

anything about yoga healing the soul. ... Good luck!



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