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Meditation and the flu

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Dear folks:


A gentleman wrote me recently and asked for a recommendation of a

mantra to help with the flu. Thinking our conversation might be

helpful to others, I'm posting a summary of it.


First, though, I'd like to ask that people post questions like this

to the site rather than e-mailing me. Not that I mind being e-mailed

directly, but so that everybody gets the benefit of the conversation

and so that the group can provide input - more heads are better than

one, if you will. We can all learn from each other...


What I told him was:


For things like the flu I recommend yoga rather than a meditation -

meditations work (primarily) on the mind & brain, and since the flu

is an immune system issue I believe that yoga, which stimulates the

immune system, is a better choice. The set I normally recommend is

called For Unknown Cause of Sickness from the book Owner's Manual for

the Human Body. If you don't have this book (or even if you do),

just choose a kriya which appeals to you, particularly sets for self-

healing or immune system stimulation - there are plenty of them.

Sets that work on the digestive system are good choices for stomach

flu, sets with a lot of breath of fire are good for respiratory

system flu. Doing Sitali pranayam is particularly helpful when

you are beginning to suffer from a virus, not that it would be bad

even later in the game.


I also suggested looking at diet & nutritional supplements. Many

herbs (such echinacea) and vitamins (such as C) are helpful with

immune system issues.


I highly recommend YB's book "Foods for Health and Healing". For

example, he particularly recommends yogi tea & ginger for the flu, as

well as a variety of foods for when you feel something coming on.


Many blessings,


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Hi Sadhant,


Since I am the gentleman who inquired about meditation for the flu, something

came to mind.

Earlier today after hearing back from you I started doing some simple stretches

to limber up

and into tree pose. What I found was since I was fighting this flu I did not

have my usual

balance. I know it will come back in time but I also know I can do some things.




Sat Nam~










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Sat Nam Paul:


I sympathize about the balance problem - I've always had issues with

balance (please send any wisecracks directly to my e-mail address :)

and especially so when I'm suffering from a cold or flu. All I can

say is that making the effort is what counts in yoga, as in all

things, and to pile up extra blankets in case you fall :)


One thing that has helped me in general with balance and related

problems is a set called the 5 Tibetans. It is a simple (but

challenging) set, the last posture of which has you spin 26 times

with the arms extended. Then you can fall over and relax...


After doing this set for 40 days (which is what we typically suggest

to see the full effect of a given kriya), I found that my balance was

distinctly improved and my susceptability to motion sickness was

essentially gone. Obviously this is a cumulative benefit, however,

and doing it now might make you unpleasantly dizzy.


Blessings for a speedy recovery!


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Dear Paul,


My Kundalini Yoga Manual Relax and Renew has plenty of sets for the immune

system, healing meditations and sets for other aspects of health. It

contains a wealth of information on how to stay healthy and diet as well.

It would be a great investment and can be ordered on www.yogatech.com.


In the meantime, Sadhant Singh offered some great suggestions. Sitali

breath is most beneficial. Do it until you feel a shift which could be even

11 or 31 minutes. This will also help you re-establish your personal rhythm

which is important for health.



What I found was since I was fighting this flu I did not have my usual

> balance. I know it will come back in time but I also know I can do some

things. Any

> suggestions?


It is important to keep the body moving. But it is also important to not

tax the body because it needs the energy to eliminate and rebuild. KY is

beneficial but don't over extend yourself. Get your rhythm and your balance

will come back too. The tree pose may require more energy than you body is

will to put out at this time. Simple stretches and breathing exercises might

be the best bet.


Many blessings.


Gururattan Kaur

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Dear Gururattan,


Thanks for the additional information. I actually just the other day purchased

the Intro to

KY off the site, would some of the same sets you mentioned appear in that?




Sat Nam~


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